In an underground secret research base.

A large group of people kept wandering around Li Hao.

Liu Jie is among them, and a large number of cutting-edge scientists in China are also among them.

Among them, there are more scientists from island countries, as well as technicians and operators who have signed absolute confidentiality agreements.

During this week’s time, many of them studied carefully and understood a lot of things.

I learned a lot about the true composition of earthquakes.

And in the midst of this, they even know that the earthquake was caused by a volcanic eruption. I didn’t even know the cause of the earthquake and the movement of the earth’s crust.

Li Hao had a pencil in his ear:

“If we know the causes of earthquakes, then we can create an earthquake in a targeted manner. Earthquake maker requires a series of algorithms in it. These algorithms are very unique. It’s not just about calculating one type of data, it’s about combining all the factors together. ”

Jiro Nakano, a scientist from the island country, frowned and asked:

“So that’s too complicated, is that achievable? I don’t think it’s possible. ”

‘Why do you think it’s impossible?’

“Because it’s the butterfly effect. Some say that a butterfly in Australia could whip its wings and create a storm that will sweep through South America. Well, there’s a ripple effect. Are we sure we’re going to calculate this ripple effect? Is this something we can calculate?”

Li Hao smiled: “Yes.” I can. ”

“How can this be. As Mr. Li Hao hypothesized in your case, a very deep hole was drilled in a certain part of Nagasaki. Stretch into the Earth’s plate, and then shake with some kind of shock wave. The domino effect can create an earthquake in Tokyo, a thousand kilometers away. I think it’s incredible. ”

Li Hao said solemnly:

“I’m here to correct that it doesn’t extend into the earth’s crust to create a shock wave. Instead, the vibration of ultrasonic waves is transmitted from the ground to the earth’s crust to complete the vibration… You can’t drill to the depths of the earth’s crust, at least not in island countries. ”

Nakano Jiro sneered even more:

“Then it’s even harder. First of all, Mr. Li, how do you know the movement and displacement of these crusts?”

Li Hao said expressionlessly: “By calculation.” It is only through calculations that the structure of all the sections of the island nation’s underground can be determined. And where there are fault layers. Then, using 3DMAX technology, a three-dimensional three-dimensional picture is formed in a computer program. The calculation is based on the crust, plate, and fault layer. It is possible to calculate where the ultrasonic impact needs to be carried out and how much earthquake intensity will form at a given location. ”

“Let the manufacturing point be X, the super-divine wave intensity be Y, and the target occurrence singularity G. Then the formula is: X+Y=G.”

Nakano Jiro smiled: “Mr. Li, what you said is simple. We all understand these truths, but the most difficult question is… How can you calculate the detailed distribution of the underground sections of our island country? This is impossible to calculate without field exploration. ”

“Can be calculated!”

At this time, Liu Jie shouted in a deep voice: “It can be calculated.” All of this can be calculated. ”

Jiro Nakano rolled his eyes:

“What are you kidding? We don’t get any conditions, how can we get the answer? Can we get the territory with some numbers?”


Liu Jie nodded solemnly: “Everything in this world is composed of mathematics. When you feel like you can’t get an answer, it’s because you don’t get enough. ”

“What do you need?”

“I don’t know, I have to ask Li Hao. ”

Everyone looked at Li Hao.

Li Hao smiled, and secretly said in his heart, the calculation method of the earth’s crust, the earth in the previous life, had been discovered by Croatian seismologist Moholovic in 1990.

He discovered the demarcation point between the earth’s crust and the mantle, and that demarcation point came to be known as the Moho face.

Also called – Mokhorovich discontinuity.

And this surface is the fracture of the earth’s crust

If you want to know the specific shape of this surface, you need to have-

The region (country), the notices and records over the years. and field exploration of local rock strata sections.

Only these two conditions are needed to obtain the distribution of crustal faults in the region, or in the country’s territory. as well as images for all sections.

This can be calculated.

In the eyes of scientists in island countries, those data, or conditions, are too difficult to obtain. They couldn’t think of how they could calculate the division of a specific underground fault layer.

On the contrary, it is believed that it is simple for ultrasonic waves to create earthquakes and form a chain reaction.

But they didn’t know that for Li Hao, getting the underground Moho noodles was the easiest.

Earthquake records over the years, that’s open and transparent. The country’s seismic network can be fully detailed, and in fact, earthquakes are periodic and regular. Maybe you don’t even need to go to an earthquake, it’s just hearsay, where earthquakes are frequent, where there are earthquakes of several magnitudes.

Based on these data, we can make an inductive statistic and complete a formula in statistical probability to obtain the crustal information of the country.

That information is a veil of mystery in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in the eyes of mathematicians and geologists, it’s like it’s there for you to see.

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Unfortunately, Li Hao is such a mathematician and geologist.

For Li Hao, or for the world, the real problem is not to get ‘Moho noodles’. Rather, get ultrasound!

The kind of ultrasonic impact that targets the crustal part of the earth is the most difficult. But unfortunately, Li Hao also created it…

The second difficulty is to find the Y point where the ultrasonic wave is delivered.

That is, it takes a lot of calculations, deductions… If you want to make South America a storm, you need this butterfly to fanning its wings in the whole world. A few times to incite, how much power to incite.

This is the real hard thing to get.

Therefore, Li Hao, adopt the reverse deduction method.

Using the method of backward extrapolation, the position of point ‘x’ is calculated. After obtaining the position of point Y, we can work backwards according to the final result G to calculate the power of ‘y’.

Then he could create an earthquake!

In the designated place, I create an earthquake of the specified intensity!

All this can be achieved.

All this, established!

Li Hao looked at Jiro Nakano lightly:

“Grandpa, as for whether you believe it or not. Your country has already agreed to this trial, right?”

Jiro Nakano smiled:

“Yes, the state agreed. But I don’t think you can make an earthquake like that. Because if you say so, if even earthquakes are created, won’t earthquakes be predicted in the future?”

Li Hao was silent for a moment, and shook his head seriously:

“No, earthquakes, unpredictable!”

Nakano Jiro laughed: “Are you talking in a dream? Earthquakes are unpredictable? You can make earthquakes, can’t you predict earthquakes?”

“Earthquakes are unpredictable. ”

Li Hao said solemnly: “As you know, there are too many causes of earthquakes. Volcanic activity, underground magmatic activity, crustal displacement activity, fault zone activity, and even man-made chain reaction activities on the ground. These things, unfathomable!”

Nakano Jiro looked at Li Hao with a strange face: “I… Unbelief. ”

“Either way, you and I can’t explain it. These are two different concepts, predicting earthquakes, and this is not a topic for mankind for fifty years. That’s too mysterious. ”

At this moment, all the island scientists in the base suddenly felt that Li Hao was nothing more than that…

This week of time contact since.

They found that none of the things Li Hao studied they didn’t understand, and none of them had ever appeared in this world.

At the beginning, they thought that this should be a relatively advanced theoretical knowledge, right?

In the end, slowly, I couldn’t understand anything. They’re a little skeptical, and this… Why can’t it be something that Li Hao made up randomly? Because I found that Li Hao’s words became more and more mysterious.


The things and content that Li Hao said in the past two days are all things that have never appeared in this world. ,

For example, the Moho discontinuity, this is not something that has appeared in this world. There is no such thing as Mojo in this world.

For example, some calculation formulas did not appear in this world…

So they don’t understand, they can’t understand. I think these formulas are too simple, but they are simple and incomprehensible. I was a little skeptical that Li Hao was fooling people and making up some unclear things.

And after a few days of seismic research, they found more and more that earthquakes, which are really unpredictable. It’s too mysterious.

There is no way to explore such a thing as an earthquake. How can a human be able to guess the horrific calculation process? The computer can’t even guess it… Why can’t you guess it? Because you human beings can’t even think about all the factors, all the factors and calculation conditions, and you can’t put them into the computer. 、

Even if the computer can calculate accurately, but there is no condition, there will be a big error. That’s it, unfathomable!

And now, Li Hao says that he can create earthquakes and calculate the discontinuous fault layer under the earth. In their eyes, isn’t this a fool?


I don’t believe it at all.

It’s like a yellow finch falling to the ground talking to an ant. Even if the yellow finch has no reservations, but the ants, will never understand the yellow finch. They may even think that the yellow finch is not a living creature, but just a stone…

And Li Hao also has reservations. His ultrasound generator is done in his own mental space. He didn’t come to light.

At most, he just wants the island country, a place where earthquakes are common, to have more understanding of earthquakes, so that more losses can be reduced in the future.

He doesn’t want the island nation to master the same technology…

Geophysical weapons, that are more terrifying than atomic bombs. Atomic bombs can be guarded against, but earthquake generators, you can’t!

Nakano Jiro smiled: “So having said so much, what do you have to say, Mr. Li?”

Li Hao took a glass of Coke and took two sips, grinning:

“Prepare the people of Okinawa for four days to create a magnitude 9 earthquake in Okinawa. All the information, I’ve calculated it. Get ready!”


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