Tokyo Airport.


A plane landed.

Media from all over the world, crazy shooting at this time:

“Mr. Ravsky is here!”

“Quick, take pictures, Mr. Rafszki. ”

“Mr. Rafsky, a seismologist in Mao Ziguo. ”

“Who is Rawski, is he famous?”

“Just take pictures, don’t ask anything else. ”

“Who the hell is it?”

“Do you know where the magnitude of the earthquake came from?”


“Ravsky came up with it, and the magnitude of the earthquake was raised by Rawsky. In the past, there was no such thing as a seismic magnitude, and Rafsky came up with a seismic magnitude. So the earthquake was graded. ”

“Huh, how old is Naravsky?”

“Ninety years old. The seismic scale was proposed by Mr. Rafsky when he was young, and at the age of almost thirty, the seismic scale was proposed. So the world has a clear idea of earthquakes. In addition, Mr. Rafsky also mentioned the causes of many earthquakes. One of them is said by the most famous crustal movement. ”

“Hold the grass, great man!”

“A great man indeed. Mr. Rafsky is a geologist who has made outstanding contributions to seismology and has devoted his life to the study of earthquakes. He has devoted his life to the study of earthquake predictability, and hopes that the world will be able to achieve earthquake prediction. ”


In the process of being surrounded by a large group of reporters, in the VIP passage of Tokyo Airport. Four or five Mao scientists walked out of it pushing a wheelchair.

An old man whose hair had fallen out, with a look of excitement flashing in his eyes, urged: “Hurry, hurry, hurry!”

The Mao scientist behind him also asked excitedly: “Mr. Lovesky, can the island country really predict earthquakes?”

Ravsky smiled: “How could it be… Predicting an earthquake is a small breakthrough that can only be made after a major explosion of human science and technology in the world, and it is impossible to predict an earthquake all of a sudden. ”


A look of nervousness flashed in Rafsky’s eyes: “Previously, Huaxia Li Hao proposed geophysical weapons. He disappeared in the country of sticks, and there is a 100% chance that he came to the island country, and if I guessed correctly, the Okinawa magnitude 9 earthquake was an earthquake experiment for him. It was also the first experiment of geophysical weapons. For the first time in the history of the world, experiments with geophysical weapons were conducted!”


“Is it really possible for Li Hao to do it?”

“Is it really possible?”

“I don’t believe it’s true. ”


Ravsky said in a deep voice: “The news from the island country is that there is an earthquake predicted by a mysterious physicist and geologist in the island country. Who is this? There is no such person in the island nation. The island nation is an elite class, but there is no elite class. Earthquakes occur in island countries all year round, so they have more manpower and are more specialized knowledge and skills. But there are no groundbreaking ideas. At least, I don’t know that the island will suddenly have a strong man who can predict earthquakes. Without that possibility, the emergence of such a strong man is a sign in the world. ”

And he appeared out of nowhere, without warning. Scientists have epiphanies, they have a split second to figure out all the problems. But before the epiphany, it was countless accumulations, infinite breakthroughs in theory, in exchange for such a sudden epiphany. In the process of accumulation, he will be famous. There will be omens. But the island nation did not … Then it can only be outsiders. And only possible is Li Hao. ”

“Li Hao’s realm of physics has reached an unfathomable point. No one knows how many secrets of this world he holds, and no one knows how rich his knowledge is. He is possible. ”

“There are two possibilities, first, he can really predict earthquakes. Second, he created geophysical weapons. ”

The Mao scientists behind him were in high spirits.

Suddenly, a female scientist asked a constructive question: “Mr. Rafsky, which possibility do you want?”

Ravsky was silent for a moment: “I hope he created a geophysical weapon?”


“Because it is a great help for the study of ‘predicting earthquakes’. There will be a lot of clues, and there will be a breakthrough. Humanity is close to predicting earthquakes. ”

“Then why doesn’t Mr. Rafsky want the first possibility? If Li Hao can directly predict earthquakes, wouldn’t it be more direct?”

“Not directly… It’s too hard, it’s too complicated. It’s so confusing. That’s what it takes a big bang of technology to achieve… I hope he can do it, but I don’t believe he can do it. The more you know, the more unfathomable. ”

The crowd was bewildered. It is impossible to figure out what exactly Mr. Ralfsky is thinking.

Can’t figure it out.

They may understand the meaning of this sentence later

Humanity, perhaps, one day, will suddenly achieve an achievement – one step up

However, it is possible that this kind of one-step achievement will create a vacancy in basic science, like a castle in the sky. A slight gust of wind can plunge humanity into a state of total disaster.

All scientists all over the world want

But there is not a single scientist in the world who hopes to suddenly master the technology of a super cosmic civilization. What interstellar navigation techniques were suddenly mastered. What time and space travel technology is suddenly mastered.

That’s not realistic.

Nor is it what humanity wants.

Because you know what it is, and you don’t know why. You are a castle in the sky, you don’t understand anything. Nothing. If some kind of disaster happens to this science and technology, you don’t even know how to solve it.

What mankind hopes for more is continuous breakthroughs in theoretical knowledge. The continuous enrichment of basic theoretical knowledge.

Only in this way can a building be built. Very high, very high.

So Ravsky is inclined to believe that Li Hao has developed an earthquake generator. Instead of predicting an earthquake …

To predict an earthquake, you need to know all the secrets of the earth. And at that time, it was the first-level civilization level of the universe!

Now the human race is only level 0.5 civilization.

Double the jump at once?

That’s crazy. Space is empty.

Soon, out of the VIP channel, countless reporters surrounded me:

“Mr. Rafsky!”

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“Mr. Rafsky, why are you visiting the island nation this time?”

“Mr. Ravsky, wow, is it really you, the greatest geologist of the former Soviet Union!”

“Mr. Rafsky, can you tell me why you suddenly visited the island nation?”


The scientist behind him stopped, smiled at the reporters, and waited for Rafsky to be interviewed.

Ravsky waved his hand at the camera and said with a smile:

“This time, the island nation predicted a magnitude 9 earthquake. This is a huge breakthrough for the earth. I’ve studied geology all my life, and I’m not going to pass up any opportunity to learn about it. ”

As he spoke, Rafsky smiled strangely:

“And this time, it will be a major earthquake in the field of seismology around the world. Because it will provide a wealth of theoretical knowledge and data for mankind to ‘predict earthquakes’ in the future. It will help human beings to better understand and predict earthquakes. ”

The words fell, and everyone in the audience fell silent.

Look at each other.

What does that mean? I don’t understand.

A reporter frowned and asked, “Mr. Rafsky… Aren’t the island countries already predicting earthquakes? Why do you still say that this is a breakthrough in future research on ‘predicting earthquakes’? Don’t you believe that island countries can predict earthquakes?”

0···· Asking for flowers…

“Hahahaha. ”

Ravsky laughed: “I believe that the island nation absolutely “predicted” a magnitude 9 earthquake!”

Predicting two words, he bit very hard and very hard.

This prediction has a lot of meanings.

The reporter asked: “Since you believe that the island nation really predicted earthquakes, why do you still say that this is a breakthrough in the study of earthquake predictions? ”

“Is it a contradiction? Hahaha, those who understand naturally understand. ”

With that, Rawski waved his hand, and the assistant behind him pushed the wheelchair away.

At this time, a reporter from China shouted: “Mr. Ravsky, do you really think that there will be a magnitude 9 earthquake in Okinawa?”

Rawski didn’t reply: “Yes, definitely.” There is no doubt about it, he must have ‘predicted’ it. He won’t be out of the question. Hahaha, wait, at twelve o’clock at noon, Okinawa, there will be a magnitude 9 earthquake!”

The Huaxia reporter was stunned and shouted, “Why are you so sure? Who is he?”

Loughski looked back and smiled mysteriously: “He’s an amazing man. ”


Leave with that. Far away…

A group of reporters were in an uproar and looked at each other.

The interview with Louski is to solve the mystery.

But how did you find that after a few words of interview, you found that you are getting more and more confused?

The words he said were all sharp, and he couldn’t understand or understand them.

At the same time, in the middle of a military airfield in Tokyo. Li Hao landed.

Standing on the runway, snorting Coke, watching the staff carry the ‘seismic generator’ down.

‘Tsk’ took two sips of Coke, and Li Hao pointed and said, “Lighter, don’t break it.” ”

“Yes, Mr. Li!”

“Slow down, be careful!”

“Tap, Yaga!”


At this time, an assistant sent by an island country hurriedly walked up to Li Hao and said softly: “Mr. Li, Mr. Ravsky, a seismologist from Mao State, has arrived in Tokyo. He gave an interview and said what it seemed…”

As he spoke, he placed a tablet in front of Li Hao.

Li Hao looked at the video screen, listened to what Rafsky said, and said with a smile:

“He knows everything. I also know that he was a great scientist who made outstanding contributions to seismology. It’s not some of his theoretical foundations, maybe these things I’m talking about now, you island scientists can’t understand. ”

A large group of scientists from the surrounding island countries had black faces, and snorted coldly in their hearts, they can’t understand it now!

The assistant frowned: “Mr. Li, what should I do with Mr. Rafsky?”

Li Hao threw away the Coke cup:

“Invite him over, I want him to witness the great breakthrough of mankind in the face of seismology!”

“Invite him?”

“No, no, no, he’s a scientist in Mao. ”

“Li Hao, you promised our island country. It can only be shared with island nations. ”


Li Hao rolled his eyes: “Now it’s a witness.” I didn’t say that scientists from other countries were not allowed to witness … Moreover, earthquakes are a matter for all mankind!”

The crowd was speechless.

Li Hao said in a deep voice: “Please come over Mr. Rafsky.” He will join me in witnessing the arrival of the earthquake! Humanity, the fifth manipulation of the forces of nature!”

For the fifth time!

Everyone’s hearts were shocked.

Yes, the first manipulation of the power of nature was – fire.

The second time is – water.

The third time is – electricity.

The fourth time is – the wind!

For the fifth time…

How long has it been an earthquake?_

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