All the way in a helicopter, all the way to the sky.

Everyone’s hearts were a little flustered.

Hurry up. Come on.

And the pilot was also anxious at this time, and while flying to Huaxia, he began to contact the military region in Huaxia:

“Report to your superiors, report to your superiors. Here is the team to assist Li Hao in evacuating. Request support, request support. ”

“Received by superiors, please tell me the details”

“Report to superiors, we are now flying over the island sea. We would like to ask you to immediately dispatch fighter jets to provide support. Please dispatch immediate response support. ”

“Please report your specific location immediately, please turn on GPS. We will locate it. ”


Huaxia, the headquarters of a military region.

The higher-ups received the news and immediately started a short meeting in the war room.

A general said in a hurried tone: “Li Hao has successfully developed geophysical weapons, and according to the information of our department, Li Hao has successfully caused a strong earthquake in Okinawa. But the earthquake was stronger than expected, and Li Hao is now evacuating. We don’t know what kind of attitude the island country is now, and we are not sure whether the island country will stop it in the process of Li Hao’s return. Or maybe they deliberately leaked the news to other countries…”

“We will immediately send fighter jets to meet and support. ”

“First Flying Army!:”


“Let’s go. Mobilize the fighters of the northern military airfield and immediately go to the GPS positioning point. Go and pick it up immediately. ”




“The aircraft carrier Tohoku immediately went to sea. The XX Military Headquarters immediately went to the boundary line between China and the sea area of the island country, made preparations with both hands, and immediately responded. 、”

“Yes!” 05


‘DiDi Di Di’

In the military airfields of the north, all the alarm bells sounded.

The sound of the radio echoed throughout the airport:

“First Flying Army, all personnel immediately board the plane!”

“All the flight troops were loaded with live ammunition and took off urgently to the waters of the island country. ”

“Answer Li Hao. Let’s go!”



A fighter plane went to the runway, and the roar of the engines rang out.

With a ‘boom’, it took off. Turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the sky, heading towards the waters of the island nation.


Another one took off immediately afterward.

‘Boom, boom, boom’

There are planes taking off constantly. One after the other.

The efficiency is incredibly high.

At the same time, the northern seas of China.

‘Woo woo woo woo -‘

A roar rang out. The aircraft carrier USS Northeast gave the horn of departure. The neatly assembled seafarers stood on the deck, their eyes resolutely looking into the distance…

“Let’s go!”



The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier immediately chirped, turned on its maximum speed, and rushed towards Li Hao’s GPS positioning point.

Around, hundreds of frigates were one step ahead. Guarding the aircraft carrier, heading for the open sea…

Mobilize the people!

This time, Li Hao’s safety trumped everything. He successfully conducted an experiment in the island country, but the data of the experiment was much larger than previously expected. Although there are no casualties now, the economic loss is beyond everyone’s expectations.

Now I am afraid that the island country has detained Li Hao, detained Li Hao, and then negotiated terms with Huaxia.

It won’t hurt Li Hao. But I am afraid that they will use means to get rid of Li Hao’s core secret. Or that Li Hao was placed under house arrest, so that Huaxia would pay a greater price to Hao.

For this, it has to be prevented

If you don’t prevent this, then the damage is too great…


At this time, when I was sitting on the plane and flying out of Tokyo, there was a signal.

Li Hao and Liu Jie sat together, couldn’t wait to turn on the tablet, and began to search for live broadcasts of the island country on the Internet, as well as some news reports.

I just saw that in the video, Okinawa was shaken in two, and the sea water poured into it.

Then a tsunami swooped down and swept the whole of Okinawa directly, and all the buildings were razed to the ground …

Liu Jie was dumbfounded, and was silent for a long time. ,

Li Hao was also stupid at this time. Looking at the picture on the video screen blankly, he didn’t expect that he would cause such a big movement.

In the news, the reporter is still yelling frantically:

The Island Earthquake Bureau has given new news. ”

“After re-monitoring and data positioning, the Earthquake Bureau announced that the earthquake in Okinawa was more than magnitude 9. ”

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“According to accurate estimates, the earthquake occurred on the submarine plate 200 kilometers outside of Okinawa. The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.3. ”

“After passing through Okinawa, the magnitude of the earthquake has been attenuated. But it still exceeded the ninth level. It’s a 9.1 level!”


Liu Jie smiled bitterly and turned his head to look at Li Hao: “Didn’t you say level nine?”

Li Hao also looked at Liu Jie innocently, cramped like a child who had done something wrong:

“I, I… I expected it to be level nine. I didn’t expect that the data would be skewed, reaching a level of 9.3. Who would have thought of that? I didn’t think of it. ”


Liu Jie smiled bitterly again: “You devil… What can I do? Now the earthquake has been detected to be 9.3 magnitude. They can afford to create a magnitude 9 earthquake on the high seas, but beyond magnitude 9, they didn’t expect it. And this disaster and cost have exceeded expectations… Alas, I can understand that the authorities of the island country must be depressed and regretful and want to vomit blood now, right? Who would have thought…”

“It’s not about picking up bargains at all. It’s like luring a wolf into the house. ”

Li Hao didn’t like to listen to it anymore, and rolled his eyes:

“Why did you lure the wolf into the house? It’s like who’s a wolf…”

Liu Jie’s face was full of helplessness: “It’s like you’re not a wolf.” ”

“Where am I a wolf? The previous contracts have been negotiated, and if there is an experimental accident, the island nation will bear it itself. Didn’t they offer me to mentor their scientists? I really guided, Grandpa Liu can testify to me. And as I said in advance, I’m going to cause an earthquake. And they agreed. ”

Liu Jie sighed: “Island countries often have earthquakes, probably because they think that it is not just the price of an earthquake? What can you not afford? And the island country may not believe that you can really make an earthquake, after all, this is too unbelievable… But how could they have imagined that not only did you really succeed, but also, 9.3. Exceeded all their estimates and predictions. ”

Li Hao looked at the sky behind him with some grievances: “Grandpa Liu, they won’t really chase after you, right?”

Liu Jie cried with a sad face: “I was killed by you.” If I were an island nation, I would definitely chase you back. If I don’t chase you back, won’t I lose blood?”

Li Hao nodded weakly: “Then what will happen if they chase us back?”

“You’re going to put us under house arrest… Take measures not to the end, but you make such a big financial loss, and even some panic. I guess it won’t work without paying a price. ”


“Sort of…”

“Is it to let Huaxia pay for us to ransom us?”

Liu Jie smiled helplessly: “Paying money? If paying money can solve it, why am I so nervous?”

“What’s that?”

“Shelling out money is the first step. I estimate that there is a high probability that you will be able to come up with technology to make up for the loss of the island nation. The island nation was shocked, and then they understood the power of this thing, and the more they wanted to get it. ”

Li Hao said seriously:

“But they can’t learn it. The seismic generator is just a medium. It’s just that he used the power that was already hidden in the ground and adopted an ultrasonic method to induce it… Ultrasound isn’t a great technology, and of course, they can’t make it. What is really complicated is actually the calculation of the position and division of the subterranean plate and the Mohs discontinuity. and the calculation of the nodes of each seismic fault zone…”

Liu Jie replied: “Then you go and explain to the island country.” ”

“They don’t understand…”

“yes, they don’t understand. So, presumably, to keep you in the island nation until they are taught. ”

“So cruel!”

Li Hao puffed out his cheeks: “Those stupid people, they can’t even understand my calculation formula, if you teach them, won’t it take many months to wait?” ”

“What’s the solution? Now just pray that they’ll be slower and won’t catch up so quickly. ”

Liu Jie sighed: “Alas… You’re a love-hate person. ”

Li Haotuo pondered for a moment, took a glass of Coke and took two sips, and hummed:

“Thankfully, I was prepared for the third hand. ”

“Third hand preparation?”

“That’s right. ”

Liu Jie’s eyes widened in astonishment: “Are you ready to use three hands?” ”

Li Hao grinned: “The power outage in Tokyo is the first preparation. ”

“What about the second hand?”

“Signal shielding is secondary. ”

With a ‘snap’, Liu Jie slapped his thigh and roared with spittle:

“I knew it wasn’t so weird, did I? The power went out, and the signal was blocked? I wondered at the time, why is this seismic generator moving so much, and it stands to reason that the energy consumption is not so large. And the signal is inexplicably gone, even the satellite signal is gone. It turned out to be you. ”

Li Hao grinned: “Yes, yes.” ”

“That’s… What’s your third preparation?”

Li Hao smiled shyly: “Grandpa Liu, you turn around first.” ”


“Turn around. ”

Liu Jie turned his head with a puzzled face, only to hear Xi Xisuo behind him for a while: “Okay?”

“Alright. ”

Then, I saw Li Hao take out a metal object the size of a gel water bottle from his pants. There are also several indicators on it, as well as a cutout.

Li Haomo held the metal object and grinned: “Fortunately, I have three hands to prepare. ”

Liu Jie frowned suspiciously: “What is this?”

Li Hao said seriously:

“Hydrogen bombs. ”


When the words fell, everyone in the helicopter stood up in shock, with a look of horror on their faces.

Liu Jie’s whole body trembled like chaff. And the pilots of the helicopters had their teeth chattering at this time.

Hydrogen…… H-bomb!


He’s a dead kid with a hydrogen bomb in his crotch?


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