Create The Demon Dao Technique, And All Races Will Call It Evil!

Chapter 95 Answered easily, praised by the instructor, and ended the class early,

The instructor praised me for finishing the course early and completing the credits in three days.

"After we create the technique, won't we be able to improve our strength as quickly as Lin Ping'an?"

"That's right! That's definitely the case! When the time comes, you'll be so awesome!"

"I heard that many powerful people from the human race are civilized masters. It must be for this reason."


In the back, the contents of the discussions among the freshmen were completely different from those in the front. It could be described as polarized.

"Ah! I have a headache! I have to study again! I have to study cultural courses before entering the university, and I have to study cultural classes after I am admitted to the university. Didn't I pass the exam for nothing in vain? I feel like dying!"

"Oh my God! Why would I enter the creative department, even the manufacturing department?"

"Painful! It's so painful! Just thinking about having to go to school for a semester makes my scalp numb!"

"Who isn't! Next semester, I must change my major!"

"Damn it! Who the bastard thought of this system? Why can't all combat types be recruited?"

"It's a trap! It's a trap!"

"Brother, second brother, I feel a little sleepy and want to sleep now."

"Third brother, hold on. Second brother will hold on with you. Uh... we can't do it anymore. How about we sleep together?"

"Second brother, third brother, there's no class yet! It's not time to go to bed yet! Cheer up!"


Among them, the performance of the three Linhai brothers is particularly outstanding among the new students in the rear.

At this moment, a figure walked in. In an instant, the freshmen's eyes narrowed, and in a blink of an eye, the classroom fell into silence.

At this moment, Lin Ping'an had no expression on his face, glanced indifferently, walked to the front and sat down in an empty seat with no one around, and waited quietly.

at the same time.

All the freshmen were sitting upright, frozen in place.

I have to say that what someone did yesterday really left a big psychological shadow on them.

Ten minutes later, a civilized teacher walked in and started the class. His cultivation level was only around the peak of the fourth grade.

Lin Ping'an took a casual glance at this, felt it slightly, and already understood it.

"The civilization master created the technique...the origin...the strongest one..."

"How to create...use permutation and combination...thinking guidance...the principles behind..."

"Ancient times...secret realm...remaining ancient techniques..."

On the podium, the instructor kept giving lectures, and his peripheral vision glanced at someone from time to time.

Under the podium, the students in the front row listened carefully, while those in the back row were drowsy. Their upper eyelids wanted to kiss their lower eyelids from time to time, as if they were all under hypnosis.

Lin Pingan's expression remained unchanged, but he made up his mind.

This class is over and there won’t be any more.

To him, these things he already knew didn't sound meaningful at all.

Sitting here and listening to lectures is just a waste of time.

Not leaving on the spot was the greatest respect he showed.

On the stage, the civilization teacher seemed to be slightly aware of it. He turned his eyes, paused, and began to answer questions.

"Li Lang, get up and answer this question."

"Emmm... Tutor, I don't know how."

"Remember the question, go back and copy it five hundred times, and the person next to you will get up and answer it."

"I do not know either."

"Five hundred times, stand up and answer."


"Huh huh... then you add five hundred times and copy it a thousand times."


Those freshmen in the seats at the back were all wiped out in all likelihood, and received a surprise reward in the first class.

A few minutes later.

"Classmate Lin Ping'an, please answer."

Hearing this, Lin Ping'an stood up and began to answer in a calm tone.

"The offensive system focuses on three characteristics and five assumptions. Among them, the three characteristics are power, speed, and consumption..."

"To create..."

"The result is no less than..."

The more the civilized teacher listened, the more satisfied he became, with a hint of joy on his face.

As expected of Lin Ping'an, who had created a yellow-level skill and became a first-class civilized master.

Compared with other freshmen, it is different. The knowledge base is really sufficient.

However, two minutes later, the instructor's eyes showed a little surprise.

Just perfect.

This answer was impeccable, more comprehensive and more precise than the answers he had wanted in advance.

Unexpectedly, the instructor suddenly became interested and asked a few more questions.

In this regard, Lin Ping'an's performance was still very relaxed, and he didn't even have to pause to answer.

Immediately afterwards, the instructor's questions became more and more difficult, but they still did not stump Lin Ping'an.

In the audience, listening to the two men's questions and answers, the expressions on the faces of the freshmen gradually became numb and dull, as if they were watching some kind of large-scale pretense performance, and their eyes were empty.

After a long time.

The civilized teacher nodded and did not hesitate to praise him.

"Classmate Lin Ping'an, your foundation is really solid. You are worthy of being a genius."

"For you, the theoretical knowledge courses of the lower third level are meaningless. Now I can officially announce that you have graduated from my course."

"From now on, whether you come or not depends on your mood."

Hearing this, Lin Pingan had a smile on his face, lowered his head slightly, and replied in a calm tone.

"Thank you very much, instructor!"

This sentence is indeed sincere.

Although he had already made up his mind not to come next time, having his mentor take the initiative to leave a promise would save him a lot of trouble.

Not far away, all the new students had questions on their heads.

What the hell?

We just started learning in the first class, and you graduated early!


This is so outrageous!

It's so outrageous that he opened the door for outrageousness - it's so outrageous!

Those scumbags in the back row were fine. Although they were shocked, they could accept it.

After all, this kind of scene would happen in high schools in the past, and it would also serve as a backdrop for the audience.

Now, it's just repeated, and even more extreme.

It used to be a compliment, but now it's just a matter of finishing the course and graduating early. It's no big deal.

But the top students in the front row couldn't stand it.

Originally they were the protagonists of this scene, but now they are just the background

Especially during the question and answer session, some top academics couldn't even keep up with the two people's thoughts.

This made them extremely uncomfortable.

In the area that I thought I was best at, I was taught a hard lesson.

In this situation, no matter who it is, there will be a huge psychological gap.

Half an hour later, the get out of class was over. After the instructor left, he praised his colleagues and told what happened in class.

This immediately aroused the curiosity of other instructors in the creative department.

In the next few days, similar scenes were repeated several times.

The first lesson of every new course has become Lin Ping'an's performance.

The continuous and fluent questions and answers made the top students' faces grow uglier and made the low-school students in the back row tremble.

It's so scary!

It doesn't matter if he can fight. In terms of martial arts knowledge, he can completely crush all the new students.


Simply an inhuman monster.

On the campus network, the events of the past few days have also been exposed, which has triggered crazy discussions among the students of the school.

"Three days! It only took three days! All the freshman credits have been earned! New record! This simply broke the school's fastest record!"

"There is no one before, there is no one since, no one can surpass it!"

"Oh my god! Isn't the instructor Zhao Shan of the Creation Department the most stern! Even he was conquered! It's incredible!"

"With both civil and military skills, is this this year's top pick? A monster! What a monster!"


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