"You see, the fog seems to be getting dark..."

Suddenly, Lin yu'er found something, pointed to the thick fog spreading around and said.

The voice fell, and several teenagers present were shocked. After careful observation, they found that the originally gray fog suddenly became a little black at the moment, and it became darker and darker at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In my ears, the sound of buzzing and trembling also sounded. Soon, it overcame the "Zizi" sound emitted by the generation of smoke, and gradually was drowned by a burst of buzzing.

"What's going on? Is there any other means in the smoke spell that the boy dropped? What is this vicious trick? "

Chang Yuan looked around and frowned. He soon saw that the spreading black fog had covered them all.

Suddenly, a scream sounded. The sound was long and thin, which was issued by Lin yu'er.

The crowd was surprised. They saw that Lin yu'er stretched out his hand and was grasping a huge black bee. It was the size of an adult's fist. The needle on the tail flickered with a dark cold light. It was very aggressive. Even if Lin yu'er grabbed it with his hand, he was constantly trying to stab people with his tail.

"No, it's the black cloud bee..."

Li Guihong turned pale and said loudly, "go, we'll leave here immediately!"


Lin yu'er pinched the black bee and burst it. Without feeling any pressure, he asked, "what is the black cloud bee? What are you so afraid of doing? "

"You just go. If it's a little later, we can't go!"

Li Guihong didn't explain much. His body shape had taken the lead to sweep away. When the other people saw him like this, their hearts sank, so they quickly followed him.

Black cloud bee is a very terrible social monster.

It is not common in the evil spirit mountain, even in the whole town demon house. It was extinct many years ago, but Li Guihong once followed his father to Chuanyun house, where he saw the swarm action of black cloud bees from a distance.

In a word, there is no grass everywhere!

Generally speaking, when you see a black cloud bee, the bee colony is already around you. Most of the black cloud bees in the bee colony are nothing. Their own strength is only equivalent to the comprehensive combat power from a critical territory to 10000 stone territory, but only one thing can not be underestimated.

That is, the tail needle of black cloud bee has the effect of breaking the spiritual defense, and it is also poisonous. It is highly toxic. After entering the body, it will continue to disintegrate the spiritual power and attack the heart pulse.

This kind of poison, a small amount of medium and upper, is not a big problem, because its effect of dissolving spiritual power is limited. Consuming a large amount of spiritual power in the past is enough to completely offset the toxicity without sequelae.


The toxicity of a black cloud bee is easy to offset. What about thousands of black cloud bees?

Bee colony is always a group action. If it can be stung by a black cloud bee, it will be attacked by thousands of black cloud bees. At that time, the tiny toxicity will be superimposed continuously, and it will become a terrible poison that even the strong in Nirvana can't underestimate.

And most importantly, in the bee colony, there are the queen bee and the queen bee. As the leader of the bee colony, these two terrible monsters undoubtedly exist above the fourth level. Their combat power is completely equal to that of the strong in mountain and sea, and the queen bee is even stronger!

At that time, when Li Guihong came to Chuanyun mansion, a local domain leader personally told them that if he met a black cloud bee colony, he would run away at once wherever and whenever. In the evening, as long as he was watched by the bee emperor, he would be dead.

"Hurry up... Hurry up..."

Li Guihong clenched his teeth and recalled the scene he had seen in Chuanyun mansion. The bees just flew slowly. All the fighters in the whole military camp stationed in situ were spared. He couldn't help beating drums in his heart.

Unexpectedly, there are still swarms of black cloud bees inside this relic, which is so fatal!

At this time, with the acceleration of the five people, the black 'thick fog' around finally reacted.


The trembling voice became louder and louder, one after another, almost forming a resonant sound wave, inciting the surrounding spiritual power and forming a wave field, which had a violent impact on the five people covered by the black fog.

Under the tremor of this sound wave, they only felt that breathing became a little difficult, the operation of spiritual power in their bodies was inexplicably hindered, and their speed slowed down.

At this time, Li Guihong, who was walking in the front, suddenly shook his body, and then immediately jumped back.


At the moment when his body moved, a huge dark shadow suddenly appeared in the original position of Li Guihong, and launched a fatal raid with a flashing high-speed movement.

As soon as their faces changed, they saw that the figure that suddenly appeared in front of Li Guihong was an extremely large black cloud bee with blue and black lines. It looked very different from ordinary black cloud bees, more oppressive and destructive.

"... Bee King!"

Li Guihong's face suddenly changed. Looking around again, he found that a larger figure than the Bee King was slowly oppressing on the edge of the distant sky.

Queen bee!

"Fourth order monster? Two? "

Lin yu'er's expression moved. She knew what Li Guihong was afraid of. But in her opinion, it was just two fourth-order monsters. When converted into adult martial arts, it was two mountain and sea areas, and they had five mountain and sea areas here. If they beat two out of five, there would be more people to beat one out of two. What's to be afraid of?

Li Guihong knows the inside story and how terrible the terrible bee colony is, but now he can't tell Lin Yuer and others about it in words, because time doesn't allow.

He could only attack the queen bee with the fastest speed and said, "yu'er, you deal with the queen bee with me, Qi Luo, Chang Yuan and Zhang Tianhe. You three besieged the queen bee together. The bee colony will disperse only after killing the queen bee and the queen bee!"

The voice fell. Although the four people, including Lin Yuer, still didn't realize why Li Guihong was so afraid, they still followed suit.

The five are divided into two groups, two against the queen bee and three against the queen bee.

A war is imminent.

The smoke spell thrown by Chu Yun no longer generates smoke. The gray and white fog covering a small half of the forest is now replaced by dark clouds of bees.

When the queen bee and the queen bee moved together, tens of thousands of bees around them also launched an attack. Under the guidance of the queen bee and the queen bee, they turned themselves into arrows and shot at Lin yu'er's five people.

Shua Shua——

There was only a sharp, piercing sound of the wind in the air. It was the sound of the bee swarm shining its tail stab and killing the enemy at full speed.

Lin yu'er yelled. The long knife at his waist had been pulled out and suddenly waved. A round of fiery red knife light cut out and shot in mid air to meet the bees in the rear.

The power of this knife can't be resisted by the strong in the easy mountain and sea environment, and the ordinary bee colony can't. those black cloud bees charging in the front were cut off by the knife at the first time, or broken to pieces, or divided into two. They died simply and crisply, and many died together with the bee colony in the rear.

It is conservatively estimated that Lin yu'er will at least kill hundreds of black cloud bees with this knife. The number is already very high, but on the scene, it seems as if the stone sank into the sea, which is useless at all.

The position of the bee colony cut off by Lin Yuer's knife was soon filled by the later bee colony, leaving less than a second gap. After this knife, the bee colony still maintained its original attack pace and rushed towards her and Li Guihong, with no reduction in speed.

In short, her knife will have no effect if it is cut out!

"Concentrate on the Bee King!"

Li Guihong roared, holding a long gun in his hand. The front of the gun was cold and awe inspiring. He went straight to the Bee King, but he didn't care about the ordinary bees around.

He is experienced. He knows that the number of ordinary bee colonies that can not be killed or cut off is more than thousands, which can cover the sky like dark clouds?

There must be hundreds of thousands or even millions!

If there were no queen bee and queen bee, it would be difficult for them to cut down so many bee colonies. Now there are big enemies. Where can they spare time to deal with those ordinary bee colonies? It's useless at all.

Lin yu'er bit her lips and didn't listen to Li Guihong. If she really ignored the bees in the rear, wouldn't they be stung to death by the bees?

However, Lin yu'er suddenly waved his knife, and the blade burst into flames, which caused a wide range of burning damage, but still failed to stop the swarm of black cloud bees.

Even if the flame burned the bee colony, it could not burn it to death at the first time. Before the front bee colony burned out, it advanced a distance against Lin Yuer's attack, and the rear bee colony was enough to pass through her knife and fire and come close to her.


A swarm of bees came and came out close to the face.

Lin yu'er was so surprised that he cried out. A strong wave of spiritual power broke out all over his body and expanded towards the periphery.

Then I heard the sound of "Ding Ding Ding" around me. The tail of the bee colony was stabbed above her psychic barrier, but it was like a hot knife cutting butter. It was as easy as passing through a water curtain.

The individual strength of black cloud bee is not strong. There are only two commendable points. The first is that it has a large number, and the second is that the tail needle can penetrate the spiritual defense.

Based on these two points alone, black cloud bee can become the most frightening terrorist killer. In Chuanyun mansion, Daming mansion and several places where there are black cloud bees, whenever the word black cloud bee is mentioned, it is the color change of smell.

Soon, a black cloud bee passed through Lin yu'er's defense and came to the edge of her calf. The tail needle 'whew' pierced into her skin.

The black toxin was injected into the body and soon entered the blood vessels. It went upstream along the blood vessels and meridians, digesting Lin yu'er's spiritual power all the way.

Lin yu'er gave a painful cry, and the Qi machine shook the black cloud bee that attacked her calf into powder, but the toxin remained in her body.

As a last resort, Lin yu'er can only immediately use her spiritual power to fight against toxicity. In this process, Lin yu'er's spiritual power is constantly consumed, but fortunately it is still within her bearing range for the time being.

Why say temporarily

Because soon, more and more black cloud bees also broke through her defense, stabbed Lin Yuer with tail thorns, and injected more and more toxins into her body.

At this time, if you want to use spiritual power to eliminate the toxin, you need to consume too much spiritual power, which is enough to affect Lin yu'er's skill operation and move consumption.

Until this time, Lin yu'er finally understood why Li Guihong was so afraid of the black cloud bee colony, and she suffered a violent impact at the first time.


Lin yu'er's Qi machine broke out, violently shattered the black cloud swarm around her, and then quickly flew up and said, "Li Guihong, I'll help you!"

She also realized at this time that if she didn't kill the queen bee and queen bee, she would be slowly dragged to death if she consumed with the bee colony.

Li Guihong's face is blue at the moment, and his heart says you should have come long ago

Just now, when Lin yu'er was fighting against the bee colony, Li Guihong fought against the bee emperor alone. It was hard to give up for a while, and there were countless black cloud bees in the rear. They were launching a covering attack against him. In order not to affect the battle with the bee emperor, Li Guihong had no time to take care of the bee colony behind him, so he had been stabbed in many places by his tail, Toxins in the body also began to accumulate.

If you encounter a black cloud swarm, if you can't escape immediately, choose to fight, it's competing for speed.

Only when the queen bee and queen bee are killed before their own spiritual power is consumed by the toxin can they have a glimmer of vitality. The longer it takes, the more hopeless it will be and die in the end.

The battle against the Bee King officially began.

Lin Yuer and Li Guihong, carrying the damage of the surrounding black cloud bee colony, launched the most ferocious attack on the bee queen. All kinds of tricks and cards were thrown out without money, just to kill the bee queen in the shortest time.

However, the wisdom of the bee queen is very high. Although the bee colony usually doesn't look down on human beings and won't take the initiative to turn into human form after reaching the fourth level, their level of wisdom is not much different from human beings, especially on the way of fighting.

At the beginning of the battle, the Bee King did not fight with Lin Yuer, but chose to delay and deal with the battle. When the toxins in Lin Yuer's body add up and play a role.

As the saying goes

Work hard, fail again, and run out three times.

After a few moves, the Bee King flashed past. Lin yu'er and Li Guihong were a little hard.


The toxins in their bodies are about to consume most of their spiritual power. If they continue to fight like this, their spiritual power will dry up in a short time. At that time, they will be dead!

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