When Chu Yun pulled out his sword, all the people present were stunned at that moment.

The scene in front of them, how to say

It's not like a normal picture. It's a bit like in a dream, but the hot horror sword reminds them all the time. This is true.

Chang Yuan was the first to be defeated by the queen bee and fell to the ground. At the moment, he also raised his head and looked at Chu Yun with an incredible look in his eyes.

Unable to help himself, he muttered: "this boy is just a martial artist in the 10000 stone territory. Why can he pull like this..."

In the sea of fire, the queen bee's anger was stacked high. First, the death of the queen bee made it angry, and then Chu Yun came again. Such a burning dark cloud simply rubbed his face on the ground.

At the moment, the queen bee didn't even care about Qi Luo and Li Guihong who had been entangled with it. It flashed its wings and rushed to Chu Yun as fast as possible.

The queen bee's body was straight from top to bottom, like a huge drill bit, which broke through the sky, fell from the sky with high-speed rotation, and directly stabbed Chu Yun below.

This rotation acceleration even formed a terrorist cyclone visible to the naked eye around the drill bit, sweeping all the surrounding wind and fire out, and even Longyan couldn't get close.


Under the impact of the extremely fast rotation, Chu Yun did not dodge. The soul of the "wild ape" around him burst out an angry roar, suddenly slapped his chest and made a thunderous sound.

After the promotion from "earth demon ape" to "ancient fierce ape", the power increase of this martial soul has become stronger, and the restriction that you must step on the earth to increase power does not exist. Even if Chu Yun rises in the air now, "ancient fierce ape" can increase Chu Yun's power hundreds of times.

A peak of ten thousand stones is far less powerful than the queen bee, but

There are hundreds of peaks in the ten thousand stone realm. Their strength is no inferior to that of the queen bee!



Finally, between the lightning and flint, Chu Yun's Dragon ancient sword, the blade and the queen bee's tail are aimed at each other, just like the tip of a needle to the wheat awn, concentrating all their strength on this point.

In an instant, the terrible power enough to make the rocks collapse and the river flow back stirred and erupted with each other at this point. If ordinary weapons, even local products, could not bear this power at the moment and began to collapse.

However, the ancient dragon sword is cast from the teeth of an ancient dragon. Now it has been promoted to the rank of heavenly products after integrating the martial spirit of "blazing sun Tianlong"!

Compared with the tail needle of the queen bee, the firmness of the Dragon ancient sword is even better!


The sound of fragmentation sounded from the queen bee's tail needle. The hard tail needle was comparable to the strength of the ground spirit soldier. At the moment, it cracked under the blade of the Dragon ancient sword!

At first, there was a slight crack, and then small particles collapsed from the perfect cone of the tail needle. Then, the crack spread rapidly and spread to the load-bearing line of the whole tail needle.

Just listen to the crack sound of "click, click and wipe", and the tail needle of the queen bee instantly disintegrates, all the way from the most tip to the tail of the queen bee.

Finally, the whole tail needle disappeared, turned into fragments and scattered on the ground, while Chu Yun's Dragon ancient sword stabbed into the queen bee's body.


The sword edge pierced into the queen bee's body. Chu Yun twisted violently and tore the wound open. In an instant, disgusting green viscous blood splashed from the queen bee's fat tail and poured downward.

Chu Yun frowned, and the dragon fire around him shone. The fire of Tianlong was burning, so he evaporated these blood outside. Otherwise, if a drop sputtered on him, it would be disgusting.


The queen suddenly waved her wings and began to flee while making a stinging hum.

It fluttered its wings and flew up to escape. So far, the queen bee knew that it had met its natural enemy.

That humble human boy has a terrible dragon inflammation, which makes the biggest advantage of the black cloud bee colony impossible to play. Its huge Legion can't get in. It is burned into a fire cloud by a big fire outside. It fights alone, but it's not the boy's opponent at all.

In this world, there are many strong people who can beat the queen bee, but no one can deal with it as easily as Chu Yun, because the terror of the queen bee can be brought into full play only against the background of the black cloud bee colony.

Now, Chu Yun is protected by dragon inflammation, and the black cloud bee colony can't get close at all. The bee colony is no threat to Chu Yun.

In this case, the frightening black cloud queen bee is like a bare rod commander with only one general left, and naturally there is no threat.

Chu Yun's figure has begun to fall. After this sword, the aura of his Yan linggong has burst out. After all, he is not a martial artist in the mountain and sea. He is still very reluctant to fly. At this moment, when he sees the queen bee flying away, he can only stare while landing.

"You three, stop it!"

Chu Yun said loudly.

As the voice fell, Li Guihong and Qi Luo looked at each other, and their hearts were very strange.

They were still chasing Chu Yun before, and the two sides were still in a hostile relationship. Now, Chu Yun actually began to give orders to them

"What are you doing, chasing!"

At this time, Lin yu'er said in a natural tone.

Qi Luo and Li Guihong looked at each other. After a little hesitation, they soon followed up and chased Lin yu'er to stop the escaping queen bee.

This is indeed a very good opportunity for them. The queen bee has been seriously damaged. Even the most threatening tail pin has been destroyed by Chu Yun, and its combat effectiveness is much lower than before.

The five of them were beaten so miserably by the bee colony that they naturally held a fire in their hearts. At this moment, if they have a chance, they will beat the water dog.

Chu Yun fell to the ground and looked at Changyuan, who was bullied by ordinary black cloud bees in the distance. With a wave of his hand, a dragon flame sprayed out, burning those black cloud bees into fly ash.


Chang Yuan widened his eyes and watched the surrounding bees swept away. He quickly turned his head and looked at Chu Yun. His lips moved twice. His heart was very complicated, but in the end, he said: "... Thank you."

Chu Yun nodded and went to the other side to save Zhang Tianhe from the siege of the bee colony. He didn't sit for nothing.


"Congratulations, task completed"

"Task reward (five ground bait) has been distributed to your system space, please pay attention to check"


When the system prompt sound fell, Chu Yun looked up and saw that the queen bee's body fell from high altitude. Under the siege of Lin Yuer, Qi Luo and Li Guihong, the seriously injured queen bee was cut off before she could last long.

After the queen bee and queen bee died one after another, the swarm lost its backbone and naturally flew away in disorder. They lost order, but they also gained freedom. If there were enough opportunities, some blood vessels of these ordinary black cloud bees might break through and become new queen bee and queen bee, but it is more likely that no miracle occurred, Then all the black cloud bees completely disappeared in this area.


Chang Yuan and Zhang Tianhe fell to the ground. Looking at the scattered bees, they finally took a long breath and fell to the ground to breathe.

The other three also have many injuries, but they can barely support. The residual toxins in their bodies can be expelled after a period of spiritual power consumption, so it's nothing.

At the moment, Lin yu'er fell to the ground and looked at Chu Yun standing next to Chang Yuan and his beautiful little face. Somehow, he suddenly blushed.

"Chu Yun, thank you for saving the lives of five of us."

Lin yu'er stepped forward and said.

Chu Yun looked at her, nodded and said, "don't want to trouble me now?"

"... no more."

Lin yu'er's pretty face became more red. She lowered her head and shook gently. She pinched the corner of her clothes and said, "I was wayward before. I added some trouble to you. Don't take it to heart."

Seeing her like this, Chu Yun felt her chin and said, "no, this proud and charming girl doesn't like me? I just saved her life... "

On the other side, Qi Luo and Li Guihong looked at each other, but their hearts sank. They knew Lin yu'er too well. Seeing Lin yu'er's expression, they knew that she must like Chu Yun.

If they had known about this situation a quarter of an hour ago, they would have had a good beating with Chu Yun, but now

They looked at each other and smiled bitterly, but they didn't want to say or do anything.

The five of them joined hands to pursue Chu Yun. They didn't succeed. They were in danger and almost wiped out the whole army. As a result, Chu Yun came back and saved them. This is not a simple kindness. Chu Yun's move can be called repay good for evil. If they can't get through with Chu Yun again, it's better than animals. First of all, they can't even get through their own level.

"Why don't you talk..."

Lin yu'er twisted her head and looked up. Seeing that Chu Yun hadn't spoken for a while, she leaned forward and blinked her big eyes: "are you still angry with me?"


Chu Yun shook his head honestly. He was just thinking about how to deal with the situation.

"No way, you must still be angry with me..."

Lin yu'er shook her head and suddenly thought of something. Her pretty face turned red again and said, "if you don't get angry, I'll let you play a few times, but you should be light. I'm a little afraid of pain..."

Then Lin yu'er turned her back, nervously closed her eyes and blushed.

"No... what are you doing..."

Chu Yun couldn't laugh or cry.

Let him fight twice, and then turn around. Where is this for him?

What's there to beat in the back except your ass? Are you playing like this? I can't see you still have this hobby

It's impossible to fight. It's impossible to fight in this life.

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "forget it, I beat you today. Your master will come to avenge me tomorrow. I can't eat it. A man is a man. He said, "if you don't bear grudges, you won't bear grudges. I'm not angry with you."

"... oh."

When Lin yu'er heard the speech, he turned around and looked disappointed. It seemed that he was very sorry.

Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help holding his forehead and sighing.

At this time, Li Guihong and Qi Luo came forward one after another and said to Chu Yun, "thank you, brother Chu, for your righteous help. There is no reward for your help!"

Chang Yuan and Zhang Tianhe, who were lying on the ground, also slowly got up, arched their hands to Chu Yun and said, "we are also. Thank you for your help, brother Chu..."

"Don't be so polite. There is no deep hatred between us. It's just a little friction and misunderstanding. I shouldn't stand idly by when you are in such danger."

Chu Yun politely said two words. These words were just polite, but they shocked the four people.

Ask themselves, if they change to Chu Yun's position, can they still make such a dignified move? The four words "repay good for evil" are simple to say, but it is as difficult as heaven to do it. How can we have this capacity without a broad mind like the sea?

Chu Yun looked at their deeply touched expressions and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

These young people are still too naive

If there was no task released by the system, he would not do it and help a few strangers who were in trouble with him. After all, before he really started, Chu Yun didn't know that his own dragon inflammation could have such a great destructive force on the bee colony. When he did it, he was actually ready to do his best.

This mind is not simply supported by the amount of people, but supported by seven ground bait

However, Chu Yun naturally won't say these words.

At the moment, he can only continue to maintain his personal character and talk to the four repentant teenagers with a dignified attitude.

Of course

It would be better if there were no yellow skirt girl with a red face staring at him.

"You are seriously injured now. I'm afraid this relic trip is not suitable for further exploration. When I came, I found an exit to the outside world in the relic of the underground space on the first floor, just..."

Chu Yun pondered for a moment, then told Lin yu'er the way shopkeeper Yang, shopkeeper Liu and Liang qiu'shan left. After pointing out the detailed evacuation route, he said, "I suggest you start and leave after you recover a little. This is only the second floor of the ruins. I don't know how many dangers there are ahead. In your current state, It's really not suitable to continue. "


When the voice fell, the five people in front looked at each other and were silent.

They are naturally very unwilling at the moment. In the face of such ancient relics, they can't continue to explore and can only go home, which has brought them a complete sense of frustration.


Chu Yun is right. Their state is too bad. If they go on, they will die out in a wave. I don't know how many dangers there are in the ruins.

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