The river bank.

Song Ruoxi and three other sisters hide their bodies in the dark.

They waited anxiously while lurking. After a long time, they saw two figures, one red and one white, running from a distance.

"Sister Yue, Zi Lan!"

Song Ruoxi's four people looked happy and hurriedly welcomed out. Among them, two women in white couldn't help but shed tears on the spot. With red eyes, they held Li Zilan and said, "sobbing, it's terrible. I thought I'd never see you again..."

The five women in white hugged each other. They were all happy, but after a while, song Ruoxi couldn't help being silent and said, "sister Yue, childe Chu, is he... Dying alone?"


The voice fell, and everyone present couldn't help being silent.

When the joy of meeting again for the rest of their lives passed, a new worry could not help but reappear. That is, Chu Yun, who helped their sisters meet again, is not out of danger yet and is blocking the powerful enemy with one person's strength.


Su Baiyue paused for a moment, nodded and said, "our plan is very smooth. After saving Zilan, Chu Yun asked us to go first. According to the original plan, he will break the back."

Song Ruoxi smelled the speech, his eyes were red and said, "but how could he come back unharmed? That's the strongest of the five mountains and seas. How can he stop it alone... "

When the voice fell, several women in white showed sadness one after another, and a sense of self reproach rose from the bottom of their heart. They thought that they shouldn't have promised Chu Yun to break up alone at that time. The risk of this proposal was too great. It can even be said that they deliberately died.


It has to be said that this is also the best plan for them, which can minimize their losses and risks. At that time, they persuaded themselves to agree in their heart because of the situation.

Now, when Li Zilan is really rescued and Chu Yun is still alive and dead, they can't help but find that they are not so easy to let go and can't stand here in peace of mind.

"Sister Yue, I'm going to find him..."

Song Ruoxi blushed, took a deep breath and said.

Beside her, Li Zilan, who was rescued, heard the conversation and knew what had happened to save her. At the moment, she couldn't get over it in her conscience. She hurriedly said, "I'm going too!"

"I'll go too, I'll go too..."

The other women in white spoke one after another and agreed. They are Jianghu women. They are righteous. Chu Yun wants them to do nothing at this time in order to help them get into danger.


At this time, Su Baiyue opened her mouth in a deep voice, stopped the women and said, "this is not the time to go up. We all follow the original plan and wait here honestly."

Song Ruoxi's tears suddenly fell down. Looking at Su Baiyue, she was about to speak.

Su Baiyue said: "you should be clear. Although childe Chu is kind-hearted, his relationship with us is not so deep after all. To be fair, he is unlikely to take the initiative to sacrifice himself for us. Therefore, since he wants to break up, he must have a way to get out. What we have to do is to trust him and wait for him here instead of making a mess, Take the initiative to go back and throw yourself into the net. That would be stupid! "

When the voice fell, song Ruoxi sobbed and said, "but how can he get away? That's not an ordinary martial artist in the mountain and sea. Both Qin Shuangyan and ye cangyun are extremely powerful. Master Chu doesn't know the outcome of one of them, let alone facing five people at the same time... "


Su Baiyue was silent for a moment and didn't answer.

Because of this problem, in her own heart, it was also a big question mark. How powerful the five people were. Su Baiyue had fought with them, and she was very clear in her heart.

No matter how you look at it, it's impossible

"Oh, there it is."

At this time, a funny laugh came from the rear.

As soon as the girls shook their bodies, they hurried to follow the prestige. They saw Chu Yun wearing a virtual shadow cloak and looming on the Bank of the river. While talking, they also took off the hood of the cloak, revealed a white and handsome face and smiled with white teeth.

"... ah!"

Song Ruoxi screamed in surprise, and then ran directly over. The milk swallow threw herself into the forest and hugged Chu Yun excitedly, and several women in white beside her also followed up one after another.

Chu Yun's eyebrows trembled. He didn't understand what was going on. His whole body was surrounded by fragrant bodies. All five women in white looked excited and hugged him, and some even had red eyes.

"What kind of situation is this, not so..."

Chu Yun couldn't laugh or cry. He pushed people away with a bitter smile, but the soft and polite gestures didn't play any role at all. Instead, they held them tighter.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Su Baiyue had a dry cough and said, "are you going to sleep here?"

The voice fell, and the five women in white woke up for a moment. They all left Chu Yun with red faces, like a group of shy chicks returning to the hen, and hid behind Su Baiyue. Several of them were very enthusiastic with Chu Yun just now. They didn't dare to look at Chu Yun's eyes at the moment.

Chu Yun also coughed twice and tidied up his clothes. However, it has to be said that the concealment effect of the virtual shadow cloak is really strong. Just now, a burst of fragrance lingered around the Yingying Yanyan. Now when people dispersed, there was no smell left.

How to say

It's a little pity.

"I didn't expect you to come back alive."

Su Baiyue took a deep breath and came to Chu Yun and said, "I won't ask you how you did it, but in short, in addition to the transaction, we owe you a favor. In the future, we are duty bound to go through fire and water if necessary."

"Yes, it's my duty to go through fire and water!"

Song Ruoxi, Li Zilan and others also followed the voice.

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Chu Yun laughs and works with a man who is bright. It's just a deal. As a result, he has to give an extra favor. Chu Yun doesn't doubt the weight of this favor. If he really needs to die in the future, Su Baiyue and others won't hesitate.

"Ye cangyun and Qin Shuangyan have been trapped by me and can't get away in a short time, so we don't have any worries now. We can explore the ruins as much as we can."

Chu Yun paused and said, "now, we can start."

According to what Chu Yun and Su Baiyue agreed before, in addition to the four Liang Taiyi Jinsha as a reward, Su Baiyue and Chu Yun will go to explore the ruins together. If they encounter any treasures on the way, they will be divided in half.

You know, ye cangyun wants to catch Su Baiyue. What he pictured is Su Baiyue's understanding and intelligence of this relic. Now, this bonus is shared with Chu Yun.


Su Baiyue is a vigorous and resolute person. After nodding, he said, "this is the second layer of the ruins. According to the information we have learned, the obstacles on the first layer are various organs in the mountain space, and the obstacles on the second layer are the black cloud bees raised in the area."

"I have encountered it before and killed the queen bee and queen bee. Does that mean that I have cleared away the obstacles on this level?"

Chu Yun said.

The voice fell. Su Baiyue and others looked at each other, surprised.

However, Su Baiyue shook her head and said, "not yet, because there is not only one bee colony in this area. In those years, the owner of this relic set up nine beehives in this area. In each beehive, there will be a queen bee and queen bee, that is, there are nine beehives."

Chu Yun nodded and said, "well, how do you leave the second floor space? Where is the portal? "

"Central hive."

Su Baiyue said, "the portal is in the central honeycomb. When we enter it, we will be transported to the real ruins and into the palace."

The voice fell, and Chu Yun nodded.

Su Baiyue said again: "in order to pass through the hive, the six of us have practiced a secret method hard, which can make the black cloud bee colony ignore our existence. This is also the clue left by the predecessor of Tianxing Pavilion in those years, so that Tianxing Pavilion people can enter his palace. However, it takes a lot of time to practice this secret method. You need to concentrate on learning. We will tell you all the key points, Maybe you can master it in a short time. "

With that, Su Baiyue sent a skill book to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun saw that this is a secret skill called "imitating Qi". Its characteristic is that it can make itself imitate and emit the smell of other creatures through cultivation.

"I see. You imitate the breath of black cloud bees through this skill, so the black cloud bees will ignore your existence and no longer attack you."

Chu Yun suddenly said.

"Yes, and you just need to cultivate it to the point of small success, you can do this."

Su Baiyue nodded, paused for a moment, and said, "however, it is worth noting that imitating Qi can only imitate breath after all. Ordinary black cloud bees will not notice, but the queen bee and queen bee can recognize us, so when entering the hive, we must avoid them."

"Queen bee and queen bee..."

Chu Yun touched his nose and showed a strange smile. He thought that if they pretended to be blind and couldn't see us, he would dare to string the two fat black bees into sugar gourd.

Because he has killed a queen bee and a queen bee, Chu Yun's self-confidence has expanded unprecedentedly.

"I'm good at this skill, or let me teach you..."

At this time, song Ruoxi blushed with a pretty face, but he boldly came to Chu Yun and volunteered to be a teacher.

Chu Yun smiled and casually turned over the skill booklet imitating Qi Jue. He casually used a little understanding of martial arts, nodded and said, "no, I've learned it."


The voice fell. Song Ruoxi stared at him with a pair of beautiful eyes. Several women in white around looked at him in a general way.

"How did you learn? You just flipped it twice... "

Song Ruoxi said.

"Don't you believe it?"

Chu Yun smiled and ran like Qi. His whole body exuded a different breath.

"Gee -"

Song Ruoxi's big eyes widened and looked at her sisters in surprise. Her eyes were full of disbelief.

Although this imitation of Qi is by no means a serious skill, at best it can only be regarded as a little trick for the use of breath, but it can be marked as a spiritual product, which means it is not so easy to master.

When they first studied, Su Baiyue, the most gifted of them, took three days to learn, while Li Zilan, the worst gifted, took more than half a month.

And Chu Yun

Just flipping through a book? What is this?

Su Baiyue was also surprised, but soon she found a reasonable reason and said, "have you ever learned such a secret method before? No wonder you said earlier that you killed a queen bee and queen bee. "

"Sort of."

Chu Yun smiled. If it wasn't for the tight time, he didn't want to pretend to be a wave. Now Su Baiyue has a reasonable excuse. He just goes down the slope.

The voice fell. Song Ruoxi and others slowed down a little. If they use the secret method they can learn for several days, others will turn it casually, which is too shocking

"Well, let's go."

Su Baiyue pointed to the East and said, "the location of the central honeycomb is in the center of this area."

Song Ruoxi looked forward and said, "I heard that there will be black cloud bee honey in the hive. After taking it, it can enhance the strength of human spirit, help the martial arts in Wanshi territory to lay a good foundation of spirit, and make it easier to cross into the mountain and sea. If you have a chance later, you must get some to taste."

When a warrior cultivates in the mountain and sea, his own divine soul power will change. From this state, a warrior can take the initiative to improve his own divine soul power.

Because there is a threshold for the power of the divine soul, the stronger the power of the warrior divine soul in Wanshi territory, the more likely it is to break through the mountain and sea territory.

However, there are few things that can increase the power of the soul under the mountain and sea environment. Only a few skill methods and some special heaven and earth treasures can have such an effect.

The Zhengshen qingyuanjue found by Chu Yun in the ruins of Zhengshen sect is a skill that can enhance the power of the divine soul. In addition, the honey of black cloud bee also has this effect.

It's even said that the enhancement effect of black cloud bee honey is better than any skill. After all, the skill still needs hard practice, and the honey of black cloud bee can directly enhance the power of the spirit just by eating it.

When the voice fell, Chu Yun picked up his eyebrows. Then he knew that the black cloud bee still had honey. He hurriedly asked, "shouldn't there be honey only in the central hive? Are there any other beehives? "

"Naturally, there are all kinds of bees. It's not only the black cloud bee in the central hive that collects honey..."

Song Ruoxi naturally replied.

Chu Yun suddenly laughed when he heard the speech and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I have a bold idea."

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