Linghai giant city, the city master's house.


"So you mean that Yuanhe Pavilion and Chu Yun escaped this disaster?"

Qin Wuji's voice sounded faintly, but with a sullen anger.


Housekeeper Qi swallowed a mouthful of water and said, "according to our investigation, it is not Chu Yun and Yuanhe Pavilion who were recruited in the Huangjing mountain area, but a small family subordinate to Yuanhe Pavilion. The old slave speculated that the two should exchange the defensive area, so..."

"Needless to say."

Qin Wuji raised a hand, sighed a long sigh and said, "do you know how angry I am now?"


Housekeeper Qi lowered his head and dared not speak. After a while, he said tentatively, "do you want to find another chance to start? Chu Yun, he may not be able to realize... "

"Oh, he is much smarter and sharper than you."

Qin Wuji sneered. After a pause, he turned to look out of the window and said, "go out, he's coming."

... he's here?

These three words fell into his ears. Housekeeper Qi didn't know what it meant for the first time, but soon he saw a figure flying in the air outside the city master's house.

This is not a common thing. You know, the whole Linghai city has an air ban. Anyone who flies over the Linghai city without permission will be severely punished by the city master's office.

And now

The figure in the distance flew straight towards the city master's house.

"Chu Yun? This madman! "

Housekeeper Qi's pupils narrowed. Then he saw clearly that the flying man was Chu Yun. Didn't he throw himself into the net?

A moment later, housekeeper Qi stepped down.

Chu Yunfei fell into the yard outside his study and didn't go in. He stood in the sun, staring at Qin Wuji through a window.

"I didn't expect you to come."

Qin Wuji calmly sat on the chair in the study, looked at Chu Yun outside the window and said, "with your intelligence, you must be able to guess what I have done. In that case, why do you dare to come back?"

"I want to know why."

Chu Yun breathed out slowly, and then said seriously, "well, I'm going to kill you."

"... hehe."

Qin Wuji heard the speech and paused for a long time before he laughed, shook his head, seemed to sigh very much, and said, "it's really a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers. To tell the truth, I look at you like this, and I especially miss my youth. Maybe everyone who is old can see some shadow of himself on young people."

After another pause, Qin Wuji looked at Chu Yun and said, "in fact, I didn't want to kill you at the beginning, remember?"


Chu Yun nodded and said, "you want to take me as an adopted son."

"Yes, that's the way I left you to live, and it's also the right way. Unfortunately, you're too arrogant to consider investing in my command, so you have to die."

Qin Wuji sighed. It seems a pity.


Chu Yun took a deep breath, stared at Qin Wuji and said, "why did you do this?! How many benefits did the demons in the evil spirit mountain give you to be the domain master of this spiritual sea area and a traitor to harm your own people in the huge city of the spiritual sea?! As the city Lord, you should have protected the people, but in the end, you sold them to man eating demons for your own interests. Where's your conscience? "

Qin Wuji smelled the speech and his expression was without waves. There was no change at all.

After Chu Yun's complaint was over, he slowly took a cup of tea from his desk and said, "those demons gave me a lot, but who told you that I was for my own interests?"

"What else?!"

Chu Yun said coldly.

Qin Wuji gave a contemptuous smile from his nose and said, "Linghai giant city is located in the border. It is only one step away from the evil spirit mountain where demons are rampant. Now it can make people live and work in peace and contentment. Do you think it doesn't have to pay a price?

Demons want to eat people, just as we want to eat, is an instinct and a necessity for survival and cultivation. In any case, they want to eat people.

If you were the city Lord, what would you choose?

Is it sacrificing the interests of a small number of people in exchange for the interests of most people, or fighting with monsters?

You haven't been to Linghai giant city for a long time, but you have also experienced several animal tides. I won't say it a few times before, but this time just passed, it was a large animal tide with seven wolf smoke.

Do you know how many people will die in the spirit sea area under the impact of such a huge animal tide?

If demons want to eat people, they will invade the spirit sea area, which is their unchangeable and eternal demand!

If I cooperate with them, I can slow down the pace of monster attack. Otherwise, every animal tide will be a large animal tide of this scale. How many people will die in the spirit sea area at that time?

Do you think I, the city master, was abusing power for personal gain by selling some warriors to the evil spirit mountain, but if I hadn't done so, the number of people in Linghai giant city who died at the hands of demons over the years would be at least dozens of times!

You are a young man. You don't understand anything. You can only see what you see in front of you. When you are in a hurry, your blood rushes up. You only look at the surface. Can't you use your brain and think about the pros and cons between the two? "


Qin Wuji's words were awe inspiring. Suddenly, he stood on the commanding height of morality and tortured Chu Yun's soul.

Yes, monsters always eat people. If they are not satisfied with them, they will launch wave after wave of animal tide and bring greater casualties to Linghai giant city. If they are satisfied with their appetite, they only need the sacrifice of a small number of people in exchange for the safety of most people.

Isn't that right?

"... absurd!"

Chu yunqi trembled, pointed to Qin Wuji's nose and said, "nonsense!"


Qin Wuji raised his eyebrows, sneered twice and said, "then tell me, where was my fault?"

"At the moment, you seem right, but in fact, you are raising the tiger for trouble and seeking skin from the tiger. It's a big mistake!"

Chu Yun's eyes were cold and said in a deep voice, "although demons are strong, they are not unstoppable and invincible. You also said that demons want to eat people, which is an eternal and unchangeable demand. As they are fed more and more powerful, demons' appetite and greed will be infinitely amplified.

You take the human warriors in Linghai giant city as the feed for demons, but you are silent in the surface peace, but you forget to improve your strength and covet happiness all day.

I ask you, when the Great Wall defense line is only half of the seven wolf smoke animal tides, we have stopped them. If the Great Wall defense line can cover the boundary line of the whole Linghai sea area, will the threat of animal tides be as great as it is now?

The best way to fight against the animal tide is not to feed them with their own flesh and blood and succumb to their obscenity, but to build a great wall and improve their strength!

And you?

What have you done since Qin Wuji took office?

The Great Wall defense line is only more than 1000 miles, and even half of the border line is not covered. You, the city Lord, have become an accomplice of monsters!

In the face of the animal tide, there are two ways. You choose the simplest one, the one that sacrifices your own people, and the one that can make you profit. Obviously, it's just because you are afraid of difficulties, clearly because you are greedy for pleasure, clearly because you are greedy for life and afraid of death, but you say yourself like the Savior of Linghai city!

What a disgusting gesture you have made! "


Qin Wuji smelled the speech, but his breath was slightly heavier and his eyes narrowed under his calm face.

Chu Yun looked at him, sneered and said, "before I came here, I was still confused about what happened to the sun family before. The reason why I always trust you is that you helped me when you uprooted the spy of the sun family. You uprooted the sun family, so I regarded you as a firm ally.

But now it seems that you eradicated the sun family only for your own interests.

The sun family only recently began to take refuge in demons. Before that, they had no source of Xi soul stone. If I guessed correctly, the sun family should be demons in the evil spirit mountain. They sneak around you and hook up with new traitors in the Linghai city. Their appetite can't be satisfied by you. They plan to find another agent. All this, It's all hidden from you.

Therefore, after I found the sun family's feet, you, as the city master, immediately jumped out and eliminated the sun family's "competitor", because you are worried that with the existence of the sun family, your weight will not be so heavy in the demon, and you will get less benefits.

Including sun Shaoyang, the master of the sun family. After he voluntarily surrendered, he died in the dungeon of the city master's house. In fact, you killed him. Am I right? "


Qin Wuji fell into a silence again, and then couldn't help laughing.

Even, he clapped his hands and said, "yes, that's right. The guess is also very accurate and wonderful. It's worthy of Chu Yun who can write such a famous poem as bamboo and stone.

I'm beginning to regret it now. Just because of this poem, I'm soft hearted. I didn't kill you the first time you went to the city Lord's residence.

Even when I wanted to kill you later, I didn't want to do it myself, but to kill with a knife. Now it seems that this is the most serious mistake I have made. "

As he spoke, Qin Wuji stood up from his chair, looked at Chu Yun outside the window and took a step forward. The window and the whole wall in front of him suddenly collapsed, and a strong force suddenly burst out.

"And now, I should make up for this mistake!"

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