Qin Wuji stood opposite Chu Yun. Seeing that Chu Yun swallowed the two fruits, his momentum immediately soared a lot. At that moment, he was cold in his heart and knew that Chu Yun was ready to work hard.

In this half hour battle, Qin Wuji caused dozens of injuries to Chu Yun, some of which can even be called serious injuries, but they were quickly healed by Chu Yun with abnormal recovery ability.

Correspondingly, except for a few opportunities for Chu Yun to hurt Qin Wuji, Chu Yun can't enter Qin Wuji most of the time.

There is only one reason.

That is, Qin Wuji's sword skill is too strong!

The fire shadow flywheel sword, when waved, can stimulate hundreds of sword Qi, each of which is like Qin Wuji's darifeng magic sword. It is surrounded by attack and defense.

Chu Yun's sky trace nine swords are combined with nine sword potentials and one sword. It is undoubtedly very strong in close combat. When Qin Wuji realized this, he no longer entangled with Chu Yun, but used the sword Qi of Huoying flywheel sword to attack Chu Yun from a long distance.

In this case, Chu Yun can't get close to Qin Wuji. If the attack distance is not far enough, it is naturally difficult to pose any threat to Qin Wuji. On the contrary, Qin Wuji's long-range attack can always threaten him.

"It seems that we have to work hard in the end."

Chu Yun breathed out slowly, took something from him and put it on the ground calmly.

This thing, nothing else, is a life stone.

In the event of a fatal crisis, the life stone will immediately launch to transmit Chu Yun away. This is the bottom card for Chu Yun to protect his life, but it has also become the biggest limitation in this battle.

Because many times Chu Yun is ready to exchange injury for injury. When he rushes to seize the opportunity, the life stone will respond immediately. Chu Yun has mastered the instant power of the star and is particularly sensitive to the transmission to be launched by the life stone, so he has to give up his overly radical idea and has been stuck until now.

If you can, Chu Yun also wants to defeat Qin Wuji under the condition of special grasp.

But the truth is, it's impossible.

Nirvana is powerful, powerful in all aspects, almost no short board.

If you don't work hard and bet everything on yourself, you can't win.

"You know what?"

Chu Yun looked at Qin Wuji and said, "in fact, I don't hate you much, even if you wanted to kill me before. But today, no matter what, you must die. Otherwise, I'm sorry for those people who have sacrificed their lives on the border line for decades, but have been betrayed by you. This is unforgivable! "

The voice fell, and Chu Yun's figure disappeared from the original place instantly. Using the energy of star instant, it was transmitted to Qin Wuji.

After such a long battle, Qin Wuji also found out the upper limit of Chu Yun's ability. He could blink once in a short time. After each time, he would fall into a period of silence.

When Chu Yun's figure disappeared, Qin Wuji immediately responded, that is, he quickly left the original place and distanced himself from Chu Yun who was about to blink over.

At the same time, in Qin Wuji's hand, darifeng's magic sword swung a round of sword light. Every trace of the sword body turned into a translucent flame sword mark and shot around.

Next moment——

Chu Yun's figure appeared. Facing Qin Wuji's backward figure, a strong force broke out under his feet, and the sword stabbed forward.

This sword, Chu Yun has integrated all his strength, is a real must kill sword!

There is no retreat, no stone for life!

This sword, either you die or I die!

"... madman!"

Qin Wuji scolded angrily. Seeing that Chu Yun ignored the sword light and allowed it to cause damage to himself, as long as it was not the key, he didn't even hide, just in order to send the sword to him.

Immediately, Qin Wuji's eyes were a little cold. Da RiFeng's magic sword stabbed up, attacked Chu Yun's left chest and went straight into his heart.

This is a posture of dying together, and this situation has happened many times in the previous half hour war.

Every time Chu Yun gets close to him and is ready to fight close to him, Qin Wuji will put on such a posture of dying together, and Chu Yun will immediately retreat.

Several times, every time.

This makes Qin Wuji think that he has mastered Chu Yun's weakness, that is, he cherishes his life too much. As long as he holds the attitude of exchanging injury for injury, Chu Yun will naturally shrink back.

But this time

Qin Wuji miscalculated.



The sound of two sharp blades entering the flesh sounded almost in no order at the same time.

Qin Wuji's big day seal Magic Sword Pierced Chu Yun's chest, and Chu Yun's Dragon ancient sword also pierced Qin Wuji's throat.

It's all crucial.

But the difference is that Qin Wuji thought that Chu Yun wouldn't connect hard, so he didn't hide.

Chu Yun had already made this preparation, so he was on guard. Da RiFeng's magic sword stabbed into his chest and ran through his back. It seemed to be a fatal injury, but in fact, he avoided the position of half an inch of his heart.

The recovery energy of eternal rejuvenation skill played a role rapidly, and strong vitality poured into the ventricle, making Chu Yun still maintain the vitality of life in a burst of severe pain.

So Chu Yun took a step forward and clapped Qin Wuji's chest in Qin Wuji's shocked eyes.


With this palm, Qin Wuji's body flew backward.

His body was like a shell. It was smashed into the ruins of the city master's residence. The sword wound on his neck was covered with dragon fire and burned continuously. A lot of blood gushed out, but it had evaporated before it was sputtered out.

"... uh!"

Qin Wuji covered his neck with both hands and his fingers trembled. Although he had covered it very tightly, his vitality still disappeared from his fingers. He knew that he was about to die.

Opposite him, Chu Yun was also in a bad state. The big day seal magic sword was inserted into his chest. The handle of the sword was close in front of him, and most of the sword body poked out from behind.

"Just don't die..."

Chu Yun grinned with contempt.

He didn't fight with Qin Wuji before. He didn't dare, but he couldn't. before this penetrating injury appeared, the life stone was going to transport Chu Yun away.

Chu Yun doesn't want to work hard, but Qin Wuji in the face of Nirvana can't win if he doesn't work hard.

Fortunately, he won now.

"Don't come here..."

Qin Wuji fell in the ruins and looked at Chu Yun walking step by step. His sword was still inserted into Chu Yun, but there is no doubt that Chu Yun, who has a strong recovery ability, has a stronger combat power than he, a dying man. If Chu Yun plans to do it, he will die.

Chu Yun looked at Qin Wuji, stepped forward step by step and said, "you should have thought of this day when you accepted the bribes of demons and sold your own people."

"Do you think those bribes have fallen into my hands?"

Qin Wuji stared at Chu Yun and roared loudly: "the evil spirit mountain range borders the demon house of the whole town. One guard like me is more than a few people? Do you think the princes in the court don't know what we have done? These are their acquiescence, or even contributed to it! Even the array of the soul stone was handed down from the imperial court! "


The voice fell, and Chu Yun's heart was shocked.

He didn't know whether what Qin Wuji said was true or false, but if it was true, the imperial court of the Tianji Dynasty was too corrupt and dark.

However, looking at Qin Wuji, Chu Yun gradually calmed down and said, "I don't know whether what you said is true or false. However, even if the crows in the world are generally black, it doesn't mean that what you are black is right. It's time to kill if you go with the tide and help the tyrants."

"... madman, do you know what you're doing? Those people will not let you go! "

Qin Wuji was threatened by a cold voice, but his voice trembled.

Chu Yun came forward and his sword fell.


A big head fell to the ground.

Qin Wuji, the leader of Linghai sea area and the guardian of Linghai giant Town, died in peace.


Chu Yun looked at the head that fell to the ground, slowly breathed out a breath, raised his head and looked into the distance in the direction of Huangjing mountain. He closed his eyes and said softly, "Qiu Shan, I'll avenge you. Go all the way."


The movement in the city master's house soon spread all over the whole Linghai huge city.

Although the area of the city Lord's residence is very large, and it is difficult to spread the casual fight, the fight between Chu Yun and Qin Wuji is too fierce. More than half of the area of the city Lord's residence has been destroyed by the aftermath of the battle. It is impossible not to attract people's attention.

"What happened?"

"Who dares to fight in the city Lord's residence? Listen to the news of the battle, is it fighting with the city Lord? "


The heads of the Wang family, the Zuo family and the Liu family, as well as the big shopkeepers of Yuheng Pavilion and Lingyun Pavilion, and even the leader of Li village of the world's banks, all gathered at the gate of the city master's house.

These people have just returned from the defense line of the Great Wall. The animal tide has just receded. They are preparing to go to the city Lord's house to report the defense with the city Lord. Unexpectedly, they hit such a scene. Standing outside the city Lord's house, they heard a fierce fight inside, accompanied by the roar of building collapse.

The people wanted to go in and find out, but the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power from the battle was like a basin of cold water, drenching them from head to heel.

Too strong.

It's not a battle between mountains and seas at all, but Nirvana!

At this level, people dare not enter them at all, because any aftermath of the battle may seriously hurt them or even die on the spot.

So they had to wait outside and send some men into the city master's house to find the people in the city master's house and ask what happened.

After a while

Housekeeper Qi came out with some bodyguards of the city Lord's residence.

The crowd quickly gathered around and asked, wondering what had happened.

Housekeeper Qi's face was heavy and said, "Chu Yun, the big shopkeeper of Yuanhe Pavilion, is committing a crime. The city Lord is cracking down."

"... hiss!"

The voice fell, and everyone at the scene couldn't help but take a breath in shock.

Because the news is incredible, isn't it?

Chu Yun, the big shopkeeper of Yuanhe Pavilion, doesn't he only have the peak cultivation of Wanshi territory? Why is he crazy to challenge the city Lord? How many unconscious people can do this?

The key to the problem is not here, but

Why can he fight with the city Lord for so long? With the powerful strength of the city Lord nirvana, shouldn't it be easy to suppress Chu Yun?

"Is it difficult? Is the city Lord giving advice to Chu Yun?"

Master Liu asked tentatively.

As soon as this was said, it was agreed by many people, because the city Lord appreciated Chu Yun, which is a well-known thing. Because in the poem at the birthday banquet, the city Lord was more partial to Chu Yun, including when the animal tide attacked, the city Lord also specially placed Yuanhe Pavilion in a safe area of Huangjing mountain.


Huangjing mountain area?

Isn't that the place attacked by demons?

The Wang family leader sneered and said, "have you ever seen anyone who can give advice to the younger generation and accompany half of his residence? Lord, this is obviously true! "

When they heard the speech, they also fell silent one after another. Ling yuange and Yuheng Ge, who are closer to Yuanhe Ge, couldn't sit still and asked, "housekeeper Qi, what's the reason for the fight?"

"It's hard to say now..."

Housekeeper Qi coughed twice and didn't answer the question positively.

On the other side, in the crowd, one person was always silent, looking at the city Lord's house with complex and sighing eyes, and his mood was difficult to express.

This person is the leader of the world bank Li.

"Sure enough... I finally came to this step. I already said that the matter of Xi soul stone is not so easy to explore..."

Villa leader Li sighed gently in his heart and recalled that Chu Yun's bamboo and stone was strong with thousands of grinding and thousands of blows. Anyone who can write such poems should be so straightforward.


This Xi soul stone, in the eyes of the city Lord and even in the eyes of many big people in the court hall, is a taboo that can't be touched and can't be disclosed by anyone. The deeper Chu Yun goes in this direction, the deeper the city Lord intends to kill him, which will eventually lead to this situation.

"However, the shopkeeper of Chu is young, but he can persist in the hands of the city Lord for so long, if he can..."

Villa leader Li's mind is complicated and tangled.

He was thinking whether to enter the city master's house and ask Qin Wuji to leave Chu Yun with his life.

Such excellent talents are thirsty for talents by any force. It is absolutely qualified to put them in the world bank, and maybe they can be cultivated by the headquarters.

If he exports, in the face of the world's banks, 80% of Qin Wuji may let Chu Yun go, but in this way, he may offend some people behind Qin Wuji

Hesitating and tangled, there was a sudden cry around.


Villa leader Li frowned, raised his head and looked at the gate of the city Lord's residence. His face changed in an instant. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, as if he had fallen into a cold pool.

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