As those fourth-order monsters joined the battle, the Great Wall defense immediately suffered great pressure.


The fierce explosion sounded almost all the time. The protective cover of the whole Great Wall defense line also began to shake violently. It felt shaky. Countless attacks hit the barrier, just like a storm.

Soon, the first fourth order monster squeezed into the protective array, killed at the root of the city wall and fought with the two big shopkeepers in the front.

But after them, there are the second, third and fourth

In the whole evil spirit mountain range, there are countless fourth-order monsters. Even in the shadow wolf territory in this remote place, there are more than thirty or forty.

These monsters entered the protective cover and did not stay under the city. A large part of them crossed Zhu Hongyue and Zhang Shaoyuan under the city, climbed the city wall and killed directly at the top of the city.

After Zhang Shaoyuan and Zhu Hongyue looked at each other, they didn't stop these monsters. First, they couldn't stop them. How could they stop these thirty or forty fourth order monsters with the hands of their two pavilions? That is the existence of thirty or forty mountains and seas!

"Fight with all your strength!"

When Qin Shuangyan saw this scene, the blood in his eyes was about to explode. After a roar, he took a long knife and killed the fourth order monsters who rushed to the city.

The purpose of these fourth-order monsters on the top of the city is very clear. They go towards the array base of the Great Wall defense line. Once they succeed in destroying the array base, all the people present will really be left dead.

As the saying goes, only Lao Yinbi knows Lao Yinbi best. When those fourth-order monsters rush to the city, the heads of the three families on the city will find a chance to run as soon as their faces change.


Qin Shuangyan was quick eyed and quick at hand. He asked the mountain and sea experts in the city master's house and other small forces in Linghai giant city to surround the experts of the three families early.

When they charged towards the city head and attacked those fourth-order monsters, the warriors of the three families were coerced in the middle. Unless they dared to draw a knife at each other, they could only charge together.

In this way, a group of people fought fiercely with dozens of fourth-order monsters at the head of the city. The scene was very fierce in an instant.

Although there are more monsters, when they pass through the array, they are backfired and damaged by the power of the array, and their combat power is damaged. In addition, the city defenders on the head of the city and a small part of the power of the array help, so once the two sides fight, they have their own victories and losses and are close to each other.


No one can ignore that outside the defense line of the Great Wall, there is a terrible giant wolf staring at all humans at the head of the city with joking eyes.

"It's ridiculous. You humans like to fight each other more than against our noble demon family. Qin Wuji LaoLa I died in the hands of an unknown unknown boy today, and your whole spiritual sea area will fall into the king's mouth..."

The wolf king's smiling voice sounds very interesting. From his ferocious animal face, it shows a humanized and full color of ridicule, which has brought great psychological pressure to many people.

"I've seen enough. This great wall defense line should have been destroyed in one fell swoop!"

Voice drop——

The giant wolf's body suddenly moved forward, his big mouth opened, and each of his sharp teeth was thicker than two people folded, and extremely sharp.

This terrible big mouth bit on the protective cover of the array. Immediately, the array energy fluctuated rapidly where it came into contact with the wolf king's teeth. A lot of energy was mobilized from all directions to resist the wolf king's attack, but unfortunately, the result was little effect, and the power of the array was rapidly exhausted.

"Fire! Fire! "

On the top of the city, the partial general who took the place of the commander roared, pointed to the wolf king's bloody mouth and said, "everyone, all the attacks pour out to the wolf king!"

When the soldiers heard the speech, they were doing it one after another. No one wanted to see the moat array, so they were bitten by the wolf king, so they went crazy and attacked the wolf king's mouth.

Countless streamers, crossbows and shells shot towards the wolf king's bloody mouth. Unlike when they hit the wolf king before, these attacks fell into the wolf king's mouth and really caused some damage. The wolf king's upper jaw was a little bloody, and all kinds of blood splashed everywhere.

"Its internal defense is not as strong as its external defense. Its oral cavity is its weakness. Hurry up and continue the attack!"

General Pian's eyes lit up and shouted.

Suddenly, the attack on the city wall became more fierce. One attack after another fell into the wolf king's mouth, which also brought continuous damage, and blood splashed out continuously.


Several breaths passed, but it was of no use.

Because the wolf king's recovery ability is too strong.

In a twinkling of an eye, the damage to the mouth was restored by the Demon power of the wolf king. The physical strength and recovery ability of demons above level 5 are far better than those of human warriors.

In this way, the wolf king took a strong bite against the bombardment at the head of the city. Before long, he bit a big hole in the protective cover of this array.

"Poor food, run away..."

The wolf king Jie sneered. The two wolf claws suddenly grabbed forward, passed through the wound and completely tore the array of the whole Great Wall defense.


The beast roared everywhere. When the demons saw this scene, they were crazy and rushed into the gap torn by the wolf king. The scene was really like a wave, wave after wave, and there was no end at all.

On the wall, countless people's eyes fell on the protective cover torn by the wolf king, and their eyes were filled with despair. Some people even gave up resistance immediately and directly chose to turn around and run.

However, in this rolling beast tide, even if you want to run, it is not so easy. After all, there are dozens of fourth-order monsters fighting against it on the head of the city.

Wang Zhihong, Liu Xunfeng and Zuo Lin, as well as the mountain, sea and border warriors in their family, were the first to prepare to escape. As soon as the array barrier was broken, the three of them had taken the lead to fly away from the air and were ready to escape.

However, the four level demons around them also surrounded, chased and intercepted one after another.

In the eyes of these demons, everyone in front of them is a piece of fresh and delicious fat, which has been sent to their mouth. Where can they run away?

Therefore, before long, the martial arts of the Wang family, the Liu family and the Zuo family were stopped by the demons, and at the moment when they stopped because of the loss of their first hand, they were all hurt, the situation became worse and worse, and the hearts of the people became more and more desperate.

"Blame that damn Chu Yun! I won't let him go if I'm a ghost! Ah ah... "

A mountain and sea elder of the Liu family roared, then red eyes rushed towards the two demons and launched a fierce and fearless attack.

Everyone knows what will happen if they fall into the hands of demons. Their hearts will be different. There is no possibility of mediation between two races that are food for each other. If they are caught, they will be eaten.

Therefore, they would rather die in this desperate time, at least with dignity.

After scolding this sentence, elder Liu immediately got the approval of many people. In their hearts, if Chu Yun didn't kill the city master, the animal tide would not appear. Those demons were afraid of the city master's seat. How dare they attack on a large scale?

Of course

At this time, they all selectively forget the truth.

That is, when Qin Wuji was still there, the demons would not attack on a large scale, because there was no need. Even if there was no need to attack, Qin Wuji would send his people wave by wave to the demons to enjoy.

Compared with this, for all the people present, there is no Qin Wuji, but the difference between dying faster and orderly and dying slower and procrastinating.

Soon, the elder of the Liu family died under the sneak attack of two fourth-order demons and another fourth-order demons. The body was immediately swallowed by the demons present and eaten.

Compared with the fine method of swallowing blood essence, the effect of this eating method is naturally far worse, but fortunately, the amount is large enough, and the demons present are not picky. Instead, they are very excited and happy to eat.

One after another strong mountain and sea, one after another fell on the head of the city.

The martial arts of the Wang family, the Liu family and the Zuo family were targeted by demons because they wanted to escape at the beginning, and they died the fastest.

The first one killed was Wang Zhihong, the leader of the Wang family. His death was not entirely due to those demons. At that time, Zuo Lin, the leader of the left family, fought with the demons behind him. The latter made a mistake in walking and met Wang Zhihong's back. The situation was in a critical situation at that time.

In order to avoid the fierce attack of demons in front of him, Zuo Linguo pulled Wang Zhihong behind him and blocked him in front of him as a meat shield.

Wang Zhihong never expected that in this scuffle, he would be poisoned by his own people. For a moment, he was unprepared and pushed out as a meat shield.

When the fourth order demon of the shadow wolf family bit it with a bloody mouth, Wang Zhihong was just pushed out. As a result, he was bitten off by the demon on the spot. Starting from the waist, his legs and upper body were separated from his body.

At that moment, Wang Zhihong was not dead yet. When his upper body fell down, he looked at the cold Zuo Lin on his face and opened his mouth to scold, but before his voice came out, his upper body was swallowed into his stomach by another speeding demon. It can be said that he was divided by five horses.

"Ah, ah --"

In the crowd, Qin Shuangyan let out a howl, launched a crazy attack with red eyes, rode his "gale spirit foal" and waved a big knife to kill all the demons around.

As the son of the city Lord, Qin Shuangyan has excellent talent. Now, with his peak cultivation in mountain and sea, he can be said to be one of the strongest under the city Lord.

Now, his deadly outbreak also showed extraordinary combat power. A demon who exposed his back to him only heard the wind in the rear. Before he had time to respond, his body had been split by Qin Shuangyan and died on the spot.

This is the third fourth order demon that Qin Shuangyan personally killed. In this chaotic war situation, as long as he grabs the enemy's back and launches a sneak attack, he can achieve extraordinary results. Qin Shuangyan is proficient in the way of the battlefield, and naturally knows it very well.


His good days didn't last long.

Just before he fully retracted his knife, a great sense of oppression suddenly enveloped him.

Qin Shuangyan looked up and saw a pair of eyes bigger than others and stared at him jokingly. The eyes were not looking at an equal person or any other existence, but simply looking at a delicious cake and fresh and delicious food.

Under such terrible gaze, Qin Shuangyan shivered on the spot. There is no doubt that if he could look at him like this, the wolf king would be the only one in the audience.

"Let me go, let me go..."

Qin Shuangyan wanted to raise his knife to split it, but what he finally said turned into begging for mercy. He bit his teeth and said, "although the Linghai sea has been broken, the army of the demon house will soon come to suppress it. If you are willing to release me, I am willing to continue our cooperation with my father as before!"


The wolf king looked at him and didn't speak.

Qin Shuangyan hurriedly continued, "you need me! You know that! I can disclose the information in the demon house to you and be your shadow wolf's insider. I'm very valuable, so you can't kill me! "

"The king really needs you."

The wolf king put his huge head close to Qin Shuangyan, and opened his mouth with a sneer: "but it's a pity that I need you to fill my stomach and cooperate with me. Your father deserves it, you... Don't deserve it!"

When the voice fell, the wolf king opened his mouth and suddenly bit forward. The fast naked eye could not catch it, and Qin Shuangyan had no chance to escape.


Qin Shuangyan's body was swallowed directly by the wolf king. His sharp huge tusks chewed twice, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

"Kill as much as you like, Linghai sea is ours! Ha ha... "

The wolf king laughed wildly.

The laughter, like wind and thunder, swept over the city, bringing a burst of deep despair. The martial artists of all families on the city died one after another in the wave of animals, and became the food of demons. The scene was once very bloody.

And at the root of the city.

Zhu Hongyue and Zhang Shaoyuan worked together to kill the demons stranded below. They looked up at the city, and their hearts were full of despair.

"What should I do? I can't stop it... "

Zhu Hongyue tightly pursed her lips and said in a trembling voice.

With a sigh, Zhang Shaoyuan left the wine gourd, an alcoholic. Now there is no wine in the gourd, just as there is no hope in his heart.

He looked up, looked at the figure of the terrible wolf at the head of the city, shook his head and said in a low voice, "let's go... Keep the green mountains in the spirit sea area without worrying about firewood."

Linghai, it's over

These words fell into my ears. Zhu Hongyue held her fist tightly, unwilling and desperate.

But, helpless.

At this time, a human figure flying in the sky in the distance did not fly out, but went up against the tide, killed all the way in from the beast tide, and directly came to the head of the Great Wall defense line.

It was a very young boy, wearing a white shirt stained with blood. At his chest, his shirt was broken and leaked. It was open on the outside skin. There was an extremely ferocious wound. Although it had scabbed, it could still see how dangerous it was, and it didn't heal at the moment.

At the moment, the boy flew from outside the great wall and stood opposite the giant wolf. One man and one wolf looked at each other and their eyes collided.

"This is the spirit sea area. You and other demons dare to cross the thunder pool and be killed!"

The boy was sonorous and powerful word by word.

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