The wolf king's body is strong and his defense can almost ignore the attack of others. This is not only known by the garrison soldiers in the city, but also realized by Chu Yun at the first time.

But at the same time, the defense inside the wolf king's mouth was not so strong. Chu Yun realized this key at the first time when the two sides fought.

Therefore, at the first time of the fight, Chu Yun immediately adjusted his tactics and adopted an extremely bold means, that is, using the energy of teleportation to directly transmit it to the wolf king's body.

To be honest

Not only the wolf king, but everyone was surprised.

What kind of brain circuit and means are needed to make this shocking move?

However, Chu Yun just wanted to say that people in the fantasy world, where the spiritual world is very scarce, have never seen the great literary work journey to the West. In this famous work, Monkey Sun likes to do such things that he gets into others' bodies when he doesn't agree with each other.

At the moment, the wolf king's body trembled, not afraid, but painful.

Chu Yun seemed to enter the wolf king's stomach after transmitting it into the wolf king's body. Looking at the dark and creeping environment around him, Chu Yun only felt a burst of nausea. Then he immediately took out the Dragon ancient sword, made indiscriminate attacks on everything around him, and began to cross the river and fall into the sea.

The wolf king's external defense is really terrible, and the nirvana in the same realm is difficult to break with brute force. Maybe Qin Wuji was ok, but today, many years later, the wolf king continues to eat human warriors and improve his own strength. The two sides have already opened a gap.

However, no matter how powerful the external defense is, the wolf king's body is still a huge weakness and flaw. At the moment, it has been completely exposed to Chu Yun.

"Stop, stop..."

The wolf king uttered a painful wail. The sharp pain in his body had made him miserable at the moment, but the most deadly thing was that under such circumstances, the wolf king could not make any effective counterattack against Chu Yun.

How can his teeth be sharp and his claws sharp? Can't you stab yourself into your body, open your belly first, and then dig out Chu Yun?

However, if you don't do so, what method should the wolf king use to deal with Chu Yun who has entered his body?

Soon, Chu Yun had killed the wolf king's stomach, pierced a huge hole in the stomach wall, and the blood was squeezed and poured in from the outside.

Reasonable, the scene of that scene is really terrible. Ordinary people can't imagine what it feels like to be in the stomach of a huge creature and watch the blood pour in. In particular, the whole stomach is still wriggling and trembling. The picture is really creepy and disgusting.


Whether it was nausea or not, it had no impact on Chu Yun. He went out along the wound in his stomach and shuttled back and forth between various organs in the wolf king's body.

"Ah, ah --"

The wolf king kept roaring and finally fell into despair. He said, "come out quickly. I am willing to surrender! The king is willing to take his people back to the evil spirit mountain and never step into the spirit sea all his life! "

Even if he made such a commitment, Chu Yun in the wolf king didn't stop at all, but rushed all the way to the wolf king's heart.

When the wolf king realized this, he was immediately scared to ignore everything. Lian Sheng begged for mercy and said, "please, let me go. I'm willing to give priority to you and never betray. Stop..."

"It's late."

Chu Yun's voice came from the wolf king's body.

Then, a sword light, accompanied by the fiery dragon fire, took the lead in penetrating into the wolf king's heart.


Long Yan exploded inside the heart, and burst the wolf king's whole huge heart together. Chu Yun broke the wolf king's heart without leaving his hand at this most critical moment!

"... uh!"

The wolf king gave a terrible howl, and two eyes bigger than people stared to the largest. His huge body fell to the ground reluctantly, never got up again, and lost all the breath of life.

Around the battlefield, all the demons above the fourth level stared at the scene. Then, they saw with their own eyes that a figure was bleeding and stabbed out of the wolf king's stomach.

He was still dressed in white, or the handsome young man. He was holding a flaming ancient dragon sword, emitting a breath like a king. He went in and out of the five rank animal king, and easily ended the wolf king's life, but he came out so spotless.

"Retreat, or die!"

Chu Yun said in a deep voice.


When the voice fell, all the fourth order demons present fled in confusion and fled back to the evil spirit mountain. The speed and momentum were not much worse than when they first rushed over. They drove millions of demons around to turn into birds and animals and fled back to the evil spirit mountain.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun finally breathed out a long breath, and his breath suddenly faded a lot.

His condition is really very bad. He just had a big war with the city Lord Qin Wuji and was seriously injured. He immediately came to fight against the terrible wolf king.

In fact, the tactic of blinking into the wolf king's body seems to be a strange move, but in fact, it is also a desperate fight.

Chu Yun had never used starburst like this before. He blinked into a creature's body. He didn't know whether it would succeed or not. He didn't have any idea what would happen if his body and the wolf king's body "wear a model" when the blink passed.

However, Chu Yun took the life stone with him. He thought that if such a situation happened, the life stone should be able to transmit immediately and save his life.

So he went.

In this attempt, Chu Yun really got some valuable experience.

When he just blinked into the wolf king's body, the position Chu Yun chose at the beginning was indeed a very embarrassing place. There was a distance between his lower body and the wolf king's stomach wall.

When Chu Yun sensed this, he was terrified, because he didn't know what would happen next. When the transmission was completed, would he get stuck with the wolf king's body?

If so, is his body inserted into the stomach wall of the wolf king, or is the intersecting part of the two completely combined and overlapped?

If it is the first, the situation is fine, but if it is the second, isn't his own leg useless?

In this great panic, the final situation brightened Chu Yun's eyes, because neither of these two situations happened. Chu Yun's body slid a distance in the opposite direction of the stomach wall under the wrap of space force.

Just like Chu Yun's body was thrown into the water, but pushed out of the water by the buoyancy of the water, it was bounced above the stomach wall of the wolf king, and then the transmission was completed.

There is no doubt that the power of space is the unique role of Tianchen Xinghe Jue, which makes Chu Yun shuttle to the wolf king in a safe state.

After getting this conclusion, Chu Yun's evaluation of Tianchen Xinghe Jue immediately reached a huge level. He thought it might be a Tianpin peak or a slightly higher skill, but now it seems that he can't even beat the grade of shengpin skill.


The Tianchen Xinghe formula with this characteristic can almost be regarded as the natural enemy of the demon family!

When fighting against them, without saying a word, they are directly transmitted to the other party's body and attack from the inside of the other party's huge body. How can those demons who specialize in physique resist?

There may be some demons who specialize in body cultivation. After reaching a higher level, they can also cultivate their body to a level as hard as the body surface. However, at least for the demons in Nirvana, they can't do this at all. When they meet a warrior with teleportation ability, they can only wait to die.

Even if the monster has the ability to change its size, it can't resist the enemies in its body.

If the wolf king planned to change his body shape and shrink his body, it would also not change the internal defense strength of the monster, or even reduce it.

Chu Yun, who is in the wolf king's body, will not follow the wolf king's size. He will only faster break through the wolf king with reduced body defense and complete the kill.


On the city wall, countless people watched helplessly. After the wolf king's body fell, the animal tide retreated like a tide. Before long, the dark herd had disappeared into the evil spirit mountain in the distance.

This huge crisis was resolved in this way, and the man who saved the defense line of the great wall and the whole spiritual sea area was the murderer who killed the city master.

Not long ago, at the instigation of Qin Shuangyan, many people were greedy and planned to kill people first, regardless of whether Chu Yun said that the city Lord's collusion with demons was true or false, so that they could receive a huge reward.

And now

Those who followed Qin Shuangyan, such as Wang Zhihong, the Lord of the Wang family, Liu Xunfeng, the Lord of the Liu family, and Zuo Lin, the Lord of the Zuo family, have all died in the animal tide.

The city Lord's residence, the major families, and the fighters of various small and medium-sized forces all suffered heavy losses, and only about half of their combat effectiveness was left.

However, what appears on the faces of the survivors is an expression close to peace.

Everyone knows that after the death of the wolf king, the spirit sea area will not be attacked for a long time. If the demons are frightened in the evil spirit mountain range, they will fall into a headless struggle. For a long time, the spirit sea area will rest easy.

And all this

It's all the credit of the white boy with the sword.

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