On the other side, Zhao Lingling saw this scene, but his pupils immediately shrunk.

"Sure enough, he still retains his strong strength. He has not become incompetent because his soul has been captured..."

In Zhao Lingling's eyes, there was still an amazing color. Although the strength of the monster was very weak, Chu Yun's reaction was too smooth.

If Zhao Lingling uses one word to describe it, it is easy.

It's so easy.

Regardless of the range of action and the choice of timing, they are perfect and just right, which means that the appearance of the black wolf is completely under the control of Chu Yun and can not bring any accident.

For example, Chu Yun just pulled away a branch in front of him without any difficulty. This handy attitude is really too high.

"Before Chu Yun's martial spirit was captured, I'm afraid there was only such a level of strength? Did the capture of his "earth demon ape" have no impact on his strength? "

Zhao Lingling was puzzled.

Two people, one bright and one dark, continue to move forward.

The deeper you go into the thunder roar forbidden area, the more powerful the evil spirit becomes, but the roar around you decreases gradually.

This is an abnormal phenomenon, but in fact, it is well understood.

There are a lot of roars in the peripheral areas, because those first-class monsters have very low intelligence and do not know how to hide themselves. In the depths of the forbidden area, most of them can haunt here are second-class monsters. They have some more intelligent instincts and reactions than ordinary beasts and know how to hide themselves.

Just like the dark forest law, monsters are also the law of the jungle. Swallowing the blood of other monsters is undoubtedly the best way to grow.

However, silence does not mean that it is not dangerous. On the contrary, those monsters are dormant in the dark, waiting for the arrival of prey and launching a fatal attack at any time, which is more dangerous than those wandering in the open.

Chu Yun walked all the way. Since he lost the guidance of his footprints, he began to guess the route of the missing disciple according to his intuition.

Thor grass grows in a cold place, like a forest full of monsters. It must be very rare. Even if there is, it will be swallowed by monsters and can't be picked up by him.

Well, the place more in line with the growth environment of Thor grass is naturally the site of Xiuli peak. There are many unknown caves there. If Chu Yun was song Yunchang, he would take a chance there.

But before that

There is a problem to be solved, that is, the small tail in the back.


"Where are the people?"

Zhao Lingling followed all the way. She saw Chu Yun's body turn over a huge stone, and then she didn't appear for a long time. She carefully came forward to explore, but found that there was no one behind the stone.

"... lost it!"

Zhao Lingling's heart burst, and his small heart began to beat.

She looked around and shivered at the dark, cold and rainy woods around her.

This was something she didn't expect, or she ignored.

She didn't expect to lose it.

"What now? Do you want to go back?"

Zhao Lingling bit her lips in embarrassment, and her heart was tangled. According to reason, she should go back, otherwise there might be some danger if she wandered around the thunder roar forbidden area. Although she missed it this time, as long as Chu Yun is still there, she will have the opportunity to continue her investigation in the future.


Where is the way back?

Zhao Lingling has the habit of remembering the road, but now she follows Chu Yun so far into the forbidden area. When tracking just now, she always pays attention not to be found. Her attention is focused on Chu Yun. How can she remember the road so far? I can't even tell the direction now.

If it were an ordinary woman, she already had a sense of abandonment that she had been lost by the world, but Zhao Lingling didn't. She was still very calm.

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhao Lingling decided to walk back along the road he had just come, look for places with memory points, and then return to the original road bit by bit.

This should be the safest way.


Before Zhao Lingling had gone far, he suddenly heard a sharp breaking wind coming from her side.

"What --"

As soon as Zhao Lingling's face changed, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a slender dark shadow flying from the top of the tree. Under the guidance of the roaring thunder, it was like a black lightning.

For a moment, Zhao Lingling's soul light appeared all over him, and an imaginary shadow of a civet took shape rapidly. It was Zhao Lingling's four grade martial soul - "three eyed civet".

The Wu soul possessed the body, and Zhao Lingling jumped back. The black shadow failed to hit. His body fell to the ground, and his slender body coiled up, and then jumped up again.

Hearing the sound of "whew", the dark shadow rubbed the ground as if flying, attacked Zhao Lingling's bare feet and bit hard.

"Ah --"

Zhao Lingling gave a cry of pain, and fine beads of sweat had been left on her forehead, but her reaction speed was also very fast. The "three eyed civet" suddenly attacked and scratched three cracks with one claw.

The shadow was hit, and the scales at the tail exploded, marking three ferocious wounds, revealing bright red flesh and blood.

Zhao Lingling didn't see the true face of the shadow until this time. A black python with dark scales and a length of two meters had a triangular head. At the moment, a pair of emotionless vertical pupils were standing, staring at its prey coldly.

"Black soul iron snake, bad..."

Zhao Lingling pursed her lips and looked down at her snow-white calf. At her ankle, there were two black blood holes, which were bleeding outward. The color of the blood was also black, revealing an uneasy smell of death.

She's poisoned. It's the venom of the black soul iron snake.

This black soul iron snake ranks second. It has extremely strong combat power. The most deadly is its snake venom. As long as it bites its opponent, it can gradually lose its combat power.

After being poisoned by snake venom, the poison will flow rapidly to the blood. It only takes a few breaths to attack the heart pulse. Although the poisoned person can also use his own spiritual power to suppress the flow of toxin, this is by no means a long-term plan. The toxin will still flow, but the time is fast and slow.

Moreover, if you want to suppress toxicity, a large part of the poisoned person's own spiritual power will be divided and reflected in the actual battle, that is, you can only maintain 60% to 70% of your strength.

For example, at this moment, when Zhao Lingling began to suppress the toxin, she obviously felt that a large part of her spiritual power was in deficit, and even the soul light of the "three eyed civet" was much dimmed.

"You can't delay. You have to fight to death!"

Without any hesitation, Zhao Lingling drew his sword and rushed out. He didn't retreat but entered and killed the black soul iron snake.

She wants to kill the black soul iron snake in the shortest time, and then immediately leave the thunder roar forbidden area and return to yuxiufeng. Only in this way can she save her life.

Otherwise, the longer it takes, her vitality will be weak, and the black soul iron snake will continue to consume her strength until she dies.

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