As soon as these words were spoken, everyone in the hall couldn't help looking at Chu Yun with unexpected eyes. Even Yang Xiaochan, who was not sensible, followed his second brother and looked curiously at the big brother who looked very good.

"It makes sense."

The old housekeeper smiled and nodded. The color of appreciation in his eyes became stronger and said, "what should I do in the opinion of Childe Chu?"


Chu Yun paused for a moment and said, "we're talking about the price. We pay the money and deliver the goods at the same time, but we can't say that externally. We should claim that we have adopted the method of installment, that is, we don't give the money to Mrs. Yang at one time, but pay her part every other period of time, such as a year.

In this way, when others know it, they won't move any crooked thoughts. They can also give a warning to those villains who want to take advantage of the orphaned and widowed mothers - Beichen mansion will often look after their mother and son. "

"Worthy of being my good brother, what I think is considerate!"

Zhao Qianli smiled and patted Chu Yun on the shoulder, just as the person who came up with the plan was not Chu Yun, but himself.


The old housekeeper also smiled and nodded. Just this small change saved Mrs. Yang's mother and son a lot of trouble in the future, and the most important thing is that there is no need to pay anything extra here in Beichen mansion, which is completely equivalent to picking it up for nothing.

Looking at Chu Yun, the old housekeeper was filled with emotion at the moment. He looked at his young master and thought that after so many years, the young master had made a reliable friend.

"What do you think, Mrs. Yang?"

Chu Yun looked at Yang.

Yang's face was ashamed. She thought Chu Yun was going to interfere with her deal, but who would have thought that Chu Yun had given her such a great help.

As a survivor, it doesn't matter how much money Shunfeng escort agency sells. As long as it doesn't lose money, she can live with a pair of children.

However, what worries her most is undoubtedly the safety of her mother and daughter. It is the so-called innocence of every man. If she gets so much money at once, the news will surely arouse people's concern. At that time, they will be in danger.

In fact, when he decided to sell Shunfeng escort agency, Yang had made plans. When the transaction was completed, he would leave Daming mansion with Xiao Yang Jian and Yang Xiaochan. It was better to leave home than to be safe here.

But now, with Chu Yun's idea, the safety of their mother and son is guaranteed, and they don't take less money. It's like making a lot of money.

"I don't know what to say, childe Chu, you are really a wise and kind-hearted man..."

Yang lowered his head deeply.

On one side, Xiao Yang Jian looked at Chu Yun. His eyes were also shining with gratitude and longing.

Chu Yun noticed his eyes, and the corners of his lips immediately aroused a radian. He smiled and blinked at him, but he immediately blushed and lowered his head.

"Well, since we all agree, it's settled like this. For the sake of safety, when I call the cashier later, I'll come as childe Chu said. Later, I'll send you the whole money."

The old housekeeper stood up with a satisfied crutch and said to Yang.

"Housekeeper Xu, I'll see you off..."

Yang quickly got up.


That night, Beichen mansion signed a contract with Yang and recovered Shunfeng escort agency at the price of 210000 Liang silver.

Naturally, the 210000 taels of silver were handed over to Yang that night.

However, when it was announced to the public, it was said that it would be handed over to Yang for 21 years at the price of 10000 Liang a year. As soon as the news came out, many people who were concerned about this matter felt that someone had suffered a loss.

However, among them, some people feel that Yang's family has suffered a loss, while others feel that Beichen mansion has suffered a loss.

People who think Beichen mansion has suffered a loss simply think that it is unnecessary to buy the plates of Shunfeng escort agency at the price of 210000 Liang silver.

People who feel that Yang's family is at a disadvantage think that when she agrees to this condition, she simply digs a pit and jumps in. It sounds reliable for 2122 minutes and 21 years, but in fact, for such a long time, she doesn't know whether there will be any accidents or whether there will be any accidents in Beichen mansion, What's more, I'm not sure if something will happen to Yang herself... After all, it's possible for anything to happen for too long.


No matter who feels at a loss, outsiders always chat casually. They will never know the real inside story.

That night, Yang left Shunfeng escort agency with Xiao Yang Jian and Yang Xiaochan. They had a folk house on Beichen street, which was their own residence. It was only a wall away from Shunfeng escort agency. They used to live there on weekdays, so it was easy to give up the place.

Before dawn the next day, his highness Zhao Qianli brought people to Shunfeng escort agency and began to renovate and renovate the courtyard.

There's no need to worry about how to change it in the yard, but the first time he came to the gate of the yard, his Highness the son went up in person, took off the plaque of Shunfeng escort agency, and then replaced it with a brand-new plaque with three words written in large gilded characters——

Uneven building.

Under these three words, there are two lines of poetry, which are also engraved on it with big characters of dragons, flies and Phoenix.

Ten years of grinding a sword, frost blade has not been tried.

I will show you today. Who has a grievance?


When the plaque was hung, his highness laughed with great satisfaction. Then he greeted the carpenters and bricklayers and advanced towards the courtyard, planning a piece of land in the most central position.

"It's here. Build a nine story attic with four cornices immediately. The speed should be fast, but the materials used for the work can't be vague. My young master is here to supervise the work in person!"

His Highness the son forked his waist and commanded his men to start working. He was aggressive and majestic, like a contractor on the construction site.

The regulation of the nine storey attic he wants to build is almost the limit he can do except the palace.

The emperor is the ninth of the five, so no matter how tall the folk buildings are, they can't exceed nine floors.

Zhao Qianli is a royal family and the legitimate son of the prince. In terms of specifications, he can build nine storey high-rise buildings. As long as the number of cornices is no more than five, it is not a bad rule. If someone else, no matter how rich they are, they dare not build more than eight storey attics, it will lose their head.

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