As an authentic villager who has lived in the heiyun mountains all his life, although the old village head can't read or understand any knowledge, his eyes for the world are still bright.

There are only two things that are most difficult to solve the problem of bandits in Heihu mountain, which puzzles the government. The first is that the local people shield the bandits from colluding with each other. The second is that the high-level of Heihu mountain has always been hidden behind the scenes, which makes the villagers extremely afraid.

As long as the roots of Heihu mountain are not pulled out, ordinary villagers living in heiyun mountain will never dare to stand up and find out the bandits in their village, because they still have to live here. After the government leaves, they are afraid of strong retaliation from Heihu mountain.

The proposal put forward by the old village head at the moment can be said to be straight to the heart of the problem. As long as the leader of Heihu mountain is killed, there will be no place for bandits in heiyun mountain.


The old village head's words also caused great trouble for himself.

As I said just now, in the village, many villagers just want to climb the fire and attach potential. They bully the villagers with the bandits and let themselves be masters for a time.

The old village head's words are undoubtedly an excellent handle. If anyone wants to kneel and lick the bandits in black tiger mountain, he can send the old village head out as a name.


Little Yang Jian was smart and quickly figured out the joints, but he didn't know what to do for a moment. Should he screen these people present again and deal with the villagers who had this tendency? This is somewhat inhumane

After all, regardless of the trace, there is no perfect person. If you have this idea and haven't put it into action, you shouldn't be judged in advance.

Chu Yun stepped forward and came to the old village head. He glanced at the eyes from every household, spoke loudly and swept the whole village with his spiritual power to ensure that everyone could clearly hear his next speech.

"My teachers and disciples are here to suppress the bandits. No matter what you have on your mind, you should wait here for seven days. Within seven days, either the bandits will be broken, or the heads of my teachers and disciples will be suspended above the stronghold. However, no matter what the outcome, you should polish your eyes and should not be in a hurry."

Chu Yun said in a deep voice.

These words have been made very clear. Even if some villagers want to take the old village head as a candidate, don't go now and wait for seven days. If seven days later, master and apprentice Chu Yun are killed by bandits in Heihu mountain, it's not too late for them to send the candidate again. If seven days later, master and apprentice Chu Yun are successful in suppressing bandits, they should immediately forget about this, So as not to go the wrong way and fall to pieces.

"Worthy of being a master, I thought of such a good treatment so soon!"

Little Yang Jian's eyes showed a surprise.

He is a smart boy. Naturally, he understands the meaning of Chu Yun's words. It can be said that he thinks completely from the perspective of the villagers and gives the most reasonable suggestion. In this way, the life of the old village head should be saved - if they can win in seven days.

After Chu Yun showed his strength in killing five famous mountains and seas with that sword, Xiao Yang Jian had already determined that the bandits in Heihu mountain would die.

"Thank you, little old man..."

The old village head arched his hand at Chu Yun.

"Little things."

Chu Yun said, patted Xiao Yang Jian on the shoulder and said, "let's go, disciple. It's getting late and continue on our way."

"Yes, master..."

Xiao Yang Jian nodded, followed behind Chu Yun, and left Quanyong village all the way under the gaze of the old village head and a group of villagers.

However, when Chu Yun walked out of the a distance and confirmed that people behind him could not see them again, he stopped.

"Master, why don't you go?"

Little Yang Jian had some doubts.

"Disciple, let's go back."

Chu Yun smiled.

"Go back?"

Little Yang Jian was stunned for a moment. He was not sure where Chu Yun was talking about. He said, "where are we going? Do you want to go back to Jinxia city or... "

Chu Yun shook his head, fondly touched Xiao Yang Jian's hair and said, "wrong, silly apprentice, I want to take you back to Quanyong village to save people."

With that, Chu Yun took the lead and made a detour back from one side of the forest. Xiao Yang Jian saw it and was stunned. After a while, he quickly followed up and said, "shall we go back and save people? Why, master, do you think the old village head is still in danger? "

"Tonight at the latest, he will be killed."

Chu Yun said in a determined tone.

"... why?"

Little Yang Jian was stunned and said, "master, you and the villagers have made the truth very clear. Our trip is to suppress bandits. We can see the results in just a few days. If we win in the end, are these villagers who dare to murder the old village head not afraid of our revenge?"

According to Xiao Yang Jian, Chu Yun has made the truth so simple. As long as the villagers are not stupid, they should know how to do it. Even if they have evil intentions, they should wait seven days to see who wins and who loses between Chu Yun and Heihu mountain.

"No... disciple, you have entered a very big misunderstanding."

Chu Yun shook his head, then smiled and said, "being a teacher is to take this opportunity to teach you a very important lesson, that is, don't be invariable, use your own way of thinking and put it into other people's choices.

People who stand in different positions often make different reactions and choices when facing the same thing and the same truth.

The three views of people are different. One thing that seems reasonable to you may be completely opposite in the eyes of others.

Let's take the killing of the old village head as an example. The teacher gave the villagers a choice and asked them to see the results between us and black tiger mountain in seven days.

In your opinion, this matter is very reasonable, because you are a reasonable person, and in this matter, you stand from the perspective of a bystander.

It is not certain how people in the Bureau will look at this problem.

Take the villagers of Quanyong village for example. Their growth environment is very different from yours. Those young people in their twenties often live in the shadow of the rule of black tiger mountain from the beginning of their memory. This long growth experience is enough to create a deep-rooted concept for them.

That is - Black Tiger Mountain is undoubtedly the uncrowned king in the black cloud mountain range. Even if the government is the largest in the outside world, when it comes to the black cloud mountain range, black tiger mountain is the Immortal King.

In this case, if you are a villager of Heihu mountain and suddenly two foreigners come and say they are here to suppress bandits and eradicate Heihu mountain, would you be willing to believe them? That is tantamount to challenging the villagers' deep-rooted cognition.

Therefore, those villagers who are willing to take refuge in Heihu mountain will not think that our teachers and disciples have the ability to eliminate the bandits in Heihu mountain.

So for them, the balance of this choice is completely unbalanced, which has become... The choice of delivering the name certificate in seven days and now.

In that case, naturally, the faster the investment certificate is sent out, the better. If it is late, it may be preempted by other people with the same thoughts. "


After hearing this, Xiao Yang Jian felt very heavy and breathed a little hurriedly. He said, "why did they do this? Aren't they afraid that we really won? What if? "

"As you said, it's just in case. For those villagers, it's a very small probability. Of course, I don't think they didn't think of this possibility at all, but I'm afraid they don't really care."

Chu Yun shook his head.

"Why don't you care? I just killed many people outside the village. Aren't they afraid of me? "

Xiao Yang Jian felt a little difficult to understand. After all, even if he was precocious, he was only an eight or nine year old child. He had never seen such a mountain villager or dealt with such a person before.

"This involves another deeper problem."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "that is, they are afraid of you, but they are more afraid of the bandits in Heihu mountain. Because although you all kill people, you kill people with reason, and the bandits in Heihu mountain are often unreasonable.

For these mountain villagers, they have made a wrong choice. They can cheat with reasonable people in exchange for opportunities. If they are put in front of the bandits in black tiger mountain, they won't even dare to fart.

Therefore, even if we win seven days later, and these villagers kill the old village head, they will not necessarily die in front of us, because they can cheat, cry, make trouble and beg for mercy.

If they don't do anything after seven days and Heihu mountain wins, if they want to send up the investment certificate at this time, the effect will be much weaker. People in Heihu mountain may also take the opportunity to say that they don't trust Heihu mountain, and then kill them, which is also very possible.

The two evils have the right to take the lesser. Under such a trade-off, those villagers who are moved to kill will certainly kill the old village head. They can't wait for a moment. "

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