On the way back to Jinxia City, the master and apprentice walked slowly.

On the one hand, Chu Yun wanted to let Xiao Yang Jian know more about the limitless skill and strive to master it as soon as possible. On the other hand, he also wanted to eliminate the mountain bandits in the heiyun mountains along the way.

Although master and apprentice Chu Yun suppressed bandits all the way and destroyed all the strongholds under the command of Heihu mountain, there are still many mountain bandits hiding in scattered mountain villages.

Chu Yun will not deliberately do this kind of tail clearing action, but he will not let go as long as he meets it.

"Thank you so much, great Xia..."

Baiyue village, in front of the village entrance.

A middle-aged man with one arm looked at Chu Yun and his disciples with great gratitude. Behind him were the bodies of several mountain bandits in Baiyue village, lying on the ground.

Since the destruction of Heihu mountain, the news has gradually spread. Master and apprentice Chu Yun will tell the news every time they go to a village and clean up all the local mountain bandits.


Chu Yun smiled faintly, nodded to the one armed village head and said, "if you encounter mountain bandits again, you can go to Jinxia city and tell the government. Now the black tiger mountain has been broken, and these mountain bandits are like a rootless Ping. They can't make a comeback."


The one armed village head nodded again and again. Suddenly he remembered something and said, "great Xia, I suddenly remembered something. I don't know what to say..."

"Go ahead."

Chu Yun nodded.

"Just the night before yesterday, when I got up, I passed the wine cellar in the village. Vaguely, I seemed to see a figure with a half person high box on my back. At a glance, the man's face was a bit like the seven masters of Heihu mountain and the divine thief!"

The one armed village head recalled carefully and said.


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "are you sure it's him?"

"Not sure..."

The one armed village head smiled twice and said, "I've seen a big man like that from a distance before. I'm not very familiar. It was dark that night... But it's really similar."

Chu Yun heard the speech and thought carefully. The night before yesterday was indeed the day before the collapse of Heihu mountain. According to the time calculation, the seven headed Shenxing thieves stole the important things of the military division at that time, and then Heihu mountain was destroyed by themselves.

"Where did he go?"

Chu Yun asked.

"Go that way..."

The one armed village head raised his hand and pointed to the East, where Jinxia city was located. He said, "I just took a vague look at it at that time. When I caught a glimpse, the figure left with a box in his left hand and a jar of wine in his right hand. I don't know where he is now."


Chu Yun nodded. After thinking for a while, he said, "can you take me to your wine cellar?"

"Of course."

The one armed village head was stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled and nodded, walked ahead to lead the way, and returned to Baiyue village with Chu Yun and his disciples.

When he came to the door of the wine cellar, the one armed village head pointed to the broken lock and said, "this is the big copper lock that locks the wine cellar. When the figure left, it split and fell on the ground. It hasn't been replaced."

Chu Yun went forward, picked up the lock, put it in his hand and observed it carefully. He found that the fracture was very flat and was neatly cut by people with spiritual power. It was difficult to have this fine control without the cultivation of more than 10000 stones.

"Master, could it be him?"

Xiao Yang Jian asked softly.

"It's possible."

Chu Yun nodded, threw the lock on the ground and said, "the time is right. He has a big box in his hand, and it's right. If he wants to break the lock so easily, it's difficult without cultivation above 10000 stone territory. To sum up, it's likely to be the God walking thief of the seven masters who escaped."

"Before his death, the military Master said that the seven headed Shenxing thieves stole a very important thing!"

Xiao Yang Jian reminded.

Chu Yun smiled and said, "although I know where he is going, it's too long to catch up."

Then he looked to the East and said, "that's the direction of Jinxia city. After stealing the treasure, even if he didn't leave Daming mansion quickly, he went in the direction of Jinxia city. It's really unpredictable. What did he think in his heart? Maybe there's something hidden in it."

Later, the two masters and disciples left Baiyue village and continued to move towards Jinxia city in the East. With the clue of the seven headed Shenxing thieves, Chu Yun paid more attention to the surrounding environment when he set out again, but basically found nothing.


That's normal.

After all, the field is so big that it's hard to track anything just knowing the direction.

After the Shenxing thief made a big mistake, he was hiding and didn't want to be found. How could he leave any particularly obvious traces?

The two of them passed through a forest. They were supposed to pass directly through the nearby stream, but suddenly Chu Yun felt something and frowned immediately.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yang asked.

Chu Yun slowly took a breath and said, "the spiritual power environment in this area is very strange. It seems that he has experienced extremely violent fluctuations not long ago. The spiritual power in the air is thick and thin for a while, showing an irregular mass silt shape, which is very abnormal."

Xiao Yang Jian had just entered the critical state. His perception of spiritual power was far less profound than that of Chu Yunlai. He just felt that everything around him was normal and nothing different. But after listening to master's words, he said, "what does this mean, master?"

"This means that not long ago, there have been extremely violent spiritual power fluctuations and even explosions here, the magnitude of which is almost equal to the full blow of the strong in Nirvana!"

Chu Yun said cautiously, "only experts at this level can stir the spiritual power of heaven and earth so violently. However, it doesn't seem like any experts are fighting, because although the spiritual power fluctuation is complex, there is no sharpness..."

As he said this, Chu Yun was also curious. He vaguely felt that this might be related to the fish that escaped from the net in Heihu mountain and the Shenxing thief who was in charge of the seven families.

"You follow me. If you encounter any master, open the door of space at any time and hide in the space of the medicine garden. If you fight with the strong in Nirvana, I can't take care of you."

Chu Yun said.

"OK, master!"

Xiao Yang Jian nodded, but soon realized that Chu Yun meant that even the master of Nirvana could touch him

It's ridiculous, master. He's just a cultivation in the mountain and sea

Xiao Yang Jian thought with both shock and admiration in his heart, and slowly followed Chu Yun to explore the past in the woods ahead.

I can't see anything from the outside.

As soon as he walked in, Chu Yun found that the forest had just experienced a huge spiritual impact.

In short, it's an explosion.

A pure explosion was triggered by the powerful spiritual power core. The chaotic spiritual power sputtered far around. The intensity of the explosion was equivalent to the full blow of the strong in Nirvana.

The more you go to the center of the explosion, the more the surrounding environment is damaged. At first, only trees are planted. At the middle part, there are few left. Only fresh stumps remain on the ground, and the fracture seems to be broken one by one.

Walking forward, we entered an absolute vacuum. The ground sank slowly. Even the broken tree stumps could not be seen, leaving only a piece of bare land.

"Is this the power level of the strong in Nirvana..."

Xiao Yang Jian followed his master all the way and was greatly shaken in his heart. He had just broken through the critical situation recently, and his strength had made great progress. He broke a tree with one punch and had no problem at all.

But now, seeing this scene of thousands of miles of bare land, little Yang Jian can't help but be frightened. The gap is so big that it's boundless!


The master and apprentice found out.

On the ground ahead, in the uneven mound, they found a broken hand.

Chu Yun stepped forward and touched it. The broken hand turned into fine fibers and scattered into a pile of powder on the spot. When the wind blew, it was everywhere.

"Master, what's going on..."

Xiao Yang Jian said in surprise.

"The owner of this hand should be at the center of this spiritual power explosion. He is directly carbonized by the violent spiritual power impact. His body is like burning black charcoal, which will break into slag when touched."

Chu Yun said, slowly took a breath and said, "the power of the explosion is stronger than I thought, but I can also vaguely feel that the spiritual power contained in it is not pure, as if there is a trace of other things besides spiritual power, like... Evil spirit!"

Then they went on and finally came to the deepest part of the pit, which was the center of the explosion.

I saw

There was nothing there except a box made of black spar.

The lid of the box was opened.

Chu Yun made a gesture and asked Xiao Yang Jian to stand still, ready to open the door of space and leave at any time.

And he himself, with a cautious step, walked towards the box.

His eyes looked inward and he was surprised.

Because the half man tall box is not filled with objects, but

A little white fox!

The soft and fluffy body curled up together, the fox tail was close to the front of the nose, the whole body became a circle, the abdomen fluctuated slightly, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

To be honest, this scene looks very beautiful. The little fox is very cute. It makes people feel the urge to rub it twice.


The location of its appearance is too difficult to ignore.

In the center of such an explosion, the sweeter the little fox sleeps, the more strange it emits.

"Master, what is it?"

Yang Jian asked carefully.

"A little fox."

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders, showed a strange smile on his face and said, "no wonder I just noticed that there was a trace of evil in the spiritual power. It turned out that it was the little fox. What the seven headed Shenxing thieves stole from the military division was actually the fox?"

This is a little confusing.


Think about it carefully, but the little fox was safe at the center of the explosion. Does that mean that the explosion was caused by the little fox himself? Is it the source of the explosion?

Chu Yun touched his chin and thought carefully. He found it very possible. Then he went forward and observed the box made of black spar.

I saw that there were array lines engraved at the bottom and around the box. It was obvious that the box itself was a self operating array. The specific effect could not be seen, but it was estimated that it was to lock the little fox.

At this time, the strong wind over the woods scattered the thick clouds overhead, and a ray of golden sunshine shone through the clouds into the deep pit and fell into the box.

The sound of something breaking sounded in the air. The spiritual power in the array seemed to reach a broken node, and then it was unsustainable.

Chu Yun took a look. Although he was surprised by the timing, it was understandable. After all, the lid of the spar box was not fastened. It would be strange if the array could continue to operate all the time.

After losing the suppression of the box array, the body shape of the little white fox sleeping in the box suddenly changed. The body shape slowly became larger and longer

"Master, she has become a human!"

Xiao Yang Kai opened his mouth in surprise. He saw the demonization for the first time, and was greatly impacted in his heart.

Just under his gaze, the body shape of the little white fox slowly turned into the image of a little girl. From the appearance alone, it was only 14 or 15 years old at most. It was very cute.


Chu Yun's eyebrows, however, remained tight and tight.

Because, for the demon family, only when the cultivation reaches the fourth level, that is, when it is comparable to the human mountain and sea, can it be transformed. The smell of this little fox is very weak, at best, it is only the second level to the third level. The demon body is also completely in the state of infancy. Why can it be transformed?

Moreover, the big bang just now was obviously caused by the little white fox. What's going on?

Between these doubts

The fox shaped little girl's eyelashes trembled twice, and then she slowly opened them, revealing a pair of blank eyes.

She put her small hand in the box, put her head out of the black spar box, looked around, and then saw Chu Yun and Xiao Yang Jian standing aside.

"Who are you..."

The little fox tilted his head and looked confused and confused in his eyes.

Chu Yun hasn't spoken yet.

The little fox tilted his head again, and his expression became more confused. He raised his two small hands, touched his cheeks on both sides, and slowly asked: "... Who am I?"

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