After entering the door, a young man sitting behind a heavy desk looked up at Chu Yun, then continued to sit at the desk and deal with the documents on the desk. Without raising his head, he asked, "what are you doing?"

"Apply for union qualification."

Chu Yun said.


The young official was stunned and looked up at Chu Yun. He seemed to care about it.

Chu Yun continued: "Beicheng District, the uneven building on Beichen street."


The young official put down his brush, looked at Chu Yun and said, "if I remember correctly, that application has been rejected by the superior. What else are you doing?"

When Chu Yun heard this, he knew that there were already people above staring at the uneven building in the command house.

So he smiled faintly and said, "go find your immediate boss. I'm here on behalf of his highness Zhao Qianli, the prince of Beichen mansion."

When the voice fell, the young official frowned and pondered several times to say something, but he stood up silently and left behind the reception room.

Not long after, he turned back and said, "the director wants you to go to his study."

"Oh, director of the supervision department..."

Chu Yun nodded, but he was a figure with some weight.

So he stood up and followed the young official to the depths of the supervision department. Outside a luxurious study, the young official gently knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and whispered, "director, people have brought you."


A faint sound came from inside.


With a flattering smile on his face, the young official nodded, then turned his head and looked at Chu Yun. His expression suddenly became lighter and more serious. The speed of changing his face and the nature of his look were amazing.

"Go in. The director is waiting for you inside."

With that, the young official turned and left.

Chu Yun took a look at the man's back, then pushed the door and walked into the study.

The first thing to see is a huge French window. The whole wall is made of crystal clear crystal glass wall. The sun is abundant and shines directly into the gate.

Chu Yun stepped in and saw a middle-aged man with extraordinary bearing who had obviously been in a high position for a long time. He was sitting behind a large desk, fiddling with a pot of green plants on the table. Seeing Chu Yun coming in, he didn't stop cutting branches and leaves, and continued to fiddle with his own affairs.

"Director Zhou Yuan, right?"

Chu Yun stepped forward.

Zhou Yuan glanced at Chu Yun and said, "from king Qi's house? It's very strange, little brother. "

Zhou Yuan knew from the beginning that the uneven building applied for trade union qualification. It was also his veto instruction that asked his officials to set up cards on the road.

But after his highness ate several times, he didn't have much ability. According to Zhou Yuan's idea, he should sue Prince Qi's house and let the prince of Chengde help him out.


Obviously, Zhou Yuan's guess was wrong.

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "I'm here today as the Deputy landlord of the uneven building, not from the prince Qi's house."

"... oh?"

Zhou Yuan's eyebrows picked. Hearing this, he couldn't help laughing and said, "it seems that the prince of Chengde doesn't support his Highness's misdeeds in the outer city."

As soon as this was said, the sarcastic and playful smile was very obvious.

Chu Yun glanced at him. From this, he knew that the resentment between Zhao Qianli and the command house seemed very deep. At least the other party didn't even have the idea of covering up. He just made it clear that he didn't want to give you the qualification of a trade union.

After a pause, Chu Yun asked, "I don't want to know the reason why you get the trade union qualification of uneven buildings. However, I want to ask director Zhou, do you know what we do in uneven buildings?"

"Accompany your highness to have a family?"

Zhou Yuan disdained to smile.

Chu Yun looked at him calmly and said, "the uneven building is dedicated to leveling the injustice. Maybe director Zhou hasn't received the news. Just two days ago, the bandits of heiyun mountain, Heihu mountain, have been wiped out."

"... what did you say?"

When Zhou Yuan heard the speech, the smiling expression on his face suddenly changed. It was not simply earthquake shock. There was also a trace of consternation and unexpected fear.

Although it was only a very subtle emotion and soon covered up the past, Chu Yun keenly noticed it and had a spectrum in his heart.

"Tomorrow at the latest, the news of the destruction of Heihu mountain will spread all over Jinxia city. Coincidentally, on the headquarters of Heihu mountain, I found many unusual things in the study room of yunzhonglong, the head of the family. Some of them are related to the command house."

Chu Yun said with a smile on his face. He looked at Zhou Yuan with pondering eyes and said, "I have to say that many adults in the command house write very well."


Zhou Yuan's face sank completely, frowned several times and said, "what do you mean by these?"

"It's not interesting. I just want director Zhou to know something."

Chu Yun said faintly.

In fact, Chu Yun didn't know who wrote the pile of secret letters found in Heihu mountain, but he could guess with his toes that it must be those officials in Jinxia city who secretly snitched for selfish ends.

Therefore, Chu Yuncai killed the mouse by touching the blind cat. He raised such a mouth in front of Zhou Yuan and observed Zhou Yuan's reaction. As a result, he found that Zhou Yuan had a great reaction to the extermination of black tiger mountain.

Ordinary officials are certainly shocked when they hear this news, but... They will never be frightened because they have no interest in the suppression of the bandits.

However, Zhou Yuan was different. When he heard that Chu Yun had destroyed Heihu mountain and found something unusual, his heart beat faster and cold sweat had come down.

This makes it clear that there is a ghost in my heart.

If none of those secret letters were written by Lord Zhou Yuan, Chu Yun would not believe it.

"What the hell do you mean?!"

Zhou Yuan breathed slightly and stood up with his hands on the table. He could no longer see the sound and smile on his face. Instead, he felt an urgent sense of urgency. It seemed that if he didn't get a definite answer from Chu Yun, he would be unable to sleep tonight.

"At the latest tonight, I want to see the application qualification of the trade union of uneven buildings passed, otherwise..."

Chu Yun said, hem smiled twice and didn't go on, but the intention of threat was very obvious. After saying this, he turned and walked outside the study.

"... you stop!"

Zhou Yuan stared. If he didn't ask clearly at this time, where would he dare to let Chu Yun leave?

Adultery with black tiger mountain bandits and sell intelligence to make money.

This kind of thing is not only done by one person in the command house. Many times, it has almost become an unspoken rule. However, this does not mean that this kind of thing can be allowed.

Apart from others, the six Route Army is responsible for suppressing bandits. They often suppress bandits and return disappointed. They have long hated the traitors who leaked the secret. If Chu Yun poked out who wrote the secret letter, the people of the six Route Army will be the first to pull them out and cut them.


At the moment, Zhou Yuan, thinking of the terrible consequences, was already angry from his heart. He looked at Chu Yun's figure pushing the door and ready to go out. The spiritual power around him shook violently, so he had to make a bold move.

He won't kill Chu Yun, but he must control Chu Yun and ask about the situation. Otherwise, not only him, but many people in the command house will have trouble sleeping and eating.


At the moment when Zhou Yuan was ready to start, Chu Yun's figure suddenly disappeared from the door.

"... what?! Where have you been! "

As soon as Zhou Yuan's face changed, his first reaction was that Chu Yun had tried to escape and was about to catch up.

However, at the next moment, a big hand was close to his abdomen and pressed on the position of Dantian Ren pulse. The spiritual power penetrated into it and sealed Zhou Yuan's cultivation in an instant.

Once again, Zhou Yuan looked up in amazement and saw Chu Yun appear beside him, and a finger pointed at the key of his temple.

Suddenly, Zhou Yuan was so frightened that he didn't dare to move. With his cultivation being sealed, Chu Yun could directly penetrate his temple and run through his head with just a hint.

"Just talk about things. Why do you want to do it?"

Chu Yun's voice was cold and asked faintly.


Zhou Yuan's forehead was in a cold sweat. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun's strength was so terrible and so strange. His peak cultivation in mountain and sea was directly controlled by Chu Yun without fighting back. Even his life was pinched by the other party.

Chu Yun saw that he was scared like this, and his voice was even colder. He said, "do you know that I have a habit. Anyone who tries to attack me from behind me will eventually be killed by me?"

"No, no..."

Zhou Yuan softened and whispered, "brother, don't be impulsive. This is the headquarters of the imperial palace. You kill people here. No one can protect you!"

"Then you have to keep me, don't you?"

Chu Yun still sneers.

After a pause, he said: "moreover, if I poke it out, will you or me be the first unlucky person?"

As soon as he said this, Zhou Yuan felt black in front of him. He suddenly realized that he had been eaten by Chu Yun. He didn't even have room to resist.

His own life is pinched in the other party's hands, and his handle is pinched in the other party's hands. Whether he wants to kill him or ruin him, it is between Chu Yun's thoughts.

Zhou Yuan, who has been involved in Jinxia city's Officialdom for so many years, naturally knows the current affairs. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, then slowly opened his eyes and said, "brother, what's your plot? Just tell me, I'll help you if I can help you. If I can't, I'll help you if I can!"


Chu Yun smiled, pointed to Zhou Yuan's finger on his temple, slid down his cheek, patted Zhou Yuan on the shoulder and said, "director Zhou is a sensible and happy person."

Zhou Yuan smiled twice and saw Chu Yun loosen him, but the seal in his Dantian had not been untied. His cultivation couldn't play. He immediately sighed and sat back in his chair.

Chu Yun slowly and leisurely came to the opposite side of the table, reached out and picked up the pot of green plants on Zhou Yuan's table, fiddled and watched it at will, and said, "tell me, why don't you let the trade union qualification of the uneven building pass? Is this what you mean, or is it what others mean? "

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