Zhou Yuan followed Zheng Er to the door of Zheng Yuheng's study, with a very complicated look on his face.

In the command house, there are more than a dozen departments, large and small, who have different positions because of the different things they manage.

However, no matter how high or low the ranking, the position of the supervision department can not fall into the top three.

As the chief director of the Department, Zhou Yuan was summoned by a deputy director. He had to come here quickly and didn't dare to neglect

To be honest, what is it?


The two pushed the door in, but Zhou Yuan quickly put away the complex look on his face and turned it into a kind face with a trace of flattery.

"Deputy director Zheng, what can I do for you?"

Zhou Yuan asked with a smile.

Zheng Yuheng looked at Zhou Yuan and smiled. He stretched out his hand and made a sign to ask him to sit down. Zheng Er hurriedly pulled a chair for him to sit down.

After Zhou Yuan took his seat, Zheng Yuheng asked with a smile, "director Zhou, I asked you to come. I have something to entrust."

"Deputy director Zheng, please say."

Zhou Yuan had a positive face. On the surface, he didn't know anything, but in fact, he already knew what it was in his heart.

After all... The story that the uneven building destroyed the black tiger mountain has spread in Jinxia city. Zheng Yuheng asked him to come here at this time. There is no other possibility except this.

Sure enough, as soon as Zheng Yuheng spoke, he was straight to the point: "there is a rumor in Jinxia city today that the bandits in the heiyun mountains were leveled by a force named uneven building. Can director Zhou know about it?"

"I've heard a little."

Zhou Yuan nodded and showed a look of indifference.

"This uneven building is a new force in Jinxia city. If you want to be recognized by the government, you need director Zhou to nod..."

Zheng Yuheng smiled faintly.

Zhou Yuan pretended to be a fool and said, "well, according to the meaning of deputy director Zheng?"

"Stop its application. Even if the prince Qi's residence sends someone to come, don't let go easily. If someone puts pressure on you, come to me."

Zheng Yuheng said.


Zhou Yuan seemed a little surprised and continued to pretend to be a fool: "is there any connection between the uneven building and the prince Qi's residence?"

Seeing that he didn't understand anything, Zheng Yuheng could only patiently explain: "the uneven building is something made by Zhao Qianli, the second son of Prince Qi's house."

"I see..."

Zhou Yuan made a sudden appearance and patted his head: "I understand the meaning of deputy director Zheng."

Then he looked at Zheng Er on standby and said, "go to the supervision department, call Sun long and let him check the situation of the uneven building."


Zheng Er nodded and walked out of the study. After he left, Zheng Yuheng smiled and poured Zhou Yuan a cup of tea.

"You're welcome, deputy director Zheng. You're too polite..."

Zhou Yuan had a flattered smile on his face. The smile was charming.

In the study, the two people drink fragrant tea, and the atmosphere is happy.

Usually Zheng Yuheng's eyes are higher than the top, and no one looks up to him in the command house. But now it's always bad to ask others to do things. He should always be polite.

But unexpectedly, under Zhou Yuan's flattered face, what was hidden was a sneering heart.

After a while, Zheng Er came back with a shadow. It was Sun long of the supervision department.

Zhou Yuan turned to look at Sun long and cleared his throat. The shelf had been put up and said, "have you figured out what I asked you to check? Have you ever come to our supervision department to apply for qualification? "


Sun long nodded, then handed over a document record and said, "according to the record, the uneven building applied for the registration qualification of the guild for the first time five days ago. According to the usual practice, it was brushed down. Only the next day, the uneven building submitted its application and was passed soon."

"What, five days ago... No, four days ago?"

Zhou Yuan was very stunned, frowned and said, "what do you eat? I've already made rules for you. No matter what the registration qualification is, you have to pass the card for more than ten days and submit it to my desk. How can this uneven building pass after two days? "

With a cold sweat on his face, Sun long said: "it should be... It should be that his clerks were blocked, so special things were done..."


Zhou Yuan was immediately furious. He suddenly got up, pointed to sun long's nose and said angrily, "who did this? Get him out of here now! You bastards are getting bolder and bolder. You dare to do this under the eyes of the director. Do you really think I'm blind? "

A furious reprimand made the sun long's head unable to lift up.

On the other side, Zheng Yuheng's face became cold in an instant.

"Deputy director Zheng, look at this..."

Zhou Yuan sighed, then gnashing his teeth and said, "those damn bastards dare to make any money. Don't worry, I will investigate this matter clearly and will never let it go easily!"

"That's all."

Zheng Yuheng shook his head coldly. For him, the only purpose is to block the neck of the uneven building and make their trade union application qualification fail. Now that the trade union qualification has passed, the supervision department is useless.

He waved his hand and said, "director Zhou, please come back."

"Well, I won't bother much."

Zhou Yuan sighed, as if he was very disappointed that he could not share Zheng Yuheng's worries. Then he stared at Sun long angrily and said, "why don't you go quickly? It's a shame to me that success is not enough and failure is more than enough! "


Sun long immediately lowered his head and left Zheng Yuheng's study with Zhou Yuan.

After they left, they were on their way back to the supervision department.

"Well done."

Zhou Yuan nodded to sun long, patted Sun long on the shoulder and said, where is there half anger in his expression and tone?

In fact, this is just a play played by the two together for Zheng Yuheng.

Chu Yun came to the door with a handle and asked Zhou Yuan to pass the audit of the uneven building. This must be done, but the problem is that it is difficult to solve from beginning to end. In order to smooth out those situations that may be noticed, Zhou Yuan even took several officials of the supervision department who knew about the matter and tampered with the archives and records in the supervision department.

"Brother in law, I'm afraid it's not good for us to deceive deputy director Zheng..."

Sun long hesitated and said, "I'm the prince of our command house. I'm going to be the head of the command house in the future. You..."

Before he finished, Zhou Yuan stared at him and said, "it's not something you should worry about, so don't worry about it."


Sun long nodded and had to hide his doubts in his stomach.

As Zhou Yuan's brother-in-law, he is also Zhou Yuan's most loyal confidant in the supervision department. He is usually qualified to make some suggestions to Zhou Yuan, but he can only make suggestions. Zhou Yuan has to make decisions by himself.

After reprimanding his brother-in-law, Zhou Yuan sighed in his heart as he walked to the supervision department. If Chu Yun hadn't held the fatal handle in his hand, how could he disobey the prince Zheng Yuheng?

However, the matter has come to this point, and he has no way back. He can only go one way to the dark.


On the other side, in Zheng Yuheng's study.

After Zhou Yuan and sun long left, Zheng Yuheng's face was not very good-looking.

In his opinion, it can almost be seen as a fatal means to clamp Zhao Qianli's neck.

Without the trade union qualification certification, uneven buildings belong to forces that are not recognized by the law and can also be regarded as Jianghu forces. In the Tianji Dynasty, the government has the right to take action against Jianghu forces at any time. Those more positive Jianghu forces can turn a blind eye. However, if they are Jianghu forces that have touched the bad luck, the government will go up and wipe them out directly, No one can pick out any problems.

Therefore, as long as the trade union is not qualified, Zheng Yuheng can take people to copy the uneven building at any time.

But now

This plan, however, has completely failed.

"It's just a mole ant. You're lucky to slip through my young master's fingers this time, but as long as I seize the opportunity next time, you'll be finished if I run over you..."

Zheng Yuheng sneered.

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