"You have made a good friend."

After a long silence, Zhao Yunteng spoke slowly, with a trace of envy in his tone.

Just a few days of acquaintance, you can give such an important thing to others for nothing. Anyone who sees such a character has to give a thumbs up.

And the second brother, he has such a good friend, is undoubtedly a very enviable thing.

"He is a good brother."

Zhao Qianli smiled. He looked at Zhao Yunteng and said, "this complete record of Tiantu array is not only excellent in its own value, but more importantly, it gives me hope. Brother, you know, I have the talent of array mages, but I can't join the array mage guild and get high-quality array maps. Now, this complete record of Tiantu array given to me by Chu Yun, Let me have a new future. "

Zhao Yunteng nodded, patted Zhao Qianli on the shoulder and said, "I'll tell my father about this when I go back. If you need any array materials in the future, just make a list and send it back to Prince Qi's residence. We will fully support you."

The voice fell. Zhao Qianli was moved in his heart, but he didn't have to say anything in words. He just held Zhao Yunteng's big hand and nodded heavily.

Later, the brothers talked about many things, including Prince Qi's residence and Prince Chengde. The answers from Zhao Yunteng were reassuring.

"By the way, in a few days, the array master invited by the master Zheng Tianyang from the array mage guild in the capital will soon come to Jinxia city. As a rule, a welcome party will be held in Jinxia city. Large and small forces in the city, but those who want to enter the ruins can't be absent."

Zhao Yunteng thought about it, looked at Zhao Qianli and asked, "second brother, are you going?"


Zhao Qianli fell into a brief silence when he heard the speech, and a strange look appeared on his face.

Zhao Yunteng waited quietly without urging.

He knew that this gathering place was a scar that Zhao Qianli didn't want to touch, because many people would come on the day of the welcome meeting.

Zheng Yuheng will come, the miss of the Xu family will come, and everyone who witnessed it will come

Zhao Qianli has been in the outer city for the past three years. He hasn't even gone back to the palace. A large part of the reason is that he doesn't want to see people and things related to it again.

And now

Will Zhao Qianli promise?


Zhao Qianli took a deep breath and nodded to his eldest brother.

This answer surprised Zhao Yunteng because he was ready to be rejected, but unexpectedly, Zhao Qianli decided to go and face his once bleak history.

"I am no longer the person I was three years ago. At that time, I thought that strength and cultivation were everything. Without strength and talent, I would be worthless and worthless waste. But now, I won't think like that... "

Zhao Qianli shook his head, raised his arms and turned around on the top floor of the uneven building. When he looked at Zhao Yunteng again, he showed a calm smile on his face and said, "brother, you can see that what I'm doing has helped many people. My idea is no longer the only way to practice martial arts."

The voice fell. Zhao Yunteng sighed. He came forward, looked at Zhao Qianli seriously and said, "father, if he hears what you said, he will be very happy."


Zhao Qianli smiled and then added, "moreover, my good brother said that he wanted to go to the ruins. In that case, the welcome party must go."

Zhao Yunteng laughed at the speech, shook his head and said, "I don't know which is the main reason why you decided to go..."

"All the same."

Zhao Qianli smiled slowly.


Chu Yun left the study with the old housekeeper and chatted while walking.

"It seems that the relationship between Qianli and his big brother is not bad."

Chu Yun said casually.

"It's good."

The old housekeeper nodded and said, "in his life, Prince Chengde has only three children, two sons and one daughter. Both the young master and the young master were born to his wife. They are one mother and compatriots. They are naturally close to each other, but... After giving birth to the young master, his wife was weak and died within two years. The prince loved his wife deeply, so he has been... Strict with the young master, The relationship between father and son is not very good. "

Chu Yun sighed when he heard the speech, because giving birth to a child led to his mother's weakness and death. This kind of thing can only be said to be a cruel tragedy, nor can it be said that who is right and who is wrong.

The Duke of Chengde loved his wife too much. Because of his wife's death, he had a little resentment against his youngest son, but it was understandable. But if he really said it, Zhao Qianli would be a little innocent.

After the old housekeeper left the uneven building, Chu Yun came to the second floor of the uneven building, attracted Bai Caixia and handed over the three petition letters that he triggered the system task.

"Call the people who wrote these three letters in turn, and I decided to accept their entrustment."

Chu Yun said.


Bai Caixia nodded, took the three letters, took a look at the name of the deliverer, and quickly walked out. Before long, she came in with one of them.

Chu Yun sat in the reception hall, picked up the teapot and poured himself a cup of tea. He looked up and saw the figure coming in. It was a thin little girl. Looking at her clothes, although she was not a poor family, she was just an ordinary family.

"Your name is Xu Yueyan, isn't it?"

Chu Yun asked.


Xu Yueyan nodded, looked at Chu Yun with two big eyes, took a deep breath and said, "I heard that here can help people solve problems and eliminate injustice, so I came."

"You're right."

Chu Yun also nodded and said, "well, you can say what trouble you have."

As the voice dropped, Xu Yueyan's tight little face suddenly felt uncontrollable. After taking a few deep breaths, she calmed her mood and said, "my sister was defiled by a group of animals. I know who they are. The leader is the son of the president's family of Dongfeng chamber of Commerce in Xicheng District. My father invited the people of the government to decide, and the people of the government only let them lose money, We don't want his money, we want justice! "

As she said this, Xu Yueyan's eyes turned red, her two slender hands clenched into fists and sobbed, "sister, she... Couldn't stand this humiliation three days ago and threw herself into the river..."


Bai Caixia listened, and her eyes soon turned sour and red. She felt sympathy and sadness for the experience of the Xu sisters. At the same time, she couldn't help looking at Chu Yun with her expected eyes, hoping that Chu Yun could preside over justice for her.

After hearing this, Chu Yun paused, nodded and said, "I'll take this entrustment. Go home and wait. Those people will be punished for up to three days."

"... thank you."

Xu Yueyan wiped away her tears with her sleeve and made a deep bow to Chu Yun. Then, led by Bai Caixia, she turned and went out.

Before long, Bai Caixia came in with the second person.

"My name is Zhang Ji. I'm the young leader of the Zhang family in Nancheng district. Once, I was gifted in martial arts, but in the past three years, my Qi and blood have been falling, and my cultivation has become more and more difficult..."

Hearing this opening remark, Chu Yun was surprised. How could he be so familiar?

Then, Zhang Ji continued to say, "in the early years, the power of our Zhang family was still relatively large. We had a good cooperative relationship with the Li family, another family in Nancheng district. The grandparents of both sides had a close relationship, and even made a baby marriage, which was my engagement with Li Yanran.


More than ten years ago, the Li family suffered an attack. We Zhangjia went to support. As a result, the casualties were heavy. Zhangjia's power was shrinking. Today, the river is declining and declining.

The development of the Li family is booming. Now they have stepped into the inner city with one foot. They don't look at us at all.

In those days, they were willing to maintain the engagement for the sake of my good talent, but now, my blood has fallen and the future of martial arts is slim. The Li family plans to break the engagement! "


Hearing this, Chu Yun's body shook slightly. He couldn't help but be awed and asked tentatively, "did you say a word to them?"

"What do you say?"

Zhang Ji was stunned and didn't understand his meaning.

Chu Yun cleared his throat and said, "thirty years east and thirty years West, don't bully the young poor!"


Zhang Ji's body trembled, and there seemed to be a silent flame in his eyes, which was burning again. He muttered to himself, "don't deceive the young man into being poor... Don't deceive the young man into being poor... Well said, well said! Don't deceive a young man into being poor... "

Chu Yun saw him like this, but his heart was full of strange and complex meaning.

This guy's experience, both visual sense is really too strong.

A young man who once had a good talent, now his cultivation fell, and then his fiancee withdrew

Darling, aren't you the man who wants to break the sky?

After Chu Yun made a mistake, Zhang Ji cleared his throat and continued: "in fact, I can understand the idea that the Li family wants to withdraw their marriage. To be honest, I don't like the Miss Li family very much, but what the Li family does is really not authentic.

His Li family is now on the rise, but our Zhangjia family is declining. The root cause is not that our Zhangjia ancestors helped his Li family block the enemy's attack?

Up to now, my Zhang family didn't intend to get much light from him, but they were hit by the Li family. It's really a declining world and a bad heart.

The most extreme thing is that we Zhangjia have agreed to the request to withdraw our marriage. However, what was sent out by the proposal in those years is now required to be returned. Isn't it reasonable? We Zhangjia didn't even ask for compensation. We just wanted to get back the marriage proposal gifts we sent out at the beginning. The Li family insisted on refusing to agree. It's completely a mean to bully us Zhangjia by relying on our family's great cause. It's really hateful! "

Chu Yun heard the speech and felt that what the Li family did was immoral, smoking and damaging the home.

"What courtship gifts did you give?"

Chu Yun asked.

"Two veins outside the city."

Zhang Ji sighed and said, "in those years, the ancestors of our two families agreed to take these two mineral veins as betrothal gifts and marry a baby. Now the Li family despises us and wants to withdraw their marriage, but they refuse to return these two mineral veins. Do you think it's human?"

"Not really."

Chu Yun nodded. After understanding the value of the bride price, he asked, "have all the people who participated in this matter died?"


Zhang Ji nodded and said, "in the Li family, the former owner had excellent private relations with my father. He also advocated to continue the engagement before, but a few years ago, the old owner died, and after his death, all the Li family left behind were snobs who didn't talk about morality..."

"I see."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "I'll take this Commission."

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