Jinxiacheng, Xicheng District.

Dongfeng chamber of Commerce.

As a self-made businessman, Leishan rose from the very beginning and founded this noble chamber of Commerce step by step. Because of its brilliant means and fierce vision, Leishan is also called Thunder Tiger by peers in Xicheng District.

As a very contented person, Leishan has worked hard for most of his life and laid this family business for himself. To be satisfied, in fact, he is very satisfied.

After all, with the size of Dongfeng chamber of Commerce, it is also good in the outer urban area. Compared with the top, it is more than the bottom. At least compared with his origin, the life in front of him is something he dared not think of when he was young.


To say that there are also shortcomings, which are extremely important.

That's his son Lei Ming. It's really outrageous!

Leishan youth lost his wife. His wife died of illness a few years after giving birth to her son. Leishan also neglected to discipline the son she left behind, because when Lei Ming grew up, it was the most important period of his career struggle. He couldn't even squeeze out time to sleep every day. Where else can he discipline?

As a result, Lei Ming has been in the stage of being unmanaged in his childhood. In Lei's house, no one dares to manage the housekeepers and servants, and has developed a spoiled temperament.

When Lei Ming grew up, he became a dandy. He made some friends every day and went out to play.

Lei Shan knows his son's state well.

It's not that he didn't want to take care of it, but... When he had the energy to take care of it, Lei Ming was in his twenties and had already had his own idea. Where was it so easy to take care of?

Moreover, when Lei Ming really wanted to take care of it, he said nothing: "how many words have you said to me in the past 20 years after my mother died? Now I remember to take care of me. What have you done? "


It's too late.

Lei Shan felt both regret and guilt for his son.

After several times of hard and soft discipline, there was no effect. Up to now, Leishan almost gave up completely. Let him go. Anyway, his family background is enough for him to spend his life like this. Let him live this life carefree and worthy of his dead mother.

Lei Shan himself is already planning to go to a few more concubines and have several sons. The tuba has been abandoned, so he can only raise a few more small ones to cultivate well.

He was in his prime of life. When his younger son grew up, he could just take over the family business, so as not to let the eldest son lose all his family wealth.

Under the continuous connivance of Lei Shan, Lei Ming's deeds not only did not converge at all, but became more and more licentious. He was completely like he wanted to let himself go. It was okay to gamble with those evil friends before, but I don't know when he began to bully men and women.


Lei Shan sat in his study and looked out the window at the night. He couldn't help sighing.

I just heard that the woman who was defiled by his son and his friends threw herself into the river a few days ago.

Lei Shan was very hard to accept this. He never expected that his son would do such a thing one day and take turns to spoil a good family woman with several animals.

When this happened, Lei Shan immediately locked Lei Ming up and asked him to stay at home. No matter who pleaded, he didn't let go. At the same time, he went to the family surnamed Xu and brought 50000 liang of silver as an apology.


Although the family surnamed Xu is not a rich family, they are very backbone and refuse to accept his mediation. They have to sue the government and let his son pay the price.

To be honest, although Lei Shan also thinks that his son has gone too far and is inferior to animals, after all... This is his own son. How can he be a parent and have the heart to let his own flesh and blood go to jail?

Especially on the premise that Lei Shan himself has the ability to keep Lei Ming from going to jail, if he wants to do anything to destroy his family, that is the requirement for saints.

Therefore, Leishan used his business relationship for many years to let the Yamen block this matter. The Xu family made trouble for several days, but there was no result at all.

Originally, according to Leishan's own plan, he wanted to wait a few days, and then send the money after the Xu family accepted the result. In this way, the Xu family must be able to accept it.


Lei Shan never thought that the woman of the Xu family was so strong that she threw herself into the river and killed herself when she saw that there was no way to appeal.

As soon as people die, their nature is completely different. The woman of the Xu family immediately became seriously ill and was bedridden, and her husband also said that she would go to the end with them.

"This evil barrier is going to kill me!"

Lei Shan thought, the more he thought, the more angry he became. Then he slapped his anger on the table.

But after a while, he sighed again.

The newly married concubine is very successful alone and has been pregnant. Over the past few months, Lei Shan has been waiting for the birth of new children. He has been thinking about how to educate and cultivate them into talents in the future.

He thought about it. After walking through the blueprint for the future outlined in his mind, he suddenly found how failed and insufficient his eldest son Lei Ming's education was.

If I had been able to cultivate Lei Ming as I expected at the moment, the child would not be like this now.

At this point, Lei Shan feels a lot more indebted to Lei Ming. After being angry for a while, he sighs again. Anyway, it's his own son. He has to fill in the basket poked by his son.


Lei Shan took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: "after this event, anyway, we must put this evil obstacle on the right track. Otherwise, he will only poke a bigger basket in the future..."


At this time, a faint voice came from the back of the study.

Lei Shan's body was shocked and suddenly turned around. He saw a figure in white. He didn't know when he appeared in his study and said calmly, "because he has no future."


Lei Shan frowned. He felt extremely vigilant about the emergence of Chu Yun and said, "who are you?"

"I'm from an uneven building. Have you heard of it?"

Chu Yun smiled.

"Uneven building..."

Leishan's complexion sank. All day yesterday, Jinxia city was preaching that the uneven building had destroyed the black tiger mountain. Everyone knew it. How could he not know it?

It's just, why do people with uneven buildings find them

Is it

"Yes, that's what you think."

Chu Yun nodded and said, "I received a commission from the little girl of the Xu family."


As soon as he said this, Leishan's mouth twitched twice. He didn't know how to answer.

Even if he doesn't know what the uneven building is, the problem is, he knows.

The uneven building not only has the strength to destroy the black tiger mountain, but also is supported by Zhao Qianli, the second son of Prince Qi's residence. That's the top force in Jinxia city. It's a one sentence thing to want them to destroy Dongfeng chamber of Commerce.

"First, sir..."

Lei Shan took a deep breath, stood up from his chair, looked at Chu Yun very seriously and said, "dog, he already knows he's wrong, and I've taught him a lesson, and decided to discipline him severely in the future. For the Xu family, I'm going to spend a lot of money to compensate them. I can compensate them 50000... No, 100000! As long as they are willing to say a number, I will certainly try my best to meet their... "

"Not enough."

Chu Yun shook his head and said in an indisputable tone, "the big girl of the Xu family has committed suicide in the river. This is a living human life, which can only be filled with life."

The voice fell, and Lei Shan's face suddenly sank. If he faced an ordinary person, he would have turned his face at this time, but in the face of an uneven building, he could only suppress his anger.

"Sir, that's not what I said. I'm also deeply sorry and sad that the Xu family woman threw herself into the river, but... After all, she jumped down on her own initiative, not Lei Ming. Even if it's to be done according to law, Lei Ming's forcing people's women is just a crime of imprisonment. Why did he have to kill him? Such punishment is too heavy, and it doesn't make sense! "

When Chu Yun heard the speech, his eyes swept Leishan's face with Cold Ponder and said, "it's worthy of being a self-made businessman. This script has clearly taken the responsibility, but do you really think so in your heart?"


Lei Shan's heart sank, but his mouth was still hard.

Chu Yun smiled coldly and said, "if I had come three days ago, your little beast wouldn't have to die. It's just to be punished as a crime and sent to prison. But now, the big girl of the Xu family has been forced to death by your boss Lei's means. How could she commit suicide if she didn't ask for help?

What your little beast did, although it didn't directly push the big girl of the Xu family into the river, it pushed her to a more cruel hell, and you, as a father's accomplice, are also not innocent.

You should thank me. I'm a reasonable person. I can understand that as a father, it's very legitimate for you to keep your son, so you won't be held personally responsible, but

Your son must die.

I'm not discussing with you, but informing you. If you have different opinions, you can say, I'm listening. "


When the voice fell, Lei Shan's body trembled and sank into a chair.

He clenched his fists tightly, then loosened them powerlessly, and slowly closed his eyes. The situation was weaker than others. I was a man-made knife and a fish.

What can you say?

What dare you say

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