It can be seen that Li Zhengxiong is very reluctant.


No matter how reluctant, what should be handed over should still be handed over.

Although Chu Yun did not clearly threaten anything, Li Zhengxiong and the whole Li family could not bear the pressure of the mountain of Prince Qi's house alone.

In particular, the current situation is special. The name of uneven building has just started. After the elimination of black tiger mountain, it has no difference in its reputation in Jinxia city.

At this time, when the new official of the uneven building takes office and has great prestige, if he chooses to fight against the uneven building at this time, the latter will choose to fight.

But at that time, even if you think about it with your toes, Li Zhengxiong knew that their Li family must not be able to bear the loss, and the loss could not even be compared with the gain and loss of the two ore veins.

"Well, you finally made the right choice."

Chu Yun nodded.

Immediately, he didn't care how ugly Li Zhengxiong's face was. He just left a word and turned away.

"Return those two ore veins by tomorrow at the latest. After the deadline, I will come again."

After that, he went away.


the second day.

The early morning sun sprinkled warm sunshine into the house.

Chu Yun turned over and was not awakened by the sun, but awakened by the system prompt sound.


"Congratulations, task completed"

"Task rewards (three ground bait, ten spirit bait and thirty ordinary bait) have been distributed to your system space. Please pay attention to check."


The prompt sound fell, and Chu Yun slowly opened his eyes. He just felt that this day was so beautiful.

He glanced at his system space and found that there were five ground bait, 20 spirit bait and 50 ordinary bait lying quietly inside.

After Xu Bingyan's entrustment was completed yesterday, although the reward has also arrived, Chu Yun is not in a hurry to fish directly, but puts the reward together with the reward following the entrusted task.

In this way, the experience is naturally double happiness!

He went downstairs and came to the stream in the yard. After taking out the fishing rod, he put a ground bait and threw it directly into the stream.


"Congratulations, you have obtained a wind and thunder fan from the local spirit soldier"


The light flew into Chu Yun's hand and turned into a black and blue folding fan. Chu Yun reached out to catch it and unfolded it. He saw that the folding fan had two sides, with wind on the front and thunder on the back.

Chu Yun threw a fan in his hand. The wind force on the front of the folding fan rolled and moved. Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the courtyard. Then Chu Yun turned into another fan on the back.


In an instant, the thunder rolled, and from above the sky, thunder fell immediately, crackling and hitting the area in front of Chu Yun, blackening the ground.

Seeing this, Chu Yun nodded with great satisfaction. This ground product spirit soldier is not so much a weapon as a magic weapon.

Generally speaking, weapons are used in combination with fixed martial arts. For example, the spirit of the sword should cooperate with the martial arts of sword moves. Swords, guns, swords and halberds all have specific martial arts.

However, fans, especially folding fans, are very difficult to find. Therefore, the weapon itself has a strong ability.

For example, this wind and thunder fan can stir up strong winds on the front and thunder on the back. When it is stirred together, it has both wind and thunder, and its lethality is very strong.

And the most important thing is

It's really handsome!

Chu Yun held a folding fan and gently fanned it in front of him. A stranger like jade and the childe's unparalleled temperament came naturally.

At this time, if any minion who doesn't have eyes dares to come forward and find trouble, Chu Yun lightly waves his fan, and a gust of wind blows people away, or he simply kills people with falling thunder. That force Ge runs up, which is so handsome that people can't close their legs.

"Very good, I'm very satisfied!"

Chu Yun smiled and pinned the folding fan directly on his belt. He was not ready to send it into the system space to eat ash. Just take it with you.

Immediately, he picked up the fishing rod and was ready to go fishing for the second time.


"Congratulations, you have obtained a seed of Shenyin fruit tree"


It is also a kind of fruit tree reward. It is a very good thing in the local product reward. Just like the previous streamer fruit and recovery fruit, they all have different wonderful functions and are sustainable renewable resources.

The characteristic of this divine hidden fruit is that it can enable the martial artist to immediately enter a special "divine hidden" state after taking it, and his own breath will be reduced to an almost imperceptible level. Even if he sweeps it with divine thoughts, he may not be able to sweep it out.

"It's also useful. It's a pity that Xiao Li didn't wake up after her last deep sleep. Otherwise, she would be very happy to see the sapling seeds."

Chu Yun muttered, opened the door of the medicine garden and threw the seeds of the Shenyin fruit tree in. When Xiao Li woke up, he could see it at the first time.

Then Chu Yun went fishing for the third time.


"Congratulations, you have obtained a dragon rope from the local spirit soldier"


The light regiment flew into Chu Yun's hand and turned into a glittering rope. Chu Yun stretched out his hand and pulled it. He found that the toughness and strength of the Dragon binding rope were very high. With his strength, the rope was tight, but there was no sign of fracture, just like an old dog.

When Chu Yun tried to probe into the rope with his spiritual power, he suddenly found that the material of the Dragon rope was made of a dragon tendon.

For a moment, Chu Yun's martial spirit "blazing sun Tianlong" felt. Then, the blazing dragon fire burned on the Dragon binding rope.

Originally, it was just a dead thing. When the dragon was attached to the body, it seemed to be infused with soul by the "blazing sun Tianlong", just like the original dragon ancient sword, it began to advance and degenerate.

Under the traction of Chu Yun's spiritual power, the rope binding the Dragon rope was like life, flying up and down in mid air, cruising in the air very freely and quickly.

Chu Yun could feel that there was a sense of spiritual connection between himself and the Dragon rope. Just read a heart, he manipulated the Dragon rope to bind a big tree, and then read a heart, the Dragon rope ignited a raging dragon fire, and immediately burned the strong tree to ashes.

"Tut tut Tut, it's really unexpected. After the mysterious blessing of" blazing sun Tianlong ", the quality of this dragon binding rope has been qualitatively improved. It has been promoted from the local spirit soldier to the level of Tianpin spirit soldier. Although its function is slightly inferior to the normal Tianpin spirit soldier, its strength and power are not weak at all."

Chu Yun was delighted and sighed. At the same time, the occurrence of this event also inspired Chu Yun.

That is, it seems that as long as it is something close to the dragon, especially weapons made directly from a part of the dragon body, such as dragon teeth and dragon tendons, can resonate with the "blazing sun dragon".

After the blessing of "blazing sun dragon", their quality will be qualitatively improved. Can this also be regarded as another talent ability of "blazing sun dragon"?

"It seems that we should pay more attention in the future. We should collect some dragon related items and put them in our own hands. The effect is extraordinary."

Chu Yun thought to himself.

Then, the fourth fishing.


"Congratulations, you have obtained the martial arts experience of Lianhua Prajna palm (Da Yuan man)"


An ordinary martial arts reward, guangtuan flew into Chu Yun's mind and let Chu Yun master this completely unfamiliar martial arts at once.

After learning the effect and ability of Lianhua Prajna palm, Chu Yun couldn't help being disappointed, because this martial art can basically be regarded as a shrunk version of Da RI Prajna palm. They are very similar to Da RI Prajna palm in all aspects, but the effect is weaker.

After all, Da RI Prajna palm is a heavenly martial art, and this lotus Prajna palm is only a local martial art. Chu Yun has mastered the former, and naturally doesn't like the latter.

"Lost, lost..."

Chu Yun shook his head again and again, and then the last ground bait. He solemnly hung it on the fishing rod, then suddenly threw it out and fell into the stream.


"Congratulations, you have won the 300 year martial arts comprehension Award"


The prompt sound fell, and the light regiment flew into Chu Yun's body, which immediately shocked his body.

It's also hundreds of years of martial arts savvy. Chu Yun hasn't had the opportunity to use the hundreds of years of martial arts savvy obtained by fishing last time. Now he has obtained it for another 300 years, which adds up to more than 600 years.

"There's so much money that there's no place to spend..."

Chu Yun couldn't help laughing bitterly. Unexpectedly, one day, he would face such a problem. He had too much understanding of martial arts, but he didn't have Tianpin Kung Fu or martial arts worth learning.

As for the martial arts and skills of dipin, Chu Yun still has some things he hasn't learned, but those he can keep until now basically don't have much learning value. They are similar to the abilities Chu Yun has mastered at present.

Originally, Chu Yun's plan was that after he got through the ruins outside the city, he would naturally get a lot of Kung Fu and martial arts. At that time, he was afraid that his martial arts understanding would not be enough.

Now, looking at the balance of more than 600 years in the account, Chu Yun can't help but feel the throbbing of his heart. He always wants to find a place to spend.


Suddenly, Chu Yun thought of something and moved in his heart.

He still has one of the high-level skills he hasn't mastered yet.

It's nothing else. It's that strange skill, which is God's Qing Yuan decision.

Chu Yun knew when he got it long ago that this skill was unusual, because it was the leader of Zhengshen sect who understood it from the Qingshi gate. Later, after Xiao Yang Jian's affair, Chu Yun naturally had a deeper understanding of this skill.

However, the deeper it goes, the more powerful and mysterious it feels to Chu Yun.

So far, Chu Yun doesn't know what the origin of this skill is.

Now, with abundant understanding of martial arts, Chu Yun wants to see what kind of strange power God Qingyuan has.

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