In addition to the birth of the positive God, the improvement of the holy product of the positive God Qingyuan decision has further enhanced its own characteristics, even qualitative change.

Originally, the characteristic of Zhengshen Qingyuan is to condense a Zhengshen overlord, enhance its own defense, and spiritual cohesion. It has a strong resistance to both physical and spiritual attacks.

Now, after the God Qingyuan decides to be promoted to the holy product level, the power of the God bully body is also turning up.

"Call -"

Chu Yun breathed out a long breath and operated the skill to move Zheng Shenba out.

In an instant, Chu Yun's whole body was shocked, and the purple shimmer rippled. On Chu Yun's body, detailed and mysterious French words were formed. The light outlined the circulation, forming an unparalleled hegemony.

From the appearance alone, the appearance of Zhengshen bully body also has some similarities with the figure of Ziwei emperor when Zhengshen came to the world, but it doesn't have its majesty.

Chu Yun tested the defense power of Zhengshen bully. The result was very surprised. He stabbed the bully with a dragon ancient sword. It took a lot of effort to stab it in.

Moreover, the existing power of Zhengshen bully body is not just defense, but also the power of anti injury. When Chu Yun stabbed himself with a sword, Zhengshen bully body also reacted and fed back the severe damage and strength to Chu Yun's right hand holding the sword, making him numb for a while and almost unable to hold the handle of the sword.

"What a strong anti earthquake force!"

Chu Yun looks happy. The Zhengshen bully, who could only be passively beaten to improve his defense, has now become a anti injury armour. When his defense is very strong, he can also directly rebound the damage he has received. Undoubtedly, the role he can play in the war is one ebb and flow.

According to Chu Yun's estimation, the defensive power of this holy product level Zhengshen overlord may not be able to be directly defeated by the full attack of the martial arts in Nirvana.

After a blow, the other party has to bear almost more than 80% of the attack reverberation, which can almost directly kill the other party and cause serious injury at worst.

After all

No one will be full of attack, but also beware of their own back injury.

It's like a person who is concentrating on drawing a bow and shooting an arrow. At the same time, a sword is shot from the bow string towards himself. If there is no defense, won't he be put down directly?

Besides, who would guard against such a thing? This is simply contrary to common sense.

For ordinary mountain and sea warriors, not to mention, Chu Yun only needs to open the zhengshenba body, and then stand there. As long as the other party's attack can not break the defense of zhengshenba body, he will always bear the anti earthquake damage from himself. Over time, the opponent will kill himself.

It can be said that with the zhengshenba body, Chu Yun can almost ignore any enemy whose attack power is not enough to break the zhengshenba body. No matter how many people the other party comes, even if it is a car battle and is trapped in a tight siege, Chu Yun can lie flat and shake all the enemies to death without effort.

"It's worthy of being a holy skill. The effect is strong and unreasonable..."

Chu Yun sighed again and again.

With this positive God coming into the world and this set of positive God hegemony body with anti injury armor, Chu Yun can be said to be like a tiger adding wings. Next, when he faces the strong in Nirvana, his heart is almost completely empty.

When the positive God comes into the world, he can kill the enemies of nirvana in an instant. When only the positive God dominates the body, he can also deal with a Nirvana more easily and freely.

The existence of this holy product skill can be said to completely pull Chu Yun's combat effectiveness to the level of martial arts in Nirvana. It is even more terrible than nirvana.

"Master -"

At this time, a nervous voice with some surprises came from outside the courtyard.

Chu Yun followed the sound and saw that Xiao Yang Jian was running quickly.

"Disciple, what's the matter?"

Chu Yun smiled.

Xiao Yang Jian seemed guilty of being a thief and whispered: "master, I didn't know what was going on just now. My disciple's understanding of the skill of Zhengshen Qingyuan Jue suddenly rose. Just now, it has entered a terrible height that I haven't touched at all..."

Chu Yun couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the speech. Then he realized that it was because of the relationship between the two marks of the Taiyin and the sun that the two people's understanding of the Zhengshen Qingyuan decision was synchronized.

Before, when Xiao Yang Jian had a new understanding of Kung Fu, Chu Yun also felt that he had a deeper grasp of Zhengshen Qingyuan decision. Now, Chu Yun used his martial arts understanding to push forward Zhengshen Qingyuan decision, and Xiao Yang Jian immediately became a beneficiary.

"The disciple didn't panic. Just now he was a teacher and practiced the Zhengshen qingyuanjue again. Now it is no longer a Tianpin level skill, but a holy product skill."

Chu Yun smiled faintly and patted Xiao Yang Jian on the shoulder. Although he was comforting, he saw that Xiao Yang Jian's mouth opened and gradually became able to plug a duck egg.

"Holy... Holy product?!"

Xiao Yang Jian was stunned. It was the first time in his life that he came into contact with such an existence. He had never even heard of it before.

"Yes, it's holy."

Chu Yun said, patting Xiao Yang Jian on the cheek with some dissatisfaction, and said, "thanks to you, you are still my apprentice. You even master the best skill in the world, Wuji skill. It's just a small holy skill. Is it worth making such a fuss?"


Xiao Yang Jian couldn't tell whether Chu Yun was joking or not, but in short, the shock in his heart didn't decrease at all.

After being stunned for a long time, I heard Chu Yun say, "now, you and my teachers and disciples should have the same understanding of the Zhengshen Qingyuan decision. When your understanding is deepened, being a teacher will also benefit. Now, if you promote the skill as a teacher, you will benefit. Unfortunately, only this Zhengshen Qingyuan decision is so, otherwise you will have a bright future, But there is no limit... "

Said, Chu Yun couldn't help but smash his mouth.

He has the ability to quickly improve his martial arts skills, but he can only use it for himself. Except for Zhengshen Qingyuan decision, Xiao Yang Jian can't enjoy other skills even if he learns them.

However, Xiao Yang Jian shook his head and said, "Shifu, you're joking. If you can give this skill, you'll be lucky. Now I can feel that my mastery of this Zhengshen Qingyuan decision has reached an unprecedented level. Moreover, I have mastered an extremely powerful ability, although I can only use it for a moment, But at that moment, I had unprecedented power... "

Xiao Yang Jian said, as if he was aftertaste.


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and knew that Xiao Yang Jian was talking about the state of the positive God coming to the world, and he couldn't help being curious. He didn't know whether Xiao Yang Jian's positive God coming to the world was the same as his positive God coming to the world?

So Chu Yun raised his chin and said, "come on, disciple, show your positive God to the world and let me see what power it is."


Xiao Yang Jian nodded and had great trust in Chu Yun. Even if he knew that his power was extremely terrible in the state of being a God, no matter how terrible it was, it could not be more terrible than the young master in front of him, so he had no pressure to show it.

Xiao Yang Jian took a deep breath. As soon as he was shocked, a majestic breath spread from the magic light and turned into a light blue brilliance.

The radiance condensed a figure, a silver armor, dressed in a black cloak, handsome, with a flowing cloud pattern like the eye of heaven in the middle of the eyebrow, holding a three pointed two-edged gun

"Erlang God..."

Chu Yun saw the figure as like as two peas. The image of the God is exactly the same as the mythical character of Chu Yun.

Moreover, the positive spirit virtual shadow condensed by Xiao Yang Jian is clearer than the image of crape myrtle emperor condensed by Chu Yun. Although the power momentum is far from enough, it is more clear and can clearly see the face of the virtual shadow.

Looks like

It's exactly the same as Xiao Yang Jian. It's just like growing up again!

"Master, I'm coming..."

Xiao Yang Jian said, taking a step forward, and the virtual shadow of Erlang God behind him stabbed him out.


The front of the gun cut through the space and sent out a harsh buzzing. The speed of the gun was too fast to thunder, and its terrible power suddenly broke out in an instant.

Chu Yun stretched out a finger and touched the front of the gun. The two touched together and made a fierce metal clang. The explosion point of self force contact formed a violent energy tear. The surrounding psychic tide was stirred and smashed, and debris splashed, destroying all around.

The next moment, with a "click", the front of the three pointed and two edged gun cracked and opened a hole. Then, the whole figure of Erlang God also collapsed like ice and dissipated like an illusion.

Chu Yun's expression was silent. He looked at his finger. A small blood bead was stabbed on it. Although it was not an injury, but

Yang Jian's righteous God came into the world and could cut his skin?!


At the moment when the figure of Erlang God collapsed, Xiao Yang Jian suddenly breathed heavily. The whole person was evacuated like strength and half knelt on the ground.

Chu Yun came forward, picked up a pill to assist in recovery, handed it to Xiao Yang Jian, patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction, and said, "very good. The power of this blow is enough to kill any martial artist in Wanshi territory. Even if he goes up the mountain and sea, if the other party is not prepared, maybe you can kill him with one blow."

"... how is this possible?"

Yang Jian was stunned.

He can feel that his combat effectiveness is very strong when Zhengshen is born. However, no matter how strong, he is just a martial artist who has just entered the critical territory. How can he have the ability to kill any martial artist in the 10000 stone territory, or even have the opportunity to kill martial artists in the mountain and sea territory?

This is not in line with common sense!

"I don't think it's possible, but in fact, it's the truth."

Chu Yun smiled bitterly, patted Xiao Yang Jian on the shoulder and said, "an ordinary martial artist in the critical territory, like you, can't fully master a local skill even if he has high talent. Don't even think about getting started with Tianpin skill, but you... Have fully mastered a holy skill through the gain of being a teacher. You can imagine, What a terrible concept it is. It's no exaggeration to call it unprecedented and future. "

Chu Yun smiled bitterly again, but he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

His biggest golden finger is the magical fishing system of all things, and Xiao Yang Jian's biggest golden finger

Chu Yun himself.

As a master, Chu Yun provided Yang Jian with a powerful foundation that was unprecedented and never came before. When he was in the critical territory, he mastered the holy product skill and even did what Chu Yun couldn't do at the beginning. This is called being better than blue.

But of course

Unfortunately, there are also places, that is, only when Chu Yun has mastered it, Xiao Yang can follow it. At least in the way of Zhengshen Qingyuan decision, Xiao Yang can't surpass Chu Yun.

"Shifu... It's really... I don't know how to repay you."

Xiao Yang Jian lowered his head and felt the profound significance of it. He also felt an unspeakable pressure.

He is not a character who can safely accept gifts from others. No matter who he is to, even the closest parents, as long as the other party gives him a little, he will want to return.

Every drop of kindness should be rewarded by the spring.

Chu Yun and he have known each other for a short time, but

Grace is bigger than heaven!

He not only helped him avenge the extermination of his family, but also took him as his own disciple, taught him the best skill in the world, and even let him fully master a holy skill when he was in this critical state.

It can be said that no matter which of the above kindness is taken out alone, it is enough for Xiao Yang to repay his life and go through fire and water. When they are all superimposed together, Xiao Yang already doesn't know what to do to repay Chu Yun's kindness higher than heaven.

"Don't think about those messy things."

Chu Yun shook his head.

He looked at Xiao Yang Jian with a serious and serious face and said, "you and I are teachers and apprentices. You are a teacher all day and a father all your life. Why bother about things that reward or not? I guess you must be thinking now that if you have a chance to help as a teacher, the price is to let you die. You will promise without hesitation, right?

However, I tell you, even if there is such an opportunity, I will never choose to sacrifice you as a teacher. Teachers and disciples lie in inheriting, rather than relying on kindness to repay. If one day, you can practice and carry forward the concept of being a teacher, that will be the greatest blessing in your life as a teacher. "

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