And the first person to speak, you don't have to ask, it must have been arranged by the governor in advance.

Because at this time, only the head of the government can set a clear standard. Others don't open more, let alone less.

As soon as the price of 5 million taels of silver came out, all the forces in the inner city became aware of the spectrum, and they all agreed.

Because this figure is really not much money for the real big forces in the inner city.

As long as you enter the ruins and get any opportunities and treasures, it is much better than this five million liang of silver.

At this time, in the banquet area below, the president of Dongcheng chamber of Commerce stood up kindly and said, "master Lin has contributed to Jinxia city. In my eyes, I also feel sad. However, Dongcheng chamber of Commerce has been mismanaged recently, so I can only take out one million liang of silver to thank Master Lin. I hope you won't be surprised."

When the voice fell, many forces in the surrounding outer city looked at the president of the Dongcheng chamber of Commerce, and his face was very strange.

Who doesn't know that the East City Chamber of commerce is backed by the government and supported by the Lord of the government. It is the first chamber of Commerce in the outer city, making a lot of money every day.

If such a situation is also described as poor management, other chambers of Commerce might as well close down directly.

People with a clear eye can see that the voice of the president of Dongcheng chamber of commerce is setting a standard for the forces in the outer city.

Forces in the inner city need to pay 5 million taels of silver, while forces in the outer city only need to pay 1 million taels of silver.

Sure enough

As soon as the president of Dongcheng chamber of Commerce said this, master Lin Fuya immediately nodded and said yes.

At this point, the standard has been set, and then the city Lord came forward and sent maids to collect money one by one.

Among them, some people are happy, others hesitate, but in the end, none of them dares to default.

When Zhao Qianli came here, the maid of the city Lord's house came up to collect the money. Zhao Qianli Xin happily took out a silver note of 1 million Liang and put it on the tray in the maid's hand.

Seeing this, the maid was stunned. She looked around and whispered, "did you take the wrong silver note?"


Zhao Qianli looked calm, touched his nose and said, "our uneven building is the power of Beicheng district."

The voice dropped, and the maid's expression became more confused. As a young maid, she didn't come to Zhengyang courtyard for a long time. It was just the time when Zhao Qianli retired from the Jianghu, so she didn't know the situation of his highness.

"Isn't this the banquet area in the inner city... If you come from the outer city, you should be below..."

"The scenery above is good. I can't come up and have a look... Hurry up, the people behind are still waiting!"

Zhao Qianli urged him.

Many people noticed that the maid stayed here. After listening to the conversation, they found that Zhao Qianli said nothing wrong

Although sitting in the banquet area in the inner city, the uneven building represented by Zhao Qianli is really a force in the outer city. It is reasonable to pay 1 million taels of silver.


When a group of people think of Zhao Qianli's identity, they feel very strange. According to Zhao Qianli's previous character, this opportunity to pretend to be rich will not be missed.

Chu Yun looked at his good brother, but he knew what Zhao Qianli thought.

For Zhao Qianli, whether it's 1 million taels of silver or 5 million taels of silver, the difference is not big.

However, Zhao Qianli's view on money has changed since he became an uneven building and deeply understood the life of the people at the bottom.

In the past, he didn't treat money as money, but now he knows how difficult it is for the poor to have no money.

How many brothers, sisters, relatives and friends fought to death for a meal he couldn't even look at, and the price difference of 4 million liang of silver was enough for Zhao Qianli to help many people in need.

After receiving the silver, the scene was full of joy. The welcome banquet was officially started.

The waitresses in Zhengyang courtyard, holding silver trays, came in rows, bringing delicious dishes that ordinary people have never heard of or seen.

For a time, the whole island in the middle of the lake was filled with the smell of delicious food.

When the dishes were served, there was a wonderful performance. At the call of the house master, all the famous masters in Jinxia City, even the famous brothel prostitutes, all came here to sing and dance.

After having had enough to eat and drink, a powerful young man of Kong Wu went to the center of the banquet, bowed his hands to the head of the mansion and master Lin bluff cliff, and said, "the younger generation, Li Zhiyu, has just learned a Tianpin martial art called falling wind magic gun recently. I would like to ask the head of the mansion for some advice, which can also be regarded as helping to cheer up for master Lin."

When the voice fell, the house master smiled faintly, nodded while holding a small jade wine glass in one hand, and said, "go ahead, let me see the strength of the young commander of the Yangwei army."

Tianji Dynasty has a strong wind of martial arts. It is normal to dance swords and guns at the banquet. Now the unfathomable master of the mansion is here in person. It would be great for anyone to have the opportunity to get his advice.

Such opportunities are not available every time. Even if you are lucky enough to see the master, the master may not be interested in giving advice.

At the moment, Zheng Tianyang nodded, and Li Zhiyu immediately looked happy. Then he took a deep breath and completely emptied his state of mind and state.


Only a metal clang sounded. Li Zhiyu's long gun came out of its sheath, and the front of the gun cut through the air, sending out a very sharp hiss.

Then, without hesitation, Li Zhiyu stabbed the head of the house above the throne.

With this shot, the strong wind suddenly rose and swept away towards Zheng Tianyang with strong extreme wind pressure.

When many people saw the power of this gun, their complexion immediately changed and their hearts were shocked.

If you put yourself in the position of Zheng Tianyu, the head of the government, you will be seriously hurt in the face of this fierce shot. It's good to leave a life.

"It's not bad. His cultivation is solid and steady. With all his efforts, he has mobilized more than half of the power of this martial art. If I guess right, Li Zhiyu's mastery of this Tianpin martial art should have reached the point of Dacheng, which is only one step away from Da Yuanman."

Chu Yun looked at the gun, his look did not change, but commented with interest.

"Master, I feel I can't hide..."

Xiao Yang Jian said with a white face.

His personal fighting intuition is very keen. At the moment, he focuses on Li Zhiyu's action, and naturally brings himself into the position of house leader.

He knew that if he were himself, he would almost die under the power of this gun.

At most

By taking advantage of the anti injury characteristics of zhengshenba body, Li Zhiyu was also seriously injured and hit the result of losing both sides.

"Silly boy, what are you talking about? Of course you can't stop it. Li Zhiyu doesn't have anything in his mind except practicing guns. Now his cultivation has reached the peak of mountain and sea. Let alone he uses a Tianpin martial arts skill. Even if he doesn't use any moves, you can't hide... "

Zhao Qianli looked strange. He didn't seem to understand why Xiao Yang Jian is so swollen now. He actually compared himself with a martial artist at the peak of mountain and sea, especially with Li Zhiyu.

Between their words, Chu Yun's eyes have been staring at Zheng Tianyang.

Li Zhiyu's move, with his eyesight, can only see three flaws or areas that need to be improved and can be done better, but he wants to know how much he can see from the perspective of the governor?


The head of the mansion greeted Li Zhiyu with a fierce shot. He looked calm and just raised his cup.

The jade cup that could crack directly when it fell to the ground was now in direct contact with Li Zhiyu's spear. Under the sharp power, the jade cup was undamaged, and even a little particle or powder didn't fall off.

"... ho!"

There were shouts everywhere, and everyone was shocked by this shocking scene.

Even the strong in Nirvana are full of shock in their eyes.

In the face of Li Zhiyu's shot, the martial artists in Nirvana are naturally not afraid and can resist hard with their own strength. However, it is too difficult to understate like Zheng Tianyang, the head of the government.

It's totally different to be able to do it and to be able to do it with great ease. It's not too much to say that they are different from each other.

As the offensive side, Li Zhiyu, at the moment, this shot pierced out, and all his strength was blocked in front of the small jade cup. It was as difficult as moving a mountain to push his strength forward one inch.

The expression of the house Lord did not change much from beginning to end, but nodded faintly.

"Not bad."

With that, Zheng Tianyang reached out and brushed the orphan Li Zhiyu out with a gentle force. After stepping back a few steps, he landed safely in the same place.

Li Zhiyu fell to the ground, took a deep breath, hugged Zheng Tianyang, the leader of the government, and waited for the leader to make evaluation and guidance.

"There are two flaws in your shot, both of which can be improved."

Zheng Tianyang took the jade cup that blocked Li Zhiyu's spear, put it to his mouth, took a sip, and continued: "the first place is your right ankle. When you are lucky, there is a more unnatural pause. I guess it should be that you were injured earlier and haven't fully recovered, so you left an invisible injury.

If you can heal the hidden wounds here, your moves will not be dragged down when they are running, and your hand will be faster and more powerful.

The second flaw, or the point that can be noticed and changed, lies in your disregard for the surrounding environment.

Any martial arts related to the element can be used as long as the element exists in the combat environment.

For example, you use the wind magic gun to mobilize the wind system elements, which is a very common element. If you can fully mobilize it and mobilize the wind energy in the environment, the power will certainly change.

Apart from other things, you should be clear in your heart that it is faster and more natural to move with the wind and against the wind? "


These words made Li Zhiyu feel enlightened immediately.

He immediately hugged his fist and thanked the governor Zheng Tianyang, saying: "thank you for your guidance. Before that, I just vaguely felt that when I was lucky, I had some unnatural phenomena. Through your guidance, I knew where the problem was, and this second flaw is a field worthy of deep learning for younger generations..."

Not only him, but many people present couldn't help but marvel and practice after hearing the words of the house master. Obviously, they were also observing Li Zhiyu's moves, but the house master Zheng Tianyang could see Li Zhiyu's flaws, and there were still two places, and they didn't see what they lacked. If they had to say, they could only say a cow.

This is the gap.

Among the crowd, only Chu Yun's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Only... Two?

In addition to the bad luck on the ankle and the lack of use of the environment, there is another problem with Li Zhiyu's shot from Chu Yun's perspective, that is, the use of wind pressure does not achieve a better level, and the way used is relatively primitive.

In Chu Yun's opinion, the accurate use of the power in his moves should be a compulsory course for martial artists, and Li Zhiyu has failed in this regard. Why didn't the master say?

Is it deliberately not to say that I don't want Li Zhiyu to know too much, or

Didn't the leader see it?

Chu Yun was stunned when he thought of the second possibility. He wondered whether it was possible?

It seems that

It's possible.

Most of the martial artists present were not as strong as Li Zhiyu in cultivation, so when this shot was fired, they didn't see a flaw and something that could be improved.

Some of those martial arts practitioners in Nirvana can see a flaw.

Zheng Tianyang, the leader with the strongest cultivation, can see two flaws.

This seems reasonable, but based on Chu Yun's assumption of the level of the mansion master, he naturally believes that the mansion master should know more.

At least it should be more than the three flaws he saw

But, in fact, is this really right?

Not necessarily.

At least in terms of understanding and mastering martial arts, Chu Yun is definitely a bug level existence.

The number of martial arts he mastered was too many, and the varieties were complex, and each one was directly mastered to the level of perfection, which made his understanding of martial arts more than one level higher than ordinary people.

Apart from others, Li Zhiyu, for example, is 27-8 years old. He has reached the peak of mountain and sea cultivation. He usually doesn't have enough time to cultivate his martial arts. Although he also cultivates his martial arts hard, his time resources are limited after all.

So far, there is only one Tianpin martial art that Li Zhiyu can fully master. He has reached the level of great perfection, and this falling wind magic gun is his new and main project recently.

He is one of the best in the top talent circle in Jinxia city. Some others even failed to master a perfect Tianpin martial art.

In contrast, the number of Tianpin martial arts that Chu Yun now mastered is almost beyond counting, and each one is great perfection.

How can this compare?

"Maybe I should admit that in terms of understanding martial arts, all the people present are rubbish, not for anyone."

Chu Yun thought strangely in his heart: "maybe the cultivation of Zheng Tianyang, the leader of the house, will explode me, but he can't master and understand martial arts..."

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