However, among so many great people present, naturally there are people with excellent eyesight who can see the way.

People who can't understand think it's incredible.

And those who understand

Even more incredible.

Because if they were right, what Xiao Yang Jian had just used was the method of using the other way to cure his body, which could return the opponent's strength to attack him intact.

What the hell is this incredible ability?

Those big people frowned one after another. After thinking about it in their minds, they confirmed the result that they had never heard of anyone with such ability before.

Even on the high platform, Zheng Tianyang, the head of the government, saw this scene and his expression became very strange. For the first time, his face showed a curious and serious look.

Beside him, master Lin Fuya took a deep look at Xiao Yang Jian, smacked his mouth and said, "brother Zheng, you are really hiding dragons and crouching tigers in Daming mansion..."

"Ha ha."

Zheng Tianyang smiled and didn't say anything. On the surface, he looked unfathomable, but in fact, he didn't know where the tiger came from, and he couldn't help being curious and some deeper ideas about Xiao Yang's means.

This idea has nothing to do with martial arts, but with people.

Because Xiao Yang Jian came from the uneven building, which is equivalent to the pulse of Prince Qi's house. Now, Xiao Yang Jian shows such ability. Does it mean that the hidden Prince of Chengde has entered a more profound situation.

Thinking of the strong throbbing that all martial artists in Jinxia city could feel a few days ago, Zheng Tianyang had many conjectures in his mind.

It is said that invisible brain tonic is the most fatal. Zheng Tianyang is thinking deeply at the moment.

And the other side

"Good fight! It's so beautiful! "

Zhao Qianli jumped up from his seat and laughed. The corners of his mouth had completely reached the root of his ears. He couldn't close his mouth. Looking at Xiao Yang Jian, he was full of enthusiasm and ecstasy.

No one can understand Zhao Qianli's mood at this moment. At Xu Binglei's adult ceremony, sun Longfei beat him with his cultivation in Qianjun territory. Today, three years later, Zhao Qianli saw sun Longfei in Wanshi territory defeated by Xiao Yang Jian with his cultivation in Qianjun territory

This is really a good reincarnation of heaven. Heaven spared who.

Great joy, great joy!

"... hum! Waste. "

Zheng Yuheng couldn't help but snort coldly. He didn't know whether he was scolding Zhao Qianli or the defeated sun Longfei. Maybe both.

On the other side, Miss Xu accidentally looked at Xiao Yang Jian in the field and looked at Zhao Qianli in the rear. She really didn't expect to see such a scene.

Xu Binglei thought she knew Zhao Qianli very well, but now, only three years later, Zhao Qianli seems to have an invisible veil covering many things, which makes Xu Binglei feel unclear.

But I believe that everyone present will basically be in this mood. Zhao Qianli, who returned three years later, has indeed become very different.

As for Xiao Yang Jian, who is indifferent and independent in the field, the mood of all forces has also changed.

Some people can't help but look greedy in their eyes.

Genius, what is genius?

Sun Longfei was also a martial artist who defeated Wanshi territory with the cultivation of Qianjun territory. Sun Longfei once did it, but not many people thought he was such an excellent genius, because the Wanshi territory defeated by sun Longfei was Zhao Qianli, a weak chicken.

But now

Xiao Yang Jian defeated sun Longfei with the strength of the second grade in Qianjun territory. The difference is too big.

If only the strength is strong, there are many such talents. Every ten or twenty years, amazing people will appear, such as crucian carp crossing the river.

However, no one has ever seen a genius like Xiao Yang Jian who has a unique ability and can cure his body in another way.

Many people have been unable to restrain and want to make some thoughts and turn people back to their own power, but this idea only continues in the hearts of a few people, and most rational people choose silence.


Xiao Yang Jian comes from the uneven building, and behind the uneven building is the king's house of Qi.

When Xiao Yang Jian first appeared, he said that he came to teach sun Longfei a lesson at the order of his family teacher, which means that there is an extremely powerful master behind Xiao Yang Jian.

Although this man was only mentioned by Xiao Yang Jian, it is not difficult for everyone to imagine that if the disciples are so powerful, will the master be bad?

It will only be stronger!

But just then, an unexpected scene appeared.

Among the crowd, Zheng Yuheng sat next to him.

Sun Tianpeng, director of the Department of public security, suddenly got up and grabbed Xiao Yang Jian in the field.

He shouted loudly: "boy, dare to act wildly in Jinxia city with magic. You really think there is no one in Daming mansion, don't you?!"

Before the words fell, everyone was startled by his gesture.

When they heard what sun Tianpeng said clearly, they couldn't help being surprised.


Sun Tianpeng even said that the special ability shown by Xiao Yang Jian is the skill of the demon family?!

In everyone's surprised eyes, sun Tianpeng looked at the frightened little Yang Jian, and his face showed a look of ridicule.

What magic is not magic is just a cover he casually pulled out. In fact, sun Tianpeng, like others, doesn't know what the anti injury ability of Xiao Yang Jian is.


I don't know. That doesn't mean we can't frame up.

The feud between him and Prince Qi's residence has existed for a long time. As a member of Prince Qi's residence, Xiao Yang Jian showed such talent that he could defeat his son in Wanshi territory with his cultivation in Qianjun territory.

This kind of thing has happened. How can sun Tianpeng bear it? Naturally, we should find a way to find some trouble for the prince Qi's residence.

Sun Tianpeng's choice of entry point is also very particular, that is, the magical anti injury technique that everyone can't understand. From sun Tianpeng's perspective, he can almost be sure that no people's Congress has ever used such a secret technique with flags and drums in the whole Tianji Dynasty.

Since this skill has never appeared on the human side, isn't it a reasonable speculation that sun Tianpeng pushed it to the demon family?

Of course

Speculation alone is not enough.

So after catching Xiao Yang Jian later, sun Tianpeng will say that he once saw a big demon and used such means to suspect that there is a connection between Xiao Yang Jian and the big demon of the demon family.

As the director of the Department of public security, sun Tianpeng's daily task is to prevent any possible threat to the existence of Jinxia city and Daming mansion, and the demon clan is naturally among them.

In his capacity, it's reasonable to do so. If you can detain Xiao Yang Jian, it's a routine operation, whether it's extorting a confession by torture or snapping a secret from Xiao Yang Jian's mouth.

"Old man, how dare you..."

Zhao Qianli's smile froze in place. He was about to run out to welcome the little hero Yang Jian back. Unexpectedly, he saw sun Tianpeng shooting at Yang Jian. For a time, he couldn't help scolding the street. He was anxious, but he didn't have time to do anything.

The speed of the strong in Nirvana is too fast. Only the existence of Nirvana can stop it.

The strong nirvana in Prince Qi's residence has not arrived at the moment. Zhao Yunteng, the eldest son on the high platform, also stared and stood up, but with his cultivation, he can't have any impact on Sun Tianpeng's action.

Zheng Tianyang, the leader of the mansion, naturally has the ability to stop sun Tianpeng.


When he took a deep look at Sun Tianpeng, he soon understood sun Tianpeng's plan. Because he was curious about Xiao Yang Jian's skill, Zheng Tianyang thought for a moment, kept silent and didn't do anything.

Among all the people in the room, there was only one with an extremely excited look on his face. This person was none other than sun Longfei, who had just been defeated by Xiao Yang Jian.

He looked at his father and grabbed the hateful boy in front of him. His heart was full of expectation and excitement. It seemed that he had seen the next tragedy of Xiao Yang Jian.

But soon

The next scene shocked sun Longfei and will never be forgotten.

A bright sword flashed.

The sword spirit came in an instant. It crossed straight from the area between sun Tianpeng and Xiao Yang Jian, and a clear blood line burst in the air.

Then, before sun Longfei's expression on the ground could change, he saw that his father's big hand with intact fingers was lit by this sword

Directly cut off!

When the sword light flashed, the big hand sun Tianpeng put out broke and fell to the ground from his wrist. The broken hand rolled on the ground several times along the forward inertia, covered with dust and dirty.

When sun Tianpeng fully stretched out his hand, he looked down and saw that his five fingers had disappeared. He could only see a bare forearm, blood surging from his wrist, and all his palms and fingers disappeared.

Moreover, at the fracture of the wound, there was a very hot flame burning, which directly ignited the forearm of his arm.

"Ah, ah -"

Sun Tianpeng made a painful roar. The pain of breaking his hand was still second. The burning of the terrible dragon was what he couldn't bear. The pain hit his soul directly.

In the harsh howl, the surrounding area became silent. The crowd stared at the broken sun Tianpeng in amazement. Some wondered if they had read it wrong

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