Chu Yun flew out of the city. When his figure appeared, the victims outside the city looked up and saw him. They were surprised, but more awed.

The strong who can fly in the sky is completely beyond the reach of ordinary people and can only look up to their existence.

"Where is the leader of Cangnan region? Jinxia city is uneven. Chu Yun, I have something to meet you. "

Chu Yun opened his mouth with a deep voice, and the sound waves rolled away.

If it's normal, Chu Yun can go to the city according to the rules and then go to the city to see the domain master of Cangnan region. But now the situation is urgent. It's a waste to delay for another moment, so he has to do this extraordinary move.

The voice fell, and several figures jumped out on the top of the city. They were all the defensive forces in Cangnan giant city, looking at Chu Yun with vigilant eyes.

According to the law of the Tianji Dynasty, martial artists are not allowed to fly away without reason in any huge city. Even outside the city, if they walk in the city without permission, they may be shot down by the government.

However, when these people saw Chu Yun stop outside the city and didn't move forward, they were a little relieved. When they heard what Chu Yun said, they couldn't help asking, "are you from Jinxia city?"


Chu Yun nodded and looked at the speaker. He seemed to be a general. His accomplishments were the appearance of the later stage of the mountain and sea. He said, "I came for the demon in the sunset River and want to talk with the Cangnan domain master in detail. I don't know if the domain master can be in the huge city now?"


The general shook his head and said, "since the flood spread, Lord Yu has been cruising near the sunset river. He hasn't returned to the giant city for a long time."

Chu Yun was disappointed when he heard the speech. He nodded and said, "well, does the general know where to find the domain master?"

"Go east, in the middle reaches of the sunset river. Lord yu should have patrolled there now."

The general replied.

Chu Yun arched his hand, turned and flew away.

Back to the sunset river again, I looked at the bank along the way and found the first dam damaged by the monster. Now the water is pouring. There are tens of thousands of people on the banks and highlands around. Together with the monster carrying goods, I'm trying to plug the gap of the dam.

However, it is impossible to recover the great power of nature. Even if tens of thousands of people want to block the breach of the dam, it is also a fantasy.

The sand and stones just piled up will soon be washed away by the turbulent water. If there were not a piece of martial arts who formed an invisible wall with their spiritual power and barely blocked some water, I'm afraid they couldn't even put these materials into the river and would disappear immediately.

"It's too difficult..."

Chu Yun took a look at the length of the dam, spanning thousands of feet from south to north. Such a long breach, even the strong in Nirvana, could not be blocked by one person. For ordinary people, even if everything goes well, it will take at least more than a month to block the breach.

Frowning and thinking for a long time, Chu Yun's pace slowed down. He began to look around and soon looked at a hill on one side.

Chu Yun took a deep breath and flew to the hill. The spirit of the ancient dragon sword in his hand surged, and the sword Light Rose instantaneously and spread forward to tens of meters.

Then, Chu Yun waved his sword and cut through the root of the hill, sweeping down. The whole mountain didn't move, but it had actually been cut in half.

Then Chu Yunfei fell to the ground and took a deep breath. The soul light around him floated and stepped on the earth. A demon ape figure as tall as the hill emerged.

"Roar -"

In the earth shaking roar, Chu Yun grabbed it with his big hand. The ancient fierce ape immediately hugged the mountain and suddenly made a force to directly pick up the hill. After throwing it up to a certain height in the air, his neck tilted and directly carried it on his shoulder. One person and one ape can move the mountain!

The terrain of this mountain is high and not far from the sunset river. The rumbling mountain was moved up, which naturally attracted the attention and panic of countless people.

Then they saw that the terrible ancient fierce ape was walking slowly but firmly towards the sunset River step by step, carrying the hill on his shoulder.

The crowd shook one after another. Those martial artists who are intercepting the river with their spiritual power in the river were shocked to see this scene. Even the existence of mountain and sea can only block the river with their own power. If the domain master of Nirvana came, it is difficult to stop the water with their own power.


What kind of trouble is this move?!

There are such terrible strange forces in this world. Can you really move mountains and seas?!


Chu Yun tightened his body, dressed in white, and walked in the shadow of the hill. He was surrounded by the soul light of the ancient fierce ape. The past illusory soul light, now under the pressure of the hill, turned out to be extremely solid, just like a real bloody and weak demon ape, emitting a strong sense of power.

When he came to the river, when the demon ape stepped on his feet, the power transmitted by the earth vein was very weak. Seeing this, Chu Yun could only stop and roar at the people in the river.

"Get out of the way!"

When the voice fell, the people in the river were at a loss, but they still obeyed Chu Yun's order and retreated from the river one after another. They didn't even care about the accumulated materials, such as stones and sediment, and let them be dispersed by the surging sunset river.

Then they retreated to the other side and saw the most unforgettable scene in their life.

The man carrying the mountain made a sudden effort. His clothes were directly broken by the bulging muscles and turned into broken steps. The blood all over his body was boiling like red and burst out with terrible strength.

"... ho!!!"

With a loud roar, Chu Yun threw the hill directly out and smashed it into the river.


In an instant, the river water of the sunset river was completely blown open, the hills flew down and hit the breach of the dam, and the mountains fell into the water, which immediately triggered a storm. At that moment, the river water was splashed into the sky and fell again. The whole area of the sunset river was like a rainstorm.

Even the people who hid on the other side were drenched by the "heavy rain", but after a short period of consternation, a fierce cheering broke out in the crowd.


"The gods come down to earth, this is the gods come down to earth!!!"

"Saved, my people in Cangnan are saved!!!"


The crowd was extremely excited. Many people looked at this scene, their eyes flushed and shed tears. Looking at the man with broken clothes and bare upper body across the road, the mood in their eyes was almost high to overflow.

It has been several days since the flood began. Since the disaster, the warriors in Cangnan have hardly stopped when they can be used. They have been busy for several days to block the dam breach, but they have achieved nothing.

No matter how much sediment and stones they transport, it will not help to put them into sunset Hanoi. In less than half an hour, everything will be washed away by the river.

Compared with physical exertion, this feeling that you can't see progress and hope and that everything you do is futile is the most desperate.

And now

As the hill fell into the river, the huge breach was soon blocked by less than half, and the turbulent current immediately slowed down a lot, which was a visible effect.

Chu Yun gasped deeply. There was no place on his body that didn't hurt. Even with the unparalleled power of ancient fierce apes, he was still too reluctant to move the mountain.

With the weight and quality of the hill, a strong man in Nirvana can easily break it, but no one can lift it up.

Orthodox martial arts practitioners cultivate their own strength after ten thousand stones. They mainly focus on martial arts and skills, and there are few specialized strength and physical strength.

Therefore, even the strong in Nirvana can only intercept with spiritual power in the face of the turbulent water. It is impossible to carry a mountain.

Perhaps, only Chu Yun, who is bearing the spirit of the ancient fierce ape, can do such an incredible thing in the whole Daming mansion and even the Tianji Dynasty.

After standing still and breathing for a long time, Chu Yun took out several pills from the system space to restore his physical and spiritual strength. Moving this mountain almost exhausted his physical strength and the soul of the ancient fierce ape. If he didn't supplement it in time, his next movements would be limited.

"Wait across the street and let me move another mountain."

Chu Yun took a deep breath and said to the people on the other side of the river. Then he flew up and did the same, moving a mountain slightly larger than the hill just now.

This time, Chu Yun walked more slowly. It took him half an hour to finally reach the Bank of the river. During the whole process, the eyes of tens of thousands of people on the other side of the river were looking at him nervously all the way. He was worried about Chu Yun for fear that he could not hold up and would be crushed by the mountain.

But in the end, Chu Yun came to the Bank of the river and suddenly made a force to drop the mountain into the river of the sunset river.


The scene of mountain collapse and earth shattering sent out earth shaking explosions, and the river surged and exploded, causing another heavy rain in the sunset river area.

The two mountains fell into the river, blocking more than 80% of the dam breach of the sunset River, and only the small water flow is still flowing outward.

"Brothers, follow me!"

With someone's roar, thousands of martial artists on the other side of the river rushed into the river as if they had been lit, and tried every means to block the gap between the two mountains.

Chu Yun was exhausted and almost fell to the ground in a flash, but he was held by a pair of soft hands. Unexpectedly, he looked back and saw a dignified and beautiful woman looking at him with gratitude and joy. From the fluctuation of cultivation, he was a martial artist in Nirvana.

"Cangnan domain master, Fu Qingyun."

The woman took the initiative to speak, explained her identity and said, "who is the childe?"

"I'm from Jinxia city."

Chu Yun breathed out slowly. Unexpectedly, the domain master of Cangnan domain was a woman.

He fed himself two pills. After recovering some strength, he raised his hand to indicate that he didn't need a woman's help, but Fu Qingyun looked very worried about his state.

"I'm looking for the trace of the monster on the sunset river. When I'm near here, I see the childe pulling out the mountain and blocking the flood with the move of the mountain. It's amazing..."

Fu Qingyun's eyes were full of brilliance. The joy and gratitude in her mood were already expressed in her words. She said, "please let me express my highest respect and gratitude to the childe on behalf of the people of the whole Cangnan region. Your feat has saved thousands of families and innocent people. Please accept my worship!"

After that, Fu Qingyun bowed to Chu Yun in a solemn manner.

"You don't have to do this for the domain owner..."

Chu Yun slowly breathed out a breath. He didn't have the strength to stop it, so he saw that he bowed deeply to the ground.

With the strength of the strong in Nirvana, even if they go to Beijing to face the saint, the greatest etiquette they can do is probably the same. The world has great respect for the strong. It will not be like the Qing palace drama in previous generations. The big people will kneel and grovel at any time. This kind of deep bow to the ground is almost the way to show their greatest respect.

And behind him, the Cangnan warriors who came from the other side of the river also bowed deeply to Chu Yun. Only for a moment, Chu Yun was still standing on the Bank of the river.

"You are so polite, I'm a little uncomfortable."

Chu Yun shook his head, looked at the Yun who had already got up, and said in a deep voice, "I came from Jinxia city. What I did was the demon in the sunset river. If this demon is not eliminated, the flood in Cangnan will not end. I think you should know this in your heart, Fu domain master."


Pay off Yun nodded, but soon slowly breathed out a breath and said, "as soon as the demon shot, it destroyed the largest dam in the sunset river. It was obviously deliberate destruction. To create a flood, I have been looking for it on the sunset river for many days. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the demon."

Chu Yun frowned and said, "according to the news I got, it seems that someone said that he had seen the figure of the monster, but it was a black dragon. Is it true?"

The voice fell, and he looked at a man behind him and said, "adjutant Li, you're in charge of this. Come and explain it to the childe."


Hearing the speech, the adjutant Li immediately stepped forward, bowed his hand to Chu Yun and said, "it was several fishermen in Cangnan who found the monster. When fishing on the river by boat, he vaguely saw a slender black figure in the distance, with ferocious scales and ferocious armor, swimming in the river like a Dragon.

However, those fishermen have no accomplishments and have limited knowledge. It remains to be discussed whether what they see is a real dragon or just a big black python“

Chu Yun paused for a moment and turned to look at the river that has calmed down. Although the breach has been almost blocked by the two mountains, the water flow is always billowing and has no intention to stop. Its state is very different from ordinary rivers, more turbulent and more furious.

"The state of the sunset river is usually not like this, is it?"

Chu Yun asked slowly.

"You mean..."

I feel thoughtful.

"The Dragon dominates the water. It takes the rivers in the Jianghu as the main venue and has the ability to control the water. If there is a dragon in Hanoi at sunset, it can make the river more turbulent than usual."

Chu Yun said in a deep voice.

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