"Found it?"

Fu Qingyun looked surprised. She didn't know what Chu Yun meant.

"The Dragon left its blood. With this, I can track its position." Chu Yun explained, "now, the dragon has dived into the bottom of the river and is getting farther and farther away from us, but as long as it is still in this sunset Hanoi, I can always lock its position."

Chu Yun's way is that the high dragon clan rules the low dragon clan's blood. Although the Jiaolong is also a dragon clan, it is the existence of the lower lattice in the dragon clan's blood, and Chu Yun is the Tianlong of the high lattice in the dragon clan with the fiery sun Tianlong Wu soul.

By suppressing the dragon's blood with the blazing sun dragon, Chu Yun could find out where it was by following a drop of the dragon's blood.

"Then we'll go after it!"

Fu Qingyun's eyes lit up.

Chu Yun said, "don't worry. It's still wandering and hasn't been completely settled. If it doesn't withdraw to a place far enough away from us, it won't be at ease. We'll catch up with it now, and it's likely to scare the snake. It's better to wait until it finds a safe place to stop, and we'll touch it and hit him unprepared."


Fu Qingyun nodded when she heard the speech, mainly because her injury was still very serious and needed time to recover.

Chu Yun saw what she thought and said, "it doesn't matter. You can try your best to recover from the injury. I have an auxiliary magic medicine here. The skin and flesh of the Jiaolong cut by my sword must not be so easy to recover. It's better for you to adjust your breath and recover in situ. I'll leave a mark for you all the way. When your injury recovers, I'll catch up with me."


Pay off Yun nodded and said, "I also have the elixir to recover from the injury. I can recover with up to one cup of tea. Anyway, you have to wait for me to have a cup of tea. The dragon's combat power in the water can't be underestimated. It's too dangerous to be alone."

Chu Yun answered, and then tracked the dragon's moving position, leaving a clear spiritual mark every few hundred feet along the way.

After catching up with several tributaries, Chu Yun obviously felt that the breath from the water became a lot slower. It was obvious that the Jiaolong had found a more suitable position, so he slowed down.

When the Dragon stopped completely, Chu Yun was completely relieved, quickly followed and came to the Bank of the river.

Now, only half a cup of tea has passed since the separation of distance and rhyme. Chu Yun saw it. After thinking about it, he did not choose to act rashly. Instead, he took out the fishing rod directly from the system space, hung the bait and began fishing.

After the completion of the first phase of the task, Chu Yun obtained eight ground bait, 50 spirit bait and 100 ordinary bait.

Among them, the largest number of spirit bait and common bait can produce too few rewards in this level of battle.

But there are not too many local bait at any time.


[congratulations, you have obtained the martial arts experience of dragon catching hand (DA Yuanman)]


[congratulations, you have obtained a pair of water repellent beads]


[congratulations, you have gained 300 years of martial arts understanding]


[congratulations, you have obtained a cold ice flow array chart]


[congratulations, you have obtained the martial experience of the earth level skill shadow chasing and soul seizing skill (Da Yuan man)]


[congratulations, you have obtained a local lingbing spruce treasure coat]


[congratulations, get one million divine thunder Rune]


[congratulations, you have obtained the martial arts experience of the earth level skill streamer phantom determination (Da Yuan man)]


Eight fishing, eight rewards.

Among them, the first two fishing made Chu Yun feel something wrong.

Both the Dragon catcher and the water repellent seem to be deliberately rewarded to deal with the dragon, and the latter things, such as martial arts comprehension and skills, can also play some role more or less.

"Do I think too much, or will the system give some biased rewards during special tasks?"

Chu Yun couldn't help thinking that if this conjecture was correct, it would be very interesting. In the future, he could keep some bait instead of fishing. When he had to perform some particularly difficult tasks, he would fish up some rewards that could help complete the task.

For example, the Dragon catcher and water repellent are rewarded this time.

The former knows from the name that it is a martial art that can be aimed at the dragon family. It belongs to a very eccentric kind, but it can definitely play a miraculous effect against the dragon.

The latter, avoiding water drops, is still a pair, which can be used by Chu Yun and the two who came immediately.

The effect is to enter the water after holding the water repellent bead, which can be the same as on land. The water repellent bead will open a space where the water flow cannot invade. It can also ignore the pressure of the water flow, easily dive into the underwater and ignore the water pressure.

In other words, as long as you hold the water drop, you can walk on the ground in the water and have great freedom to go up and down.

The combination of these two items can undoubtedly bring great gain to Chu Yun and help him deal with the Dragon better.

As for the other awards, they belong to the standard one.

Three hundred years of martial arts savvy, needless to say, old friend.

On the other hand, the array of cold ice current on that day is a one-time array, which can create a cold current field. If it is used in water, it should not be a problem for the cold current to freeze a piece of water instantly. It can also play a role in dealing with dragons.

The earth level skill shadow chasing and soul catching skill is a kind of skill aimed at divine soul and spiritual power. Its talent is to enhance one's own soul power by swallowing the soul power of others. It is an extremely overbearing skill, but it has no effect when chasing and killing Jiaolong.

Further down, it is a local grade spruce treasure coat. It has strong defense, water and fire are not invaded, and weapons are not penetrated. It has the function of spiritual protection. It can resist the attack of a Nirvana warrior and remove many of its strength.

Then there is the million divine thunder rune, which is a disposable item like the sky cold ice flow array. Its effect is to summon millions of divine thunder. Its attack power is extremely strong. As for how strong it is, I don't know yet.

Finally, there is a ground level skill, streamer phantom determination. This skill is similar to the eternal rejuvenation skill. It belongs to the extreme type, and the extreme route of streamer phantom determination is the ultimate speed.

You can tell by the name that the speed of this skill is very fast. When walking, it is like a streamer phantom. After practicing to a great and complete state, a martial artist at the peak of mountain and sea can have a speed comparable to nirvana.

"In the eyes of the world, such skills are extremely biased chicken ribs. It's a pity to abandon them because they are good for nothing except their own extreme route. However, in the same vein of our limitless skills, there are not too many such skills..."

Chu Yun was very happy. After a sigh, he thought that when he went back, he must give priority to teaching Xiao Yang Jian the two skills of eternal rejuvenation and Liuguang phantom, so as to make his limitless skill a higher level.

Chu Yun is also worried about Xiao Yang Jian's limitless work.

Chu Yun can only learn all the other skills by himself, except that Xiao Yang Jian can share his cultivation progress.

To be honest, it's a pity for Chu Yun, who is a teacher, so he can only try his best to select some of the best skills for Xiao Yang Jian to practice.

Like Chu Yun, it is unrealistic to master hundreds of skills at the same time. Ordinary people have limited time and energy. It is enough to spend all their energy to specialize in several skills.

Seeing that there was still more time, Chu Yun took out the spirit bait rewarded in the system space.

Good guy, there are 50 pieces of bait there. It's too much. I don't know when to catch them


[congratulations, you have obtained a streamer array]


[congratulations, you have obtained 80 years of martial arts cultivation]


[congratulations, you have obtained the spiritual level skill earth hiding (Da Yuan man) martial arts experience]


[congratulations, you have gained 80 years of martial arts understanding]


[congratulations, you have obtained the lingpin martial skill broken cloud leg (Da Yuan man) martial arts experience]


[congratulations, you have obtained a King Kong Puppet]


[congratulations, you have obtained the special material green jade sand 22]


[congratulations, you have obtained a spirit product spirit soldier subduing devil pestle]


[congratulations on getting...]

The tinkling sound of rewards keeps going. Although the spirit level rewards are often outdated at today's level, there are still many things worth using.

For example, in these fishing trips, those 80 years of martial arts understanding and martial arts cultivation are the most high-quality rewards, and items such as King Kong puppets can often play some special functions.

After fishing for about thirty or forty times, Chu Yun felt that a familiar breath was approaching rapidly in the distance. It was from the side where he left the code. When he moved in his heart, he took the fishing rod back into the system space.

"How's it going?"

The figure who hurried over, in addition to paying off the rhyme, would also have someone else. As soon as he landed, he immediately asked Chu Yun.

"Everything is under control."

Chu Yun showed a confident smile, pointed to the sunset river below and said, "not long ago, its breath stayed under this water area and hasn't moved for a long time. If there is no accident, it is now recuperating below."

Fu Qingyun immediately became serious when she heard the speech. After a closer look, she found that there was no blood in the river, but she did not question Chu Yun's decision.

Whether it was Chu Yun's shocking move to move the mountain at the first sight, or the Dragon cutting sword that had just been blocked, all fully proved Chu Yun's strength. At the critical moment, we should trust professional people.

"It's not too late. If you delay for a while, the Jiaolong may recover more. Let's go down and kill him by surprise!"

Fu Qingyun took a deep breath and said.

Seeing this, Chu Yun quickly stretched out his hand to stop it and said, "wait a minute."

In his puzzled eyes, Chu Yun took out a pair of green beads, one in his hand, the other handed them to him, and said, "this thing is called water avoiding beads. You can move freely in the water with it, which will be much more convenient than going down directly like this."

Fu Qingyun took the bead. With her eyesight, she did feel some unusual breath in the water avoiding bead, but she couldn't see anything unusual in a short time.

However, after several contacts and the last war of life and death, Feng Yun had great trust in Chu Yun. Without any doubt, she put the water drop into her arms.

Chu Yun smiled and looked at Fu Qingyun. Then he took the lead in flying into the water and led the way in front.

And Fu Qingyun immediately followed up.

As soon as their figures entered the water, they subconsciously wanted to open a spiritual barrier to block the surrounding water from their bodies, which is also a common means for martial artists to enter the water.

However, it takes no effort to enter the river with the beads of water. The beads of water hold up a green fluorescence, forming a circular barrier around and blocking all the river outside.

This effect is very similar to supporting the barrier with spiritual power, but it is more advanced.

Because it's nothing to support the barrier with spiritual power in shallow water, but once you enter the deep water, the water pressure will increase. Supporting the spiritual power barrier inside is tantamount to fighting against the water consumption of this river.

Under the halo of avoiding water drops, their body shape is almost integrated with the river. They can't feel any pressure and are very comfortable, as if they were born to stay in the river.

"It's amazing..."

Fu Qingyun couldn't help whispering. It was just a muttering sentence. She didn't expect to wear it out in the water.

However, Chu Yun on the other side heard it clearly for the first time, turned his head to her and said, "with this thing, it's easier for us to go to the sea to kill dragons."

As the voice fell, Chu Yun smiled, and then quickly approached the bottom of the river.

Logically speaking, sinking from shallow water to deep water is a link of obvious pressure increase.

However, under the halo of avoiding water drops, they seemed to be walking on the ground. They easily dived into deeper waters with their hearts. Their control of up and down displacement was more relaxed than on the ground.


They had already dived to the bottom of the river.

Along the way, to be honest, I didn't see many fish and shrimp, empty.

This is mainly because the arrival of Jiaolong sent out a part of the dragon power and drove away all the fish and shrimp that had been here.

Seeing this scene, Fu Yun was more convinced of Chu Yun and hurriedly followed some closely.

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