As soon as he entered the study, Chu Yun asked bluntly, "how serious is the current situation?"

"Very serious!"

Fu Qingyun took a deep breath and said, "Cangnan is basically shrouded by the epidemic. There are only a few cities. There is no similar situation yet, but I guess... There will be news soon."

"This is very wrong."

Chu Yun said in a deep voice.

"I know."

Pay off Yun nodded and said, "since the flood receded, I have instructed my officials to strictly investigate the problems of hygiene and body treatment, that is, I'm afraid of the emergence of epidemic diseases, but now it still came, and it came so ferociously that it swept the whole Cangnan region in just a few days.

Obviously, this is another move by the man behind the scenes. Like the previous floods, his moves are so despicable and shameless! "

The angry scolding at this time can be said to be justified, but it is not helpful to the matter.

Chu Yun frowned and said, "the other party's intention seems to be to create a large-scale disaster and harm the lives of the people. He is timid and always hides behind the scenes. There must be a great conspiracy behind this."

With that, Chu Yun paused for a moment, looked at Xiang Yun, and asked, "what good measures do you have here to deal with the epidemic?"


Fu Qingyun shook her head slowly and said, "although the level of doctors in Cangnan area is not poor, it is not up to the top level. The death rate of the epidemic is high and the transmission efficiency is so fierce. I'm afraid it's difficult to settle down without the help of top doctors. Now I'm going to write a letter for help and ask Jin Xiacheng or the miracle doctor in Beijing."

"It's just that it's been too long."

Chu Yun breathed out slowly and said, "once the news comes, let the miracle doctor rush to Cangnan region. It's hard to arrive without ten or eight days..."

"There's no way."

Fu Qingyun clenched her fist and tried to calm her mood. She said, "before that, only local doctors can treat her as much as possible, and establish an isolation area to control the spread of the epidemic..."

While talking, Chu Yun could feel the powerlessness of Yun.

This kind of epidemic disease, which comes and goes from small to small, will not even sneeze for strong people like them, but it is a fatal threat to ordinary people in Cangnan.

The cultivation of the strong in Nirvana is useless in front of the epidemic, and it can't help if you want to do something.

Chu Yun also pondered for a long time.

For epidemic diseases, he has many antidote pills here, which may have miraculous effects, but the number of pills in his hand is still too small compared with tens of millions of civilians in Cangnan.

However, in the face of disaster, if you can do something, you can't be idle. Chu Yun said: "I have some detoxification pills here. The efficacy should be enough for the epidemic. If you distribute them, melt them with water and let the patients drink the potion, maybe it can play some role."

"Thank you."

Fu Qingyun looked at him, his eyes softened a little, but soon became cold again, and said, "those behind the scenes, I swear with my life that I will never let them go. I have ordered my confidants to garrison in the city where the epidemic has not yet appeared. Once I see the people on the three portraits or the sneakers, I will inform me at the first time. By then, I also hope childe Chu can help me eradicate them. "

"That's nature."

Chu Yun's face was solemn, which was what he wanted to do. Those behind the scenes were damn, whether for the task or for the people in Cangnan.

Immediately, Chu Yun turned and left. After returning to his guest room, he opened the door of space again. He wanted to directly return to Jinxia city through the lunar mark of Xiao Yang Jian and bring the doctors in Jinxia city.

It is conceivable that this process will never be very friendly.

In order to prevent the secret of his personal space from being exposed, Chu Yun can't let outsiders know that he and Xiao Yang Jian have such a treasure.

Therefore, Chu Yun's technique is bound to be very rough when using the space gate to transport people at the moment. He plans to return to Jinxia City, knock out the doctors who can be used directly, plug them into the space gate and bring them back to Cangnan region.

"Although it's not an appropriate move, today's Cangnan region is full of disasters. For the sake of the people, we have to grievance these medical masters..."

Chu Yun thought in his heart.

As soon as he entered the door of space, Chu Yun heard a burst of laughter.

Among them, the slightly childish voice is naturally his good disciple, Xiao Yang Jian, while another innocent voice has not been seen for a long time.

"Xiao Li, are you awake?"

Chu Yun showed a surprised smile on his face. Looking forward, he saw that Xiao Yang Jian and Xiao Li were talking in the garden.

"Ah, here you are..."

The two light wings behind Xiao Li gently fanned and came to Chu Yun's body. Around Chu Yun's figure, she turned around in mid air, and there were shining lights falling where she passed.

Chu Yun stared at Xiao Li. It was obvious that after this deep sleep, Xiao Li got a lot of benefits. His breath was more solid, and his body was close to the entity. It was no longer the translucent and shining appearance before.

The most important thing is that Xiao Li's form at the moment makes people feel very close as soon as it looks, as if no matter what kind of pain can be cured in front of Xiao Li.

Xiao Yang Jian also came over, looked at Chu Yun and said, "master, if only you had left later just now. Sister Li just woke up."

"That's a bit of a coincidence."

Chu Yun said with a smile on his face, looked at Xiao Li and asked, "how do you feel about your body? After the previous changes, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine!"

Xiao Li smiled and floated in the air, much faster than before. He said: "after waking up this time, I seem to have mastered many new abilities, which can not only give birth to miraculous drugs, but also control them, especially fun..."

With that, Xiao Li stretched out a slender finger and pointed to the miraculous drugs in the medicine garden. When his finger moved to the left, the miraculous drugs fell to the left one after another. When his finger moved to the right, the miraculous drugs fell to the right one after another. His finger turned a circle, and the leaves of the miraculous drugs rotated.

Seeing this, Chu Yun knew in his heart that Xiao Li had awakened her ability to control plants. When she controlled those miraculous drugs, a special force controlled the plants themselves and enhanced their strength.

"Let me see."

Chu Yun said and walked forward. A finger bounced on the plant leaf controlled by Xiao Li.

Just listen to the "poof" sound, the power of Chu Yun's fingers was dissolved by the leaf, and the leaf surface was not damaged.

"It's very good. Under your control, the toughness and strength of this leaf have reached a level that can stop the attack of Nirvana warriors. If you encounter any danger, you can deal with the existence of Nirvana as long as there are plants outside that can be controlled." Chu Yun nodded and said.

"What threats will I face? There are only plants here, such as rhubarb, Xiaobai, Xiaoyang and you... "

Xiao Li tilted his head.

What makes people laugh and cry is that in her ranking, rhubarb and Xiaobai are still in front of Xiao Yang Jian and Chu Yun.

Chu Yun looked at Xiao Li and said, "you should also have the ability to treat others now? If someone is injured or ill, can you help them? "

"I don't know..."

Xiao Li thought carefully and said, "sister Bai told me that you humans will get hurt and get sick, but I haven't seen it and don't know what it is... Does it hurt?"

"It will hurt."

Chu Yun nodded and said, "even, it will disappear forever, that is, death."

The voice fell. Xiao Yang Jian looked worried at Chu Yun and asked, "master, are you... Injured?"

He knew that Chu Yungang had just had a fierce battle with the Jiaolong. The strength of the Jiaolong was so terrible. If Chu Yun was injured, it was very normal. However, through his previous contact with Shifu, he didn't think Chu Yun would die because of it. This was too outrageous and scared him.

"Not me."

Chu Yun shook his head and sighed: "those behind the scenes saw Jiaolong killed and made other evil moves. They spread the plague in the cities of Cangnan region. Now Cangnan region has become an epidemic area, and countless civilians will be killed by the epidemic at any time..."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yang Jian's face turned a little white, but soon became angry, clenched his fist and said, "those people... They're just heartless. It's too much!"

Xiao Li tilted his head, listened to the dialogue between the teacher and the apprentice, and said, "although I don't quite understand what you mean, I'd be happy if I could help!"


Chu Yun nodded. He originally wanted to abduct the doctors of Jinxia city through the door of space, but now that Xiao Li has woken up, he thinks it should be a more useful helper.

"Disciple, go back and tell you brother Qianli now. In addition to preparing food, you should also inform the doctors in Jinxia City, so that the government leader can pay attention to the affairs of Cangnan region and give full support."

Chu Yun act rashly and alert the enemy. "At any time, we can tell the government of the dragon's chaos, but it's only one of them. Besides Zheng Tian Yang, there are likely to be those eyes in those houses. Once they are too loud, they will be surprised."

"Yang Jian understands."

Xiao Yang Jian nodded and immediately turned away from his personal space. Through his lunar mark, he returned to Jinxia city and told the news.

On the other hand, Chu Yun also opened the sun mark, put a door to space in front of Xiao Li, looked at her, smiled and said, "I want you to go outside with me, can you?"

"... should be... Ok...?"

Xiao Li said with some uncertainty.

Since she had self-awareness, she has been staying in this small space. Hundreds of years have passed. She suddenly said she wanted to go out. Although she didn't know whether she could go out or not, in short, this mood is still very tense.

That may be the first time Xiao Li has experienced such intense emotions in her life that she is tense and stiff like a stone and touches the door of space.


Just listen to the "Shua", Xiao Li's body disappears from the original place. The next moment, he appears in the world outside the space, that is, Chu Yun's guest room.

At that moment, Xiao Li widened his eyes and looked at the outside world and strange room. His expression was obviously very wonderful.

On one side, Chu Yun followed, passed through the door of space, looked at Xiao Li who was stiff in the room, and was going to say something to relieve Xiao Li's mood.

Then he saw that Xiao Li "Xiu" once again drilled back into the door of space.

"... huh?"

Chu Yun's face showed an unexpected strange color. He hurried in again and saw Xiao Li looking at the door of space with a frightened face and retreating far away.

"Why are you back?"

Chu Yun asked.

"It's too small outside..."

Xiao Li looked tangled and said, "it's smaller than the place before it became bigger, and there are no flowers and plants at all. I... I still want to stay in a bigger place..."

Chu Yun couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the speech, then smiled bitterly and said, "no... it's big outside. What you just saw is just a small room. The world outside the room is many times larger than here. Believe me, I'll take you outside to see."

Xiao Li shook his head firmly and his head shook like a rattle. It was really difficult for the house girl who had not been out since her birth to accept the outside world at once.

Chu Yun advised a few more words, but as the saying goes, hearing is false and seeing is true. Xiao Li, who had seen the "outside world" with his own eyes, felt that it was too small. Before he had enough space to carry around, he naturally didn't want to go out again.

"Well, I'll go out first and put the door of space in another place. Then you'll see if the world satisfies you. How about it?"

Chu Yun discussed, saw Xiao Li hesitate and nodded, then smiled and turned out of the door of space.

Then he left the huge city of Cangnan, went over a wooded mountain outside the city, looked up, saw the clouds in the sky, took a deep breath and spit out towards the clouds.

In an instant, the clouds rolled back and scattered around. Soon, the sky became very clear. When the sun shone down, the whole heaven and earth was broad and thorough, which made people feel surging at the first sight.

The ability to blow away the clouds with one breath is naturally the ability of the blazing sun Tianlong. Otherwise, with Chu Yun's lung capacity, it will not blow away even if it is blown.

"That's all right..."

Chu Yun nodded with satisfaction, and then opened the door of space marked by the sun again.

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