The official was stunned when he heard the speech, and a surprised look appeared on his face. He quickly said, "it's convenient, of course it's convenient! Childe Chu, this girl, please follow me! "

With that, the official led Chu Yun and them to the depths of the isolation area.

Xiao Li lowered her head all the way and didn't dare to look around, because there were too many people here. She had seen people with one hand for hundreds of years, but there were as many people in the isolation area as weeds, and everyone was looking at them with complex eyes.

"Here we are."

The official said.

At this moment, the three came to a barracks.

The camp is actually a huge tent, in which there are bursts of coughing voices.

It was not a normal cough, showing a weak illness, as if after coughing, he would faint the next second.

The official tightened the mask on his face. Although as a martial artist, he will not be easily infringed by the bacteria of the plague, after all, it is harmful to the human body. If he can inhale less, he should inhale as little as possible.

"Childe Chu, please!"

The official took two masks from the people nearby and handed them to Chu Yun and the girl beside her.

Chu Yun waved his hand and signaled not to use it. Then he held his breath, sealed his breath, and even his pores were no longer breathable. In this way, the bacteria naturally could not invade.

The three entered the barracks and saw dozens of beds on both sides of the tent.

The bed was very simple, but it was as clean and hygienic as possible. On it lay pale patients, and the weak cough kept in their mouths for a moment.

Chu Yun frowned. Although he would not be disturbed by germs, he couldn't help worrying when he saw this scene.

He breathed out slowly, looked at Xiao Li beside him and said, "these people are infected with epidemic diseases. Can you save them? "

As the voice fell, the officials on one side became nervous and worried.

Xiao Li looked at the patients and couldn't seem to understand why their expressions were so painful. Hearing Chu Yun's words, she replied, "I'll try. It should be OK."

Hearing this, the official couldn't help taking a deep look at Xiao Li.

Such a young girl looks two years younger than his daughter. Does she really have the ability to solve such a terrible epidemic?

If the official was allowed to judge for himself, he would never believe it.


This girl is from childe Chu.

Although Chu Yun came to Cangnan for a short time, what he did left an indelible deep impression on the people of Cangnan.

Cut off the dragon, move the mountain and cut off the water.

This pile by pile, one by one, is a great achievement that ordinary people can't do, and it's also unimaginable.

Now, in this dangerous period of plague, Chu Yun has brought the young girl again, which makes the officials look forward to Chu Yun's ability to create miracles again and save the people in Cangnan.

Xiao Li took a deep breath, as if to cheer himself up.

Then she walked to the bed nearest to her. Lying on the bed was a little girl of only 12 or 13 years old. Her breath was very weak, and her cough voice was weak. It was like a candle in the wind, which would be extinguished by a breeze at any time.

Xiao Li took a distressed look at the little girl, then stretched out a finger and gently touched the little girl's forehead.

A emerald green light bloomed on the little girl's forehead and turned into a warm light.

The little girl's consciousness had begun to blur, but under the warm light, the painful expression was relieved, the frown was stretched, and even a comfortable whisper was issued.

After a while, Xiao Li removed his finger from the little girl's head.

Chu Yun, who was waiting on the side, immediately asked, "what's the matter? Is there a solution?"


Xiao Li nodded, smiled and said, "I can feel that there are some very bad plant components in her body, which are the elements extracted from several different plants. If you want to solve her problems, you only need to dissolve these elements."

With that, Xiao Li stretched out a finger and rowed a few times in the air.

As her fingertips turned, the shapes of flowers and plants stretched out in the air. They were all the flowers and plants that Chu Yun and Xiao Li had seen along the way.

"Are these the antidotes?"

Chu Yun asked.


Xiao Li nodded and said, "this should be put more, this should be put less, this only put the flowers and bones in front, this..."

She pointed to each plant and pointed out what elements need to be invested in each raw material. In short, she was prescribing a prescription.

After Chu Yun wrote it down, he took a pen and paper, wrote down the prescription, handed it to the official and said, "send someone to find these herbs immediately. The plague is not complicated. People in several huge cities are infected with the same disease. If it works, I think you know what it means."

"... I understand!"

As soon as the official looked solemn, he immediately nodded heavily. If the prescription written by the little girl can really resolve the epidemic, the plague in the whole Cangnan region will disappear.

One method leads to ten thousand methods.

Not long after, the official brought someone himself and brought all the materials on the prescription.

It is worth mentioning that the reason why it returns so quickly is also because the drugs in Xiaoli's prescription are very common flowers and plants. Some are not even conventional medicinal materials. They are just roadside weeds. In the eyes of the world, they have no medicinal value.

However, when Xiao Li sees a doctor, she doesn't look at which diseases those herbs correspond to. Her vision is more pure. She only looks at which plants contain those elements that can dissolve and restrain the elements in the patient's body.

This is simple to say, but it is not the ability that ordinary people can have.

While the official was collecting drugs, Xiao Li had bent down and put a finger on the little girl's forehead on the hospital bed. The emerald green light between his fingers was even more brilliant.


The little girl whispered softly, closed her eyes and twisted her body comfortably. Her trunk, which was trembling slightly because of her illness, was calmed down now.

Chu Yun saw this and said, "it's really right that I brought you here. You not only have the ability to treat these patients, but if your prescription is really effective, you don't have to do it yourself. Thousands of people in Cangnan will be saved because of you. This is a great merit."

"I don't understand what you said..."

Xiao Li shook his head and said, "I just think she's too uncomfortable and want to help her."

As he spoke, the tent door of the barracks was opened. The official hurried in with a pile of medicinal materials. When he saw the serene little girl on the bed, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"She's all right. Miss Li cured her epidemic with her own skill."

Chu Yun said, took the herbs and said, "aren't there other patients here?"

"Yes, Mr. Chu, you're right..."

The official nodded quickly, then looked at Xiao Li and said, "Miss Li, what should we do? How about you give us a sample?"

Xiao Li nodded and hooked her finger. The medicinal materials in Chu Yun's hand flew in a whirl. Then she explained as she had just explained: "this plant, extract the juice and put more. This plant, take its flowers and bones, mash them and make them more dense. This plant smashes the shell without leaving impurities, as long as the veins inside, This plant... "

She said, her fingers manipulated the plants flexibly, and soon condensed a transparent juice in mid air, which was all adjusted.

"Do you understand?"

The official was stunned, but he was accompanied by several doctors from Cangnan region, who wanted to bring them to see how Xiao Li made medicine.

"Lord Hui, I remember all the steps clearly. Although we don't have the ability to control plants as freely as Miss Li, there are still ways to extract the elements from these plants."

The doctor nodded and said something. He couldn't help but take a deep look at Xiao Li. He didn't know where the girl came from or where she came from. His control over the medicinal materials was amazing. It seemed that the medicinal materials were not medicinal materials, but her fingers.

Immediately, Xiao Li controlled the liquid medicine just prepared by the regiment and came to the hospital bed of a thin young man nearby. Seeing this, the official immediately came forward and opened the young man's mouth.

Xiao Li stretched out his hand and the liquid medicine fell into the young man's mouth. The young man who was still coughing and out of breath soon showed a faint blush after drinking the liquid medicine, as if he were immersed in a hot spring, and relaxed comfortably.

The two doctors were surprised when they saw this. Unexpectedly, the medicine came so quickly. They hurried forward to diagnose the pulse for the thin young man.

"How's it going?"

Officials look nervous. This is the first attempt of this liquid medicine. Whether it is successful or not is extremely critical, and it also affects people's mentality and belief.

The doctor opened his eyes, looked at the official and said, "Sir, the poison in the patient's body has been completely eliminated, and he has recovered now!"

"What?! So fast?! "

Officials were also startled. Even if the right medicine was applied to the case, it cured quickly, but it was too fast. Just after drinking, people had been cured. This is a magic medicine!

Seeing this, Chu Yun couldn't help smiling. With a positive look, he looked at Xiao Li.

Xiao Li seemed to have no doubt about her level. When the people crowded in front of the thin young man waiting for the curative effect, she had used the medicine brought by the official to prepare a new liquid medicine.

When Chu Yun turned his head, he saw four liquid medicine regiments floating in the air. Under the guidance of Xiao Li, they flew towards several severe patients.

"Miss Li, you are really a miracle doctor!"

The surprised look on the official's face, even if he is nearly middle-aged and floats in officialdom for half his life, he still can't stop his joy at the moment. Looking at Xiao Li, he directly bowed deeply and said, "I sincerely thank you for the patients here. The people of the whole Cangnan region also want to accept your kindness. Please accept my worship!"

"... ah!"

Xiao Li was startled by his behavior, jumped up and hid aside, staring at him with vigilant eyes: "you talk well, what are you doing suddenly?"

Seeing this, the official was still bent. When he raised his head, he saw Xiao Li despised, but he couldn't fix him. I don't know what happened to the girl.

"Xiao Li, she doesn't know anything about the world. Don't be surprised."

Chu Yun smiled and waved his hand.

"No harm, no harm..."

The official straightened up without paying any attention. He still looked happy and said: "next, I will ask people to purchase a large number of these herbs to make the antidote. However, the way of making this antidote still needs little Li's help to determine. After all, the antidote made by ordinary people is mixed with little Li's miraculous technique, There will certainly be a gap. "


Chu Yun nodded and agreed for Xiao Li.

Then, the official immediately commanded the two doctors to bring all kinds of equipment needed for pharmacy, stack them outside the barracks, and began to try to make liquid medicine according to the method previously instructed by Xiao Li.

"This doesn't work. If all the impurities in the shell are not cleaned, the effect will be affected. Then there is too much green juice. It is proportional to the flower and bone flowers here. After exceeding it, the efficacy will change. You can adjust it again..."

While making the antidote, Xiao Li commented on the antidote made by the two doctors and pointed out the shortcomings.

To be honest, these two doctors are white haired and famous doctors in Cangnan region. They have served the world all their life. They are respected by thousands of people in Cangnan giant city.

Now when they are old, they are pointed out by a little girl who doesn't look as big as their granddaughter. To be honest, the taste is still not humane.

However, fortunately, these two doctors are not narrow-minded people. Following the principle of "Da zhe as a teacher", they redeployed them again in strict and serious accordance with the methods instructed by Xiao Li.

"It's much better this time. It can have 80% of the original effect. The disadvantage is that the proportion is still wrong. The amount of juice should be less..."

Xiao Li nodded with satisfaction. A good teacher saw that the disciples were improving and satisfied.

In fact, in terms of age and seniority, when Xiao Li instigated the elixir, the grandfather of the two old doctors still didn't come out of his mother's stomach.

Some people look young, but in fact, they have lived for hundreds of years

However, it is commendable.

Even after hundreds of years of baptism, Xiao Li is still innocent and maintains a pure childlike heart, which is the most rare.

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