When he fell to the ground, song Gufeng heard a lot of movement around him.

Some people exclaimed, some were angry, and then there was a dull sound of punching and kicking

And then

His good friend Li Yuanlu rushed forward, covered the wound on his chest, and said sadly, "no, how can it be like this? Wake up... Why do you want to make such a head... Wake up..."

The sound gradually went away and became ethereal, like floating in my ears, farther and farther away.

Why did you do this?

Song Gufeng didn't think about this problem. He just knew that he should stand up.

In fact, song Gufeng had realized something when he decided to expose the identity of those people.

For example... Those people who have evil intentions deceive the public and incite public resentment in the crowd must be instructed by someone behind them, and the other party is willing to use this indiscriminate trick to crack down on uneven buildings, and they will never be a good person.

He was a powerless and despicable scholar who rushed forward and exposed the other party's conspiracy. Afterwards, he would certainly be watched by the organization behind the no good man.


Song Gufeng still stood up.

The act of rushing out without knowing the consequences can be called recklessness.

Only those who know what the consequences will be but still choose to stand up are called true courage.


Song Gufeng now paid a price for his bravery.

Feeling the gradual disappearance of consciousness, song Gufeng sighed, but he didn't regret much.

But even if he regretted it, he did not regret that he stood up, but regretted that he had forgotten the sentence "a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall".

At that time, he was only afraid that the middle-aged thin man ran away after his identity was exposed, so he came forward to catch each other, but he forgot the fact that he had no strength to bind the chicken.

I don't know how long it took

Song Gufeng felt a warm feeling in his body.

That feeling, incomparably gentle and comfortable, seems to return to the infancy and lie in the mother's arms.

"... wake up."

A gentle voice sounded, which seemed to contain a unique force. It stirred song Gufeng's spirit, suddenly vibrated, and then his eyelids trembled twice and opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes and saw a warm light.

The light came not from the leaky roof, but in the hand of a man in white.

The man in white saw that he woke up, and the corners of his lips made a slight arc. He smiled very well. Then he stretched out his hand and pushed the light into song Gufeng's body.


Song Gufeng's body trembled. Then he looked down and saw that he was lying on a bed with his coat open, revealing his thin chest, some bony. There should have been a ferocious scar or wound on his chest, but at the moment, it disappeared under the action of the light.

After being stunned for a while, song Gufeng realized that he had been saved. His lips opened and trembled. Just about to say something, he saw his good friend Li Yuanlu come forward with red eyes.

"Gufeng! You're awake! It really scared me to death... "

Li Yuanlu held his hand tightly.

"I'm fine..."

Song Gufeng slowly shook his head, observed the environment in the house, and soon found from the luxurious furnishings that this is not his own home, so the man in white with a good smile is probably not an ordinary doctor.

Song Gufeng got up from the bed with his hand. He first straightened his clothes, then bowed to the man in white and said, "thank you for your help. Song Gufeng didn't expect anything in return."

"You're welcome."

The man in white smiled and said, "you were stabbed in order to maintain the reputation of the uneven building. I should save you."

The voice fell

Song Gufeng was surprised and said, "Sir, are you a man of uneven buildings? Here... "

"This is an uneven building!"

Li Yuanlu hurriedly said, "after you were stabbed, those who hurt you took out their knives and wanted to run away. Then before long, the martial artists of the uneven building rushed over and caught them. As for you, you were directly taken to the uneven building by this gentleman for treatment..."

His words, like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, told his friends exactly what happened after Song Gufeng was stabbed.

"May I ask your name, sir?"

After hearing this, song Gufeng looked at the man in white and asked.

"This is not urgent."

The man in white smiled and shook his head and said, "I have some questions for you."

Song Gufeng was stunned, arched his hand and said in a positive tone, "Sir, please tell me. As long as Gufeng knows, he must know everything."


The man in white nodded and said, "first question, I want to know, why do you stand up and expose the identity of those people? Since you can see through the disguise of those people, you should know that if you choose to be their enemy, you will be retaliated in the future. "

Hearing the speech, song Gufeng was silent and said slowly, "I just can't stand it. They confuse the people with evil words and use the victims as a tool to drive. As for revenge... Of course I'm afraid, but my husband does something and doesn't do anything. If he doesn't do anything at this scene, I won't be me."

"Very good."

The man in white nodded again. He seemed satisfied with the look in his eyes and asked, "then, in your opinion, who do you think drove those people?"

"Grain merchant!"

After being silent for a while, song Gufeng replied decisively, "it must be those businessmen who want to raise food prices."

"So sure?"

An interesting color appeared in the eyes of the man in white.

Song Gufeng said, "it is not surprising that the uneven building has set up a good porridge shed in Cangnan to sell grain at a very low price and maintain grain prices. The most directly affected people are those businessmen who want to raise grain prices, and it is not surprising that such people who intend to make a fortune in disaster use such indiscriminate means."

"Ha ha, that's right."

The man in white smiled, then paused and said, "however, you should have little understanding of the uneven building. Can't the one who comes to tarnish the image of the uneven building this time be the enemy of the uneven building itself?"


Song Gufeng shook his head, took a deep look at the man in white and said, "if you ask me this question, you will have a mind to test me, so the answer must be the answer I can know. In that case, I just need to guess boldly within the scope of my knowledge."

"Very good. It's logical and organized. It's a material that can be made."

The man in white nodded, smiled and said, "if you want to join the uneven building, you can talk to me now and I will allow it."


Song Gufeng was shocked when he heard the speech, then quickly bowed to the man in white and said, "students are willing! I want to join the uneven building! "

"Well, you passed. From this moment on, you are a full member of the uneven building."

The man in white had a stronger smile on his face and patted song Gufeng on the shoulder.

After Song Gufeng got up, he breathed a little differently. Unexpectedly, the knife stabbed in and stabbed out such an unimagined road.

He looked at the man in white and said, "Sir, can you tell me your identity now?"

"Chu Yun."

The man in white smiled and said, "or, you can call me, deputy landlord."

When the voice fell, song Gufeng's body was shocked. Li Yuanlu on the side immediately widened his eyes and couldn't help exclaiming: "Chu, Chu Yun?! Are you the son of Chu? The son of Chu who, together with the domain master, killed the dragon in Hanoi at sunset, and then moved the mountain and cut off the water? "

Chu Yun touched his nose. Unexpectedly, his reputation was so loud in ordinary people's ears, but he still smiled, nodded and said, "it's me."

On one side, song Gufeng's body shook twice, feeling like he was still dreaming.

There are two reasons why he chose to join the uneven building without hesitation. The first is the good porridge shed of the uneven building, which pulled him back from the abyss that could turn into a beast at any time. Personally, he has a life-saving grace.

The second point is that song Gufeng knows that the son of Chu who is not in a flat building has done a lot of things for Cangnan. Whether it is to kill Jiaolong or to move mountains and cut off water, it is a great force like a God. No matter which of these two things is carried out alone, it is worthy of the people of Cangnan to worship him.


Song Gufeng not only joined the uneven building with satisfaction, but also saw the legendary childe of Chu with his own eyes. This great surprise made him tremble and almost fainted with excitement.

At this time, with a "creak", the door was pushed open. Before Zhao Qianli's body came in, the voice came and shouted, "good brother, how's it going? Is the little guy awake? "

"Wake up."

Chu Yun said and smiled: "but it seems that he will faint again."

Song Gufeng's face turned red and realized that Chu Yun was teasing him. Then he saw a handsome young man with a bad smile coming in.

Zhao Qianli went straight to song Gufeng, opened song Gufeng's front without any scruples, looked at the wound in his eyes, and said strangely: "this skill of treatment is really magical. I can't even see a scar. If I'm being treated like this in the future, I'll come to you."

"Don't say something auspicious."

Chu Yun shook his head, looked at Song Gufeng and said, "this is Zhao Qianli, the owner of the uneven building."

"I've seen the landlord..."

Hearing the speech, song Gufeng immediately bowed to Zhao Qianli and was soon helped up.

Zhao Qianli smiled and said, "don't be so polite. We are recruiting people recently. Talents like you who take the initiative to send them to the door are very rare. Well, you can follow me in the future."

Song Gufeng turned and looked at Chu Yun. The latter smiled and nodded to him. He immediately nodded and said, "listen to the landlord's arrangement."

After a pause, song Gufeng looked at Li Yuanlu, hesitated and said, "Lord, this is my friend and my former classmate. He also respects the uneven building. Can you agree and let him join the uneven building?"

The voice fell

Li Yuanlu was shocked. After looking at Song Gufeng with gratitude, he hurriedly said, "Gufeng is right. I also want to join the uneven building. Please agree..."

With that, Li Yuanlu also deeply worshipped Chu Yun and petitioned them.


Chu Yun nodded and said, "those close to Zhu are red and those close to ink are black. You two are good friends. There's nothing to worry about, so join us."

"Thank you, vice landlord..."

Li Yuanlu looked excited and quickly got up to thank him. When he looked at Song Gufeng again, his eyes were full of joy.

Before stepping into the uneven building, they were only two victims who needed to rely on good porridge, but from this moment, they became full members of the uneven building.

Although before Chu Yun came to Cangnan, the common people in Cangnan had never heard of the name of the uneven building, now they will be able to join the uneven building as an honor.

Later, Zhao Qianli found someone and asked him to take song Gufeng and Li Yuanlu to the uneven building house to find a place to settle down.

Song Gufeng was naturally very satisfied with the living place provided by the uneven building, but he had to go back and take the books at home and the memorial tablets of his father and mother.

Li Yuanlu has become a pro, so he has to go back and pick up his wife.

For these requirements, the uneven building can naturally be met, and sent some warriors to follow them and go back together to avoid any more trouble.

"Those unscrupulous businessmen who have children without farts and eyes have great courage. They even dare to use such dirty tricks to discredit us among the victims... Bah, what!"

After the two new members left, the respected landlord Zhao Qianli immediately couldn't help spitting on the ground and swearing.

Chu Yun looked at him and said, "it's not surprising that cutting off people's wealth is like killing parents. As long as the grain sales office in the uneven building is still open for a day, they won't stop."

"Later, I'll press those people, go to them and have a good seat and see how those turtle grandsons want to play with me..." Zhao Qianli snorted and said.

"No need."

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "those are just insignificant small characters. They don't even have accomplishments. Even if they are all killed, those profiteers won't care."

Having said that, Zhao Qianli still wanted to be angry. He scratched his hair anxiously, looked at Chu Yun and said, "then how are you going to punish these people?"

"Ha ha."

Chu Yun smiled faintly and said, "today, there is news from all the grain sales offices in the uneven building that there are many people who want to buy grain in large quantities..."

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