Bai Qingqing lay on the ground, looking at the sky with empty eyes, and his eyes lost their focus.

More than ten years ago, when she was abandoned on the street by her parents, Bai Qingqing, nearly five years old, was already desperate for the world. When she was about to starve to death, she was a kind mother-in-law who brought her back to Shanzhuang.

There are more than a dozen orphans like her, either their parents died, or abandoned like her, who were adopted by her mother-in-law for various tragic reasons.

For more than ten years, her mother-in-law took care of them in Shanzhuang and brought them up. When Bai Qingqing thought that the world would return kindness to her, the flood came.

Shanzhuang was flooded. Her mother-in-law and many brothers and sisters died in the flood. Only innocent people left Shanzhuang alone and left their hometown to seek a way out.


She came to this green willow village and was cheated by Zhang Heng and lost her freedom.

One wave after another, the victims cheated in together died in the hands of Zhang Heng. When Bai Qingqing thought she was going to be poisoned, something happened.

She awakened that special talent and had different power from ordinary people

Seriously, at that time, Bai Qing really thought that she could change her fate with her own strength and escape from Zhang Heng's claws.


Facts have proved that she thinks too much. In front of Zhang Heng, she is still like a child with no strength to bind chickens, and has no ability to resist.

The reason why Zhang Heng didn't kill her and leave her alive is that after awakening, she has a more worthy way to be used, that is to become the double repair stove tripod of that disgusting man.


Zhang Heng was killed. She seems to have been saved, but from the conversation between Song Gufeng and Zhang Heng just now, she can also hear that the other party saved her, that is, she just took a fancy to her spirit body, and the plan in her heart is no different from that of Zhang Heng.

What is this?

Just out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's mouth?


Bai Qingqing fell to the ground, so tired that she didn't even want to continue breathing. In such a cruel world, as a woman, she was abandoned by her parents when she was young. As a weak person, she could only escape in distress in the face of the flood. As a disaster victim, she would be sucked by the martial arts practitioners of magic skills at any time. As a stove tripod, And they will be used as tools to fight for it

No one cares. She is a living person, a person with feelings and temperature.

Those capable strong people just want to drain the last trace of residual value from her, no matter how cruel they use.

Tired, too tired

"You misunderstood."

Song Gufeng looked at Bai Qingqing, who was tired and loveless. He sighed slowly and said, "I just said to Zhang Heng that I just wanted him to set you free. I didn't mean to make you a furnace tripod for someone. Of course... I know that no matter which of the two adults would be happy to do so."

The voice fell. Bai Qingqing didn't respond and still stared at the sky.

She heard what song Gufeng said.

However, whether song Gufeng said it was true or false, she was not interested in distinguishing. She was desperate for this cruel world and this world without any temperature.

Song Gufeng looked at her. After being silent for a while, he slowly breathed out a breath and said, "I know, you must be confused now? Actually... I can marry you if you like. "


Bai Qingqing was stunned for a moment, his neck twisted stiff, and looked at Song Gufeng unexpectedly for the first time. It was really because what song Gufeng said at the moment was

That's strange!

Under Bai Qingqing's gaze, song Gufeng looked calm and magnanimous and said, "it sounds strange for me to say so, but I hope you know that I really put forward this proposal.

Zhang Heng wants to marry you because he wants to possess your spiritual charm and become his double cultivation furnace tripod. I'm just an ordinary person and have never practiced martial arts. Your spiritual body means nothing to me. Therefore, you can rest assured that I don't want to marry you with the idea of using you. "

"... are you pitying me?"

In a low voice.


Song Gufeng nodded without scruples and said, "but it's not accurate. Your face will become like this because of my lack of ability. If I could stabilize Zhang Heng just now and let him stop acting rashly, you would not be hurt. Therefore, from this point of view, I owe you.

A great husband walks in the world with revenge and resentment. Since he owes you, I naturally want to find a way to make up for it. Marrying you is a way for me to express my sincerity. After a woman has a lack of face, what she is most worried about is that she can't find a suitable husband?

In that case, I think you should accept my proposal, because I think it is a worthy object for a lifetime.

Of course

If you have a heart or don't want to marry me, I can recognize you as my sister and will try my best to find a doctor to treat your face. "


After hearing song Gufeng's words, Bai Qingqing said, "you don't like me. If you're just ashamed of me, why do you have to do this? Do you have many wives? "

"No, I haven't married a wife. I'm still single."

Song Gufeng shook his head and said, "as for whether you like you or not, it may be important in the conditions for ordinary people to marry, but it doesn't matter here. In my opinion, the main factor for whether any thing and choice are important or not is responsibility and responsibility. I made you spend your face and can't get married. I should be responsible for your marriage to the end."

"... fool!"

Bai Qingqing looked at him for a long time and couldn't help laughing through tears: "how can there be a fool like you?"

"So, did you promise?"

Song Gufeng asked.


Bai Qingqing sat up from the ground, slowly breathed out a breath and snorted, "I have hands and feet. You don't have to take any responsibility for me. It's nothing if you spend your face. It's no big deal to adopt some homeless children like your mother-in-law. This generation is also valuable."

As she spoke, she suddenly relaxed a lot, and her heavy heart was much lighter.


She suddenly realized that there were still good people in the world.

Like the fool who yells to marry her, he is a good and excessive fool. Since there are still such people in this world, why not continue to miss her?

"All right."

Song Gufeng nodded and said, "now that you've decided, I can help you. I'm the big shopkeeper of Cangnan Jucheng branch of the uneven building. My monthly salary is 500 Liang silver. I live and eat in the uneven building, so I spend very little every month. I can only leave ten Liang Silver. The rest is for you to build a good villa and take in orphans."

"Who wants your money..."

Bai Qingqing turned around and stared at Song Gufeng. He was about to say something, but a faint laugh came from one side.

"Seriously, I think you two are still a good match."

A figure came from the clouds and walked lightly. In an instant, he had come to the yard and looked at Song Gufeng and Bai Qingqing with a smile.

"Deputy landlord..."

Seeing Chu Yun, song Gufeng quickly bowed his hand and said, "why did you come in person?"

"If you don't come, you won't see this scene."

Chu Yun said, patting song Gufeng on the shoulder and said, "you did a good job. You deserve to be promoted by me. If you marry this girl, your monthly salary can be doubled to 1000 Liang silver."

"You're joking."

Song Gufeng smiled bitterly and thought Chu Yun was joking.

Bai Qingqing's expression is dimmer. The reason why she refused song Gufeng is not because she thinks song Gufeng is pitying her. She doesn't have such strong self-esteem and doesn't allow anyone to pity her. She just thinks... A good man like song Gufeng should marry a good-looking wife, and she

It's too ugly to deserve it.

"Crazy son..."

Chu Yun shook his head slowly, sighed with emotion, then stretched out his hand and took out a Fusu fruit.

He squeezed the juice out of the pulp and floated into a mass of juice in the air. With a movement of his mind, he came to Bai Qingqing's face.

Bai Qingqing was surprised and subconsciously hid back, but the juice had covered her face and flowed into those ferocious wounds.

Just for a moment, a cool feeling came from the wound. Bai Qingqing stood there stunned. When he came back, he touched his face with trembling fingers.

The feeling of starting was smooth and delicate. She was surprised that her two hands covered her face, touched it hard for a long time, and didn't feel any scars anymore.

"My Lord, you..."

Bai Qingqing looked at Chu Yun and realized that the magical juice had restored her scratched face.

"When you were scratched, I watched, but I didn't show up. Now I should help you recover, so you don't have to thank me."

Chu Yun looked at her with a smile and said, "the reason why I didn't intervene is because I want to see how the big shopkeeper of Cangnan huge city, an uneven building, wants to deal with his first entrustment in life. Therefore, if you want to blame, blame the fool next to you, ha ha..."

With these words, Chu Yun's figure had gone away, leaving only Bai Qingqing and song Gufeng standing in the yard.

Bai Qingqing looked at Chu Yun's back and touched his face. It took a long time to realize that he really changed back to his original appearance.

Beside her, song Gufeng was staring at her.

"What are you looking at?"

Bai Qingqing was embarrassed, so he pretended to be angry and glared at Song Gufeng angrily.


Song Gufeng coughed and said, "I just think you look pretty..."

In fact, Bai Qingqing's appearance is not the best in the world, but the best in the middle. But at the moment, she is wearing a wedding dress. She has just experienced despair and regained hope. The change of mood gives Bai Qingqing a unique charm that is detached from the world and belongs to the world of mortals.

This makes song Gufeng, a fool who seldom deals with women, fascinated for a time.

"Still looking?"

Bai Qingqing stared at him and said discontentedly, "stare at me again. Be careful I poke your eyes."

"Good, good..."

Song Gufeng quickly turned his head, but after a while, he couldn't help taking a peek. After thinking about it, he suddenly said, "I don't know, girl, can you do me a favor?"

"... what are you doing?"

Bai Qingqing secretly rejoiced when he saw that he had been secretly aiming at himself. On the surface, he also made a reserved look.

"As you heard just now, our Deputy landlord opened a golden mouth. If you are willing to marry me, my monthly salary can be doubled... I'm not greedy for money, but if you want to open Shanzhuang to take in orphans, it's better to have more money, isn't it? Would you like to think about it? "

Song Gufeng said solemnly. Before he finished, he was punched by the woman in shame.

"Even if it rises to 1000 Liang, you can only spend ten liang of silver a month, you know?"

"... OK."

Song Gufeng was stunned, with a happy smile on his face. He stepped forward, picked up the woman at the waist in Bai Qingqing's exclamation, and laughed and said, "thank you, madam!"

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