When the voice fell, Zhao Shoushan was shocked and his eyes were shining. Zhao Tianxiong's proposal, I have to say, directly hit his heart.

"But how do you do it?"

Zhao Shoushan asked hurriedly.

Zhao Tianxiong looked at him with a smile and said, "go."


Zhao Shoushan was stunned for a moment and hesitated on the spot. Although he wanted to break Chu Yun into pieces, he couldn't beat Chu Yun in terms of strength. He rushed forward and was only killed.

Zhao Tianxiong threw out a spell and said, "this is a blood charm. Go to the thunder roar forbidden area to control the blood slaves and find a suitable opportunity to kill Chu Yun!"


Zhao Shoushan picked up the blood amulet and his eyes were full of excitement. He knew Zhao Tianxiong's layout in the thunder roar forbidden area and that there was a blood slave guarding the 10000 stone territory. With such strength, it was not easy to kill Chu Yun?

"Remember, it's easy to do. Destroy the trace immediately after killing, and forge that he is missing rather than being killed. The whole process should be started by blood slaves. You can't get involved in it, and you can't leave any trace. If someone finds us, you know how serious the consequences will be!"

Zhao Tianxiong smiled and warned. His tone was light, but Zhao Shoushan didn't dare to pretend that he couldn't hear. He nodded quickly to understand.

On the other side, in a small forest outside the hall.

Chu Yun took out a small bug in his ear and nodded to show that he understood.

"What did you hear?"

Zhao Lingling asked in an impatient whisper.

After they left yuxiufeng and came to Qiyun peak, they followed Zhao Shoushan all the way to the peak. However, when they arrived here, Chu Yun did not continue to move forward, but hid in a small forest not far from the peak hall, saying that they could hear the conversation inside.

In fact, Chu Yun can.

He doesn't have this ability, but he can help with some magic props.

Echo worm.

This is one of the rewards of fishing before. Its effect is to monitor. A mother insect and a child insect can hear the sound heard by the child insect, and the mother insect can also hear it. Only there is a distance limit, which is effective within ten miles.

Before, at the foot of Lingzhi mountain, Chu Yun defeated Zhao Shoushan. Because he had a hunch that the other party would be related to the demon sect, he quietly put an echo bug on Zhao Shoushan.

At the moment, the conversation between Zhao Shoushan and Zhao Tianxiong, the leader of Qi Yunfeng, in the hall at the top of the peak, was word for word, and all fell into Chu Yun's ears.

Chu Yun collected the mother worm and said to Zhao Lingling, "Zhao Tianxiong is indeed related to the demon sect. He even formulated a plan to overthrow Yuanhe sect. Zhao Shoushan needs to become a senior brother and enter the core array, but I don't know what the specific plan is."


Zhao Lingling looked surprised. It sounded too crazy.

In the thirteen peaks of Yuanhe sect, Qi Yunfeng's strength ranking is still relatively high. Such a high-ranking elder used to laugh and never argue with anyone. He always looked like a good man. Who would have thought that he was an insider of the demon sect.

"What are their plans?"

Zhao Lingling asked again.

Chu Yun replied, "they're going to kill me and let Zhao Shoushan take the blood amulet and drive the blood slaves to the thunder roar forbidden area. The blood slaves will start and clear away my obstacle."

"Blood slave..."

Zhao Lingling looked strange and said, "I'm afraid they'll be disappointed because the blood slave is dead."

Chu Yun smiled and nodded when he heard the speech. Soon, he looked at Zhao Lingling carefully and said, "now, you immediately go back to yuxiufeng and inform immortal Yuling, and then inform the patriarch immortal Shangyuan. Remember, in this process, don't mention me, just say you found it yourself."


Zhao Lingling couldn't help but be stunned. This is a good opportunity to become famous. Moreover, how can she recite such great credit alone?

"What I am doing now should not attract attention."

Chu Yun casually explained a sentence and immediately said, "don't say that. Go quickly."


Zhao Lingling took a deep breath and forced a little head. He also knew that the power was urgent. If he delayed any longer, he would miss the opportunity.

Immediately, she left Qi Yunfeng and quickly returned to yuxiufeng. Despite the obstruction of the bright moon, she came directly to the door of immortal Yuling.

"Master, there's something very important!"

Zhao Lingling pushed the door and went in, and then said it from beginning to end at the fastest speed.

When immortal Yuling heard the speech, he ignored many shocks in his heart and said, "is there such a thing? I'll go to thunder roar forbidden area now, Lingling. Go to mingzhaofeng and inform the sect leader. Hurry! "


Zhao Lingling nodded hurriedly, and then hurried to mingzhaofeng.

Ming Zhaofeng.

Zhao Lingling heard that the patriarch was discussing the pavilion, so he rushed all the way. Not surprisingly, he was stopped outside the door by the deacon of mingzhaofeng.

On Yuxiu peak, Zhao Lingling is a disciple of the leader of the peak. Naturally, he can run amok and enjoy privileges, but in Mingzhao peak, the situation is very different.

"Younger martial sister Zhao, don't be rash. The patriarch is discussing important matters with the elder in the Pavilion! If you have anything, you have to wait until they finish talking. "

Said the Deacon seriously.

"I found the spy of the demon sect in Yuanhe sect!"

Zhao Lingling said.

The voice fell. The deacon, who looked serious, immediately changed his face, turned around and pushed the door open, saying, "Lord, it's bad!"


Zhao Lingling twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth and thought that the Deacon really knew the general.

She broke into the discussion Pavilion. After entering the main hall, she saw the patriarch immortal Shangyuan discussing with the elder Li daoran.

"What's the matter?"

Immortal Shangyuan frowned slightly and was dissatisfied with Zhao Lingling's sudden intrusion.

Zhao Lingling repeated his old technique and said, "Lord, I found the spy of the demon sect in Yuanhe sect!"


A teacup fell to the ground. Li daoran stood up directly from his chair, stared at Zhao Lingling and said, "do you know what you're talking about?"

"Of course I know!"

Zhao Lingling hurriedly said, "a few days ago, an external disciple named song Yunchang in Yuanhe sect disappeared. The disciple helped to find it. He found the thunder roar forbidden area all the way, and then found a very amazing scene in the site of Xiuli peak - someone killed people to take blood and refine blood pills, which is the means of the demon sect! Inside, there is a blood slave. His real identity is Qi Yunfeng's elder, Li Jingyan! "

Her words were clear, and she told the story one by one. In addition to ignoring the existence of Chu Yun, she basically told the whole story.


When the voice fell, immortal Shangyuan and elder Li daoran looked at each other, and their eyes were full of anger. In particular, elder Li daoran slapped his anger on the table and directly turned the round wooden table in the conference hall into powder.

These two present here are the real powerful figures of Yuanhe sect, and neither of them is a fool. Even if Zhao Lingling didn't say what Chu Yun heard on Qi Yunfeng, they also know that this matter has something to do with Zhao Tianxiong. Only people of this height can do this kind of thing.

Li daoran got up angrily and said loudly, "thanks to Zhao Tianxiong's appearance of being harmless to humans and animals and being kind to others, I didn't expect that he should be so dirty and dirty secretly. I really misunderstood him! Elder martial brother, I suggest that we divide our troops into two ways. You go to the thunder roar forbidden area to determine whether this is true. I'll go to Qi Yunfeng and stabilize Zhao Tianxiong first. Once it is confirmed that this is true, I'll catch him on the spot! "


Immortal Shangyuan nodded and said, "Zhao Tianxiong has great strength. Younger martial brother, you can't act rashly. You should mainly stabilize him. We'll catch him when we come out of the thunder roar forbidden area."

Li daoran nodded hurriedly, then walked out quickly, rose in the air, and flew in the direction of Qi Yunfeng.

Here, immortal Shangyuan immediately took Zhao Lingling and flew towards the thunder roaring forbidden area.

Not long ago, they came to the thunder roar forbidden area. According to the guidance of Zhao Lingling, they rushed to the location of xiulifeng site and met the immortal Yuling who had already arrived.

"Lord, you're here."

Immortal Yuling's tone was cold and his body trembled faintly. It was caused by the anger in his heart.

She came first and saw with her own eyes the scene in the xiulifeng site. There were countless mummies piled up in the deep pit outside the Houshan warehouse.

Every mummified corpse used to be a living life, but now they have become drops of blood in the blood practice array and the nutrient for the practice of evil devil cultivation.

Seeing this behind the scenes, immortal Shangyuan also clenched his fists angrily. His eyes were full of blood. He never thought that such an evil and dirty existence was hidden in his sect. He hadn't found it for so many years.

"Is that why it's dark under the light? How dare he, how dare he... "

Immortal Shangyuan looked murderous.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from the mountain path. Immortal Shangyuan and immortal Yuling looked at each other, immediately hid themselves and observed in the dark.

I saw a sneaky figure, touched the back mountain, walked through the mass graves, turned a blind eye to the scene of the mountain full of bones inside, as if he had been used to it, directly entered the warehouse, pushed the door open, took out the blood sign and shouted loudly.

"Blood slave, blood slave! Where are you! "

This man, of course, is Zhao Shoushan. He holds the blood amulet high and waits for the arrival of the blood slave. He is already brewing in his mind. How to break Chu Yun into pieces later.

However, after waiting for a long time, the shape of the blood slave did not appear. When Zhao Shoushan was suspicious, some news came from behind him.

"Blood slave, where the hell are you? You haven't heard me call you for so long..."

Zhao Shoushan swears.

However, before he finished speaking, Zhao Shoushan was stunned and stood in place, as if frozen. His brain was blank and couldn't make a sound.

Because what appeared in front of him was not blood slaves, but the patriarch immortal Shangyuan and immortal Yuling.

Immortal Shangyuan stepped forward and gently took off the blood amulet held high in Zhao Shoushan's hand. He stood quietly in front of Zhao Shoushan and looked at the seal pattern on the blood amulet.

"It's really the blood talisman used to control blood slaves in the secret law of the demon sect. Zhao Shoushan, your father gave it to you?"

Immortal Shangyuan asked faintly.

"I, I..."

Zhao Shoushan's lips trembled and couldn't say a complete word for a long time. If someone else appeared at the moment, he might have the courage to try to resist or escape, but this is Shangyuan real man!

In the face of the absolute power gap, let alone run away. Even if he wants to commit suicide, he can't do it at all. Of course, with Zhao Shoushan's character, he can't commit suicide.

"Speak, mute?!"

Immortal Shangyuan's face was as calm as water and scolded like thunder and rage.

Under the earthquake, Zhao Shoushan immediately shook his body and fell to the ground, desperate and at a loss.

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