In the ruins, Chu Yun is still searching for the spirit of ice Phoenix. He doesn't know at all. His true origin has been exposed in front of Zheng Tianyang.

"Finally found it."

Looking at a cold ice jade hidden in the tree hole in front of him, Chu Yun's lips were hooked, revealing a smile.

Kung Fu pays off. As long as you invest enough time and patience in the patient work of finding things, you will eventually achieve results.

After picking up the jade, Chu Yun implanted it into his hand. After careful observation, he found that there was a powerful aura in the jade. Its attribute was opposite to the breath of "blazing sun Tianlong", but it was born with each other.

One is Yanlong, the other is Bingfeng.

"It would be nice if there was an ice phoenix soul among my martial spirits. Taking this ice Phoenix spirit will certainly improve the quality of my martial spirits. It's not too much to even promote my martial spirits from earth to heaven, just as I received the gift from Jiaolong Aoyuan at the beginning..."

Chu Yun thought of it and felt a little pity.

However, although he can't directly take the spirit of ice Phoenix to improve the level of martial spirit, it is also very beneficial to carry it with him. The spirit of ice Phoenix and his martial spirit can help him understand many mysterious mysteries and have a special magical effect on the cultivation of "blazing sun Tianlong".

I just don't know what the Qin royal family wants to do to get the spirit of ice Phoenix. According to Chu Yun's speculation, there is a great probability that it will still be related to someone's martial spirit.

However, this kind of thing to improve personal strength may be very important for a person, but for a noble organization, is it worth their trouble?

Chu Yun doesn't know.


After leaving the ruins and returning to Jinxia City, the nine heavenly thunders have spread all over Daming mansion.

Countless people gathered outside the uneven buildings of Jinxia City, surrounded by streets and alleys, to see what Chu Yun, who had experienced the unprecedented success of crossing and robbing after nine days of thunder, was like.

When Chu Yun returned to the city, he was also surprised by the battle of thousands of people.

But his appearance also satisfied many people, with colorful eyes and constant exclamation.

"Is that childe Chu? It's really unusual... "

"I once looked at him from a distance. Although the childe of Chu had a refined temperament at that time, he didn't reach this level now. My God, my eyes are going to sink in..."


The crowd exclaimed excitedly, and the women who watched the wind were even more surprised.

Even, it's not just women. When many men see Chu Yun, they also show an amazing look in their eyes. After being tempered by jiuzhong Tianlei, Chu Yun has reached a level close to art in terms of appearance, temperament and charm, which is the most primitive kind of pure beauty.

However, at the next moment, Chu Yun's body disappeared from the long street and immediately moved back to the uneven building.

Standing in front of the window and looking out, I really have a feeling of lingering palpitation.

"Is this the feeling of those stars going out in previous lives? It's a little scary... "

He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

At this time, Zhao Qianli pushed the door and came in. He was surprised to see him: "eh, good brother, when did you come back?"

"Just arrived."

Chu Yun breathed out slowly and said, "there are too many people outside. Go and evacuate. It's nothing to block there."

Zhao Qianli looked strange, laughed, and said, "who called you so abnormal? During the robbery, there were nine unprecedented Tianlei. Now the whole people in Daming mansion know about you. Many people even came all the way to see you, a peerless genius..."

"Say less sarcastic words!"

Chu Yun looked at him angrily.

In the next few days, the influence of Chu Yundu robbery was still expanding.

In addition to many people wandering in uneven buildings all day, just to see Chu Yun, it also brought many positive effects, that is, the number of members applying for membership in uneven buildings ushered in a soaring peak in a few days.

Almost every day, more than 100 martial artists apply to join the uneven buildings, which is only the case of Jinxia City headquarters, and other uneven buildings branches around the country have also ushered in a corresponding surge.

For those folk martial arts practitioners, holding a thigh is undoubtedly a very important thing. Looking at the whole Daming mansion, I'm afraid I can't find any thighs thicker than uneven buildings.

What sphere of influence, what influence details and other things are second. The most important thing is that the existence of Chu Yun represents a new possibility.

A possibility to go to the top of martial arts.

Following Chu Yun, maybe one day you can attract nine Tianlei?

For many people, just a hope is worth their action and firm implementation.

Because of this, the power of uneven buildings expanded rapidly again in a short time.

The direct impact is that the number of bait rewards Chu Yun can receive every day has doubled, so that he has to set aside a period of time every day for fishing. The fishing times of all kinds of bait are no less than a thousand times.

Ding Ding Ding Ding——

A series of reward prompts fell into Chu Yun's ears without interruption.

In the past, he heard the sound of nature, but now it has become sparse and ordinary.

However, the rewards brought by bait are still gratifying. Not only the rewards of items, martial arts, Kung Fu, martial arts understanding and martial arts cultivation, but also ushered in a blowout explosion.

Although the tasks triggered by those uneven building members are low-grade tasks, the only bait with the highest grade is ground bait.

But there are too many wins.

Chu Yun's understanding of martial arts has been accumulated for hundreds of years almost every day, sometimes even thousands of years.

Under this rich reward, Chu Yun's two holy martial arts skills, ground crack avalanche mountain fist and divine fire limitless skill, obtained from the ruins, have been pointed to the realm of great perfection, which has enhanced Chu Yun's strength.

In addition, although the rewards for martial arts cultivation are relatively rare, there are more than 100 years every day, which makes Chu Yun's cultivation promoted to a grade in just ten days.

From the first grade of nirvana to the second grade of nirvana.

This terrible speed is tongue tied.

Ten days is a sketch level. It takes only 100 days to improve cultivation to the nine grades of nirvana.

The original prohibitive nine turn golden elixir is here in Chu Yun, but it only exists in about 900 days.

Nine hundred days. Sounds like a lot.

But in fact, it is only less than three years.

For the vast majority of Nirvana martial arts practitioners, it is a genius to raise them to a sketch level in three years.

Chu Yun, however, can use this short three years to rebuild the process of Nirvana from one product to nine products nine times!


People are more angry than people.

"However, for me, the real difficulty of the nine turn golden elixir is not the accumulation of accomplishments, but the understanding of the laws. Accomplishments can be obtained through systematic rewards, but the understanding of the laws requires my own efforts. If I can't understand the power of the next law, I can't make two turns, and if I can't understand all the power of the nine laws, I can't finish the cultivation of nine turn golden elixir. "

Chu Yun thought in his heart, but he also felt that there was a heavy task and a long way to go. Even with the help of the fishing system, it was not easy to repair the nine turn golden pill.

If a warrior wants to understand the power of the law, he can't just sit at home and think hard. The important thing is an enlightenment.

For example, Chu Yun understood the power of the law of lightning because he experienced the unprecedented nine heavenly thunder. In this terrible heavenly thunder, his perception of lightning also had a qualitative leap, so he naturally understood it.

Other Nirvana martial arts practitioners are the same. If they want to understand what kind of law power, they need to understand a natural phenomenon or strange place with special characteristics.

To understand the law of fire, you need to understand some places where flames run rampant, or get some special different fire.

Chu Yun's nine turn golden elixir requires him to understand the nine laws of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, time and space at the same time.

If you can't understand the second law, Chu Yun can't practice the second turn of golden elixir. If you can't understand all the nine laws, Chu Yun can't make a breakthrough from nirvana to destiny.

Therefore, this is destined to be a long process.

This day, late at night.

Chu Yun was fishing by the pond in his yard, but suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the yard. Chu Yun looked for prestige and saw his baby apprentice Xiao Yang Jian running over anxiously.

"What happened?"

Chu Yun put away his fishing rod and got up and looked at Xiao Yang Jian.

Xiao Yang Jian looked heavy and said, "master, Xiao linger, she seems to be ill..."


Chu Yun picked up his eyebrows and was surprised. As he walked to the courtyard where Xiao linger and Xiao yangchan were located, he asked, "the little fox is not very human, and he has cultivation. What disease can he get?"

Xiao Yang Jian quickly followed up and said, "I don't know. Just now, when she was playing with her third sister, she suddenly showed great pain, and then she fainted and fell to the ground."

"Did you invite Miss Li?"

Chu Yun asked.

"Sister Li said that the Demon power in ling'er's body is particularly disordered. It has nothing to do with any plant elements. It's a lack of origin, and she can't help it..."

Xiao Yang Jian answered immediately. While talking, they had come to the courtyard of the Yang family.

At the moment, in the yard, Xiao Li and Xiao yangchan are surrounded by the fallen Xiao linger, waiting anxiously. When they see Chu Yun's arrival, they are surprised.

Chu Yun stepped forward, came to xiaoling'er's side, stretched out two fingers, put them on xiaoling'er's wrist and felt the spirit pulse in her body.

The result is as like as two peas in Xiaoli said. Chu Yun perceived that the spirit of the spirit in the little soul had already been in chaos, and the power of the source of life from the little soul was bursts frantically from inside to outside.

It's not the interference of foreign objects, but a certain defect of xiaoling'er. Chu Yun doesn't know what serious consequences it will cause if he can't make up for it.

Xiao Yang Jian looked at him anxiously and asked, "master, what should I do? Can you save her? "

Chu Yun took a deep breath, slowly exhaled, and said, "little fox, she is not human. Master doesn't know what's going on. Maybe only when she goes to the demon family can she be saved."

As he spoke, Chu Yun patted Xiao Yang Jian on the shoulder and said, "don't worry. You first open the door of space and send Xiao linger in. As a teacher, you'll start for the demon domain."

"... OK!"

Listening to Chu Yun's words, Xiao Yang Jian felt relieved. It seemed that as long as master was nearby, he had a backbone.


When Xiao Yang Jian opened the door of space with the seal of the lunar calendar, a terrible force suddenly burst out on Xiao linger.

The huge Demon power raged and broke out in a very short moment, forming a terrible spiritual explosion.

Chu Yun was shocked in his heart and shot as fast as he could. He formed a defense around Xiao linger, protecting Xiao Yang Jian, Xiao Yang Chan and Xiao Li.

I saw that with Xiaoling's body as the center, a terrible demon force broke out, turned into dazzling white light, rushed into the sky and dispersed the dark clouds in the night.

The explosion came and went quickly, and it gradually dissipated after only one breath.

After this outbreak, Xiaoling's body fell into a deep coma, leaving only weak breathing.

Chu Yun breathed out a long breath, and his heart was afraid.

It broke out too quickly. If he hadn't responded in time, the three young people around him must have been deeply hurt, and even died on the spot.

After all, it was the inexplicable outbreak of xiaoling'er that caused the seven masters of Shenxing thief in Heihu mountain to be blown to pieces.

Now, Xiao Ling's state broke out again after stabilizing for a period of time, which almost caused irreparable consequences.

”Master, what happened just now? "

Xiao Yang Jian asked in surprise.

Chu Yun slowly exhaled and was about to answer, but he suddenly thought of something in his heart, and his face changed.

"Come on! You all enter the door of space. "

With these words, Chu Yun threw Xiao yangchan and the unconscious Xiao linger into the door of space one by one.

Although little Yang Jian didn't know what was going on, he obeyed his master's order for the first time and immediately entered the door of space, followed by Xiao Li behind him.

Almost at the moment when the door of space was closed, a terrible smell suddenly appeared outside the uneven building.

That terrible figure, with a power to intimidate all living beings, fell over the uneven building, like the God who dominates the destiny, emitting endless majesty.

This person is no one else, but Zheng Tianyang, the head of Daming mansion!

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