The area where the Tianji Dynasty was located was called the psychic world. Thousands of years ago, it was a chaotic place. All forces separated and fought with each other until the Tianji Dynasty rose strongly, unified all the surrounding forces, and finally established a king Dynasty lasting for thousands of years.

As the representative of human beings, the limit of the region ruled by Tianji Dynasty stops at 100000 mountains.

It is the westernmost part of the psychic world, a territory purely controlled by the demon family, and it is also called the demon domain.

After leaving Jinxia City, Chu Yun rode Tianma Unicorn Xiaobai to the West day and night.

Except that Chu Yun opened the door of space once when he just left the city and entered it to determine Xiao linger's state, he was basically on his way for the rest of the time.

When he entered the portable space that time, Chu Yun found that although Xiao linger had awakened, his state was not improved.

"I seem to be dying..."

Xiao ling'er opened his eyes and saw Chu Yun and Xiao Yang Jian in front of him. A sad smile appeared on his face and said pitifully.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Xiao Yang Jian shook his head at her and said, "you'll be fine."

Xiao Ling looked at Xiao Yang Jian's red eyes, showed a bleak smile on her face and said, "second brother, don't lie to me. I know my own body state. I feel like I'm missing something in my body. All my forces are mixed up in a mess. I'll be killed by myself soon..."

After hearing the speech, Xiao Yang Jian was silent for a while and said, "master, he is taking us to the demon domain at the fastest speed. You are the demon family. Back to the demon family, those people will have a way to save you."

Xiao ling'er was silent when he heard the speech, looked at Xiao Yang Jian and said, "when I first opened my eyes, I found myself in a box. Then every time I opened my eyes, I was in the box

I thought my life would be like this until I met my big brother and second brother. You can see such a wonderful world. Even if... I have no complaints. "

When the voice fell, Chu Yun sighed, patted the apprentice on the shoulder, and then walked out of the door of space and continued to run west as fast as possible to reach the demon domain as soon as possible.

Although Chu Yun has been promoted to Nirvana, when it comes to long-distance travel, Xiaobai, a unicorn of Tianma, must be better at it.

From Jinxia city to the most Western 100000 mountains, ordinary Nirvana martial arts people need to stay awake and walk day and night for about ten days and a half months.

But on Xiaobai's back, Chu Yun came to the endless mountains after only two and a half days.

Before arriving here, the most magnificent mountain range Chu Yun had ever seen was the evil spirit mountain range outside the huge city of Linghai.

But in front of these 100000 mountains, it seems that an insignificant mountain range is casually taken out, and its scale is far better than the evil spirit mountain range.

This is the territory of the demon family. Whether ordinary demon families or man eating demons, this is their place.

Human beings have no place in this world.

However, Chu Yun's body appeared outside the airspace of 100000 mountains on Tianma unicorn, but he rushed directly into 100000 mountains without hesitation and plunged into the depths.

Not long after the flight, several powerful murderous momentum erupted from the mountains below, followed by a strange sound of drinking.

”Where did the bold human dare to break into 100000 mountains? This is not the place where you can go wild! "

In this roar, the sound waves rolled up. Chu Yun's body stagnated in the air, but there were several floating figures around soon.

Those are several half human wolf demons. Their bodies stand upright, but their exposed skin is covered by a layer of gray and blue wolf hair. Their head is not human, but a ferocious wolf head. Their eyes are red and their fangs are exposed. They look very frightening.

And their cultivation strength is also very good, reaching a level comparable to those in the nirvana realm of mankind.

At the moment, the four of them started from East, West, North and south, stopped around Chu Yun and surrounded Chu Yun and Tianma Unicorn Xiaobai in the middle.

Chu Yun came here very fast and didn't hide his body shape and breath on the road. It's expected that he was stopped now. He was not surprised.

The four wolf demons, who were far away, perceived the existence of Chu Yun, so they set up an ambush in advance to stop Chu Yun here.

"You want to eat people?"

Chu Yun looked around, looked at the four wolf demons around, and asked calmly.

The four wolf demons looked at each other and sneered one after another.

In their opinion, this is a complete question. If it's not to eat people, why should they stop Chu Yun?

Along the way, Chu Yun walked all the way, not a few demon families were shocked, and those demon families who took the path of orthodox cultivation did not stop human beings for no reason.

Those who can jump out at this time are basically interested in Chu Yun's blood essence and want to stop the passing human warrior in Nirvana and eat his blood to break through his cultivation.

At the moment, after the four wolf demons stopped Chu Yun, they began to discuss how to enjoy the big meal together.

"Three virtuous brothers, I've fallen into a bottleneck in my cultivation recently. I need a big tonic to break through. I'll give this man's head and two thighs to me!"

"Eldest brother, there are less meat and more wolves. It's too much for you to have one head and two thighs alone. How about taking one head and one arm, the remaining arm plus two thighs and his Dantian. I'll share it with my two younger brothers."

"The second brother is right. To tell you the truth, my brother's cultivation has also fallen into a bottleneck recently. He also needs a big meal. Why don't you give me his Dantian and a thigh!"

"Old three, it's boring for you to say this. Whose cultivation has not been stuck for a long time? He should give me this Dantian! "

"Two virtuous brothers, that's not true. I gave my head to my eldest brother. I should give this Dantian to my second brother. You two should eat one thigh and one arm each..."


Chu Yun rode the Tianma Unicorn Xiaobai, quietly suspended among the four wolf demons, listening to their unbridled desire to divide their body parts, and couldn't help laughing.

The reason why he didn't cover up his body shape and breath was not because he couldn't do it, but because he was new here and didn't know where the Nine Tailed Tianhu family was, so he needed to find someone to ask the way.

As a human being, it is not easy for him to ask for directions in the territory of the demon family, and Chu Yun does not intend to ask politely.

Therefore, he used himself as bait to attract some man eating demons to take the bait. Chu Yun had no psychological pressure to do this anti-human thing, whether it was coercion, inducement or torture.

While the four wolf demons were discussing how to eat Chu Yun, they didn't know that their own death date was close at hand, and there was no man eating blessing.

"All right, all right... Guys, don't argue."

Chu Yun stretched out his hand and pressed it in mid air, motioning the four wolf demons to be quiet.

When the eyes of the four wolf demons gathered to Chu Yun, he calmly said, "I'm not here to add food to you. Now... Listen to my question, I'll only ask once - who knows the location of the Nine Tailed Tianhu family?"

The voice fell, and the four wolf demons looked at each other. They all looked at Chu Yun with idiot eyes. That expression was like Chu Yun asked a stupid question, like how much is one plus one.

Chu Yun read the eyes of the four wolf demons, nodded with satisfaction and said, "well, it seems that you all know the answer to this question, then I'll save a lot of trouble..."

With that, his body stepped forward and came directly to one of the wolf demons without any reaction.

"... what?!"

The wolf demon's face changed. Unexpectedly, Chu Yun's speed was so fast. Before he reacted, his opponent had come to him.

The next moment, something even more unexpected happened to him.

Chu Yun punched out and hit the wolf demon's chest. He only heard a dull plop. With many sounds of broken bones, the wolf demon's chest sank.

Under this terrible force, all the internal organs of the wolf demon's chest were destroyed by this blow, and even the terrible force was still unabated, which made the wolf demon's back very unnatural.

... died on the spot!

"Big brother!!!"

The three wolf demons turned white, and their eyes were full of horror.

At the next moment, Chu Yun's body disappeared from the original place again and came to the second wolf demon. He also punched out.

This time, perhaps because the wolf demon was on guard. When Chu Yun punched, the wolf demon raised his right arm and blocked in front of his chest.

Although it has to be said that his reaction is still a little sensitive, but in the face of absolute power, speed is often worthless.

Even if the verdict is reached, he can't stop it at all.

Chu Yun's fist directly broke the arm bone of the wolf demon. Then Yu Wei castrated and hit the wolf demon's chest heavily.

It was also a dull sound, plus the sound of broken bones.

After one punch, the second wolf demon also died in front of Chu Yun.

After these two short attacks, the four wolf demons have been killed second.

The remaining two wolf demons were shocked and speechless, but their reactions were very different.

One of the wolf demons turned and ran away without hesitation, while the other wolf demon roared, but rushed to Chu Yun. Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to attack bravely.

It has to be said that from the choice of the two wolf demons, Chu Yun appreciates the wolf demon who dares to attack him.

Whether the wolf demon's motivation is because of his hot head or because he wants to avenge his two brothers, at least this courage is commendable.

But facing the charge of the wolf demon, Chu Yun didn't hesitate to blow out and kill the wolf demon directly.

Even the heinous villains will have some shining points. For example, the courage of the wolf demon is not a small bright spot.

However, Chu Yun will not forgive them for their sin of eating people as demons because of this little flash.

Perhaps as a demon family, they advocate the law of the jungle and natural selection. They regard cannibalism as a common thing and don't feel guilty.

However, Chu Yun's position has always been firm on the human side. He can't stand the evil of cannibalism. Whenever he meets it, he should cut it down.

Then, with the fastest speed, Chu Yun stopped in front of the fleeing wolf demon, grabbed each other's neck and lifted the man up.

"Don't move."

Chu Yun said coldly.

"Hero, spare your life!"

The wolf demon's eyes showed the color of fear and despair, and quickly trembled and begged.

Chu Yun remained unmoved, looked calm and said, "time is limited. I'm too lazy to lie to you. Answer my question just now. I can give you a happy death. Otherwise, I will make you feel different treatment from your brothers, and you will be extremely painful."

The voice fell, and the wolf demon's heart sank. He knew that he had no way to live. The color of resentment flashed in his eyes. He stretched out his hand and said, "if you are not afraid of death, go in that direction. The strong man of the Tianhu family will break you into pieces..."

"I hope so."

Chu Yun said faintly, and then broke the wolf demon's neck.

He did not doubt that what the wolf demon said was true or false, because from the perspective of the wolf demon, since it was already doomed to death, it was undoubtedly the wisest choice to take Chu Yun to a dangerous place.

The Nine Tailed Tianhu family, as the royal family of the demon family, has many experts. Naturally, it can be regarded as the most dangerous place.

Let Chu Yun go to where Jiuwei Tianhu is, so let him find his own way to death. In this way, he can be regarded as taking revenge for himself by the hand of Jiuwei Tianhu.

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