"You're welcome."

Chu Yun shook his head, motioned Yao Qing'er not to be polite, then turned to look at Xiao Yang Jian and Xiao ling'er in the rear, and asked bluntly, "I'm here to save people. The little girl's name is Xiao ling'er. She's a Nine Tailed heavenly fox wandering in the human world. There are some problems in her body, which seems to be related to the origin. I don't know if you have a way, girl?"

The voice fell

Yao Qing'er's eyes flashed and asked, "eunuch, are you sure this little girl is a family of Tianhu?"

In the fox clan, not all foxes can be called Tianhu.

Foxes have nine tails. Each time they are promoted to a higher level, the number of their own tails will increase. For example, Yao qinger in front of us is a six Tailed Fox, which corresponds to the sixth level of human realm nirvana.

The day fox, the requirement is to reach the seven grades, that is, to grow a seventh tail, its own blood will change, from an ordinary fox to a day fox blood.

Of course

This is not to say that all the Nine Tailed heavenly foxes existing in the world today are strong with more than seven tails.

The offspring born after the blood metamorphosis of the seven tailed heavenly Fox also have the blood of the heavenly fox from birth, even if it is only a minor cub.

In front of Yao Qing'er, with six tails, she was only one step away from breaking the threshold, but she was still an ordinary fox.

"Yes, she is a heavenly fox."

Chu Yun nodded confidently. Although he had never seen the blood of other Tianhu, the forces behind Qin Siyu, since they tried their best to catch the little fox and kept her secretly in the heiyun mountains, waiting to threaten Zheng Tianyang, showed that the little fox must be a Tianhu.

The voice fell. Yao Qing'er stepped forward and came to Xiao Yang Jian. Looking at the little fox in his arms, he couldn't help but say, "can I see her?"

"... of course."

Xiao Yang Jian nodded. He came to the demon domain with his master in order to let the Fox family see Xiao linger's situation.

Yao Qing'er leaned down and took a deep breath. Her expression seemed to be a little solemn and solemn. For ordinary fox people, Tianhu was undoubtedly an existence that she respected. Even if she faced only a fox cub, her respect did not decrease.

She put one hand on Xiao linger's forehead, closed her eyes and felt it. A moment later, her eyebrows frowned and soon stretched out.

"How's it going?"

Seeing her open her eyes, Chu Yun asked.

"This is indeed a pure blood of Tianhu, with full potential, but in the process of her growth, she seems to have been treated like a" seedling "and accumulated a lot of power that she can't control, which will help her grow up quickly, but when she grows up, it will be her death."

Yao Qing'er said, his eyes narrowed slightly and flashed a strange light. Although his expression was still silent, he was secretly on guard against Chu Yun and was ready to escape at any time.

Obviously, she misunderstood something and thought that the person who did those things to xiaolinger was Chu Yun, and the Fox family could not bear such malicious harm to the Tianhu family.

"You misunderstood."

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "the people who did these things to her have been killed by me. Their purpose is to get an adult Tianhu's heart, so they don't care whether xiaolinger is dead or alive in adulthood. I probably understand what you said. Is there any salvation?"

When the voice fell, Yao Qing'er was silent for a moment. After thinking for a moment, he seemed to feel that what Chu Yun said should be true, because if it was just for the heart of Tianhu, Xiao ling'er would be close to adulthood now. He could do nothing and quietly wait for that moment.

"Sister, can you save her?"

Xiao Yang Jian's eyes were slightly red. He held Xiao ling'er's hand tightly and looked at Yao Qing'er.

Yao Qing'er turned his head to look at Xiao Yang Jian, and then looked at the unconscious Xiao ling'er. He suddenly realized something. When he looked at Xiao Yang Jian again, there was a soft kindness in his eyes and said, "don't worry, there is a way. She is not yet an adult. As long as she has mastered the power, she can save the danger."

"How to master?"

Chu Yun frowned, which sounded simple, but in fact it was extremely difficult.

Xiaoling'er's power to encourage the young comes from the heiyun mountains. The military division quickly gave birth to her, mobilized a large number of special spirit mines in the heiyun mountains, and penetrated the power into xiaoling'er's body.

Because of this, the little spirit can ascend from a cub to a state close to an adult body in just a few years, and will have an uncontrollable outbreak of Demon power from time to time.

"In Tianhu, there is a special treasure called Linggu jade, which is made from the first tail of the deceased Tianhu. It contains the methods and skills that Tianhu has learned all her life to control power. If she can get a Linggu jade, she can master the power in her body and will change accordingly."

While talking, Yao qinger's eyes also twinkled with envy.

The Tianhu family has strong blood power, and also has this special way of inheritance, which can enable a minor fox cub to directly master what the strong above the seventh level have learned all his life.

What a terrible concept is this?

Even if the ordinary Fox family gets the spirit bone jade, they can't understand the mystery, and they can't envy it.

"How do you get the spirit bone jade?"

Chu Yun asked.

Yao Qing'er replied, "you must go to Tianhu city. Only in the hands of the Council of elders can you have the spirit bone jade that has been made."

”I see. "

Chu Yun nodded and immediately said, "let's start now. Girl, if you have nothing to do, can you lead the way for us? "

After a pause, Chu Yun said again: "... Human life is crucial!"

"Of course."

Yao Qing'er didn't hesitate and said, "I was going to return to the city to recover my life. Grandpa, you can go with me, otherwise you humans can't enter the city, let alone contact the Council of elders."

"Thank you."

Chu Yun nodded and thanked. Yao Qing'er immediately shook his head and said, "if it weren't for my grandfather, I would be a dead man at the moment. It would be too ashamed to say thank you at this time."

With these words, Yao Qing'er led the way ahead and led Chu Yun and Xiao Yang Jian to Tianhu city.

On the way, Yao qinger also introduced a lot about the Tianhu family to Chu Yun.

Because the Tianhu clan emerged through the transformation of blood after cultivation and promotion, the number of Tianhu clan is very small, and there are only 40 or 50 people in the world.

Among them, there are about 156 people who have become Tianhu through their own cultivation. They are born Tianhu. Later, there are about 10 Tianhu who have improved their cultivation to more than seven tails.

The 26 powerful heavenly foxes gathered together to form the Presbyterian Council, which is the highest power organization of the heavenly fox country and is responsible for all matters of the whole heavenly fox country.

In addition, there is a very special existence in the family of Tianhu, that is, the emperor of Tianhu.

It is a powerful blood that has been handed down from ancient times.

From a real Nine Tailed sky fox.

Nine tails!

For this reason, it was honored as the real emperor by the Fox family, named the emperor of the heavenly fox.

The blood of the emperor of the heavenly fox has been handed down to this day, and has always been the existence of God in the hearts of all fox families, including the heavenly foxes.

At the same time, Emperor Tianhu is also the real ruler of the Presbyterian Council. For any resolution, Emperor Tianhu can hold half the vote - that is, the voting rights of all elders are added together, which is equal to that of emperor Tianhu. In this case, the joint vote of the elders is the main. In addition, as long as emperor Tianhu votes, one of the more than 20 elders will vote with him, Then the decision of the emperor of the fox is the main one, and the power is frightening.

However, today's emperor, who has just taken over, does not care about the government affairs of the state of Tianhu on weekdays. Everything is still handled by the Council of elders.

"One thing, eunuch, you may need to be prepared in advance."

Yao Qing'er thought about it, hesitated again and again, and opened the mouth.

"What do you need to pay attention to, girl, but it doesn't matter."

Chu Yun nodded.

Yao Qing'er took a deep breath and said, "Linggu jade is powerful and very rare. It can only be obtained and made from the seven dead Tianhu. Therefore, even within the rare Tianhu family, it is also a very popular treasure. At least... There are still many underage Tianhu cubs who have not been inherited by Linggu jade."

She didn't say too much, but Chu Yun knew what she meant. Like Linggu jade, one day fox cub can directly get the treasure inherited by seven day foxes. The existing day foxes must also want it. In the case of less meat and more wolves, whether the Presbyterian Council can take out the Linggu jade is still a matter of two words.

Chu Yun pondered for a moment, with a smile on his face and said, "it doesn't matter. I'll have a way."


Yao Qing'er nodded. Somehow, she seemed to feel an extremely strong self-confidence from Chu Yun's words. It seemed that as long as Chu Yun spoke, she would be able to do it.

Xiao Yang Jian rode on the back of Tianma Unicorn Xiaobai with Xiao linger. He was relieved when he heard that there was something in the hands of the Council of elders that could save Xiao linger.

Because with his understanding of master, as long as he knows where the goal is and what master is determined to do, there is nothing he can't do.

Not long after, the party came to a magnificent city.

Here is Tianhu city.

It is the largest city in 100000 mountains. It is also the king capital of Tianhu Kingdom and the holy land of demon domain.

Yao Qing'er took Chu Yun and Xiao Yang Jian into the city. At the gate of the city, the guard force was not very strict, but when the demon soldiers guarding the city saw that there were two humans among the visitors, they stopped immediately.

"Where did the Terran come from?"

The soldiers had a bad face and a loud voice, which attracted the attention of the soldiers guarding the city around, so that when the voice fell, a group of demon soldiers surrounded them.

"I brought people."

At this time, Yao Qing'er stepped forward, took out a token, showed it to many soldiers and said, "get out of the way. I'll go to the Presbyterian Council immediately."

The voice fell

A group of demon soldiers immediately dispersed and made way for a passage.

"Eunuch, let's go."

Yao Qing'er put away the token and looked back at Chu Yun.

Chu Yun smiled, nodded, followed Yao Qing'er and entered Tianhu city together.

Obviously, Yao qinger's identity in Tianhu city is not simple, and it is close to the existence of the Presbyterian Council. He should be regarded as a member of the Tianhu family system.

However, it's not surprising, even it's reasonable. After all, Yao Qing'er now has six tails. It's only one step away from crossing that threshold to become a family of Tianhu.

Such a fox family, if not a confidant of the Tianhu family, would be very surprising.

The party entered the city and walked quickly along the way. They were not in the mood to appreciate the customs and customs in Tianhu city. The only thing they noticed was that there were really many shaped demons in the city.

Almost everything you see is.

And although the name is Tianhu City, there are not only fox families walking in the city, but also other demon families, such as tiger, wolf, leopard, mouse and so on.

"The Tianhu family is not only the king of the Fox family, but also the king of the whole demon family. All demon families in 100000 mountains are nominally under the control of the Tianhu family."

Yao Qing'er smiled and introduced a sentence to Chu Yun, with a proud tone.


Chu Yun knew that this command was only nominal.

As a matter of fact, the various races of the demon clan fight and hate each other. It is impossible to be one. Some races are born enemies and feed each other. How can they cooperate?

In the most powerful period, the Tianhu family did unify the whole demon family, so that all demon families could be obedient to the Tianhu family. However, after that fight, the rule of the Tianhu family was not deeply established. What should we do after others submit.

As the saying goes, unless our ethnic groups have different intentions, it is very difficult for different ethnic groups to achieve real reunification, and there must be long-term and effective rule as the basis.


The Tianhu clan, which is sparsely populated and has few members, obviously does not have the ability to rule other demon clans for a long time. Therefore, over the past ten thousand years, for other demon clans in the 100000 mountains, there is only nominal control in the end. When you really want to do anything, you still have to use the fox clan's own hands, and the control of other races is very weak.

Chu Yun, as a human being, should also be grateful for the existence of this situation. Otherwise, if the Tianhu family really completes the unification, human beings will be unable to withstand the attack of the demon family.

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