The situation in Xiji Prefecture changed Chu Yun's return plan.

Originally, he planned to return to Jinxia city for the first time after leaving the demon domain, but Chu Yun couldn't get away after seeing the tragedy of the victims in Xiji mansion.

Like what happened in Qishan City, in today's Xiji Prefecture, it happens almost every moment, and countless disasters come to innocent people at any time.

According to Qin Siyu, this kind of thing should not only exist in Xiji Prefecture, but also in dozens of prefectures of Tianji Dynasty. All kinds of disasters will occur in each prefecture.

However, Chu Yun had no chance to go to other places to find out, because the situation in Xiji mansion alone had made him busy. For more than half a month, there was hardly a moment to rest.

Chu Yun doesn't feel tired. He just feels angry.

In order to shake the national movement and affect the dragon vein of the Tianji Dynasty, what that organization has done is really heinous and disgusting.

It can be regarded as a heinous crime to attack those innocent people and achieve their goal by maiming the people, no matter what they want to do.

Chu Yun walks in Xiji mansion. In addition to resolving disasters everywhere, he is also trying to find members of that organization.

However, it is a pity that more than half a month has passed, but Chu Yun has not found any clues. Even if he is doing things all over the world, their concealed work is still in place, which is difficult to find.

On this day, a news came, which shocked Chu Yun and even the whole world.

Tianji Dynasty is moving its capital!

No matter in any dynasty, moving the capital is absolutely an extremely important thing.

It's about the core authority of a country moving from one place to another.

In this process, countless people will be involved, countless people will be affected by it, and countless people will be changed by it.

This time, the capital of the Tianji Dynasty was moved without any warning, but the cause came from a more shocking accident——

An evil existence was suppressed in the imperial family and ancestral temple in the capital. Not long ago, the thing suddenly broke away from its seal and caused unrest in the capital. Even the emperor was hurt by it, and the injury was not light.

Although in the end, the monster was encircled and suppressed by the major experts in the capital, and those who had died could no longer die, his majesty resolutely issued the order to move the capital before falling into a coma.

A gentleman's word is irretrievable.

The emperor's words were like a divine order.

Even though the emperor soon fell into a coma due to serious injury after issuing this order, he did so after he passed out of a coma.

And unfortunately

The place designated by the emperor to move the capital is Daming mansion and Jinxia city!

When Chu Yun learned the news, he didn't hesitate. For the first time, he rode on Tianma Unicorn Xiaobai and left xijeep as fast as possible to Jinxia city.

There are priorities. Although the situation in Xiji mansion is worrying, in terms of importance, it must be the relocation of Jinxia City, which is more important.

Although he did not know the details of what happened in the Royal ancestral temple in the capital, one thing was certain.

That is - when major changes happened, the emperor chose to move his capital to Jinxia City, which must be expected by some people.

In fact, when the news came into Chu Yun's ear, he already understood a lot of things.

For example, why did the organization spend so many years on the layout in order to obtain the heart of Tianhu to coerce Zheng Tianyang.

If they had known that the emperor would choose to move the capital to Jinxia City, they would have the most reasonable explanation for the advance layout of Zheng Tianyang.

It is certain that this step must be completely expected by the organization, and Chu Yun doesn't know what kind of conspiracy the organization will have next, but he can be sure that it is absolutely related to the lives of countless people.

Therefore, Chu Yun needs to rush back to Jinxia city as soon as possible and take precautions in advance.

Two days later, outside Jinxia city.

Before entering the city, Chu Yun stood outside the city and looked far away. He saw the four gates of Jinxia City, which were all open at the moment.

Almost every moment, countless people come to Jinxia city with their families.

Among them, a large part of them moved from the capital, and some came from all directions in order to rub the excitement of moving the capital.

There is no doubt that it is an extremely important event for a dynasty to change its capital. Among them, there are many vents and opportunities. If ordinary people can grasp it and win a soaring opportunity, it is not a dream.

However, Chu Yun didn't care about these. He stood outside the city and observed carefully for a while. He just felt that each of the people entering the city was likely to be a member of the organization.


Chu Yun breathed out a long breath and smiled bitterly. It seems that the things he encountered in Xiji mansion these days have made him wary of this organization. This is not a good thing.

After calming his mood, Chu Yun changed his shape for a shadow jade pendant, changed his shape and appearance, and mixed into the city.

Not long after walking in, Chu Yun found that Jinxia city was completely different from when he left.

After moving the capital, the city has lost its original name of Jinxia. Since then, there is only one name to describe the city, that is——


Chu Yun walked silently in the streets of the city, feeling both familiar and strange.

In less than a month, Jinxia city has become the capital. Many people and things inside have changed dramatically. It can be said that things are right and people are wrong.

However, when Chu Yun came to a building, his mood suddenly got better again.

Because on the plaque of that building, there are three big characters - uneven building!

For a moment, Chu Yun's face showed a confident smile. He held his head high and rushed to the direction of Prince Qi's house.

Teng Hua Tianjing, who was brought back from the demon clan, should have been handed over to the prince of Chengde. It took so long because of what happened in Xiji mansion. I don't know if the prince of Chengde will be surprised.

Not long after, Chu Yun came to the outside of king Qi's house.

In the past, Prince Qi's residence in Jinxia city was a very quiet place. No one would easily come to disturb the king's purity.

But now... Jinxia City, which has become the capital, is very different from the past. Even the quiet Prince Qi's residence can't stop now. Countless distinguished guests come to the door every day.

Moving the capital means that all the dignitaries and dignitaries in the original capital will come to Jinxia city from the distant capital.

It can be expected that there will be a lot of exchanges and friction between those foreign adults and local forces in Jinxia City, and how to adjust the relationship has become a very important thing.

It is needless to say who are the two largest local forces in Jinxia city. In addition to Zheng Tianyang, the head of the government, it is the prince of Chengde.

Chu Yun observed the number of guests and soon came to a conclusion that even if Prince Chengde didn't leave them to eat here, it would take at least two or three hours to wait until he got there.

"I'm not here to be a guest. I won't be polite to you."

Chuyun smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He turned directly into the wall of the palace and came to the backyard.

Before long, Chu Yun saw a familiar figure in an accounting room. He walked forward. The figure looked up and saw him. First, he was stunned, and then there was a trace of doubt and hesitation in his eyes.

"Good brother, is that you?"

Zhao Qianli stared at Chu Yun with some uncertainty. At the same time, a stranger suddenly appeared here, which also made Zhao Qianli alert immediately.

"No, I can recognize it?"

Chu Yun looked surprised. The image he used at the moment was very different from his original face. He not only had a rough face, but also had a more burly body. No matter how he looked, it was completely two people.

But who would have thought that when he came to Zhao Qianli, he was recognized by the other party at a glance. It was really amazing.

"I just guess. It's really you!"

Zhao Qianli was also stunned. He just saw some familiar feelings through Chu Yun's way of walking. Before he saw Chu Yun's face, he said that sentence. Unexpectedly, it was really him. He suddenly had the joy of bumping into the Universiade.

Zhao Qianli looked happy, stood up and said, "you've been away for nearly a month. How about you come back? Xiaoling, is she... Saved? "

"Of course."

Chu Yun nodded, smiled and said, "I'm on my own. Where can't I do?"

He was simply bragging, but after hearing this, Zhao Qianli nodded with certainty, a look of great agreement, which made Chu Yun cry and laugh.

"What about Xiao Yang and them? When you left, it seemed that you took him away with the snack goods of Yang Xiaochan? "

Zhao Qianli asked again.

"You don't have to worry. They are all fine. They are still in the demon domain."

Chu Yun replied.

"Demon domain?!"

Zhao Qianli looked surprised and said, "why did you leave them there? How dangerous it is to be unfamiliar with people...... "

Chu Yun smiled and replied, "because the identity of the little fox is not simple. It is not an ordinary family of Tianhu, but the blood of the emperor of Tianhu. Now the Lord of the demon domain, the emperor of Tianhu, is her aunt. Staying there for a period of time is also good for xiaolinger's cultivation."

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