
"Congratulations, task completed"

"Task reward (three baits for each product) has been distributed to your system space, please pay attention to check"


After sweeping the floor, the prompt sound of task reward starts.

Chu Yun didn't hurry. Uncle Xu glanced at him, nodded and said, "come with me."

With that, Uncle Xu walked towards the library.

Chu Yun touched his nose. Knowing that Uncle Xu had something to teach him, he quickly followed.

When the two entered the library, Uncle Xu came to the second floor and drew a skill from the bookshelf. Then he went to the opposite bookshelf and drew another skill.

On the second floor, Uncle Xu took a total of three skill levels, all of which were ordinary. Then, Uncle Xu went to the third and fourth floors and took four skill levels, which were spiritual.

"Take these seven skills back to practice, and pick them out individually. Each of them is not the top level and has some defects, but they have their own characteristics. When they cooperate with each other, they can wield extraordinary power, even comparable to local skills."

Uncle Xu gave these seven skills to Chu Yun, paused for a moment, and said, "the reason why Wuji is powerful is that it can make the characteristics of different skills cooperate with each other. When I am here, Wuji can perform eight skills at the same time. In the future, with your improvement, it will have more skills, and the updated cooperation is up to you to study."

"I see."

Chu Yun nodded and collected the seven skills, but he smiled bitterly in his heart.

After improving the limitless skill on Lingzhi mountain, Chu Yun's understanding of martial arts has run out. Now there are seven more skill methods. He can't see them himself. He can only look forward to fishing for some understanding in the future.

"Let's go. There's another skill to give you."

Xu Bo said faintly.

With that, he left the library and went straight to his cabin.

Chu Yun hurried to keep up with him. He was curious and looking forward to it.

When the limitless skill is in Xu Bo's hands, it can operate eight kinds of skill methods, seven of which are selected by Xu Bo in the library of Yuanhe sect. Then, the last one should be Xu Bo's own skill method.

Now, Uncle Xu is going to give this skill to Chu Yun. From this, Chu Yun may be able to see the tip of the iceberg of Xu Bolu's true face.

Back in the cabin, Uncle Xu took out an ancient and simple book from an insignificant wooden box. When he took it in his hand, Xu Boming showed his mind for a moment. He rubbed his fingers on the cover of the book, as if he remembered something from a long time ago and didn't move for a long time.

Chu Yun waited quietly. He didn't bother. He just glanced at the title of the ancient book, which was written with ancient words - the determination of heaven, stars and rivers.

"Take this skill."

Uncle Xu returned to his senses, took another look at the book, and took steps to give the ancient book to Chu Yun.

"Uncle Xu, what is your level of skill?"

Chu Yun couldn't help asking.

"You don't need to know now."

Xu Bo shook his head and didn't answer, but his eyes stared at Chu Yun seriously and said, "you just need to know a little. You can't publicize this skill and don't let outsiders know. Otherwise, you will be killed. In addition, before your cultivation reaches the mountain and sea, don't try cultivation, and you won't practice it."


Chu Yun heard the speech and took the book. His eyes were full of complexity.

Indeed, some high-level skills cannot be practiced until they reach a certain level of cultivation.

For example, the spiritual skill requires the best cultivation at the time of the nine grades of the physical body, which can help the martial artist break through the critical state. Before that, although it is not impossible to practice, if the state is not reached, the comprehension will be greatly poor, and it will be extremely difficult to practice.

The more advanced land product skill can be practiced only in the 10000 stone realm, which can support the martial arts to break through the mountain and sea realm. As for the higher realm, you can only choose the more advanced heaven product skill.


Xu Bo's "Tianchen Xinghe Jue" requires mountains and seas to practice, which means that the lowest grade of this skill is Tianpin, and it may even be higher than Tianpin.

In Yuanhe sect, the strongest one is only the cultivation of mountains and seas, but it only reaches the starting threshold of the cultivation of this skill. This is enough to prove how terrible the pattern of this skill is. It's no exaggeration to say that it will lead to death if it is spread.

"Uncle Xu, did you pass on all your family wealth to me now? I'm really ashamed of it. Why don't you talk about it casually? If there's anything I can do for you, I'll try my best! "

Chu Yun touched his nose and coughed.


Uncle Xu snorted, looked at him unhappily and said, "I'm ashamed at this time. What have I done long ago? I'm an old man who doesn't go out of one door and doesn't step out of the other door. I'm counting on sweeping the floor all day, but there's nothing to trouble you. Don't bother me. I'll help you."

With that, Uncle Xu turned his back and handled the tea he had just picked. Without saying a word, he was obviously seeing off the guests.

Chu Yun smiled bitterly and left consciously.


In the following period of time, Chu Yun's life in yuanhezong was very calm.

Every day when I go out to sweep the floor of the library, I earn some basic task rewards, but also wander around the door to trigger random tasks.

After Qi Yunfeng's adultery, yuan hezong was very nervous and panicked for a long time.

Although the traitors have been eliminated and the culprit Zhao Tianxiong has been expelled from Yuanhe sect, the sudden occurrence of this kind of thing still makes the disciples of Yuanhe sect feel a very unsafe sense of crisis.

After this tense day passed slowly, time soon ushered in zongmen Dabi at the end of the year.

In this month, Chu Yun gained a lot.

Although I haven't met any of the tasks of spiritual bait, I've really made a lot of money. In 20 days, there are nearly 100 pieces.

Among them, the cultivation reward appeared three times, which added 30 years of martial arts cultivation to Chu Yun, and promoted Chu Yun's cultivation level directly from the seventh level of Qianjun territory to the second level of Wanshi territory.

The reward for Wu Dao's savvy has also appeared seven or eight times, which has given Chu Yun decades of savvy. Except for the formula of heaven, stars and rivers, which can only be practiced in the mountain and sea, he has practiced all the remaining seven skills and pushed them to the great perfection with his savvy.

At this point, Chu Yun's strength has been raised to a rather terrible situation. He is a man of cultivation in the ten thousand stone realm, but he has a terrible local martial soul, and has also practiced the unreasonable fusion skill Wuji skill.

Looking at the whole Yuanhe sect with such strength, apart from those mountain and sea elders who are the leader of the peak, there is no one left, not to mention the disciples, even the 10000 stone elders of each peak, who can compete with Chu Yun.

"I'm going to participate in the zongmen competition."

Chu Yun touched his chin and stepped out of xiaoqingfeng.

Today is the day of zongmen Dabi.

He didn't wake up by himself, but was directly awakened by the system prompt sound. Early in the morning, the system prompt sound rang in his mind.


"Task trigger"

"Mission objective: to win the position of the leader of the sect"

"Task time limit: within ten days"

"Task reward: three spirit bait"


To be honest, Chu Yun didn't want to participate in this sect at first, because he knew that if Li daoran was a spy of the demon sect, they would certainly do something in the sect.

Chu Yun's best practice is to hide in the dark, quietly observe Mimi, and wait until the moment when Li daoran reveals his flaws.

But now, with the release of this task, Chu Yun had to change his mind.

I can't help it. Three spirit bait are really delicious.

Chu Yun can't miss this level of reward, and the task goal is too simple to say. With Chu Yun's current strength, even if all the participating disciples go together, it's impossible to shake him. It's not too much to say that the reward was picked up in vain.

In the morning, the sun shines on the peak.

Every zongmen big ratio will be held here.

Early in the morning, a sea of people had gathered in Zhengyang square of Mingzhao peak, and the disciples and elders of each peak had gathered.

This sect Dabi is not only a competition among disciples, but also a grand event of the whole Yuanhe sect. Even those who do not participate will come to join in the fun.

When Chu Yun came to Mingzhao peak, the elder Li daoran was talking to the disciples of each peak.

In the past, this kind of clan event has always been presided over by the big elder, and the patriarch just sits in charge.

As in previous years, this year's zongmen big ratio is divided into two items. The first item is the martial arts in the challenge arena. Sixty four disciples in the thirteen peaks take the form of 64 into 32, 32 into 16, 16 into 8, 8 into 4, four into 2, and two into one to determine the strongest disciple of the generation and give him the name of the eldest martial brother.

The second content is the competition between the peaks. All disciples will be sent to a mountain to hunt monsters, and finally calculate the total number of monsters hunted by the disciples of each peak.

"Chu Yun, he's here..."

Many peripheral disciples noticed the arrival of Chu Yun and looked at him one after another.

Gradually, the disciples outside the square all looked at Chu Yun, and the crowd automatically separated to both sides, giving way to a channel. No one approached Chu Yun three steps in front of him.

In yuanhezong, Chu Yun, the elder martial brother, is undoubtedly a controversial existence. Just three months ago, his martial spirit was taken away and fell from the clouds into the dust. Everyone thought he was already a disabled man. However, not long ago, it came out that he defeated Zhao Shoushan.

Although the appalling Qi Yunfeng incident happened soon after this, which made the heat of this incident suppressed a lot, many people have heard of it.

Now, the sect big ratio is opened again, and the talented disciples of each peak are gearing up to compete for the position of senior brother in the new year. At this critical moment, Chu Yun comes again.

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