Before Chu Yun guessed that Li daoran might be related to the demon sect, Chu Yun and the demon sect really had no personal grudges.

However, Chu Yun could not stop his anger as long as he saw this act of the demon sect.

Because these demons are a group of anti human and anti social lunatics!

They don't treat people like people!

Chu Yun dare not say how righteous he is, but when he sees such heinous behavior, he knows he can't sit still.

After leaving the stream, Chu Yun chased deeper into the ruins along some traces of blood. During this period, he could find some traces that were not subtle.

Through those disorderly steps, Chu Yun judged that there were not many people who killed five disciples of mingzhaofeng. The total number should be more than ten, and everyone's strength was not weak, because there were few traces of battle.

This means that when they attacked Fu mingzhaofeng's disciples, they killed five people with a rolling posture.

Can do this, or sneak attack, hit a surprise.

Or it means that these people are very powerful.

Those who surpass mingzhaofeng disciples by one level can completely suppress them.

"I'm afraid these dozen people are not spies among the 64 trial disciples. It's impossible for every peak of Yuanhe sect to be infiltrated like this. The strength of these people should generally surpass the disciples of Yuanhe sect. If I guess right, they should come in from the outside."

Chu Yun thought to himself.

This is not good news. If the traitors hidden among the 64 trial disciples make trouble in the ruins, Chu Yun has no pressure.

With his strong cultivation in Wanshi territory, even if 60 people go together against these disciples in critical territory, it is difficult to threaten him with crowd tactics.

But now... These people of the demon sect come from the outside world. The situation is completely unknown. Chu Yun doesn't know what kind of experts there will be.

After another search, Chu Yun found another body on a flat hillside.

It was a female corpse. Like the five corpses by the stream, they were drained of blood by the secret method of the demon sect. However, different from the five corpses, the clothes on the corpse were stripped clean

Chu Yun took a deep breath and closed his eyes angrily.

Needless to say, the identity of this corpse must be the only female disciple among the six disciples of mingzhaofeng. Her name is Zhang Qianqian. Now, her corpse is not inch long. It is self-evident what happened to her before she died.

At the moment, it was dark. Chu Yun found an ember next to Zhang Qianqian's body. He went forward and touched the temperature of the stone next to the Ember with his hand. It was still very hot.

"Just left soon..."

Chu Yun showed a trace of murderous spirit in his eyes. He continued to catch up with these people after they left.

Not long after, Chu Yun heard the movement ahead. It was a wolf howling sound, mixed with some wild laughter.

Chu Yun quickened his speed and jumped up quickly. With the help of Yan linggong, he flew up for a short time. Looking at it from a high place, he found that there were more than a dozen figures in front, riding a green Wolf, shuttling through the forest.

"... it's them!"

Li mang flashed in Chu Yun's eyes. He didn't know most of the people here, but one of the two leading people was Li Yuanfeng.

The rest of the black robed people, riding on the green Wolf, have a wild face, full of murderous Qi, thick blood, and their eyes are full of chaos and evil. There is no doubt that they are definitely the warriors of the headquarters of the demon sect.

Anger surged in his mind. Chu Yun almost couldn't help it. He rushed directly to kill them, but his reason restrained Chu Yun.

He didn't know the situation of these dozen people, so he rushed. In this fierce attack, the effect he could achieve was absolutely minimal.

Now that the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark, we must make good use of this advantage.

Therefore, Chu Yun suppressed his mood, quickly hid his form, and then followed the team, looking for a suitable mobile phone meeting.

"Uncle Ding, where is the entrance to the earth vein array?"

Li Yuanfeng rode on the wolf's back and looked at the old man in black beside him. He felt impatient.

"Still need to observe."

The old man in black robe touched his beard, looked at a tall and straight mountain not far away and said, "go there and observe the trend of the earth vein."

When the voice fell, he drove the wolf under his crotch to run in that direction first.

Li Yuanfeng slowed down a step, and two demons caught up with him. He laughed and said, "eldest childe Li, your little martial sister of Yuanhe sect is really good!"

"Hey, hey, it's a pity that one didn't pay attention and let the girl commit suicide. I haven't played enough..."


Li Yuanfeng sneered at the speech, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes. He said, "Li Qianqian is just a medium-sized product. If you can meet my senior brother Chu Yun later, the two women around him are the real best. At that time, brothers can have fun!"

As he spoke, Li Yuanfeng's heart suddenly floated a burst of expectation.

The purpose of the evil heart sect sneaking into the place of trial is to help him seize the power of the earth vein of zhengshenzong and help his "earth demon ape" to be promoted again.

This is Li Yuanfeng's wish all the time, but at the same time, what he hopes more is that he can use these demons to solve Chu Yun. If he can do this, it will be really perfect.

"It's late at night. Stop here."

When the team arrived at the mountain, the old man in black, who was the leader, waved his hand and stopped the people.

Among them, a silent warrior of the demon sect whistled. The manipulated green wolves immediately stopped and began to patrol around.

This means of controlling monsters is also a secret method of the demon sect, which is very convenient in many times.

Chu Yun lurked behind a tree in the distance. Looking at the warlords of the demon sect who camped, he thought about it and soon had an idea. He took out several small black bottles from the system space, walked with a hidden figure and came to the upper air outlet.

He held his breath, unscrewed the small black bottles and scattered the transparent powder out.

Following the strong wind in the mountains, the powder immediately floated towards the location of the demons. Then Chu Yun made another arrangement here.

At the camp, the demons lit a bonfire and began to boast loudly. They laughed wildly. They remembered their experience of killing six disciples of mingzhaofeng not long ago. All kinds of appalling words kept popping out of their mouths. The people listening to them were creepy, but they took it as fun.

Li Yuanfeng was also sitting by the campfire. Many demons winked at him and said, "eldest childe Li hasn't even practiced magic skills, but today he can have such means. It's really an eye opener for our brothers, but your means are too rough. You simply kill people. What's the meaning?"

"Yes, you have to pay attention to methods to torture people. If you are careless, you will kill people. You won't have to play in the future. There is a lot of knowledge here. Ha ha ha..."

The warriors of the demon sect laughed, and some people 'enthusiastically' taught Li Yuanfeng the experience of torturing people.

Li Yuanfeng listened patiently, nodded from time to time and called for an eye opener.

"Hey, wait a minute."

At this time, a warrior with a sensitive sense of smell inhaled hard and said, "do you smell any strange smell?"

"Strange smell..."

They frowned, looked around and suddenly found that the green wolves had been lying on the ground without knowing when, twitching and bleeding.

"Poisonous! Someone poisoned me! "

The demons roared and covered their mouths and noses one after another, but it was actually too late. Many of them had inhaled a lot of poisonous powder. Even if they were suppressed by cultivation, they still felt great pain in their bodies. With the movement of power, they quickly changed the five zang organs and six Fu organs along the meridians and Dantian.

Immediately, there were some demons with low cultivation, who fell to the ground in pain, bleeding from their seven orifices, twitching all over, panting in pain, and sobbing in their mouth.

Whew, whew, whew——

Just then, a burst of wind came from the upper air outlet.

A row of crossbows and arrows shot out in unison and burst towards the location of the camp. The demons fled quickly, but some people who could not dodge were directly shot through by crossbows and arrows.

These crossbows and arrows are not ordinary crossbows and arrows, but a spirit breaking arrow worth ordinary bait in the system, which can penetrate the warrior's spiritual defense and directly shoot people through.

"Kill it!"

The demons roared and rushed directly to the upper air outlet.

After this attack, three of them were poisoned and two were shot by crossbows and arrows, but there were still about ten people left. At the moment, they attacked and killed together towards the upper air outlet, and the momentum was quite amazing.

However, when they came to the upper air outlet, they found a row of bows and crossbows in place. The trigger position of each bow and crossbow was connected in series with thin ropes.

In other words, the archer is not here!

make a feint to the east but attack in the west!

"... not good!"

As soon as Li Yuanfeng's face changed, he looked at the gravel piles on both sides, immediately pulled up a demon warrior beside him and stood in front of the gravel pile.

Boom! Boom——

Two deafening explosions sounded beside the rubble.

Sky thunder explosion curse!

The simultaneous shooting of crossbows and arrows is just a diversion to attract the demons. These two sky thunder explosion spells are the real killing moves.

Under the terrible explosion power of the Tianlei exploding light mantra, the demons who were close to the rubble pile were directly bombed on the spot, and half of their bodies were burned.

It's not easy to be far away, because the explosion point is in the gravel pile. After the explosion, the gravel is like a volley of bullets, shooting around. Its power is even higher than that of crossbows. Several demon sect fighters were shot through by the gravel on the spot and became a sieve.

Li Yuanfeng was overturned by the explosion and fell to the ground. For a moment, he felt that his internal organs trembled violently and his body was almost cracked, but in fact, the impact on him was still relatively small.

Because of his quick reaction, he immediately pulled up a warrior beside him, like a meat shield, in front of him, offsetting all the gravel attacks.

Otherwise, at the position where he stood, he would be shot through by the gravel.

"Who... Who..."

Li Yuanfeng struggled to get up from the ground and looked at the demons. There was no one standing. Everyone was lying on the ground and struggling in pain.

At this time, Li Yuanfeng glanced and saw a figure coming out from behind the tree from a distance. The man's face was filled with cold and killing Qi. The look just glanced at him and made Li Yuanfeng tremble.

"... Chu, Chu Yun!"

Li Yuanfeng trembled all over and his eyes were full of fear.

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