"Destiny realm?! How is this possible?! There has never been a heaven in this world! "

"But... He just used the law of space, and this word's ability to stop wind and snow is like the law of time! How could he have such a means if he had not understood the destiny of the nine laws for promotion? "


The whole Kirin square was shocked.

Not only those strangers who met Chu Yun for the first time, but also the Xu brothers and sisters were shocked.

They just thought that Chu Yun was a very powerful genius who understood the laws of space and was likely to be the son of a great power.

But now, Chu Yun shows the terrible ability of the law of time in addition to the law of space.

As we all know, it is impossible for a person to master the power of more than two laws, unless he is a very special nine turn Nirvana body, and a martial artist in Nirvana can't fight back and forth with a supreme state. Then a reasonable guess is that Chu Yun has completed the nine turn Nirvana body and promoted to the destiny state!

Unprecedented destiny!

At the moment, the wind and snow all over the sky stopped in front of Chu Yun. After he gently stopped the wind and snow, he waved again.

The wind and snow all over the sky started from the inside and completely disintegrated from the level of water elements. In an instant, the ice and snow on the arena disappeared without a trace, replaced by a warm spring breeze.

"The law of water..."

Seeing this behind the scenes, Ling Aomei took a deep breath again, looked at Chu Yun in shock and said, "you are indeed a warrior in heaven's destiny!"

Chu Yun heard the speech and smiled faintly. Instead of shooting at Ling Aomei, he looked around and said to many of them, "whether I am or not, for the time being, but there is one thing I found. If I can't show enough strength, no one is willing to listen to me."

Speaking of this, Chu Yun paused for a moment, his lips slowly raised a smile and said, "in that case, please come up and have a try together. Anyone who wants to fight with me can come together."

... arrogance!

As soon as he said this, many people around the challenge arena looked sad.

The meaning of Chu Yun's words reveals incomparable arrogance, that is, if I stand here, whoever wants to come and fight with me, it doesn't matter.

Ling Aomei, who stood opposite Chu Yun, couldn't help tightening her cheeks. After several short fights with Chu Yun, she already felt an unprecedented terrible pressure.

This kind of pressure has never been felt in the battle with anyone in the past. Even in the face of the saint, she just realizes that the other party's field can't be broken by herself. In addition, it is just a large-scale enhanced version of the supreme realm.

But Chu Yun

It makes her feel very different.

It's a kind of all-round rolling!

The other party has no unbreakable Saint field, but it itself is like a field!

When Chu Yun used the law of time to stop the wind and snow, Ling Aomei knew that she could not defeat the man in front of her. When Chu Yun disintegrated her decision of Tianshuang ice emperor, Ling Aomei realized that the other party had entered a powerful level that she could not understand.

After Chu Yun said these words, there was a lot of discussion around him. The sons and daughters of the great power felt humiliated and had a feeling of being excited.

Ling Aomei looked at those people, but she couldn't help thinking of some despair. Maybe even if these people go together, they are not Chu Yun's opponent at all.

Supreme and destiny are not on the same level at all!

"You're right, brother, but I can't hear it anymore!"

At this time, a low cry came from a building on the periphery of the square, followed by a young man in blue, who flew over the challenge arena like a raging dragon.

"No advice?"

Chu Yun's face remained unchanged and stood calmly on the challenge arena.

"There are three families in Kirin City, blue family and blue crystal."

The young man in blue shirt opened his mouth in a deep voice, arched his hands to Chu Yun and said, "brother, your ability to stop wind and snow is really extraordinary, but if you underestimate the heroes in the world, it's too arrogant. I'm not talented. I want to ask you for advice!"

The voice fell, and Chu Yun didn't speak. Ling Aomei, who stood next to the young man in blue shirt, turned her head and said, "I don't know heaven and earth, you're not his opponent!"

"Less nonsense."

Lanjing doesn't look at Ling Aomei. Her eyes are still staring at Chu Yun opposite.


Chu Yun nodded and made a gesture of invitation, indicating that Lanjing could make a move.

The next moment, I saw that the young man in blue was shocked. There were blue scales on the surface of his skin, and a pair of sharp corners on his head. When he breathed deeply, the sound was like a dragon roaring.

Among the three families in Kirin City, the blue family is the most special one, because its family members are not pure Terrans, but dragon blood.

The so-called dragon blood is the half dragon and half man born by the combination of dragon and human.

There are many "alien" people on the Kyushu mainland, such as half fox people, half werewolf people, half bear people, etc. their status is very low, and they are often not faced up to the orthodoxy of the human race.

The dragon people's blood is different

Its ethnic characteristics are no different from those of half fox people and half werewolves, but

They are so strong!

The dragon clan itself is the most powerful race in the world. It is ranked as a divine beast. Every real dragon's blood is the supreme realm when he grows up. If he has better talent and wants to be promoted to the holy realm, he is simply holding a pinch in his hand.

According to the law between heaven and earth, the stronger the creatures, the more difficult it is to have children, and so is the dragon family. The blood of the real dragon is difficult to inherit, but as long as it is passed down, it will be absolutely extraordinary.

The ancestor of the blue family married a dragon girl in the holy land, and then gave birth to the real dragon blood. Although it was mixed with the Terran, which weakened the power of the dragon blood, it was easier to continue the blood.

Today, the proportion of dragon blood in the lineage of the blue family is not high, but every disciple of the blue family has a talent comparable to the top ten spirits in Kyushu.

This Lanjing is the best of the generation of blue family disciples. His dragon blood talent is also the strongest among the blue family disciples in the past 300 years.

"Half dragon man? It's rare... "

Chu Yun sighed. Then he saw that Lanjing, who was already in a semi dragon state, suddenly rushed towards Chu Yun. The speed was incredible.

In the semi dragon state, Lanjing's combat power can be called invincible at the physical melee level. As long as any supreme martial artist is close to it within three steps, it can be said that he will die.

At the moment, Chu Yun stood in place, did not have any defense against the fast approaching blue crystal, and did not mean to retreat and pull away. He just stood in place calmly.

When Lanjing came to Chu Yun's body, Chu Yun's lips slowly raised a radian, and then a hot breath emerged from Chu Yun's body.


In an instant, the sound of dragon singing aroused!

The hot dragon fire was like magma, flowing around Chu Yun. The overbearing dragon power swept the whole challenge arena. All the audience in the whole Kirin square could clearly feel the terrible pressure.

Lanjing, who was charging forward, suddenly stopped his steps, because he had to stop because of the pressure from the depths of blood and soul.

It was a natural fear and awe of the inferior to the superior. In the face of Chu Yun surrounded by Longyan at the moment, he could not even mention the idea of attack or resistance.

Immediately, Chu Yun, standing opposite Lanjing, slowly stretched his body in the Dragon inflammation around him. There were also dragon scales on his body surface, and his body swelled, gradually half a person higher than Lanjing's semi dragon state, showing absolute repression.

"You... You... You are also dragon blood?"

Blue Jing trembled. He took a deep breath, then stabilized his voice and said, "no, you can't be a half Dragon... A half dragon can never have such a strong dragon power, even the first generation... You, can't you be a real dragon?!"

Chu Yun heard the speech, and a faint smile appeared on his face. He walked forward, patted Lanjing on the shoulder and said, "that's just my martial spirit."

After that, the Dragon Qi suddenly broke out. The rolling dragon around the body was flowing with golden luster. A domineering golden red dragon emerged from the illusion of Chu Yun and soared over Kirin City. A pair of indifferent dragon eyes looked at the people below indifferently.

At this moment, the audience was shocked again.

Wu soul.

Kyushu's warriors certainly have, but they don't pay attention to them.

Because the level of the awakening of the martial soul is often not too high. Unless it is gifted and awakens the martial soul above the land product, it will basically have no effect in the battle after the life wheel territory.

Therefore, the great forces of Kyushu pay more attention to the physical talent of martial artists and spiritual cultivation based on the top ten spiritual bodies, which can make martial artists go a longer way.

At the moment, the appearance of Chu Yun's Wu soul "blazing sun Tianlong" made everyone lose their glasses. Can the Wu soul, which was almost forgotten by everyone, have such power?

Lanjing was silent. Looking at Chu Yun's "blazing sun Tianlong" speechless, her body and heart still couldn't stop the fear from the depths of her blood.

At the same time, a huge problem jumped out of his mind and everyone present.

That is

In front of this mysterious boy, who is he?

He controls the most unfathomable laws of space and time. There is no doubt that he is the one who has completed nine turns of Nirvana and promoted to heaven.

At the same time, he also has a martial soul comparable to the real dragon. Just because his breath is exposed, Lanjing, who has half dragon blood, can't afford to fight at all.

There must be a reason behind all this, but everyone present didn't know his details at all. Everything was complicated and confusing.

"As I said, I came here only to persuade you to turn fighting into friendship."

At this time, Chu Yun spoke.

He looked around, his eyes fell on Ling Aomei and said, "just now, the girl asked me what kind of position I stood on before I said this sentence. Now, I can tell you... I stand on the position of the whole Terran."


The voice fell, and there was silence around. Many people looked at each other with strange eyes.

How to represent the Terran in one person?

Even if you are an unprecedented destiny realm, even if you have many strange things, you are not qualified at all!

"Now, let me introduce myself to you." Chu Yun looked around and calmly said, "I have a compound surname of Xuanyuan. I'm from Chu. I'm the emperor of the ancients and the blood of Xuanyuan."

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