The words are divided into two parts.

After leaving the letter explaining the truth, Chu Yun changed his shape into a shadow jade pendant, changed his face and left Kirin City.

The sky fire tripod has arrived. He can enter the emperor's Secret territory at any time, so he has no reason to stay in Kirin City.

The reason why he chose to leave a letter to explain the truth rather than leave directly is that he doesn't want people to try their best to find the useless Kyushu Ding under his deception.


Chu Yun probably wouldn't think of it. Even though he has explained the truth, many people still don't want to believe it.

Especially when the people of Lingxiao sect returned from the secret territory of Kirin and earned a lot of money. When they returned to Kirin City, many leaders of overlord forces became more and more confident about Chu Yun's identity. They thought that he must have been kidnapped by the elders of Xuanyuan family. All he said was true.

In this regard, when Chu Yun knew later, he could only sigh helplessly: "just be happy..."


After leaving tianhuozhou, Chu Yun took the intercontinental transmission array and returned to Shuiyun state.

After several twists and turns, Chu Yun returned to Yuandao mountain range and entered the original site of zongmen sealed by Yuandao tiandafa.

In fact, as early as the moment when he got the tianhuoding, Chu Yun had decided to enter the emperor's Secret territory and look for the opportunity to make a breakthrough. At the same time, he was also trying to obtain the emperor's weapon Xuanyuan sword.

However, his senior brothers and sisters united to persuade him.

"You don't have the power of the saint level yet. If you enter the emperor's Secret territory like this, it can be called ten dead and no life. It's too risky."

Zhong Wanhua advised painstakingly.

"However, the cultivation of heaven's destiny realm can't go on anymore."

Chu Yun shook his head, but his attitude was still firm, because through the deduction of destiny, he still felt that if he wanted to complete the process of "knowing human life", he had to enter the territory of the emperor's secret.

"Although we don't know how to help you understand human life, there must be a way. Let's go back to the sect door first and have a look at the books accumulated by the Lingtian sect of Yuan Dao for thousands of years. Take a look at both Kung Fu, martial arts and social science acrobatics. Maybe you can find the answer by yourself."

Elder martial brother Zhong Wanhua continued to persuade.

Chu Yun thinks it makes sense. After all, books are the ladder of human progress. It may be really effective to try.

So Chu Yun came back and plunged into the library of lingtianzong of Yuan Dao. Using his martial arts understanding, he kept reading the books in the door day by day.

Three months and 24 days later, Chu Yun came out.

Because he has read all the books in the library. He has read all the books, including Kung Fu, martial arts, social sciences, acrobatics and travel notes. He has completely disassembled and understood them with his martial understanding.


There is still no progress in the process of understanding human life, or no clue at all.

"It seems that the only answer is hidden in the secret realm of the emperor. How can you know if you want to know human life and don't see the emperor?"

Chu Yun came to qingluan peak and looked at the thirteen figures sealed in the sky. He smiled and arched his hands at them.


Zhong Wanhua sighed deeply. He knew that Chu Yun had decided to go.

Elder martial sister Liu Ruoxi was silent for a moment and said, "if not, you'd better give up. I think it's enough for us to see Kyushu from the perspective of your Xuanguang mirror. If the only peerless genius in Kyushu who has completed nine turns of Nirvana and ascended to heaven in 870000 years, we will die because of us. We have a guilty conscience."

The voice fell, and the senior brothers and sisters agreed.

"No way."

Chu Yun shook his head and said, "my destiny is the first time in 870000 years. The demon clan invasion is also the first time in 870000 years. In order to prevent the demon clan from going abroad and save the people in Kyushu, all senior brothers and sisters sealed the heaven with the body of thirteen saints, which is also the first time in 870000 years.

No matter how strong or good the destiny is, it is just a personal achievement.

What the senior brothers and sisters have done is beneficial to Kyushu, to the future, and to the whole Terran.

In order to save Kyushu, you choose to seal yourself here. I want to save you, even if you are buried in this emperor's Secret territory, it is also due, because you deserve it! "


After these words, the senior brothers and sisters were moved, but they couldn't say it.

Seeing that Chu Yun had pulled out the sky fire tripod, elder martial sister Liu Ruoxi was worried and said, "younger martial sister, please say a word!"

"I believe him."

Luo Qingcheng smiled in his voice and said, "I have said that if someone in this world can complete the nine turn Nirvana and promote his destiny, it must be him. Now, what I want to say is that if someone in this world can break through the secret realm of the emperor and get Xuanyuan inheritance, it must be him!"

"Hahaha, have I ever praised you for your good eyesight before?"

Chu Yun smiled, holding the heavenly fire tripod in both hands, injected spiritual power into it, took a deep breath, looked up and said to your senior brothers and sisters, "everyone, I'll go too!"

The voice fell, and on the heavenly fire tripod, the hot fire suddenly rose into the sky, forming a flame portal. Behind the portal, a nothingness could be seen. I don't know where to go.

Chu Yun stepped forward and walked into it without hesitation!


When he regained consciousness, Chu Yun felt that he was in a cold place.

He was confused for a long time, and then opened his eyes.

Windy thatched cottage, gloomy weather, through the broken hole of the thatched cottage, you can see the strong wind and thunder outside the sky.

Chu Yun suddenly sat up and looked around. He felt familiar and strange about this place. His mind was dizzy. Many things were blocked together like a mess of mud.


He rubbed his temples hard and took a breath in his mouth.

He felt that he had forgotten something and tried to remember it, but as long as he thought about it, he felt a knife wrenching pain in his mind, and finally he didn't remember anything.

"Who am I again? What is this place... "

After he gasped for two times, he stood up slowly. He could vaguely think of what trial he seemed to come for and what trial it was?

It seems that some people are waiting for themselves. They are waiting for their return. Who are those people?

With these thoughts in my mind, I want to think deeply again, but I just got up and forgot everything. Finally, there is only confusion in my heart.


The wooden door of the hut was pushed open and a figure rushed in.

"Chief, no!"

The figure was naked, dark and thin. Only a piece of animal skin was wrapped around his waist, covering his lower body. His upper body was covered with all kinds of scars, his hair was messy, and some insects could be seen crawling between his hair.

Chu Yun saw the figure of the primitive man, and naturally in his mind, he appeared each other's name, so he frowned and asked, "what happened after the wind?"

"The Chiyou people are coming!"

The queen of the wind clenched her teeth and said angrily, "they are strong and powerful by virtue of their strength. They occupy the upstream river and leave us only a small piece of downstream water. Now, in case of a severe drought, the downstream water is not enough. They even want to rob and drive our Xuanyuan tribe out of the river!"

Chu Yun stood up, and his heart also showed anger. A sympathetic anger was like a volcanic eruption. He picked up a bronze sword by the bed and said, "fuck him, do you really think I Xuanyuan is a vegetarian? Fight with Chiyou! "

After that, Chu Yun took a big step and rushed out of the thatched house first. Outside the thatched house, the people of Xuanyuan tribe are scattered everywhere in fear.

"People, when there is a severe drought, our Xuanyuan tribe is in a difficult situation. The people of Chiyou tribe even want to drive us out of the Yellow River Basin. This is to force us to die! We can't let them do what they want! Everyone take up arms and fight them! " Chu Yun shouted loudly.

When the voice fell, a ray of light appeared on the people's gloomy faces. Many people roared and stood up and picked up the "weapons" around them. They were fully equipped with wooden sticks and stones.

Hearing the distant cry, Chu Yun only felt a flower in front of him. The sense of confusion came again. The next moment, he had appeared on the edge of a Pentium river.

He led the people of Xuanyuan tribe to stand in the lower reaches of the river. In the distance, in the sound of shouting, the black crowd surged like a wave, holding spears and axes, gathered in the upper reaches.

"Xuanyuan children, I told you to get out and let me out of the downstream. Now it seems that you are going to moisten this land with your own tribal flesh and blood?"

In front of the upstream queue, a three meter tall man, holding a huge axe and riding a ferocious beast under his crotch, appeared majestically in front of Xuanyuan tribe.

Behind the giant man, there were eighty-one strong men more than two meters tall, each with ferocious faces and murderous spirit. When standing together, the momentum seemed to freeze the blood.

This is the most powerful tribe in the Yellow River Basin, the Chiyou tribe. The three meter giant man riding a ferocious iron eating beast is the head of the Chiyou tribe, Chiyou.

Behind Chi you are his 81 brothers, all of whom are fierce generals with spears or axes in their hands.

On the other hand, on the side of Xuanyuan tribe, some people hold stones and some people hold wooden sticks, and each one is as thin as skin and bone. The difference in combat effectiveness is like a world of difference, which is too great.

These figures stood in front of Xuanyuan tribe. Even before they started, they had made the thin people of Xuanyuan tribe feel great pressure. Some people even began to cramp their legs and stomach and shake violently. Their inner fear was unspeakable.

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