Chu Yun carried his sword and followed Fenghou and a group of people behind him. When they came to the cultivated land, the monsters that had raged here had disappeared, leaving only scattered corpses.

Some were eaten with only half of their face, some with only half of their body, some with dried flesh and blood, and only wrinkled skin wrapped in small bones. Their struggling and twisted faces were full of expressions of fear and fear, and some were even worse.


Chu Yun stood there and felt his blood coagulate. The air around him seemed to turn into solid ice, which made him tremble and unable to breathe.

Sad cries rang out from all around. The relatives of these cultivators came. Seeing the scene of purgatory in the world, they cried one after another and couldn't help themselves.

After silence, there is anger.

Chu Yun was very angry. He was angry at the scene in the cultivated land and at the numbness of his fellow countrymen.

They are just sad, just afraid, but there is no anger!

They are used to it!

After all, such things happen almost every day.

Chu Yun clenched his fist. He looked behind the wind and whispered, "after the wind, what should we do?"

After the wind, he was stunned and said, "leader, we should... Collect these bodies first and burn them quickly, so that the bloody smell will not attract other monsters, and then clean up this cultivated land. Although most of the land has been destroyed by monsters, many crops can still be planted..."


Chu Yun took a deep breath and said, "I mean, what will happen in the future? Such things happen every day. Do we humans have to be taken as food by those damn animals? "

After the wind, he looked at Chu Yun in a daze. Some didn't know how to answer. After a long time, he said: "this has been the case since ancient times... This is the rule set by the emperor of heaven. Our Terran is the lowest race, equal to the status of the uncivilized Orc. It is the food of the demon family, and this is the position of our Terran..."

"Since ancient times, right?"

Chu Yun roared.

At this time, another group of people ran over and shouted, "leader, the adults of the spirit family are coming!"


Another trance.

When Chu Yun returned to the tribe, he saw a sea of people in the tribe, surrounded by more than a dozen strange figures.

The reason why it is different is not that those people look strange. In fact, the appearance of the spirit clan is very similar to that of the human race, but it is more exquisite. What they wear is not animal skin linen clothes, but superior silk, royal clothes and gorgeous clothes. Standing in Xuanyuan tribe, they seem to stand out from the crowd.

"Are you the leader of Xuanyuan family? Get ready and start the sacrifice. "

The middle-aged man of the spirit family, who was led by him, raised his head and never looked at Chu Yun with his eyes. He said such a sentence calmly and proudly.

Chu Yun had not yet responded, and the elders of the Xuanyuan family had been busy organizing sacrificial activities.

They let all the newborn babies in the Xuanyuan family, all under the age of 10, gather in one place, while the people over the age of 10, including the leader Chu Yun, stay on the other side.

Then, one of the spiritual people stepped forward and waved a handful of fine dust in his hands towards all the people over the age of 10, just like rice, and scattered it to the crowd.

In the crowd, many people looked at the spirit dust scattered from the sky and wanted to escape in fear, but they still didn't dare to move a penny and stood there in fear.

Then, the spiritual dust fell on some people. The people who were contaminated by the spiritual dust were all frightened and looked like earth, while the people who were not sprinkled by the spiritual dust were secretly glad, as if they had escaped a disaster.

"Come out, the sacrifice begins."

The middle-aged of the spirit family said. When the voice fell, the people scattered by the spirit dust and all newborns under the age of 10 came to the front.

Chu Yun and the people who were not scattered by the spirit dust stood behind and quietly watched the sacrifice. Soon, there were low sobs in the crowd, mostly the mothers of newborn babies. They painfully closed their eyes and covered their faces to cry, but did not dare to make too much noise.

Chu Yun frowned. He didn't know what was going on and what the sacrifice was?


He saw that the middle-aged man of the leading spirit family stepped in front of a newborn baby, stretched out a hand, pressed it on the newborn baby's forehead and took a deep breath.


In an instant, the aura surged. There was a pure aura in the newborn baby's small body, which was absorbed by the middle-aged of the spirit family. Soon, the newborn baby's body completely lost the breath of life in a burst of trembling.

"No -"

In the crowd, a young mother saw this scene and cried out in pain. Then she was quickly pulled by the people next to her, covered her mouth with force, and whispered: "you're not dying, hold it back quickly!"

The brief commotion did not affect others. Most ethnic people were numb or used to seeing this scene.

The human race is the lowest race in the world, and its status is equivalent to that of the beast race.

Bloodthirsty for the demon family and devouring the spirit for the spirit family.

All Terrans, at regular intervals, will carry out a sacrifice under the auspices of the spirit family.

The content of sacrifice is to extract a part of the human race and let the adults of the spiritual race devour the aura in their bodies. Among them, all newborns under the age of 10 are fixed in the list.

Because the aura of newborns is often the strongest, and even if it is extracted once, it will reply soon later. It is the best raw material.

Among them, after the aura of some newborns is extracted, they will only be weak for a period of time or seriously ill, while some will die on the spot.

Almost every time after the sacrifice of the spiritual people, the number of newborns will drop by more than 50%, which is why the Terrans can live so well, but the number of tribes is always small.

After swallowing the aura of a baby, a satisfied smile appeared on the middle-aged face of the Ling nationality, like just enjoying a rich delicacy. Then, he went to a lame middle-aged man and put his hand on the middle-aged forehead.

At this time, among the unselected people, a 12-year-old girl came out with red eyes and begged: "Sir, please let my father go. He is too weak and will die... I am in good health! Can I replace dad? Please... "

The cry fell, and the palm of the middle-aged man of the spirit family gave a slight meal, and then raised his eyebrows.

"What makes you, a humble and inferior race, have the courage to bargain with me?"

He looked at the little girl, his eyes were cold, with a trace of banter, and said, "well, since you want to sacrifice yourself so much, come on."

The voice fell

The little girl looked at him gratefully, and then hurried forward to change her father.

However, when she ran over, the middle-aged lingzu put his hand on the lame middle-aged forehead, sneered and said, "I didn't say he could go!"

After saying that, he would suck up the little girl's father's aura.

"... no!"

The little girl's face was frightened and her eyes widened.

But at this time, an unexpected scene happened. A sword light cut off the middle-aged arm of the spirit family. It was directly cut off from the elbow, and blood gushed out, splashing the lame middle-aged face.

He was stunned and looked blankly at the middle-aged lingzu who screamed with a broken arm. Then he limped back, picked up his daughter and wanted to hide in the crowd.

"Who is it?! How dare you... Ah, asshole! "

The lingzu middle-aged roared and screamed, but he saw Chu Yun holding a bronze sword with the blade stained with blood, staring at him with a cold look.

"From now on, our Terran is no longer a meat animal eaten by your spirit family. In the past years, what your spirit family has done to our Terran will be paid with blood!"

Chu Yun's voice was low, like a depressed thunder. When he saw that the middle-aged lingzu sucked away the aura of the newborn baby, he finally remembered what the lingzu was and what the lingzu did to others.

"Arrogance, kill him!"

The middle-aged lingzu gnawed his teeth and was full of aura. The broken arm quickly began to regenerate, and reshaped the body with aura.

When his voice fell, several Wulin fighters of the surrounding lingzu quickly surrounded and besieged Chu Yun. They controlled the aura around them, and the aura flew up and down. Where the aura went, they could open a monument and crack a stone. Their power was much stronger than that of the people of Chiyou tribe who could only wield an axe.


Not only the spirit clan can control Reiki, but Chu Yun can also.

After fighting with Chiyou tribe, he was more proficient in the use of Reiki. At the moment, he took a bronze sword and penetrated the crowd. The Reiki surged on the blade, and the power was even stronger than those lingzu. Soon, a lingzu warrior was seriously injured in Chu Yun's hand.

"It's impossible! Why can the lowly Terran master the great aura? "

The middle-aged lingzu was shocked. Unwilling to bite his teeth, he personally joined the battle group, but found that Chu Yun was really fierce. Even if more than a dozen people besieged him, he couldn't take him down.

Around, the people of Xuanyuan tribe saw their leaders rise up and think of the enslavement and oppression of the human race by the spirit clan for hundreds of years. Although most people are still numb, a small number of people are still mobilized.

They came to the periphery, took up weapons and launched an attack on more than a dozen lingzu people. Thousands of people shouted to fight and kill. Although the single force was far inferior to the lingzu warriors, they lost several lingzu warriors under the crowd tactics.

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