Time goes back two hours ago.

Shenmu Prefecture.

On a fast-moving cloud boat, Ning Guiqi and Qin Ge looked at the divine wood tripod just retrieved from the depths of a local vein and were looking at it carefully.

"This is the Kyushu tripod forged by the emperor's body and soul. It is indeed a strange thing, but when I came into contact with it, I didn't feel any inspiration..."

Qin Ge played with the small tripod in his hand and said to Ning Guiqi with a smile on his face.

"The test of the emperor has been passed by younger martial brother Chu, and the inheritance of the emperor has fallen into the hands of younger martial brother Chu. Since then, even if the people of Kyushu get the Kyushu tripod, they can no longer trigger the test of the emperor."

Ning Guiqi said with a smile.

In the space mark in the ear, the voices of other martial brothers came.

Since this trip, they will talk casually when they are free.

It's strange that in the past, although the relationship between the martial brothers was also very good when they were in the door, they didn't talk about anything. This time, when they left, they were more closely connected. They would share any strange things they saw on the road.

At the moment, sun Zhengheng and Liu Ruoxi, who are in Diwang Prefecture, have just got Diwang Ding and are sharing their just knowledge with everyone in the space mark.

"Younger martial sister, it's a coincidence that the location of the Diwang Ding is near the stone people in Diwang Prefecture. After we got the Diwang Ding, we went to the stone people on the way..."

Liu Ruoxi smiled in her voice. She knew that luoqingcheng liked to travel all over Kyushu on weekdays, while the stone people in diwangzhou and younger martial sister had been talking about it for a long time, but she didn't have time to go.

Sure enough

Just as she said this, Luo Qingcheng's voice immediately sounded in the space mark: "how about it? Do they really practice by eating stones? Isn't it strange? Are you strong? "

A series of questions were thrown out, and Liu Ruoxi smiled and replied: "the stone people do practice by eating stones. However, what they eat is not ordinary stones, but a kind of spirit stone produced only in the Lingtu mountains in Diwang Prefecture, which is more conducive to absorption than other spirit stones.

In the early days of the stone people, the main way of cultivation was to eat this spiritual stone, so most of them had some physical alienation, such as skin fossilization and some parts turned into stone.

This side effect continues to this day, but with the gradual depletion of spirit stone mining, today's stone people are trying to transform most of their cultivation ways into the same cultivation way as ordinary human warriors.

But of course

There are also some stone people who are really like stones. They are very stubborn and refuse to change their ancestral cultivation methods. When the local spirit stones in Lingtu mountain are finished, they try to eat other kinds of spirit stones. As a result, there are more side effects, and some of them are even alienated unlike humans.

As for the combat power, there are many saints in the stone people, and they themselves are also a hegemonic force that can not be underestimated in Diwang Prefecture. However, it is said that the stone people are relatively closed and xenophobic. Elder martial brother sun and I didn't enter it to compete with the saints of the stone people. After all, we have to hurry back with the Diwang tripod... "


Liu Ruoxi's words opened Luo Qingcheng's eyes and said with emotion: "I really want to fight with the saints of the stone people. This golden Guangzhou has no meaning..."

"You're not out to play. It's still important to do business. By the way, younger martial brother Chu, why haven't you heard him for a long time?"

Elder martial brother sun Zhengheng smiled and asked.

"He has just taken out the fragments of heaven in the Golden Tripod and is refining by himself. It is estimated that it will take several hours to complete the refining. I am protecting the Dharma for him now..."

Luo Qingcheng said with some boredom. Looking at Chu Yun sitting there motionless, he suddenly wanted to pick up his pen and draw a little duck on his face

Zhong Wanhua and Hua Sheng, after arranging the affairs in the Lingtian sect of Yuan Dao, have also set out together to find the water cloud tripod. It is said that the progress is still very smooth.

Ning Guiqi and Qin Ge are both static rather than dynamic. In the channel marked by space, they quietly listen to the chat of the martial brothers, and occasionally insert a word or two, which also seems to be happy.

"Elder martial brother Ning and I have embarked on the return journey. We can take Shenmu Ding back to the zongmen in two or three days at most. Elder martial brother sun and elder martial sister Liu, we might as well compete who will return to the zongmen first?"

Qin Ge smiled and said to another group of senior brothers and sisters in the space mark.

"OK, don't worry if you lose, ha ha..."

Sun Zhengheng immediately took over.


In an instant, the sky in the distance cracked, and a dark crack cut the sky like a knife. A terrible and powerful figure fell on the earth of Shenmu state.

On the cloud boat, Ning Guiqi and Qin Ge stood up one after another as soon as their faces changed. They stared at the space crack in the distance. Their eyes fell on the figure falling from the sky, and there was a kind of heartfelt fear.

"What's that..."

Qin GE's face turned white and looked at senior brother Ning Guiqi with unbelievable eyes.

Ning Guiqi clenched his fist tightly, wriggled his lips a few times, and said a difficult sentence: "demon family... Demon God!"

Like a heavy hammer.

Qin Ge immediately passed a message to all the martial brothers in the space mark: "everyone! It's not good! In Shenmu Prefecture, a demon God tore the sky and came! "

When the words fell, a stone stirred up thousands of waves. All the senior brothers and sisters in Kyushu couldn't stop their horror at hearing this.

"Qin Ge, are you kidding? Is this true? "

"Absolutely true!"

Ning Guiqi took a deep breath and made sure of the shocking news. He said, "the place where the demon God came is less than ten thousand miles away from us. Younger martial brother Qin and I saw it with our own eyes. The figure is a demon God outside the territory, which tears the sky!"

The voice fell, and all the senior brothers and sisters in the space mark burst into flames one after another.

"... quiet!!"

At this time, the voice of patriarch Zhong Wanhua sounded deeply, calming the chaotic emotions of all younger martial brothers and sisters. He took a deep breath and said to Ning Guiqi: "younger martial brother Ning, what's the specific situation?"

"... it's hard to say! The demon God forced himself into the space, as if he had been seriously injured. When he came all the way, jiuxiao Tianlei followed him. Obviously, he was damned by the will of the world. Although he carried all these down, his state must be damaged. I think... "

Ning Guiqi took a deep breath when he said this, but Zhong Wanhua interrupted and said, "don't be impulsive! Your task is to bring the sacred wood tripod back! "

After a pause, Zhong Wanhua said, "can there be overlord forces nearby, can you notice this?"


Qin Ge immediately said, "there are two great forces nearby in the area where we are now. When the demon God comes, there must be a lot of movement. They can all notice..."

"In that case, let's leave it to them. Two younger martial brothers, come back as soon as possible!"

Zhong Wanhua told.

"No, elder martial brother, I'm going to have a look..."

At this time, Ning Guiqi took a deep breath and made a difficult decision.

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