When he saw those things, Chu Yun couldn't help but have an impulse in his heart. He wanted to go forward, pick up those things and have a careful look, but when he walked forward, he restrained his emotions.

Curiosity Kills cats. He knows that.

Although on the surface, there is no prohibition and protection for these things, which are generally placed here, no one knows whether there is any threat mechanism in it.

Although Chu Yun will definitely touch the booty in the demon palace in order to take away the Jiuzhou tripod, if there is a prohibition, Chu Yun must put the only chance to touch on the Jiuzhou tripod. In this way, he can figure out what the problem is. He can also take the Jiuzhou tripod immediately and run away, instead of touching other things first. After the prohibition is triggered, he has no place to find the Jiuzhou tripod, That's stupid.


Chu Yun slowly breathed out a breath and continued to walk towards the depths of the demon palace. Along the way, his eyes inspected the items on both sides of the road, looking for the existence of Kyushu Ding.

The more he looked, the more frightened Chu Yun was, because in the endless collection, he saw something he could understand, and some he couldn't understand at all.


Whether you can understand it or not, what it represents behind it is a world of destruction.

In that world, there will be countless creatures, including kind, noble, gentle, kind and countless kinds of existence.

Now, they're all dead.

They were buried under the invasion of the demon family, turned into the vast dust of the universe and fled into nothingness.

Sad, more regrettable and angry.

Watching, Chu Yun unconsciously clenched his fist. He never hoped that one day, when the Kyushu tripod reunited, it would be in the demon palace. Kyushu, with a history of more than 800000 years and countless brilliant Kyushu, would be turned into nine collections and collected by the demon God in the demon palace.

He would never let such a thing happen, never!


In the deepest part of the demon palace, Chu Yun saw the divine wood tripod on a platform. It stood there quietly.

Immediately, Chu Yun moved in his heart and hurried forward. At the same time, he looked around with a guilty conscience. After he didn't find any shadow, he quickly came to the platform.

Looking at the divine wood tripod, Chu Yun's heart pounded and licked his lips nervously. He didn't know why he was so nervous, but when he came here with the idea of taking away the divine wood tripod, he couldn't help being nervous. It was clear that there was no one around, but he began to be guilty of being a thief.

"How could this happen? When did my state of mind become so impetuous..."

Chu Yun felt strange, but he no longer thought about it.

He immediately stretched out his hand to take away the Kyushu tripod. However, when he had this idea in his heart and put it into reality, his hand had just stretched out. The whole body was suddenly shocked, and a huge pressure like a mountain and sea suddenly appeared, which made him gasp for breath.


Chu Yun's eyes widened and his heart was full of panic.

It was not someone who suddenly appeared that brought him this pressure.

This pressure comes from the heart.

When he stretched out his hand, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind - this is the booty of his majesty. No demon clan can touch it without permission!

Because of this sudden idea, Chu Yun's hand could no longer stretch out. Without anyone stopping him, he stopped himself.

"Is this the sense of oppression brought by the strong hierarchy among the demon families?"

It took Chu Yun a long time to relax and breathe heavily to calm his agitated heart.

He finally understood why there were no guards in the demon palace, and all the booty were listed here without any restriction and protection.


These are the demon emperor's things.

The level of the demon clan is strict, from low to high. It is an ordinary demon monster, comparable to the human demons in the life wheel realm, the earth demons in the supreme realm, the heavenly demons of the saints, and the demon gods.

One level is higher than another, and the low-grade demon clan has no resistance in the face of the high-grade demon clan. Even if it is to die, it must be executed without hesitation.

The idea of damaging the upper demon family is impossible. The demon family has eliminated the possibility of committing the following crimes from its own congenital conditions.

The demon God Emperor is the supreme being standing on the top of all demon families and at the highest place. He is also the emperor of all demon families.

Any demon clan dare not have the slightest delusion about the things of the demon God Emperor.

The devil's palace is here. Anyone can come in, but no one dares to come in. No one can come in.

In that case

Naturally, there is no need for any guard or protection.

In the whole universe, any creature can't avoid the demon family. Who dares to take the initiative to approach the demon Palace at the risk of universal condemnation? Or, in the whole universe, are there any other races besides the demon clan?


Even if there were, they would be wiped out by the demon clan.


Chu Yun's face showed a sneer. The next moment, his body immediately changed. The body of the devil immediately disappeared and became Chu Yun's body.

With the body of the demon family, Chu Yun can't start with the things of the demon God Emperor at all. So as long as he becomes human, he can take away the Jiuzhou ding without being suppressed by the hierarchy of the demon family.


At the moment when Chu Yun's body shape changed into a human being, a strong array breath suddenly appeared in the demon palace, which lit up layers of dark light from all directions and blocked the whole demon palace in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun's face suddenly changed. Only then did he know that the demon palace itself was actually protected, but it was just not for the demon family. For any life outside the demon family, as soon as he came in, he would immediately start the protection of the demon palace!

This is equal to everything. It's not that the demon clan will cause prohibition when it comes in, but that the demon clan can't have any delusions about the things in the demon palace when it comes in.

Seeing this, Chu Yun immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed the divine wood tripod in his hand, and then prepared to run. Together with the prohibition of the demon palace, the surrounding demons will come as fast as possible. If he doesn't run quickly, he may even be killed on the spot!

After the war with moza, Chu Yun doesn't want to know what terrible power a full-fledged demon God has, because once he knows, Chu Yun must have only a dead end.


At this time, a slender figure suddenly emerged from the air and stood in front of Chu Yun.

At that moment, Chu Yun felt a great shock in his heart.

He never thought that he would encounter the existence of a second person in the demon palace.

The people who can appear here silently must be demons and gods with the lowest strength. Otherwise, if there is only the level of heaven demons, they can't hide Chu Yun's perception.

And a demon God appeared here silently, in front of Chu Yun, or at the moment when the demon palace was forbidden and touched. It goes without saying that the meaning behind it is terrible.

Almost subconsciously, Chu Yun had pulled out the Xuanyuan sword, but he heard the figure opposite speak.

"Change back immediately, lift the prohibition of the demon palace, and I'll take you back to Kyushu."

It was a strange language, quite different from the roar of the demon clan. It sounded like a mixture of English and French in a previous life, but Chu Yun could understand the meaning.

It was also at this time that Chu Yun saw the image of the person opposite. It was a very slender and tall female figure. The proportion of long legs was very exaggerated, but it had a natural beauty. The skin was dark black, the appearance was extremely exquisite, and the ears were long and pointed, which looked very beautiful.

"Dark Elf..."

As soon as Chu Yun saw each other's appearance, the name naturally appeared in his heart.

The appearance of the woman in front of him is very similar to the dark elves he has seen in various animation and games in his previous life. However, there is no image in any film and television game that can be comparable to the woman in front of him.


Almost without hesitation, Chu Yun chose to trust each other.

Although he doesn't know why there is a non demon family in the demon palace, as long as the other party is not a demon family, it may represent a potential friend.

"It's not good to go home empty handed."

Chu Yun said, with a big hand, the power of space law spread to the whole demon palace in an instant.

In an instant, the demon palace, which was originally filled with all kinds of booty, suddenly became empty in the blink of an eye. Every collection in it disappeared instantly and was transferred to its own system space by Chu Yun using the space law.

Then, Chu Yun listened to the dark elf woman's suggestion and immediately changed his body into the body of the devil. After he completed the transformation, there was no foreign breath in the demon palace, and the prohibition of the demon palace disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yun nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. When he triggered the prohibition of the demon palace just now, he was actually very nervous for fear that he would be trapped in it. But now, he doesn't have to worry anymore, because the demon palace itself is very rigid and doesn't have any flexibility. When he detects the smell of foreign nationality, he immediately closes it and the smell of foreign nationality disappears, It's not smart at all.

"Now, the demon family will hate you."

The dark elf woman was stunned when she saw Chu Yun's terrible handwriting. Then she shook her head and opened her mouth. She came forward, took Chu Yun's arm, took him out of the demon Palace at a very fast speed, and went in the direction of Kyushu.

In the process, Chu Yun did not resist, because he realized that the woman's strength was very strong, stronger than the demon God he met after he just walked out of the world barrier.

A dark elf who is not a demon family can hide in the demon palace and never be found. This itself is enough to explain some problems.

Although there were many questions in Chu Yun's heart, he still had no time to ask. He flew to Kyushu with the woman. In all directions behind him, there were still several demon gods, and rushed to the demon Palace at a very fast speed.

Although the prohibition of the demon palace has been lifted, since this abnormal situation occurs, the surrounding demon gods must not be regarded as not seeing it, otherwise they will have no good fruit to eat when the demon emperor comes back.

As soon as they arrived at the devil's palace, the demons were scared to death.

The collection of the demon palace, which is regarded as a treasure by his Majesty the demon God Emperor, is gone! The hateful thief who didn't know where he came from stole all his Majesty's collections!

It was the last thing left by the demon family that destroyed countless worlds. It was of great significance and was deeply loved by his Majesty the demon God Emperor. Now

It's gone!

The demons looked at each other and couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

They can already imagine what terrible rage will erupt when the demon emperor comes back and sees the empty demon palace.

In this rage, how many innocent demons will be angry and turn into cosmic dust?

I dare not think about it

"Chase! Chase immediately! "

The demons roared angrily and said, "the thief must be a Terran from Kyushu. Chase him! He must not have run far! "

With these words, several demons had rushed to Kyushu at the fastest speed.


After all, it was a slow step. When they reacted, the dark elf woman had come to the edge of the world barrier in Kyushu with Chu Yun.

Outside the world barrier of the whole Kyushu, countless earth demons and heavenly demons have formed a siege network covering the whole area, waiting for the Terrans in Kyushu all the time.

Although there are many demons, the overall number is too small compared with the world barrier volume of the whole Kyushu.

Therefore, when something happens in a place, the nearest demon God wants to come immediately. It takes at least a dozen breaths to arrive.

The dark elf woman took Chu Yun and came to the world barrier. It was under the eyes of the demons that she directly rushed into the world barrier.

"... stop them!"

The patrolling demons noticed something wrong and wanted to stop, but they didn't have the ability at all.

The dark elf woman turned into a black light and directly rushed into the world barrier at the speed of meteor falling to the ground. Within the scope of the black light, all the demons blocking the way turned into flesh and blood powder. Even if there was no room for resistance, they were directly crushed and killed.

It was not long after the dark elf woman took Chu Yun into the world barrier that the demon gods patrolling outside the world barrier and chasing from the demon palace arrived one after another. Looking at the empty world barrier, they were silent.

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