As soon as Chu Yun said this, the evil spirit virtual shadow opposite was stunned first, and then incomparably angry.

"It's you damn thing!!!"

The demon God spoke angrily.

You know, although the things stolen by Chu Yun are not important to the demon family as a whole, they are his beloved collection for his Majesty the great supreme demon God Emperor. They are also the witness that the demon family has conquered countless worlds in this unknown tens of thousands of years.

It's an honor and a medal. It's an existence that should be placed at the highest place for all demon families to look at. As a result... It was stolen!

Nothing left!

It's fucking too much!

God knows how angry His Majesty was when he saw the empty scene in the demon palace when he returned.

However, at least as far as the demon God knows, those demon gods who heard the prohibition of the demon palace and chased out that day were finally executed by his Majesty the demon God Emperor because they didn't catch the thief in time.

And this anger has been spreading recently. Maybe it will float to his head sometime. All demon families can't help worrying about it.

The culprit of all this is the human in front of him. When the demon God knows the answer, how can he calm down?

If it weren't for the barrier across the world, if it weren't for his only virtual shadow coming at the moment, he really wanted to rush up and break Chu Yun into pieces, so as to solve his hatred.

"Little bastard, I advise you to hand over all the things you stole as they are. Only in this way can you calm the anger of your Majesty the great demon God Emperor. If any of those booty changes, it is the cruelest punishment waiting for you and the world!"

The devil roared and threatened.


Chu Yun was calm and unmoved: "it's ridiculous that you and I are already irreconcilable enemies here, but you still threaten me with such words..."

Then he shook his head. Before the demon God continued to say something, his will had crossed the space and directly came to the body of the demon God, pulling the will of both sides to the same level.

"... what is this?!"

The demon God's face changed. He was talking to Chu Yun through the power of sacrifice. He suddenly felt that the surrounding scenes had changed. Then, he seemed to be pulled into a special space.

There is nothing in this space. Some are just the figure standing opposite him. In addition to Chu Yun, it will not be anyone else.

The demon God was shocked and removed Chu Yun's stealing all the booty of the demon palace. Just Chu Yun himself, the demon God was actually full of fear. The other party could not only appear in front of him unconsciously, but also pull his will to this special space with such a strange way.

This kind of means is unheard of and unheard of by the demon God.

"I don't have much to say to you..."

Chu Yun shook his head. He didn't seem willing to spend more words on this ordinary demon God and said, "because you don't deserve it."

The voice fell, and the demon God was immediately angered. A huge anger erupted like a volcano.

Who can achieve the position of demon God is not a peerless hero? Which one is not arrogant? No one is satisfied except the great demon emperor?

Chu Yun, a mere human, dared to talk so much about him that he didn't even have any respect for the powerful demon God, which completely angered him.

"It seems that I should let you know what the real force is..."

The demon God narrowed his eyes and the six wings behind him trembled suddenly. Then he burst out and rushed to Chu Yun. Before he finished speaking, his body shape had come to Chu Yun.

He can feel that in this special state, he seems to be able to exert his strength, so he is not afraid of Chu Yun at all. He just wants to try his best to tear Chu Yun apart.


Chu Yun glanced at him and glanced at the demon God. With only one look in the past, he found the weakest point on the demon God.

Although, compared with the saints of Kyushu and the demons just destroyed by Chu Yun, the weakness of the demon God has been so weak that it can hardly be detected. The splicing of various elements seems extremely perfect and natural, but after all, there are still weaknesses.

And having weaknesses means that they can be found and defeated.


Chu Yun did it.

With one hand out, it has the power of time and space. In a very short moment, it comes across space. The speed is incredible. Even the demon God has no time to react.


The precise point of this point was the weakness of the demon God. In an instant, the heavy power of the road was like mountains, lakes and seas, which could not be stopped.

The face of the demon God changed violently, and the whole demon body shook violently. Half of the body melted rapidly, and the painful howl in the mouth continued to be heard.

Chu Yun ignored each other's pain, raised his head, looked beyond the void, and calmly said, "I know, you've come, don't you show up?"

The voice fell

There was a sudden wave in the originally calm space. There was no mountain collapse, no time and space collapse. When the figure appeared here, everything was so calm and everything was so natural, as if he had been there and never left since ancient times.

It is very different from the image imagined by Chu Yun, or no one can imagine the existence of the demon God Emperor.


Chu Yun now found that the figure standing opposite him was just like him.

The appearance, figure, momentum, and even the feeling of experiencing nine turns of Nirvana, promoting destiny, and then knowing human life and destiny are the same.

Chu Yun is a human emperor, and the demon God Emperor opposite also gives him a feeling of being a human emperor. Just looking at each other even makes Chu Yun feel like facing Xuanyuan.

"Is this the evil taste of the demon emperor?"

Chu Yun was unmoved and said, "do you like to pretend to be the enemy?"

"First, this is not camouflage, but replication."

The demon God Emperor shook his head and showed a thoughtful smile on his face: "second, not everyone is worth copying. From the moment I saw you, I knew that my image, which has been used for many years, can finally be updated... You should be very honored to provide a new replica for the emperor, because this means that in the process of the emperor conquering hundreds of millions of worlds, you are the strongest creature I have ever seen. "

When they said these words, in the space on the other side, the demon God pointed by Chu Yun at his fatal weakness was still howling miserably. Even the arrival of the demon God Emperor did not restrain his pain.

He couldn't understand his eyes and looked at Chu Yun's back. He didn't know why this human can be so strong.

Others don't know the secret of his Majesty's changing shape, but he knows it.

In other words, among the gods of the demon family, all demon gods know it. This is not only an open secret, but also the reason why the demon God Emperor has dominated the demon family for many years.

The demon God Emperor has a talent, a very terrible talent, that is, he can perfectly copy all the abilities of any creature he has seen.

As long as he sees the other party, he can change his own form and copy all the other party's abilities.

It can be said that it is strong enough to go against the sky.


No matter how powerful you are, as long as you are looked at by the demon emperor, he can copy all your abilities out of thin air and do the same things as you.

Moreover, because the demon God Emperor himself has extremely strong vitality, almost immortal vitality, so after copying each other's ability, the demon God Emperor will be able to consume his opponent alive through his long life.

This is why the demon emperor is invincible.

Not every creature is stronger than the demon God Emperor, but as long as that person appears, the demon God Emperor will become stronger.

"It seems that you are not angry at all?"

The demon God Emperor continued to look at Chu Yun with pondering eyes and said: "although there are not many opponents worthy of being copied by the emperor, any one of them will appear very angry after I copied the ability, but it is strange that I don't see such emotion in you. What's more strange is that you didn't pretend... Why, Do you really not mind at all? "

"Of course."

Chu Yun smiled faintly and said, "space has its type and no God. You can't win me. I am me because I have experienced everything I have experienced. I am me. You don't have my experience and my control over power. No matter how you learn, you can't defeat me. "

When the voice fell, the demon God Emperor laughed and said, "it's interesting. It's the first time for the emperor to see a dead duck with a hard mouth like you. I don't mind giving you a lesson later."

After a pause, the demon emperor waved and released the epitome of Kyushu and hundreds of thousands of small worlds attached to Kyushu in this void.

After the arrival of the demon clan, all the small worlds attached to Kyushu, as long as there is a transmission array, such as the real spirit world, are occupied by the demon clan.

In the world where there is no transmission array, because the world barrier is relatively complete, even the demon God can't invade it for a while, so he can only wait for the turbulence in space to come.

The demon God manipulated the projection in the void, looked at the dim small world above, looked at the still shining small world such as Kyushu, and some small worlds that had never opened the transmission array, and showed intoxicated salivation in his eyes.

"You know what? The Kyushu world is already the easternmost part of the universe. In addition, there is no world in the universe. When the emperor destroys Kyushu, the whole universe will turn into the most primitive, only magic can flow, and those disgusting spirits of heaven and earth can not be seen.

Countless demon families will freely breathe the breath of enchanted energy and roam in the universe in this new world. Such a beautiful new world has no place for you human beings. "


Chu Yun heard the speech and was quiet for a while. Then he said, "it's a beautiful daydream."

"Hum, ha ha, ha ha, whatever you say."

The demon God Emperor laughed, looked away from the map of Kyushu and fell on Chu Yun. He said, "when I first came to this Kyushu world, I actually felt very strange. The volume of this world, each state, is larger than any nine level world I have conquered before.

Moreover, although Kyushu world is independent, it is connected to each other. It seems to be a complete whole. I am not surprised that there are millions of gods in such a world.


When my will came, I found that there was not even a God in the Kyushu world.

No, it should be said that God once appeared here, but later, they all disappeared.

Are you one of those lost gods? "


Chu Yun shook his head. After a pause, he said, "but I know the answer to your question."

The confusion of the demon God Emperor is that the whole Kyushu, such a large world volume, should have countless gods. As the last gathering place of the world in the whole universe, the demon God Emperor had high expectations for Kyushu. When he came, he found that Kyushu didn't even have a God.

In fact, there used to be.

In ancient times, gods were everywhere in the heaven.


They oppressed the world and enslaved the human race. Xuanyuan, the first ancestor of the emperor, killed all the gods and devoured the charm of all the Protoss.

From that time on, there was only Xuanyuan emperor left in Kyushu. The emperor also changed from an ordinary God to the only God that accommodated all the charm of Kyushu.

Later, in order to save Kyushu, Xuanyuan turned his body and soul into a Kyushu tripod and guarded all parts of Kyushu. All the charm of the Kyushu world was also hidden in the Kyushu tripod.

Therefore, for more than 800000 years, no God has appeared in Kyushu.

And today

Chu Yun refined the fragments of heaven in nine Jiuzhou tripods and inherited all the charm of the gods in the sky left by the first ancestor of the emperor, which is equivalent to integrating the divine power of the whole Jiuzhou into the emperor.

There is also a gap between gods, and the gap between Chu Yun and ordinary demon gods is like cloud and mud.


Kyushu could have cultivated countless gods.

As a result, because the human emperor monopolized all the charm of the god Buddha in the sky, the whole Kyushu world can only conceive the God of the human emperor.

This God is invincible in the world and in the divine world. Even looking at the whole universe, it is the most invincible existence.

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