When it comes to this, in fact, everything has been very clear.

There was an affair between Princess Elise and kusoenzo. Kusoenzo was born in a marquis family, and his status was not worthy of the princess. When the king decided to choose a husband for Princess Elise, or to find a marriage partner for the royal family, kusoenzo was not available at all, so they could only have an underground relationship.

After the king betrothed Princess Elise to the eldest son of Duke white, Princess Elise and kusoenzo were unwilling, so they found a chance to kill Bette white the day before the wedding.


In order to avoid responsibility, they disguised Bette white as a runaway and poured dirty water on the white family.

Chu Yun remained silent for a moment and recalled what had happened that day in his memory.

He looked at Princess Elise and said, "on that day, more than one person saw that after my eldest brother left the palace, he rode a unicorn out of the city, went north and never came back. According to you, my eldest brother should have died at that time. Therefore, the person who left the city was not my eldest brother, but you asked someone to pretend to be

No, it won't be you or sokuenzo. You two have no ability to make a small fuss. Who is hiding it for you? "

"Ha ha."

Princess Elise sneered twice and said, "of course it's my father! What else can you hide from him in the palace? "

She didn't hide it, said these words directly, and then described in detail the specific situation of that day.

It turned out that on the day before the wedding, sokuenzo once again came to the palace and had a private meeting with Princess Elise. They had agreed that even if Princess Elise married bette, they would not break off their relationship and continue their underground relationship.


On the day before the wedding, sokuenzo repented. He couldn't stand it, so he came to the palace to discuss a major event with Princess Elise, that is, to kill her fiance bette.

Although Princess Elise was afraid, she finally dared to agree under the lover's bitter request. In the name of Princess Elise, they sent an invitation to Bette and asked him to come to the palace to watch the beast fighting.

Because there are many Warcraft animals in the palace, many of them are fierce. Although Bette also practices martial arts, his cultivation is not high, and he barely crossed the threshold of the middle three realms.

Sokuenzo's plan was to make two Warcraft crazy and kill Bette when fighting animals. As a result, when Bette arrived, the plan began to be implemented. Although he would be killed in the end, the movement was so loud that King Charles III also knew about it.

From this moment on, things went in another direction.

This was originally just a plan made by two fools dazzled by love. In the eyes of an old fox like chersley III, it is naturally full of loopholes.

You know, if Bette died in the palace, no matter what the reason given by the royal family, Duke white will certainly not give up.

So, after learning about this, no matter how angry and helpless Chesley III was, he had to bite the bullet and help his daughter clean up the mess.

Then someone disguised as Bette escaped from the king's capital overnight.

Originally, chersley III hoped to promote the marriage between the royal family and the Duke of White's family, and its main purpose was to seek the Gauss magic guide array of the Duke of white.

Now, although the marriage has been destroyed, chersley III's desire to get the magic guide array has not disappeared, so he plans to arrest Duke white and put him in prison on the charges of Bette escaping marriage, abandoning the princess and the Godson of Duke white, so as to ask for Gauss magic guide array.


After hearing Princess Elise's story, Chu Yun slowly breathed out a sigh, and his heart was also quite filled with emotion.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy.

As a king, Chesley III was not a vegetarian. In the face of the sudden situation that his daughter colluded with his lover and killed his fiance, he could find the optimal solution at the first time.

Not only does the royal family have no responsibility, but also nothing is delayed. The Gauss magic guide array he originally planned is still planning in a different way.

At the same time

The answer to a question will soon be paid.

When he was at Duke White's house, Chu Yun said to the Butler that Duke White was unwilling to hand over the Gauss magic guide array.

Chu Yun was still wondering why Duke white insisted, but now it seems that there is an answer, that is, Duke white has guessed that there is another secret behind the eldest son's escape from marriage.

Perhaps, even without pressing Princess Elise, Duke white can infer the truth from the clues. If Bette has been killed by the royal family, how can Duke white hand over the Gauss magic guide array?

"In addition, I'll give you a hot news for free..."

After Princess Elise finished what had happened, a strange smile suddenly appeared on her face, like ridicule, with a trace of crazy expectation, and said, "Duke white, he... Is dead!"


Chu Yun frowned and looked at Princess Elise with strange eyes. When this fell, he took a slow breath. In fact, he had expected it for a long time.

If Duke White was so clever and knew what had happened, then chersley III would not have left him alive. Moreover, it is also very important that the king has never allowed anyone to visit him since Duke White was sent to prison, which can explain the problem.

Princess Elise's eyes stared at Chu Yun. Since she said that, she had been looking forward to finding the expression of pain or despair on Chu Yun's face.

The most important reason why she is willing to tell all the truth is that she wants to fight back against Chu Yun in this way, except that she doesn't want to be tortured by Chu Yun again.

Telling the news of his brother's death and his father's death is like two sharp knives stabbing Chu Yun's heart. This is her only weapon. She wants to make Chu Yun feel pain in this way!


Unfortunately, Princess Elise was finally disappointed.

On Chu Yun's face, there was no pain. There was only a calm color of emotion.

Then Chu Yun looked at Princess Elise and said, "I like to keep my promise. Since you have confessed, I will abide by my previous promise and let you die happily..."

With that, Chu Yun grabbed it, pulled off a few feet of white Ling, threw it on the beam and tied it together, and then, without help, grabbed Princess Elise and put her neck on the white Ling.

"... ER! Er... "

Princess Elise was strangled, struggled in pain, and soon suffocated.

Chu Yun looked at her and said calmly, "previously, there have been rumors in Wangdu that you wanted to commit suicide several times because of Bette's escape from marriage. Now, I'll let you succeed once."

With that, Chu Yun quietly watched Princess Elise struggling until she completely lost her breath and her vital signs disappeared. Then he turned and cleaned up all traces and left the palace.


"Congratulations, task completed"

"Disrupt the world process, task 2: avenge the white family and overthrow the royal family"


Two system prompts fell. Chu Yun walked out of the palace and looked at the thick night outside the palace. He gradually thought about it.

Although the high collar kingdom is only a small country in the Xingguang continent, the number of saints, including kings, is not small, which can be regarded as a true overlord force.

Chu Yun is now attached to boon white. Although he is the sword God in the future, he is just a swordsman comparable to the life wheel realm at the moment. He has not even entered the three realms.

To be honest, it is a little too difficult to destroy the royal family of the high collar Kingdom on his own. At least, Chu Yun needs to be familiar with the power system of the world first, and then practice for three or five years before he can have the strength to kill the saints.

Three or five years?

Chu Yun doesn't have that time.

In that case, we have to use the plan

Kill with a knife!


The situation in the king's capital changed. The next morning, Princess Elise hanged herself in the palace, which had been spread all over the king's capital.

For this matter, all the people in the royal capital, whether dignitaries, nobles, or civilians, are somewhat unexpected and somewhat expected.

After all, Princess Elise had tried to commit suicide several times before, but the news of her failure came out, and it was the news spread by the royal family to build her into an image of a chaste martyr.

Now, Princess Elise has really committed suicide and died. It doesn't seem so incredible.

And there are many people who really think it's incredible.

They all know the truth behind this. They also know that Princess Elise can never commit suicide. At the moment, her death must be strange.

Including sokunzo, including the king, and many people who knew about it.

The first object of their suspicion is Chu Yun.

After all

This afternoon, Chu Yun just went to see Princess Elise. In the evening, Princess Elise committed suicide successfully. If there is nothing fishy in it, they will never believe it.

"Your Majesty, Elise, she can't commit suicide! We just met in the evening. We talked well. How could she die? She must have been killed! "

In the palace, on the main hall, sokuenzo was complaining to King Chesley III with sadness and pain.

On the throne, Chesley III's expression was indifferent. He stared at sokuenzo below for a long time and said, "what did you say?"

"Just, just some ordinary love words, nothing special..."

Sokuenzo whispered.


Chesley III snorted coldly and said, "get down by yourself and don't get in my eyes here!"

As the voice fell, sokuenzo's expression was a little dull, half true and half false, with a sad face. At the moment, some couldn't fit in. They didn't dare to offend chersley III at this juncture, so they had to leave in a hurry.

After he left, chersley III took a deep breath and asked, "did you find anything?"


In the dark, the voice in the shadow replied, "the princess's body has no wound except the fatal wound on her neck. It can be determined that the cause of death is strangled by hanging. It's just

With the constitution of an ordinary person who has not practiced like the princess, if others want to do this, it is very simple. She has no ability to resist at all. Although there is no evidence, I think it must have been done by the boy boon white. Only he has this motivation. He must have found something. "

"We said here before that the boy was a fool with an elm head, but now it seems that we underestimated him, huh“

Chersley III sneered. From the expression of no sorrow or joy on his face, he could not see the slightest sadness of losing his daughter. Some were just precise calculation and interest calculation.

A moment later, he breathed out slowly and said, "don't investigate. Send someone to Duke White's house to bring Boone white to the palace. On the grounds that he had seen the princess in the afternoon, he was suspected of abetting the princess to commit suicide."


The voice in the dark responded.

Immediately, the owner of the voice disappeared, and did not return until a long time later.

It's just

Different from King chersley III's imagination, he came back alone without the elm headed bunnwright.

"Where are the people?"

Chersley III frowned.

"Already gone!"

The voice in the shadow revealed a sense of helplessness and said, "when I went, I found that Boone White was no longer in Duke White's house. I asked the housekeeper of the house. He said that last night, Boone White left overnight with the core technology of Gauss magic guide array and disappeared."


As the voice fell, chersley III frowned and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, he finally sneered and said, "well, well, white, an old man, really gave birth to a good son. I really lost my eyes before! He took the Gauss magic guide array and made it clear that he was threatening us. He had got what we wanted. "

"Your Majesty, what shall we do next? I have asked the dark guard to search around the King City quickly, but I don't necessarily guarantee to catch up with him. The boy's strength is still good, and he has run so long in advance. "

The dark voice hesitated.

"Don't chase."

Chersley III sneered and said, "he will come back on his own initiative. When he comes to me for revenge!"

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