"Oh, my God, I thought you wouldn't answer..."

Dr. Ashford's voice sighed on the other end of the phone.

"Who are you?"

Chu Yun asked.

Dr. Ashford did not answer, but said straight to the point, "I can take you out of this city... Five of you."

When the voice fell, Chu Yun and his party moved in their hearts. Jill immediately looked around, found the monitoring probe on the side and made a gesture to Chu Yun.

On the other side of the phone, Dr. Ashford's voice continued to ring: "I can take you away, but first of all, you have to meet my condition. Are you ready to make this deal?"

Chu Yun shrugged at the speech and hung up the phone directly.


On the other side of the phone, Dr. Ashford in the camp lit a cigarette and looked at Chu Yun who had left in the picture. His face was full of amazement.

What happened? Is this not a routine?

He quickly tapped the keyboard on the computer and dialed the phone again.

When he got to the next phone booth, Chu Yun picked up the phone, looked impatient and said, "pay attention to your tone and attitude. You asked me to do something, okay?"


Dr. Ashford is so angry and funny. Is he still so arrogant when he is trapped in a city full of zombies?

But Chu Yun was right.

Indeed, Dr. Ashford wants Chu Yun to help him more urgently, because he knows that time is running out.

So he took a deep breath and said, "well, let me explain again. I have a deal that is beneficial to both of us."

"First tell me who you are. I don't like dealing with people who hide their heads and tails."

Chu Yun asked.

Dr. Ashford was silent and said, "my name is Charles Ashford. I work for umbrella company. I am the director of hive virus research department. My daughter, Angela, is still trapped in Raccoon City. I need you to save her.

In a few hours, a 50 million ton tactical nuclear bomb will explode in the center of the city. At that time, everything in raccoon city that is not conducive to the umbrella company will be destroyed.

In return for saving my daughter, the five of you can leave this dying city with my daughter. If you want to live, this is your only chance. "

When the voice fell, Chu Yun's eyes glanced at the four people around him, because when he answered the phone, he pressed the public radio, so the other four people heard him clearly.

"Shet! How dare they do that?! That's ridiculous! "

Welsh was breathless and said unacceptably.

"Of course they can."

Jill sneered and said, "don't you forget that they dare to shoot the people below on the blockade of the meimen bridge!"

"Don't think they can cover up all the crimes in this way. The media will cover up the sky. Even the umbrella company can't cover up the sky in this world!"

Wales continued to shout angrily.

"... they can."

At this time, the hostess Terri breathed out slowly and said: "the media will only be coerced by the umbrella company to help them cover up all the criminal evidence..."

At the other end of the phone, Dr. Ashford saw their quarrel through the camera and the phone. After silently crushing the cigarette butts in his hand, he exhaled a mouthful of smoke and said, "I have to remind you that there is not much time now. It's time to make the right choice."

The voice fell. Chu Yun and Alice looked at each other. Alice nodded to him and expressed her will.

What Chu Yun cares about is actually another thing.

"You just said that you are the director of the hive virus research department. That is to say, you caused the T virus riot that affected the whole city?"

Chu Yun asked.


Dr. Ashford couldn't help but be silent. Chu Yun's words poked the pain point he didn't want to face in his heart. His voice replied in a low voice: "it has nothing to do with this matter."

"Of course it does."

Chu Yun smiled and said, "the virus is transmitted through the air. Doctor, you should know it better than anyone. It can even turn the dead buried underground into terrible monsters. The umbrella company has blocked the city, but it can't block the air here.

Perhaps, now outside the city, there are dead people who have opened their coffins and wandered around the world to find their prey. Is it true that a 50 million ton nuclear bomb can destroy them all?

You know what's going to happen, don't you? Even if we leave raccoon city with Angela now, the crisis will not end. Maybe the whole world will become Raccoon City. "

The voice fell, and Dr. Ashford at the other end of the phone fell into a deep silence.

Since the disaster, he has known that he, the researcher of T virus, is the culprit of all these disasters.

At the same time, he also clearly knows how dangerous the T virus is after it is leaked. The virus germs can replicate and spread infinitely in the air.

Although the virus has not spread for a long time, who knows how many T virus germs have filled the air at the moment?

What Chu Yun said is what Dr. Ashford is most worried about and unwilling to face. He doesn't even want to think in that direction. He can only force himself to focus all his attention on finding his daughter Angela first.

"Maybe we can study how to change this situation. As a virus developer, you must also know how to eliminate this virus and save the world."

Chu Yun coaxed him.


After a long silence, Dr. Ashford said in a hoarse voice, "these things will be discussed after you bring Angela to me. Go to Raccoon City junior high school immediately. My daughter is still waiting for you!"

With that, Dr. Ashford hung up the phone. His fingers trembled and lit several cigarettes. His eyes gradually emptied, which made him a little calm.

But in his heart, Chu Yun's words were still emerging.


Can a 50 million ton tactical nuclear bomb kill all viruses?

Even if we can kill all the viral pathogens in Raccoon City, what should we do with the viral factors that have been spread out in the air?

It is a terrible virus that can make the dead buried deep underground climb out of the ground after inhalation. As the developer, Dr. Ashford knows their power.

He also clearly realized that nuclear bombs could not kill them.


Not only Raccoon City, but the whole world will be swept by an endless army of zombies

"Oh, my God, what have I done..."

Dr. Ashford closed his eyes in pain, his face was ferocious and twisted, but he was muttering the name of his daughter Angela.

They belong to the Ashford family and have genetic defects.

Since his adolescence, Dr. Ashford has been unable to stand and can only sit in a wheelchair, and his daughter Angela has inherited his incomplete gene. At the age of five or six, he needs to use crutches.

In order to change this, Dr. Ashford devoted himself to studying genetics and wanted to create a gene changing drug to make his daughter stand up again.

In the end, Dr. Ashford succeeded.

This successful genetic agent is T virus.

Its effect is so strong that it can not only make the genetically defective daughter stand up again, but also make the dead stand up

"There must be a way, there must be some way..."

Dr. Ashford took a deep breath and immediately began to strike on the computer keyboard. He forced himself into a working state to find a solution.


On the other side, raccoon city.

Chu Yun put the phone back to the public telephone booth, turned his head and looked at the other four people.

"What do you think?"


There was a silence in response to his.

After a long time, the hostess Terri asked nervously, "is this virus really transmitted through the air? The whole world will become a raccoon city? "

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid so."

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "I think you all saw the scene in the cemetery just now, but there won't be any zombies idle and bored. Run to the cemetery, bite the bodies one by one, and bury them back after they become zombies

Yes, the virus is transmitted through the air, and the transmission force is so strong that even the soil can't prevent them from penetrating.

The virus comes from the hive. As the air spreads, the raccoon city is the first to suffer, but then the whole world will be eroded by the virus. "


Jill shook her snow-white shoulder, picked up a cigarette and said, "now is not the time to care about this. No matter whether the outside world will become raccoon city or not, we are already in Raccoon City. Now the most important thing is to get out and save our lives."

"I agree."

Alice picked up her delicate eyebrows. It seemed that it was always easy to reach a consensus between the beauties and said: "the virus was developed by Dr. Ashford. Professionals have to worry about how to eliminate the virus. It's meaningless for us to worry here. We'd better take Dr. Ashford's daughter out first and see if he has any other way?"

The voice fell. Chu Yun smiled and said, "well, don't say this first."

The consensus has been reached. The party immediately went to Raccoon City junior high school to find Dr. Ashford's daughter Angela.

Walking on the road, everyone seemed a little dull and had a very heavy heart.

First, there is the immediate crisis.

A tactical nuclear bomb enough to blow up the whole city will explode in the center of Raccoon City in a few hours. If they haven't left by that time, their lives will be finished on the spot, and none of them can run away.

Then there is the future crisis full of worries.

Even if they can escape, if the virus is not killed by the nuclear bomb, the outside world will become the same as Raccoon City. There is the end of the world everywhere.

Such a future, just think about it with your brain, you can't help feeling too painful.

Soon they came to a viaduct.

Alice, who was walking ahead, suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter?"

Asked Jill.

"Wait! There's something... "

Alice frowned, and the T-Virus cells in her body suddenly resonated, as if there was something very close to her and very dangerous nearby.

She stood there and didn't move for a long time. Her heart seemed to find out what was going on with that inexplicable feeling.

"I've had enough!"

At this time, Welsh's mood suddenly became tense. He strode forward and said, "we can wait, but nuclear bombs and viruses won't wait for you!"

With that, he went on, and the hostess Terri helped him.


From under the viaduct, there was a dazzling fire, accompanied by the rapid fire of machine guns and the sound of tearing the air.

Jerk, jerk!

The fierce gunfire aroused Welsh walking in front and Terry, the hostess holding him, who was swept through by machine gun bullets on the spot, with several shocking holes in his body.

"... no!!!"

Jill cried out in pain. Seeing his comrades fall, his anger was ignited. He quickly pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger in the direction of the gunshot.

Bang bang!

Several bullets flew out and hit an incomparably tall figure below.

It was a terrible monster with a height of more than two meters, swelling muscles on the body surface, wearing leather chairs, a ferocious face and stitched facial skin.

In the monster's hand, he was carrying a six barrel Gatling machine gun and a bazooka, which was armed to the teeth.

Jill's bullets went out and partially failed, but two shots hit the monster's body, one in his leg and one in his chest.

Two bullets went in and exploded two blood flowers, but it seemed to have no effect at all. The monster's body didn't even shake.


The monster raised his machine gun again and fired at Jill on the viaduct.


Seeing this, Chu Yun immediately rushed forward and rolled around with Jill's body. With the help of the viaduct itself as a shelter, he avoided the monster's machine gun fire.

Seeing the target hiding on the bridge deck, the monster immediately put down the Gatling machine gun in his right hand, turned to carry the rocket launcher in his left hand, and fired an RPG towards the viaduct.


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