The car sped by on the road towards raccoon junior high school. At this moment, half of the living people can't be seen in the early morning night. Wandering on the road are groups of zombies or twos and threes.

Chu Yun sat in the back row and rolled down the window. From time to time, he ejected some small stones and shot a passing zombie through his eyes.

Although those zombies didn't walk fast on the road, Jill drove very fast. Chu Yun often hit 100 goals with stones. This phenomenon was appalling and immediately attracted the attention of Alice in the front row.

"Do you shoot everything so accurately?"

Asked Alice.

"... you shouldn't be driving?"

Chu Yun looks strange.

Alice didn't understand what he was talking about. She continued to ask, "your shooting skills are 100 shots. You should have been trained hard for many years, but your hands don't even have a cocoon. Are you deliberately maintained in the training process so as not to be seen? If so, are you a special agent in charge of sneaking? "

Chu Yun couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech. In the eyes of people in the indigenous world, a stranger with excellent shooting skills and good skills is regarded as an agent, which is also a matter of course.

"What if it is?"

Chu Yun asked. As he spoke, two more stones flew out and knocked down two zombies wandering in the street.


"Congratulations on killing a zombie"

"Current power unlocking process: 1000 / 1000"

"Congratulations, unlocking is complete"

"You have increased the strength of the five physical conditions. Since there is no aura in this world, all your strength has been enhanced into your muscles and physique."


A series of system prompts fell, and the familiar sense of power returned to Chu Yun's body.

Although not many, only the power of the five qualities of the flesh.

However, compared with ordinary people, it has been improved hundreds of times. With Chu Yun's strength at the moment, if you throw stones again, one stone will be enough to directly dry through the thick bulletproof glass, which is more powerful than small caliber bullets.

"I don't care."

Alice raised a faint smile on her lips and said to Chu Yun, "I just left the umbrella company. If the organization behind you is good enough, maybe I can find a new job. It's the police officer..."

Jill, who was driving in front, snorted and smiled and said, "it's time. As long as it's not those man eating monsters, I don't mind walking with anyone."

"How considerate."

Chu Yun smiled, then shook his head and said, "unfortunately, I'm not an agent. If I really want to say, my job is to save something..."

"For example?"

Asked Alice.

"For example... The world, or the whole universe."

Chu Yun showed her a sincere smile. As a result, Jill and Alice laughed.


They regard Chu Yun as a mercenary who takes money to do things, but anyway, as Jill said, in such a doomsday environment, as long as they are still living people who can breathe, they can become companions, and everything else is meaningless.

No matter the organization, country or position, they lose the meaning of existence in front of those cannibal zombies. The living people have and only one position, that is, survivors.

The car went on and arrived at raccoon junior middle school about 20 minutes later.

When the three got out of the car, they saw several scrapped vehicles burning on both sides of the school gate, with the sign of Raccoon City police station on the body.

Jill took a look, breathed out with emotion, held a pistol and walked towards the school step by step, while Chu Yun and Alice followed one after another.

The area of the school is not large. It has only three floors. Two floors are on the ground and one floor is underground. After walking into the hall on the first floor, Jill turned back and suggested, "let's search separately, one floor for each person."


Alice nodded without comment.

Chu Yun thought about it, but shook his head and said, "we don't have many people. It's too dangerous to search alone."

Then Chu Yun's eyes swept around. Next to the hall on the first floor, there was the security room. It was dark and empty, leaving only the monitoring pictures of each class.

"Come with me."

Chu Yun said, stepping into the security room, took a look at the monitoring screen. The dozen screens represent more than a dozen classes in junior middle school, and there is a radio next to them.

He smiled, picked up the microphone, pressed the broadcast button, tapped twice with his fingers, exhaled and said, "hello? Hello... "

The sound spread all over the floor through the school's radio. Alice and Jill standing at the door couldn't help looking around. In such a quiet environment, the sound of the radio suddenly sounded. The zombie is very sensitive to the sound and is likely to become active after hearing it.

"It's dangerous."

Said Jill.

Alice shrugged and said with a smile, "it's also very efficient."

On the other hand, Chu Yun said to the microphone after the audition: "Angela Ashford, if you are still alive and hide in this school, please don't be afraid. I'm entrusted by your father Dr. Charles to save you. After hearing the radio, please try to appear where the camera can see under the condition of ensuring your own safety. I'm in the security room of the school now, I'll pick you up as soon as I see you. "

With that, Chu Yun repeated this paragraph again, and glanced back and forth in front of more than a dozen monitoring screens.

Jill and Alice, two beauties, also came in and stared at the picture on the monitoring screen, but they saw nothing but wandering zombies and several zombie dogs.

"Didn't you hear that? Or... "

Jill's heart showed a trace of pessimism. It was very difficult for such a little girl to be alone in this dangerous school and not be eaten by zombies.

It's possible that Angela didn't wait for them to come at all, she had


Then Alice pointed to one of the screens with a trace of joy in her voice.

In the picture, a blonde girl is hiding under a desk, stretching out a small hand and waving back and forth to the camera.

In that classroom, there were three or two zombies wandering back and forth. The little girl had to hide from them. With a wave of her hand, she immediately retracted her hand to prevent being found by the zombie.

"... good, we found you."

Chu Yun said with a smile, "now retract your hand. Be careful and stick to it. Protect yourself. We'll come to pick you up now."

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