The moment the VCR was turned off, it was already 5:52 a.m.

Eight minutes before the Raccoon City nuclear explosion.

"Let's go!"

Chu Yun said hello, Alice immediately ran forward and pulled, while Jill, who was on the side, also put away the video recorder and left raccoon city with Chu Yun.

It is Chu Yun's initiative to record such a documentary video while releasing the detoxification serum.

In his opinion, although the biochemical crisis caused by T virus has been relieved here, umbrella company is still a dangerous existence for the world.

They triggered a crisis for all mankind and almost destroyed the world... No, it should be said that they have destroyed the world once. The emergence of Chu Yun pulled the destroyed world out of the end of destruction.

Therefore, as the murderers who have destroyed the world, the actions of the umbrella company must be made public, and the whole world must know what they have done in Raccoon City.


Chu Yun and the three returned to Dr. Ashford's manor all the way. When they were far away from the boundary of Raccoon City, they saw a nuclear bomb flying from the distant horizon and landed in the center of raccoon city.

Even hundreds of miles away, there was still a strong shock. When the boom hit, the sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon disappeared, and the whole world seemed to be shaking.


Alice and Jill hold a video recorder and record the whole process of the nuclear bomb bombing. In the picture, Alice's face is full of shock and fear.

That is mankind's instinctive fear of the power of nuclear weapons to destroy heaven and earth.

Only Chu Yun, a calm face.

He said in his heart: "it's almost the level of the supreme state."

He took back his eyes and went back to Dr. Ashford's manor with Jill and Alice. At the moment, Dr. Ashford's father and daughter also heard the violent roar in the distance. From the underground laboratory, they were wearing radiation protective clothes and staring at the distance.

Seeing Chu Yun's three people coming back, they were obviously relieved and asked, "how's it going? Has the virus serum been released? How is the effect? "

Alice smiled and turned back the video recorder so that Dr. Ashford could see that all the zombies fell down as soon as the medicine was released.

"OK, ok..."

Dr. Ashford's voice trembled slightly, with both joy and relief.

Since the disaster, he has always been condemned by his conscience. Almost all the citizens of Raccoon City have died because of this biochemical crisis, and he is the source of all evil.

At first, when Angela was separated in Raccoon City, his daughter attracted her attention, so that he had not put all his mind on it. When his daughter returned to him, he could no longer face this huge guilt by escaping.


The antidote proved to be useful. The serum has killed the surrounding T virus. It's all over.

"It's not over yet."

Chu Yun shook his head and asked, "doctor, can you contact the conservative members of the umbrella company now?"

"... yes."

Dr. Ashford nodded. When Chu Yun left, he asked him to try to contact these umbrella executives. Just now he has tried in the laboratory. There are several senior executives' contact information that can be accessed at any time.

He looked at Chu Yun and asked, "what are you going to do?"

"Go in two steps."

Chu Yun smiled at Dr. Ashford and said, "doctor, at the step you are responsible for, you only need to explain what you know to the conservative senior management of the umbrella company. You just need to tell them what the radicals in the umbrella company have done."

"What about the second step?"

Asked Dr Ashford.

"The second step, you don't need to know too much, otherwise you can't explain in the umbrella company, and they may choose to embarrass you."

Chu Yun said.

When the voice fell, Dr. Ashford immediately understood something. Looking at the video recorder in Alice's hand, he said, "are you going to publish everything that happened in Raccoon City and let countries fight against the power of blocking Umbrella Companies? Am I right?"

Chu Yun shrugged his shoulders and said, "you guessed right."

For the existence of the danger of umbrella company, Chu Yun must find a way to crack down on it. It's best to break up the company directly and let the forces of various countries keep an eye on them.

Otherwise, after the biochemical crisis is over, it is uncertain what dangerous projects they will take next time, putting the whole world back in danger.

In particular, the radical group in the umbrella company can be described as crazy. Their biggest goal is to rebuild a new world in the ruins by destroying the world.

Chu Yun will never get used to such an anti human and anti social madman group. This time, his plan is to let Dr. Ashford first inform the conservative senior management of the umbrella company of the radical plan.

Within the company, the conservative senior management originally occupies the vast majority of power. According to Dr. Ashford, it should occupy 80% of the power of the company, while the radical only has less than 20%.

Once the senior conservatives discover the attempts of the radicals in this crisis, they will take severe blows against the radicals.

After all

Even in the same company, there is no lack of intrigue and power struggle.

And a group of anti-human lunatics whose thoughts are to destroy the whole world, even the conservative senior management of umbrella company, will certainly not tolerate their existence.

This is Chu Yun's first round of curbing the power of the umbrella. First, let the Conservatives fight a wave of radicals and weaken their power from the inside.

Then, the release of the video.

After the nuclear explosion, the pathogen of T virus was also eliminated by Dr. Ashford's serum. Therefore, the senior management of umbrella company should think that they have solved this trouble and covered up all crimes by using nuclear weapons.

But in fact, Chu Yun won't let them do what they want. He will release the video and make it public to let the whole world know what the umbrella company has done.

Umbrella company is really strong and has the strongest influence in the world, but it is still a small role compared with countries, especially when it stands on the opposite of all countries and becomes the public enemy of mankind.

According to Chu Yun's plan, go down in two steps.

The final result is that the radicals in the umbrella company will be weakened or even eliminated by the Conservatives.

After the internal struggle, the umbrella company will be targeted and suppressed by the whole world from the outside. If it can continue to make waves, Chu Yun has nothing to say.

"I've done so many things. How can I stay out of it?"

Dr. Ashford smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "in the first step, I will do as you ask, and in the second step, as a developer of T virus, I will voluntarily surrender to various countries to testify and explain what the umbrella company has done in this incident."

"... you know what that means."

Chu Yun sighed gently.

Personal strength is extremely weak in front of the umbrella company.

Once Dr. Ashford chooses to do so, he will be on the opposite side of the umbrella company, and he will openly stand in the past, which will attract all the firepower of the umbrella company.

"This is what I should do. It should be the last insignificant compensation for the innocent citizens who died in Raccoon City..."

Dr. Ashford closed his eyes, took a deep breath, pushed his wheelchair, turned back to the laboratory, and launched a video call to several senior executives in the umbrella company.

A moment later, several holographic projections of suits and shoes appeared in the laboratory. It was several senior executives in the umbrella company, almost all of whom were conservative.

"Dr. Ashford, if I remember correctly, you should have left Raccoon City and returned to headquarters by plane now? Where are you now? "

A senior asked.

"I'm outside Raccoon City, director bate."

Dr Ashford replied.

"Haven't you left Raccoon City... Do you know what's going on with major gene? He lost contact a few hours ago. "

Director bate frowned and continued.

Dr Ashford replied, "major gene is dead, but there are many things you must know. First of all, the most important point is that the 50 million ton tactical nuclear bomb delivered by the company in Raccoon City is not enough to kill all t viruses.

T virus spreads through the air and spreads very fast. Although less than a day has passed, the spread range of T virus in the air has exceeded the boundary of raccoon city.

In other words, the nuclear explosion destroyed Raccoon City, but failed to stop the spread of T virus. Before long, the whole world will become Raccoon City. "


The voice fell. All the senior personnel of the umbrella company here couldn't sit still. They all knew clearly what happened in Raccoon City through remote monitoring and what a terrible hell it was on earth.

I thought that a nuclear bomb could destroy everything, whether it was sin or evidence, were blasted to heaven together.

But who knows

The nuclear bomb can't stop?!

"Be quiet! Be quiet! "

Director Baite was also extremely shocked, and his eyebrows were all screwed up, but he remained calm. At least it seemed so on the surface. He took a deep breath, looked at the empty seat aside, and said, "didn't the people of the science department analyze this?"

"They analyzed it."

Dr. Ashford nodded and continued: "at the same time, they also informed the major in charge of the raccoon theater of the news. However, they all chose to hide it and continue to implement the original plan without making any remedial measures.

I didn't know before, but now I understand that Dr. Isaacs, the head of the science department, and major gene are all radical members lurking in the company.

They intend to use this biochemical crisis to destroy the whole world, and then seize their power in the ruins of the chaotic world. "

"How did you know that?"

Director bate frowned.

Dr. Ashford replied: "after I analyzed this, I found major gene and wanted him to tell the company's senior management about the situation, but major gene refused. Not only that, he also executed a company member who heard our conversation privately in order to prevent him from divulging information.

Then major gene threatened and lured me to join the radical camp, and even threatened my daughter Angela's life! "

This accusation is sonorous and powerful, and people do not have the slightest doubt, because it is indeed the truth and what has just happened.

Director Baite was silent for a moment and asked, "doctor, you developed T virus. Do you have a way to remove the threat of T virus? Disintegrate him at the genetic level? "

"I have done so."

Dr. Ashford nodded and said, "through reverse genetic engineering, I isolated the same transmission link as the T virus stock solution, and made an detoxification serum. At present, it has been put into use, which will also spread in the air and play a role, and all zombies and t viruses will be eliminated."

"Well done."

Director bate seemed relieved, then his eyes suddenly became sharp again, nodded to Dr. Ashford and hung up.

Obviously, after learning about what major gene and Dr. Isaacs, the head of the Department of science, have done, the conservative senior has been furious.

What will happen next in the umbrella company is unknown, but it is certain that as long as radical people are dug out, they will come to a bad end.


It's not just the radicals. Chu Yun will target the whole umbrella company.

When the video is distributed, the umbrella company will face the doubts and pressure of the whole world. This time, they have nowhere to escape.

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