At dawn, Chu Yun returned to lanruo temple.

After a night's cultivation, Yan Chixia's state was obviously much better. Seeing Chu Yun coming back, she suddenly looked kind.

"Younger martial brother, you told me earlier that you were a pioneer battalion general in the flame army of Tianhong fortress. Aren't you also lying to me?"

Yan Chixia asked curiously.

Chu Yun shook his head, smiled and said, "this is true."

After a pause, Chu Yun said again: "in today's world, the people are miserable, and it is difficult for the people to survive. In the south of the world, there are huge bandits in several government cities one after another, causing civil unrest. During this period, the flaming army wiped out many bandits, but the emperor never paid attention to it.

In desperation, general Sima Shuntian sent me to the capital alone with a secret letter to tell the emperor about the situation in Tiannan, so I came. "

When the voice fell, Yan Chixia couldn't help sighing deeply and said, "younger martial brother, I didn't know. I was an official in the imperial court, but just because I was tired of the struggle in the imperial court, those treacherous ministers seemed to never finish killing, so I retired from the Jianghu.

I didn't expect that I would avoid the world in this world. The world has not improved at all, but it has become more turbulent and uneasy. I really shouldn't have... "

Chu Yun heard the speech and sat on the ground calmly cross legged. While exercising his power and adjusting his breath, he said, "no matter what the reason is, corrupt officials or treacherous officials are in power, I'm going to Beijing to face the saint, not only with a letter, but also with a sword!"

"Ha ha, well said!"

Yan Chixia immediately laughed. Then she seemed to think of something and threw her sword directly to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun opened his eyes and grabbed it with one hand. An accident appeared in his eyes and said, "what's this, senior brother?"

"Your sword has exploded with the old witch. Young hero, how can you walk around the world without a good sword in your hand? This Xuanyuan sword is the heritage of our Beihai school. The old man passed it to me before he died. I'll give it to you today! "

Yan Chixia said with a laugh, full of free and easy Qi.

Chu Yun was stunned when he heard the speech. Then he couldn't help laughing bitterly. He didn't expect that a lie he told was meant to comfort Yan Chixia. As a result, Yan Chixia really regarded him as a descendant of Beihai school. Now he even handed over his sword to Chu Yun.

"Don't refuse. It's a matter of great importance to go to Beijing to meet the saint. Although I also want to go with you. We martial brothers can take care of each other, it's a pity that senior brother is not very useful. His injuries have to rest for some time. I can only stay in lanruo Temple temporarily."

Yan Chixia said with an uncontrollable sigh and said, "you are still young and your accomplishments are not deep enough. There are demons and ghosts everywhere in the world. If you don't have a good sword, senior brother, I really can't rest assured. Oh, yes, in addition, there is this strange flying armor, you too..."

"Elder martial brother, it's very kind of you. You don't have to..."

Chu Yun smiled bitterly. Seeing Yan Chixia take off her armor, he immediately smiled bitterly. Then he thought about it, took the sword away and said, "I'll take the sword for the time being, and then return it to elder martial brother lanruo temple when I'm done. As for the strange flying armor, elder martial brother should keep it by himself. You're in a low state when you cultivate in lanruo temple, If you are really in danger, you still need to be protected by utensils. "

"All right."

Yan Chixia saw that Chu Yun really didn't want to accept it, so she could only nod her head, close her eyes with a smile, continue to meditate, regulate her breath and return to her state.

As for Chu Yun, he said that when things were done, he would go back to lanruo temple and return the sword to him. He promised that he would never accept it at that time.

In Yan Chixia's opinion, Chu Yun is young and has the strength to kill the Millennium tree demon. The inheritance of Beihai school can be truly carried forward in Chu Yun's hands. He is old and it is time to abdicate.

Chu Yun took the Xuanyuan sword and looked at the familiar sword body with a strange expression.

This sword, named Xuanyuan sword, is the inheritance sword of Beihai school. It looks quite similar to the Xuanyuan sword of the emperor of Kyushu.

It also has a trace of sentient beings' mental power and a small part of the supreme power of humanity, which is enough to prove that it is indeed a sword of the emperor.

It seems that in the ancient times of this beautiful ghost world, there was also a Xuanyuan emperor. This sword, or the sword of the original emperor, or the artifacts imitated by later generations according to legend, but anyway, it is indeed a commendable good sword.

At least, it's hundreds of times stronger than the sword that Chu Yun exploded on grandma Shuyao.

In this lanruo temple, Chu Yun regulated his breath for a long time, so he restored his state to the peak, and the Yin and Yang Qi in his body became perfect again.

"Now that you've recovered, let's go."

At this time, Yan Chixia's voice sounded nearby. At the moment, the beard was still sitting cross legged opposite Chu Yun. His eyes did not open, but he smiled: "there is no delay in going to Beijing. You don't have to worry about going back to lanruo temple to find me. You can naturally find you with Xuanyuan sword. See you in the Jianghu."

"... OK."

Chu Yun smiled and arched Yan Chixia. He immediately put Xuanyuan sword at his waist, picked up the long gun and walked out of lanruo temple.


Chu Yun left the boundary of Qingquan County on his horse and continued to rush to the capital.

This time, I gained a lot in lanruo temple. I also met many protagonists in the beautiful ghost world, and even brought Nie Xiaoqian with me.

However, to Chu Yun's surprise, he has killed the Millennium tree demon and taken Nie Xiaoqian away. In the whole process, he failed to trigger any system prompt sound.

In other words, what happened to Nie Xiaoqian and the tree demon grandmother in the whole Qingquan county has nothing to do with the world process of the world.

"It seems that everything still falls on the matter of going to Beijing."

Chu Yun made a judgment in his heart.

However, in any case, the harvest of this trip is undoubtedly huge.

Chu Yun not only learned the magic skills of Beihai school, but also got Yan Chixia's sword, Xuanyuan sword and Nie Xiaoqian, a little female ghost who can help him practice the return of yin and Yang.

Speaking of Nie Xiaoqian, it was really an unexpected harvest. Without her, Chu Yun's body was at least half short of yin and Yang that night, so she could not be the opponent of the tree demon grandmother.

After leaving lanruo temple, Chu Yun took Nie Xiaoqian's urn with him. When he was on his way, he would let Nie Xiaoqian out every night to provide Yin Qi for Chu Yun.

At first, Nie Xiaoqian was undoubtedly afraid of Chu Yun.

Every night, Chu Yun called her out. Nie Xiaoqian was obedient and delivered it to Chu Yun. Then she turned around while Chu Yun was practicing cross legged. When Chu Yun finished practicing, she went back to the urn.

However, he has been with Chu Yun for a long time. Through observation and analysis, Nie Xiaoqian feels that although this bastard forcibly took her with him, he is also a good man.

On the way, Chu Yun met those corrupt officials. He was determined to get rid of violence and good before the meeting. When he met those unjust things, Chu Yun was never stingy to help.

Gradually, it was only three or five days. Nie Xiaoqian became familiar with Chu Yun. Every night when it was dark, she floated out of the urn and sat on the horse.

"Why did you come out so early today?"

Chu Yun rode in front of him and felt that Nie Xiaoqian leaned against him, looked up at the moon in the back, and the wind blew up Nie Xiaoqian's long hair.

"Look at the moon, can't you?"

Nie Xiaoqian asked as he should.

"Of course."

Chu Yun answered casually, "didn't you stay in the jar for the first few days? I thought you liked being in there. "

"You like it. It's dark and cold in there!"

Nie Xiaoqian snorted, looked up and sighed again. She said, "it has been a year since I died. I almost forget what the day looks like and how the sun shines on me..."

"Do you have any family? If you want, I can take you to meet your family before you are reincarnated. " Chu Yun said.

"No more..."

Nie Xiaoqian's voice dimmed a little and said, "my mother died early. My father always took me with him. A year ago, my father and I passed by Qingquan county to go to Guangyi mansion to do business. As a result, we met robbers on the way. Both my father and I were not spared. Should he have been reincarnated now? Grandma only wants female ghosts, not male ghosts... "

Then she seemed to feel funny and laughed at herself. Her life was full of ups and downs, full of differences and tragedies.

A girl who was originally a good family was robbed by robbers. She killed herself to protect her innocence. As a result, she was not peaceful after death. She was caught as a ghost by the tree demon grandmother, and was forced to help the tree demon grandmother harm others.

At this time, a warm breath suddenly came from the back, which softened Nie Xiaoqian's soul, subconsciously approached the back and stuck with Chu Yun's back.

Then, I felt that a warm Yang Qi was transmitted from Chu Yun's back to her soul, forming a layer of Yang Qi protection outside the body surface.


Nie Xiaoqian immediately closed her eyes, snorted comfortably, and unconsciously rubbed Chu Yun's back twice, like a lazy kitten.

After a while, the comfortable Yang gradually faded and disappeared. She finally recovered and realized what had just happened. She straightened her back and distanced herself from Chu Yun.

"You, what did you just do?"

Nie Xiaoqian asked nervously, feeling incomparable shame for her move of rubbing against Chu Yun just now.

Although, she was a ghost under the tree demon grandmother's hand, and specifically seduced men.

However, because her talent is good enough, she has many characteristics in Yin Qi, including hallucination and coma. She doesn't have to feed the tiger like other female ghosts.

Every time she went to seduce a man, she actually blew a breath of Yin at the man. When she stunned the man, she rang the soul summoning bell and asked grandma to come and receive him.

Therefore, whether a person is a ghost or a ghost, Nie Xiaoqian is still innocent up to now. It really makes her feel very ashamed to want a big yellow flower girl to rub on a man's back so shamelessly.

"Just as you gave me the Yin Qi, I raised some Yang temperature on you and formed a layer of protection on the surface of the Yin spirit. With this protection, you can come out during the day. One delivery should enable you to last two hours during the day."

Chu Yun replied.

The voice fell, but Nie Xiaoqian trembled and said in surprise: "really? I can be in the sun... For two hours? "


Chu Yun nodded, then gave her a preventive injection and said, "however, don't expect too much. After all, you are no longer human. Even if you can stay in the sun, you probably can't enjoy the sunshine. Your ghost will naturally reject that environment."

Nie Xiaoqian heard the speech, but she didn't care. The whole person was still immersed in the joy of being able to bathe in the sun.

This is actually difficult for ordinary people to understand.

After all

Ordinary people don't know what it's like to be around in the dark for more than a year and never see the sun.

That night, when it was darker, Chu Yun rode to a post station. After giving the horses to the officials of the post station, Chu Yun went to the room to practice.

This time, Nie Xiaoqian's feeling of spitting out Yin Qi was much smoother than before, and the amount was much larger, which made Chu Yun cool. At the same time, he couldn't help thinking of something unexpectedly. He said, "you absorbed the Yang Qi I passed to you, and used this Yang Qi to give birth to more Yin Qi?"


Nie Xiaoqian nodded and seemed to relish the feeling, licked her lips and said, "when your Yang Qi was transmitted to me, I felt particularly warm and comfortable. Except for the ones outside the body surface that I didn't move, the rest was absorbed and refined by me, and then there was more Yin Qi in my body... Ah, Will it not affect my appearance in the sun tomorrow? "

"Probably not."

Chu Yun shook his head and then said, "even if it will affect you, it doesn't matter. You don't have only these two hours. When the Yang Qi on your body surface is exhausted, I will cross more Yang Qi to you."

Chu Yun fell into a moment of thinking. It seems that Nie Xiaoqian's physique is not just pure Yin Qi. After absorbing her own Yang Qi, she can refine more Yin Qi.

If so, Chu Yun inputs Yang Qi to Nie Xiaoqian while Nie Xiaoqian inputs Yin Qi to him. In theory, isn't this a perpetual motion machine?

Thinking of this, Chu Yun did not immediately refine the Yin Qi in Nie Xiaoqian's body, but grabbed Nie Xiaoqian's shoulder and crossed more Yang Qi into Nie Xiaoqian's body.

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