Hearing Xiao Li's words, Chu Yun had a lot of speculation in his heart.

First of all, sister Bai in Xiao Li's mouth, named Bai Shiyun, is the patriarch of zhengshenzong. Many years ago, zhengshenzong was destroyed in a wave of animals.

At the same time, Bai Shiyun can enter this gate and come to this special space to avoid the threat of animal tide, and Xiao Li also hopes that she can stay, but in the end, Bai Shiyun didn't agree, but returned to the outside, lived and died with the Pope, and then never came back.

For this integrity, Chu Yun can't say he will do it, but he respects the will of this courage itself.

However, this raises a problem.

"Can't all the disciples of zhengshenzong hide in?"

Chu Yun asked curiously, "if they could all hide here when they were in danger, wouldn't the threat of animal tide be so great?"

"No way."

Xiao Li shook his head and whispered, "sister Bai said that she found me in a relic and understood a skill called Zhengshen qingyuanjue on the outside gate. Only those who have learned this skill can open the gate and enter here.

At that time, not many of the disciples of zhengshenzong learned this skill. They all went outside with sister Bai to resist the animal tide and didn't come back“


Chu Yun nodded. Before he spoke, a voice of "Wang Wang" sounded at his feet.

"What about it? He doesn't know any human skills... "

Chu Yun pointed to rhubarb.

"Ah, what's this? It's so cute!"

When Xiao Li saw rhubarb, he immediately became very excited, as if he had seen this creature for the first time. He quickly floated forward, picked up rhubarb, and cheered the dog with a strange but enthusiastic technique.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Rhubarb rubbed happily in Xiao Li's arms and made a comfortable cry.

Chu Yun saw this and drew a little from the corner of his mouth. Although he didn't get the answer, he also had a guess in his heart. It may be because rhubarb is not a human, but his pet. He learned to be a positive God, and its breath also affects rhubarb itself, so rhubarb can also pass the confirmation of the gate.

"What about you? It's your turn to answer my question. What's your name and where you come from? Are you also a disciple of zhengshenzong?"

Xiao Li asked while rolling the dog.

"My name is Chu Yun."

Chu Yun paused and said, "it's a pity that I'm from Yuanhe sect. I'm not a disciple of Zhengshen sect. This sect door has been destroyed now. I found Zhengshen qingyuanjue and this gate in the ruins of Zhengshen sect."

When the voice fell, Xiao Li stopped and said thoughtfully, "at this time, I should feel sad. Sister Bai taught me a lot of human things, including your emotions and emotions, but I still can't master them well. At the beginning, when sister Bai left, I waited for her for a long time, I feel bored and unhappy every day, but after a long time, I become the same as before. Now when I think about sister Bai, I won't be bored anymore. "


Chu Yun was more curious about Xiao Li's existence and said, "if you don't take the liberty, I want to know that you say you're not human, so what are you? Is it the demon clan? "

"I don't know."

Xiao Li smiled and said, "sister Bai also asked me this question, but I don't know what I am, but in short, unlike you humans, my body is made of a mass of light, just like this..."

Xiao Li said, she raised a hand, her slender fingers looked very beautiful, and the part between her fingers slowly faded and fainted, emitting a faint light again.

The light floated up, turned into light spots and floated behind Chu Yun. Then her whole body became light and floated behind Chu Yun, condensing a new body.


Xiao Li smiled and seemed to look forward to Chu Yun's reaction.

Chu Yun nodded and said, "it's amazing. When your sister Bai first saw this scene, she should be surprised, but I just saw your way out, so I'm not so surprised."

As he said this, he was also quite filled with emotion. The world was really wonderful. There were all kinds of wonders in the world. He didn't know what existence like Xiao Li was.

However, it seems that Xiao Li herself is very kind. She is different from human beings, but because Bai Shiyun, the leader of Zhengshen sect, is actively learning human emotions and has been alone in this special space for hundreds of years, her psychology has not changed, let alone dark. The whole person looks very transparent, just like a piece of white paper.

"Didn't you go out and have a look?"

Chu Yun pointed to the blue stone gate when he came.

"... I can't get out."

Xiao Li's tone was a little low and seemed a little unwilling. He said, "only you humans can shuttle through that door. I can't go out. I've been in this space since I was conscious."

Chu Yun was stunned and said, "how long have you been here?"

"I don't know..."

Xiao Li shook his head and said, "before meeting sister Bai, I seemed to have been sleeping. She woke me up. Then after sister Bai and I opened, I was here alone. Time is meaningless to me. Sister Bai taught me to count time by counting my heartbeat, but unfortunately I didn't have a heartbeat, I can only count numbers, but that's too boring. I can't chat with myself when counting. I won't count again after more than 30 years... "

Xiao Li has a long conversation box. After Chu Yun starts talking, she can't stop talking. However, listening to her broken words, Chu Yun doesn't feel impatient, but listens patiently with a smile.

Chu Yun can't imagine what it would be like to be a human being trapped in a limited small space for hundreds of thousands of years, counting numbers in the way of 1234567 and counting for more than 30 years.

Fortunately, Xiao Li didn't learn to be like real human beings. Otherwise, if she had all human emotions, she would not be able to stand such loneliness, which is more terrible than death.

"What have you been doing for so long?"

Chu Yun softened his tone and asked.

"I sleep most of the time."

Xiao Li took Gouzi in his arms, turned around in situ, pointed to the flowers and grass around him, and said, "when you wake up, take a look at these seeds. Every time you wake up, they will become different. I like to see these changes. In sister Bai's words, they can bring me the feeling of life and vitality."

"You planted all these?"

Chu Yun looked at the flowers and said, "there is no sunshine and no water in this world. How do you cultivate them?"

"With my own light."

Xiao Li answered naturally, and then she untied a small bag on her clothes, which contained some seeds, all ordinary flowers and plants.

Xiao Li chose one carefully, put it on his fingertips, and then carefully dug a small pit in the open space on the ground and buried the seeds.

When the soil buried the seeds, Xiao Li stretched out her hand and a light shot out from her fingers and fell on the soil of the seeds. In the blink of an eye, there was a trembling movement in the soil.

Chu Yun held his breath and observed carefully. He found that a bud broke through the earth from the earth. Under the irradiation of the light, it grew at a very fast speed and soon opened a bright little red flower.

"Is it beautiful?"

Xiao Li also stared at the flower. Every grain on the petals seemed to be the most beautiful picture in the world in her eyes, which formed an incomparable attraction to her.

"It's beautiful."

Chu Yun nodded, thinking that this should be the reason why Xiao Li can persist here. She has her own way to have fun.

Moreover, she also has a special ability to quickly catalyze seeds. Without sunshine, water, soil and other conditions, she can let flowers and plants grow with her own light.

Hundreds of years have passed since the fall of zhengshenzong. The seeds left by Bai Shiyun can still be passed down smoothly until now, which is enough to prove how clever Xiao Li's means are.

At this time, Chu Yun couldn't help looking at the Yanling fruit tree in the middle of the garden. He coughed and said, "Xiao Li, can I pick two fruits?"

"Yanling fruit?"

Xiao Li was still admiring the little red flower and asked without looking back.


Chu Yun nodded and said, "I have an elder who doesn't have much longevity. He needs similar longevity treasures to prolong his life. If you agree, I can give you some new seeds in exchange. "

"... do you have any other seeds?!"

Xiao Li jumped up from the ground at once, with a light in his eyes and looked at Chu Yun without blinking.


Chu Yun said, taking out some spirit species from the system space.

In order to show his sincerity, Chu Yun took out one of every spiritual species he had caught before, put it in front of Xiao Li and said, "these can be given to you."

"... WOW!"

Xiao Li looked at the spiritual species in surprise and said, "I haven't seen these spiritual species for a long time. Sister Bai used to bring some to me, but after she left, there were fewer and fewer spiritual species. Now I don't even have one... Are these for me?"

Different from ordinary seeds, seeds containing spiritual power have a very low seed retention rate and do not have the ability to continue all the time. In fact, the reason why there are still spiritual flowers and grasses in this world is that the spiritual power of nature catalyzes ordinary flowers and grasses to become spiritual grasses. Otherwise, there would be no spiritual grasses in this world for a long time.

This is also a normal situation. Otherwise, if you get a spiritual seed, you can cultivate more and more. Linghua lingcao, a natural treasure, is too worthless and will rot in the street long ago.

"Yes, if you are willing to make a deal with me."

Chu Yun said.

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