Xu Bo looked at Chu Yun and couldn't help being silent.

He knew what the fruit meant, and more importantly, what a millennium fruit meant.

Yanling fruit matures for the first time in ten years. If it is taken by an ordinary person with a longevity of nearly yuan, it can prolong its life by ten years. If it is a hundred year Yanling fruit, it can prolong its life by one hundred years.

And this one thousand year long spirit fruit can prolong its life for thousands of years!

Of course, this is compared with ordinary people without cultivation.

If a warrior takes it, the effect will not be so good, because the stronger the cultivation, the higher the quality of life. Just like the same bucket of water, the height of the water must be different when poured into the bowl and into the basin, but even so, the effect of yanlingguo is extremely overbearing.

There is no problem in giving a thousand year prolonging fruit to a strong person with a life of nearly yuan to prolong his life by 50 or 60 years.

And the most important point is that there is no upper limit for Yanling fruit!

For the strong who is higher than the mountain and sea, after taking Yanling fruit, although the effect will be weakened, it is still effective!

You know, when the cultivation reaches a certain level, there will be fewer and fewer miraculous drugs that can have an effect on them. Ordinary miraculous drugs are put in their mouths, just like the weeds on the roadside, and have no effect.

However, there is no limit to the extension of spiritual fruit. People with higher accomplishments will have an effect after eating it. Even if they have higher accomplishments, how can they live a few more years?

If such treasures are released for sale, not to mention the Linghai sea area, even the whole town's North mansion will be shocked. Countless old monsters with a life of nearly yuan will come to compete at all costs.

If Chu Yun is willing to hand over any of these two fruits, he can easily enjoy endless glory and wealth, whether to the top forces or the heaven mystery Dynasty of canglan continent. Coupled with his own extraordinary talent, a new star will rise slowly.

But now

Chu Yun, with a proud look on his face, handed over the two priceless Yanling fruits to his old sweeping servant.

What's the picture?

Xu Bo knew that he was not far from death, so he taught Chu Yun his unique skill Wuji Kung Fu early, and even his skill Tianchen Xinghe Jue at the bottom of the box. Now he has nothing on him, which is worth Chu Yun to pay such a high price, but Chu Yun still did so.

Uncle Xu thought the child was stupid before. Now it seems that he is really stupid.

"Eat quickly. What are you waiting for?"

Chu Yun urged, with a kind of eagerness to scratch his ears and cheeks. It seemed that the person who was close to Shou yuan was himself.

Uncle Xu smiled bitterly and said, "don't you feel bad if you give these two fruits to me, a bad old man?"

"What hurts?"

Chu Yun touched his chin and said, "I'm a young man with great body and a lot of time to waste. This life prolonging thing is of no use to me. Why keep it."

Xu Bo shakes his head. He knows that Chu Yun is not really stupid. He must know that Chu Yun can't use the value of these two fruits, but as long as he hands them over, he can exchange them for heaven's benefits. The reason why he says so is just pretending to be light, and doesn't want him to have psychological pressure

But actually

Chu Yun really didn't pretend. He really didn't think these two fruits were important.

After all, in the portable miraculous medicine garden behind his door, there are whole pieces of Yanling fruit waiting to be picked. As long as you give Xiaoli a little spiritual seed, you can easily cheat... Oh, no, trade it.

"Eat quickly. It'll be cold for a while. It's bad for your stomach. You're so old. Why don't you pay attention to maintenance at all?" Chu Yun urged again.

With a sigh, Xu Bo showed a happy smile on his face, nodded, and ate the two Yanling fruits in turn.

Then, he sat cross legged on the bed, operated the skill and refined the medicine.

Chu Yun glanced at the door, and then focused on guarding the side to protect Chu Yun's Dharma. If someone came to disturb Uncle Xu at this time, the consequences would be very serious.

Uncle Xu refined the medicine, and the spiritual power of his whole body gradually gathered into a bright and boundless light, just like a giant whale sucking water, and sucked all the spiritual power in the whole room.

"Wow, so much noise?"

Chu Yun was startled. What the naked eye could see was that all the spiritual forces in the whole yard were converging in the direction of Uncle Xu. Chu Yun stood at the door and could clearly feel that the spiritual forces around him had become incomparably full, but they could not be absorbed at all, because their flow speed was too fast. They gathered in Uncle Xu's body like crazy.

According to this trend, not to mention the yard of the library, I'm afraid the whole Mingzhao peak and even the whole spiritual power in the Mountain Gate of yuanhezong will also be drained.

Although this suction is not completely dry, just like the air, it is always flowing. Even if it is dry, it will recover after a period of time, but is it too terrible?

How strong is Xu Bo's realm to accommodate so many spiritual powers in his body?


Chu Yun can't hold such a big noise at all!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the elders of Yuanhe sect to notice the change in the library.

The first person who arrived outside the courtyard was the patriarch immortal Shangyuan. Mingzhaofeng belonged to him. Uncle Xu made such a big noise on mingzhaofeng. Naturally, he couldn't escape his eyes.

"Chu Yun, what's going on?"

Immortal Shangyuan flew in and was stunned when he saw Chu Yun, and then looked carefully into the room.

"Lord, take a step to talk..."

Chu Yun hurried forward and took immortal Shangyuan outside the yard. Before he could speak, immortal Shangyuan asked impatiently.

"Who is practicing in it? Is it that little martial uncle song Daotian is back? "


Chu Yun shook his head. Up to now, he can only tell the truth. He said, "the one who practices in the library is the old sweeper, Uncle Xu."

"Uncle Xu..."

Immortal Shangyuan was stunned for a moment and tried to think about it. Then he remembered that he had an impression on this man. Before he became the patriarch, there was such a person in the library, which is older than his qualification.

However, there are many old people like this in the library. The patriarchs of all dynasties have adhered to the spirit of humanity and have not been replaced. As long as their old arms and legs are still active, they will be allowed to provide for the elderly at their posts.


Unexpectedly, there is such a real dragon hidden in these "old bastards"!

Chu Yun was afraid that immortal Shangyuan would think more, so he quickly added: "after Li daoran escaped, he planned to destroy the library and the foundation of our Yuanhe sect. As a result, he met Uncle Xu. You know what happened, sect leader."

When the voice fell, real Shangyuan shocked his body and suddenly realized it.

"Yes! I should have thought of it. Li daoran died outside the library. It was master Xu who moved his hand... "

Then, immortal Shangyuan was in a very complicated mood, with fear and awe. What he was afraid of was that Li daoran was so insidious. If he succeeded in destroying the library, their Yuanhe sect would not be far from death. What he feared was that this elder Xu could kill Li daoran so easily. His power and realm were far-reaching, I'm afraid it's not what they can imagine. This is a real fairy!

Soon, immortal Shangyuan couldn't help looking at Chu Yun and said, "you can still rise to fame after your martial spirit is taken away. I'm afraid you can't live without the help of elder Xu? Really, I quietly held such a thigh, but there was no news at all. You can! "

"Hey, hey."

Chu Yun smiled and didn't explain. Now that Uncle Xu has been exposed, it's not bad for him to put the reason for his rise on Uncle Xu. At least he can hide the existence of the system.

At this time, several figures came to the horizon in all directions. From the sequence of their arrival, Uncle Xu's Lingli siphon has spread to the whole zongmen, and the range of each peak has been covered.

"Elder martial brother, what happened?"

The elders asked one after another. One or two wanted to enter Uncle Xu's yard, but they were stopped by immortal Shangyuan.

At the moment, in front of all the old faces, immortal Shangyuan resumed his usual calm and indifferent attitude, as if everything was under control. He looked at the flustered people and said faintly, "don't panic, it's no big deal. It's an old master on mingzhaofeng who is practicing."

"An old master on mingzhaofeng..."

When they heard this, their faces were very confused, but they also released a lot.

When they first noticed that the spiritual power had been sucked away, they thought that something had changed in Yuanhe sect, or that the evil heart sect had left some Yin man's backhand, so they hurried to explore, but who knows, it was just an old master practicing?

What kind of cultivation is needed to achieve such an effect?

And such an old man is still on mingzhaofeng? Why haven't they heard anything before?

For a time, people were more awed of immortal Shangyuan. Those who originally supported immortal Shangyuan were overjoyed, while those who wanted to compete with immortal Shangyuan for the position of patriarch were dignified and did not dare to disagree any more.


Chu Yun sighed in his heart.

Mingming immortal Shangyuan, like other elders, came in a hurry, but now, immortal Shangyuan seems to have everything under his control. He installed a big wave in front of other peak master elders, creating an unfathomable feeling of Mingzhao peak.

This is not unintentional, but intentional, because when talking about Uncle Xu, immortal Shangyuan specifically pointed out that this is "an old elder of mingzhaofeng" rather than "an old elder of Yuanhe sect". The difference in this can be said to be like clouds and mud to the ears of those who care.

The most interesting thing for Chu Yun is that immortal Shangyuan knows that Chu Yun knows all this, but he can still pretend with several other peak master elders in front of him. This cheek or Chengfu can't be done by ordinary people.

"Elder martial brother, is it the strong man who killed Li daoran?"

Immortal Qihe asked.


Immortal Shangyuan nodded, touched his beard and said, "elder Xu has been away from the world for many years. I didn't expect that he would do it."


What is the art of speaking?

When immortal Shangyuan said this, it was as if he knew Uncle Xu very well, which showed that he had an unusual relationship with Uncle Xu, and he cleverly covered up the problem of why he didn't know who killed Li daoran before, which forced him to pretend very satisfactorily.

Chu Yun looked at the many elders of the peak leader with great solemnity and awe. He must have been burned by the real Shangyuan. He couldn't help calling experts

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