The evil spirit mountains are big.

Chu Yun knew this when he first came to Linghai giant city.

The boundary line between the evil spirit mountain range and the great city of the spirit sea is very long. If it is spread longitudinally, it will be more than 3000 miles long.

With such a long boundary line, when the animal tide strikes, defense naturally becomes a very difficult thing.

Fortunately, after years of construction, Linghai giant city has built a solid defense line more than 1000 miles long on the border line. The imperial court's troops stationed on the border line of Linghai giant city are stationed there all the time.


Within three thousand miles, there is only a defense line of more than one thousand miles. Naturally, more than half of the area is outside the defense line, which exists in the form of loose fortresses or sentries.

This scattered defense area is the area that the city Lord's house and the major families in Linghai giant city need to focus on. When fighting together, the city Lord's house will divide an area for all families and forces participating in the war to garrison.

This time, the demon clan invaded the border. The major forces of he Shou followed Qin Wuji to leave the city master's house and directly went to the Great Wall defense line outside Linghai city.

Here, the troops stationed in the city Lord's residence were ready to resist. When Qin Wuji led the people to come, the military order had been issued.

"According to the report from the horse scout, the threat of the animal tide is not large. The total number of monster animals should be more than 20000. It belongs to the third level invasion. The invading demon clan, led by the evil shadow soul wolf clan, enters from the northeast. Now it is approaching quickly outside the border line. It is expected to reach the border line in a quarter of an hour."

After Qin Wuji learned about the situation at the scene, he began to dispatch troops and generals, saying: "our main defense area in the fight against the animal tide is in the northeast. Listen to my orders, Master Wang, you lead your subordinates to guard the area of Hu Songling, Master Sun, you lead your subordinates to guard the area of Yueyang pass, Master Liu..."

When the city Lord dispatched troops, Chu Yun also looked left and right on the military deployment map and found that the areas the city Lord arranged for the guarding of major families were basically located on the main roads. It was expected that when the animal tide attacked, these main roads would naturally encounter the most violent impact.

The so-called is that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This arrangement is also very appropriate.

"Nephew Chu Xian, you can't lead and guard the Yangpo area."

Qin Wuji looked at Chu Yun and said.


Chu Yun nodded, then looked at the map and found that Guan Yangpo was located in the back section of the main road. It was very different from the sun family, the Wang family, and even the places guarded by Yu Heng Pavilion and Ling Yuan Pavilion. In fact, it was no longer the main road, and the degree of danger was not as good as others.

Seeing this, many people couldn't help looking at Chu Yun with strange eyes. They all knew that the city Lord was deliberately favoring Chu Yun and asked him to stay in a less dangerous place.

It seems that Chu Yun's bamboo and stone is indeed written in Qin Wuji's heart. It's not enough to send a dragon ancient sword. We should be more partial in this kind of daily arrangement.


Even if I saw it, no one said anything. In this event of guarding against the invasion of the demon clan, the city Lord has absolute authority. The so-called military orders are like a mountain, and when they are sent out, they are indisputable.

"The military order has been issued. Set out immediately. Once you lose, light the wolf smoke immediately. You must not let the demon family enter the hinterland of our spirit sea area, resulting in the death of life."

Qin Wuji said in a deep voice.


All the forces answered one after another, and then immediately left the barracks and rushed to their stations.

Guanyangpo station is not far from the Great Wall. Chu Yun and hundreds of martial artists gathered in Yuanhe Pavilion quickly rushed to the area and entered the station. There are also dozens of soldiers subordinate to the city master's residence who are preparing for the fortification. It is obviously relieved to see Chu Yun and others coming.

"We are reinforcements of Yuanhe Pavilion. At the order of Fengcheng Lord, we came to guanyangpo area to station."

Shopkeeper Yang stood outside the city gate and said.

When the voice fell, the soldiers stationed at the city gate immediately opened the gate, opened the city gate and said, "it's waiting for you. Please come in quickly!"

When defending the city gate, the main force is the family forces who come to support them. These soldiers are not very powerful. They are only responsible for the maintenance of fortifications. If they really fight, it depends on the reinforcements.

Chu Yun entered the fortification of guanyangpo, looked at the steep mountains and rocks on both sides of the pass and nodded. The terrain choice here is indeed quite good. If groups of monsters want to pass here and reach the hinterland of Linghai sea, they have to take the road of the city wall, but it is impossible for him to let them pass today.

Before entering the city gate and skillfully climbing various fortifications, the party also activated some Dharma arrays on the city wall, in which the monster crystal core as energy was sent to recharge the defense array.

These are at the expense of Yuanhe Pavilion, and no one will reimburse them, because fighting against monsters is the responsibility of all human races. In the face of the major right and wrong of this racial conflict, no one will care about your interests. If you lose your life in order to leave this resource, you will suffer a lot.

"The big shopkeeper will relax and nothing will happen. For the invasion of three wolf smoke, it is a problem whether there can be monsters rushing through the first wave to Guanyang slope. When it's our turn, at most, some monsters of three melons and two dates do the finishing work."

When shopkeeper Yang saw Chu Yun standing on the wall, he was silent, so he smiled and said.

"You are experienced."

Chu Yun smiled and shook his head. Shopkeeper Yang has worked in the Linghai giant city for decades. He has experienced animal tide invasion hundreds of times, large and small. Naturally, it is common.

After a pause, Chu Yun asked, "did you experience any particularly fierce animal tide during your garrison?"


Shopkeeper Yang touched his chin, thought carefully, and said, "in the first few years when I came to Linghai giant city, there were often large-scale invasions of more than seven wolf smoke. At that time, it was often ten days and a half months to resist the animal tide. It was really dark every time, so I could beat back the animal tide.

However, in the past ten or twenty years, the situation has been much better. There are few animal tides with more than five wolf smoke. It is also very easy to guard. It usually ends soon. Sometimes it takes one day, sometimes two days, and rarely more than three days, and the animal tide will subside soon. "


Chu Yun raised his eyebrows and couldn't help wondering, "what's the situation? Have the beasts become more gentle in recent years? Or do they stop taking human essence? "

"How could..."

Shopkeeper Yang smiled bitterly, then changed his eyes, seemed afraid, and whispered, "it's the demon family. There are some abnormal situations."

"What happened?"

Chu Yun asked.

Shopkeeper Yang spoke cautiously and said: "recently, there seem to be some very powerful and strange demon families in the evil spirit mountain. They have extremely special means to catch all the people in the whole station without being aware of them, and there are almost no signs of war on the scene!"

"Mysterious disappearance?"

Chu Yun looked strange and said, "talk carefully."

Shopkeeper Yang said: "I remember that two years ago, I just withdrew from a station and saw the smoke rising from Shaoyang mountain station in the northwest. I immediately took people and horses to support. When I arrived, I found that there was no one in Shaoyang mountain station, not only no one, not even monsters, but there was no trace of battle at the scene, As if everyone in the station had disappeared out of thin air. "

"The wolf smoke rises, but when I get there, I find no one..."

Chu Yun touched his chin and said, "is it because the people on Shaoyang mountain left without permission and left by themselves after lighting the wolf smoke?"

"It's impossible. It's a capital crime. No one dares to commit it.

Moreover, since that day, the people stationed in Shaoyang mountain have never returned. Later, according to the investigation of the city Lord's house, the people stationed in Shaoyang mountain were robbed by the demon clan with a special kind of magic, similar to hypnosis, so that the martial artists in the camp had almost no resistance and were arrested. "

Shopkeeper Yang said calmly.

Chu Yun frowned at the speech and fell into meditation.

The main purpose of the evil clan invasion is to capture humans and suck the cream of human life.

The demon clan wants to break through the defense line and enter the hinterland of the spirit sea area, but also in order to reach out to the ordinary people who have no resistance.

However, for the demon families with higher grades, the real tonic is not the ordinary human race, but the martial artists with strong Qi and blood.

Those who are responsible for stationed in an area, without exception, are all martial artists with vigorous Qi and blood.

However, there is a very serious problem that puzzles the demon clan.

That is, the warrior knows that if he falls into the hands of the demon family, he will be sucked and die. Therefore, when the demon family invades, the warrior will resist and fight to the end. As long as there is one breath, he will never surrender. If he knows that he will lose, he will even end himself.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the demon family to catch a living human warrior and suck the essence. Unless they can capture the human warrior with an absolute rolling attitude, they should be careful that the warrior will kill himself. Therefore, for thousands of years, the demon family has few opportunities to capture the human Warrior.

But now

In the demon clan, there is a kind of magic, which can take away all the martial artists in the whole station, catch them back and suck their essence at will, which is too terrible.

If things go on like this, they can only take the ordinary people who are not able to resist. Now they can suck up the warriors. The warrior of a thousand seas is worth one hundred ordinary people. If the demons can suck up the human warriors for a long time, what will their strength be?

Can the evil spirit mountain still be defended?

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